001C981B THE WEST VAN NEWS September 27, 1929. FRIDAY. SATURDAY - MONDAY SPECIALS AT BOTH STORES St. Charles Milk, tall tins...... lie Eagle Mil'c, per tin.................... 20c C. G. Butter; Finest Quality, 1 lb. . ....................................... 45c 3 lbs................ $ 1.29 Icing Sugar ................... 3 lbs. 25c B. C. Granulated Sugar, 10 )bs. 59c Fry's Cocoa, & lb. tin.......... 25c C. G. Broken Orange Pekoe Tea: per Ib................................ 59c Soda Biscuits. large pkts....... 19c Sunkist Oranges, Sweet and juicy ........................ 3 dozen 46c Sliced Pineapple............ 3 tins 29c Pure English Pickling Vinegar. White or Broom, gallon....... S3c Pure Strawberry Jam, New season', per tin............ 55c Pure Plum Jam, New season', per tin .................................. 41c Parowax, per packet........... 16c Rubber Rings, per dozen...... 7c ! "Certo," per bottle.................... 32c Floor IVax Johnstons, per tin 63c No. 1 Jap Rice.................... 3 lb'. 2lc ~ Jelly Powders, Empress 1 for 23c Pep ............................ 2 packets 25c Furniture Polish: Suprema, 12 oz. bottle .......................... 36c 4 oz. ..................... ...... 1 9c S.O.S. Cleaner, per pkt......... 11c Seedless Raisins, Sunmaid ..-.................................... 2 lbs. 23c Corn Syrup................ 2 lb, tin 18c I'riangle Salt, per pkt.... 5c Royal City Spinach............ tin 18c 2 for 35c Royal City Dills, 12-14 count, per tin ........................................ 25c Consultation Free. Roberka A. Vass D.G, Ph. C. Graduate of Palmer School CHIROPRACTOR Phone West 383 Nept to Stratton Bakery Marine Drive, Ambleside also at Vancouver CHIROPRACTIC IVILL HELP YOU The basic principle upon which Chiropractic is founded is that every organ and tissue in the body functions under the control of vital energy transmitted to that organ from the brain and through the nerves. iVOULD IAIPORT TEXT BOOKS FROiil BRITAIN Declaring he has heard 50 per. cent of the text books used in B. C. schools are printed 'in the United States, Mayor )V. H. Mal- kin expressed the opinion Tues- clay, that if text books cannot be bought in Canada they should be imported from Britain. The mayor said he would pre- fer the authorities to insist on all-Canadian books, printed in the Dominion, though a certain minimum usage of American sci- entific texts might be admiss- able. His worship said he would in- troduce the question of Canadian texts at the next meeting of the governors of the University of British Columbia. Needs No Premiums. GOLDEN DAYS b EVANS ~ ~ V 0'~(~(F'v'5 A GooD gcrq =+ -'~~E THiH4 FOR ~ ~ ' ~D woo Bee+, SMASH I DDH'T r .„',-. woul I&HOW WHIC.Q ONE ap You ~ -- - STUHc hlE EXPERIENCE TEACHES US TO REMEMBER VALUABLE FACTS --- LIKE BUYING SHINGLES FROM CA:PILAXO IF YOU WANT ABSOLUTE DEPENDABILITY ~'I I&f I=i& ;,I 8 I CAl .ASO "..IW 8'.4 CO.."lD. Ft. Pemberton Ave. Phone North 305 "Prices Consistently Lo&v" FREE DELIVERY I„"i„"I,II SI„"I.',lA" '.,;I I" '" „i"„'.,' Tivo Stores in IVest Vancouver GREENWOOD'S GROCERY GRANGER'S GROCERY, 1442 hlarine Drive 21st and hlarine Drive IVest 16 IVest 405 The one-year old son of J. L. Fletcher of the Hollyburn Thea- tre fell off the porch of the house on EVeclnesday and broke his leg. He was take» to the North Vancouver General Hospi- tal. H. G. AVare has returned to his home at 22nd and Lawson, from Gull Lake, Saskatchewan, where he has been for the past six weeks. The Rev, R. A'Court Sim- monds, rector of St. Marks, Portland, Oregon, and Mrs. Sim- monds and their daughter, who liave been visiting )Ir. ancl Mrs. B. Thomas, 2748 Marine Drive, for some days left )Vest Vancouver today. A. J. Ridley of the Ridley Ice and Milk Co., with Mrs. Ridley and their sons Bob and Bert, left on Sunday for Portland, Ore- gon, where the latter will resume his studies at the dental college t hei e. Mrs. B. W. )I. Bone, who has been spending a month at Bowen Island, returned over the week end to her home at 22nd and Kings. percy Andrews, 18th and Ful- ton, returned last week from a trip to the Old Counti~, bringing his niece with him. Mr. and Mrs. H, L. Walker and family, 22nd and Marine Drive, have moved to a suite in the Messinger block. Miss Nina Crawford, daught- er of Mrs. G. J. Murch, 1305 Fulton Avenue, has return- ed from a three months'oliday at McGillivray Falls, B. C. Mrs. C. B. Greenwood and family, Marine Drive at Amble- side, spent the week end at Lady- smith, B. C. Half a dozen humpback sal- mon have been recently caught in our waters by West Vancou- ver anglers. This is remarkable for while this kind of salmon is netted and put up at the can- neries, it very seldom takes bait or the spoon. Mrs. H. A. Hunt, 1248 Keith Road, left on )Vednesday for a week's visit with her parents in Victoria. Mrs. C. Hilborn, 23rd and Bel- levue, returned at the end of last week from a month's vacation at Bowen Island. Mr. and Mrs. D. McClellan, 23rd and Kings, are leaving shortly for a trip to the Old Country. H. L. Walker, Nessinger Block left here on Tuesday for Yahk, B.C., where he has secured a position with the Natural Re- surces Branch of the C.P.R. Mrs. W. B. Rawson, 2139 Vic- toria Drive, entertained last week with a party in honor of her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. Harvey, Arbut- us cottage, Caulfeild, who cele- brated their silver wedding on Saturday, September 21st. Many and varied gifts were pre- sented them by the guests who included Mr. and Mrs. T. Atkin- son, Mr. and Mrs. R. Davidson, i4Ir. and Mrs. KV. Turnbull, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. G. Downey, Mr. and Mrs. EV. B. Rawson, Mrs, McKay, Mrs. Brown, Misses 0. Turnbull, L. Turnbull, Olive Turnbull, Norin- ne Wilson, Agnes Harvey, M. Nicholls, K. Johnson, A. Fraser, Messrs. C. Morgan, T, Agnew, KU. 0. Rawson, George Rawson, D. McKay, V. Johnson, A. Dow- ney and W. Turnbull. GAS and OILS iVe have ~~"ta"+ '" ELECTRICAL GREASING GUN autos. This is the North Shoonly one on the or Bring your car here and have it thoroughly greased. ABIBfiESIDE GAS g„. OII, STATION (B illy Craig) Marine Drive, Directly opposite Stratton's Bakery I hone 1Vest 6110 Major Thomas Le Duc of Ver- »on, B. C., was the guest on Sun- clay of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Mc- Donald, 15th and Fulton. J. C. Mackay, 13th and Ingle- wood, has returned from a bu»- »ess trip to Calgary. 5Iajor C. J. Marshall, 30th ancl Palmerston, is away on a shoot- ing trip at Laing Bay. Mr and Mrs. Edwards return- ed to their home at EVest Beach nn i~Ionday from a trip to the Pacific States Rex McLean, Jack Normancl, Stan and Alee Creelman have returned from Gull Lake, Sas- katchewan, where they have been assisting in the harvest. Naomi Lodge, Order of the Eastern Star, paid a visit to Queen Esther Lodge in the city on Tuesday evening. Mrs. McBride and her mother Mrs. Millwood, who have been occupying the James house at 17th and Esquimalt, left last Wednesday to spend a few days in Vancouver before going to Victoria where they will stay for the winter. A New Greasing Gun Billy Craig of the Ambleside Service Station has just installed a new electrical greasing gun for auto work. There are but three cf such appliances in use in Greater Vancouver. The one here is the only one on the North Shore. SHELL PRODUCTS NORTH VANCOUVER SEEKS FUSION Alorden writes to 51alkin asking for I'arley A move toward amalgamation of Nor th Vancouver city with Greater Vancouver was macle in a letter from IIIayor G. H. Morden of the North Shore city to Mayor W. H, Malkin. Mayor Morden said the posi- tion Mayor Malkin took in a rec- ent interview given the press of Vancouver, declaring the coun- cil of the greater city is too busy with problems arising out of the amalgamation of last Jan- uary to consider extending the boundaries of Vancouver at pres- ent, came as a great disappoint- ment to him. He had hoped, Mayor Morden said, to reopen negotiations in the last month of this year. The letter went on to ask if the chief magistrate of Vancou- ver would be good enough to suggest a date for a meeting be- tween representatives of the two cities, when an agreement could be made between them which, v ould lead to a concrete propos- al to be submitted to the rate- payers on both sides of Burrard Inlet. 51erge on North Shore Mayor Malkin replied he was still of the opinion North Van- couver city and district should be merged before any move is made for extendmg the boundal- ies of Vancouver proper. "I am still of the opinion the time for amalgamation is not yet," he said. Co-ordination of the present amalgamated areas will have to be completed before any further amalgamatoin can be undertaken, according to Mayor Malkin. The letter from Mayor Morden will be laid before the city coun- cil October 7th. DR. COATES, HERBAL SPECIALIST CHANGES HOURS FOR CONSUL- TATION Dr. Willard Coates, the herb- al specialist, who occupies the upper suite of the Garland house 13th and Marine, announces that in future he will be at home from 7 to 9 o'lock each Mon- day, Tuesday and Thursday eve- ning to meet those who wish to consult him. Dr. Coates who is a specialist in English, Australian and Am- erican herbs has had ten years'racticein Vancouver and Mel- bourne, Australia. Particulars cf his service are given in his announcement in this issue. AUTO VICTIM' WILL PROBATED Under the will of St Denls Du chesnay, salesman, who was killed August 24 in an automo- bile accident at Sherman, his mother, Mrs. Lily Duchesnay, 1419 Pendrell street, receives the whole of his estate, which nels 87,417, and life insurance a- mounting to $ 13,000. BIRTHDAY PARTY Blossom Herring, daughter of Mrs. G.Herring, Fulton and Mar- ine, celebrated her sixth birth- day last Saturday when a num- ber of young people gathered at her home in honor of the occa- sion. Mrs. Herring assisted by i&Irs. McCallum, Miss Albin and Mrs. Clouston attended to the wants of the young people in a manner which made them all happy. Favors were distributed and games and competitions cre- ated much amusement. The con- fections and tasty things so dear to the hearts of youngsters were supplied in abundance and alto- gether the party was a thor- c ughly happy one. Those invited were: Babs Mc- Callum, Doreen Forster, Ariel Hodgson, Ruth Downing, Jean Hill, Bud McCallum, Billy Hill, Willie Nichol, Gordon Bayfield, George Piper, Gordon Cunning- ham and David Herring. On Saturday the Cornwall, Devon and Somerset Association held a social, whist drive and dance at the Grandview Masonic Hall ~ This was the first for the season and was well attended. The whist prizes were mon by ladies 1st, Mrs. J. Sully; ladies 2nd, Mrs. A. Hoster; ladies trav- elling prize, Mrs. A. Youlden; gents 1st, Mr. J. Riddler; gents 2nd, Mr, 4V. Hart; gents travel- ling prize, Mr. A. Jacquoe. NOTICE and )Vill be opened in a few days at 1429 hlarine Drive (next to Yates'lumbing Shop) H. FOOTE, Proprietor I &'H.SANA T,S