001C9807 THE WEST VAN NEWS eptember 13, 1929. Ryvita Crispbread, pcr packet, ................... 28c 4 Pearl AVhite Nnptha Soap, 6 bars for Fly Tox,8 oz. bottle.... 16 oz. bottle ............. Pnrawax, per packet .. "Certo," pcr bottle.... FRUIT JARS-- Pints, pcr dozen, from........ $ Quarts, per dozen, from.... $ Rubber Rings............ 2 dozen Pure English Malt Vinegar.... Whole Wheat Fig Bars, 2 lbs. No. 1 Jap Rice, Sago, or Tapi- oca ............................... 3 lbs. Dina-hiite, per packet............... Rice Erispies .......... 2 packets Pure Lemon or Vanilla Ex- ! 50c tract ................... 2 oz. bottle 19c Royal City Golden IVax Beans2.Ic I ..................................... 2 tins 39c Royal City Crosby Corn, 2 tins 39c69c ~ Johnson's Floor Wax, 1 lb. tins 63c 16c hfacaroni or Spnghetti, Canadi- 32c an Brand, 16 oz. pkts. 2 for 25c Chateau Cheese, 4 lb. pkts..... 22c Jnmeson's Coffee, 1 lb. packets 59c Oranges, sweet, juicy, 3 doz. 65c Sperry Pancake Flour, per pkt. 16c Fry's Cocoa, '4 lb. tins............ 25c Pure hlaple Syrup, Old Colony per bottle ....,......................... 43c Powdered Bon Ami, tin ............ 15c Price's Baking Powder, 12 oz. 25c tins ......................................... 48c 1.05 1.30 Needs No Premiums. 'ay a Game of BILLIARDS Three Tables for your pleasure. Parlors on 14th Street right at Railway Crossing. TOBACCO CANDIES MAGAZINES St. Alice Hotel 2nd Street, just west of Lonsdale, North Vancouver 60 Rooms, all Steam Heated and with Hot and Cold Water. Reasonable Rates. FIRST-CLASS DINING ROOM Come and hare a meal with us. iii ii0 Phone. North 213. D. Gallia, Prop. GOLDEN DAYS b EVANS II li & li ilw'l jQ ga V'I gl ~~~ Rt+B THE ~HOONCBR SAID PLEASE STAND sy" 't't!1,: e I'- ~ ~ ~ )IJ STAND BY AND LISTEN CAREFULLY WHEN YOUR BUILDER TELLS YOU THAT Capilano's Carefully Graded Lumber IS THE ONLY KIND TO USE FOR BUILDING SATISFACTION &;I 1 &I'I =14 ai g CAi .A I 0 ". 7 B '. ( CO.." ). Ft. Pemberton Ave. Phone North 305 "Prices Consistently Loav" FREE DELIVERY ~:~."I'i SI."~..;lA",.:;& l.",,i"„ii„...S »vo Stores in 1Vest Vancouver GREENWOOD'S GROCERY GRANGER'S GROCERY 1442 blarine Drive 21st and Illarine Drive IVest 16 iVest 405 FRIDAY - SATURDAY - MONDAY SPECIALS AT BOTEI STORES CONTROI. FIRE ON GROUSF MOUNTAIN Working «ll night & crew f lorn the district folestel s of f' successfully brought under control a bush forest fire»hich broke out late lI,Ionday on Grouse Mountain just below the chalet. Hot, dry weather and wester- ly breezes have developed a ser- ious situation on Vancouver Island again, where extensive fires are being combatted at the liead of Koksilah river and near Port Alberni on the Alberni Pa- cific Lumber Co. operation. Fire fighters have gained con- trol of the conflagration near Squamish after damage had been done to about 2,000,000 feet of felled timber on the Mer- rill 9: Ring holdings. airs. C. Poisson, 30th and Bel- levue, returned to her home last Saturday after an absence of six months spent in England. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Inrig of Toronto, ivere visitors in West Vancouver on Thursday, the guests of the Rev. and Mrs. H. P. Humphrevs, 13th and Hay- woocl. Bill Stratton, E. Harrison, and I:ric Harr ison, returned on Wed- nesday from a motor trip in the interior. Her many friends in West Vancouver will be glad to hear that Iliiss Frances Guinan is playing a part in the Chicago company of "Courage." Mrs. D. Morgan and STiss Eluned Morgan, West Bay, are leaving tomorrow to spend a hol- iday at Saltaire, Vancouver Is- land. hir. and Mrs. R, W. Frourl, 13th and Marine Drive, had as their guests last week, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brewer of Oakland, California. Jackie Creelman, 23rd and Kings, who recently broke his thigh as a result of falling out of a tree, is making good pro- gress at the North Vancouver General Hospital. Ed. Rathje, 13th and Gordon, and his brother Bill, left here on Sunday for a trip to Lacombe, Alberta, going by motor. They reached thre at Wednesday noon, which is good travelling. Mr. and Mrs. S. S, Pride, 11th and Esquimalt, with A. and L. Peterson, 10th and Duchess, spent Tuesday in White Rock. Nr. and Mrs. Newton of Van- couver, have been appointed jan- itors of Dundarave Hall, taking possession of the flat there, yes- terday. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Britton, 23rd and Jefferson, with Miss Winnie Bowman spent Sunday in Burnaby, where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Manners. Mrs. Elsworth McMillan, 25th and Palmerston, left last week for San Francisco, where she ex- pects to spend three months. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Manners at the Vancouver General Hospital last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Manners left here a short time ago to re- side in Burnaby. H. J. King, who recently sold his house at 11th and Duchess, has purchased and taken posses- sion of a house at 17th and Hay- K4 ood. Gi'ay is having a cement breakwater and sun parlor built on the south side of his house on West Beach. Mi and M& s Hopei~ ood of Vancouver, are spending the week at the Fortune Cup Inn. Mr. and Mrs, James Jefferies »id f~~ily left last Sunday for a two weeks'oliday on the P1 a&ries They travelled over the Canadian National Railway to Swalwell, Alta., where they will visit a cousin of Mrs. Jefferies'. Mrs. Pretious is having an ad- dition built to her home at 15th and Esquimalt. Miss Wenonah Young, daugn- t,er of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Young, 24th and Haywood, returned on Tuesday to Victoria where she will attend school for the com- ing year. Mrs. Cyril Bufton of West Bay, gave a delightful tea for a number of her friends on Thurs- day of last week. Capt. and Mrs. Frank Kettle, of Caulfeild,are entertaining their nephew, Mr. Frank J. Dav- id, the well known South Wales auctioneer and estate agent, who i» in this country for the pur- pose of carrying through nego- tiations relating to South Wales property. Mr. David aftenvards proceeds to Chicago, Detroit and New York. Mr. David is well known in political circles and is t,he Conservative parliamentary agent for Rhondda West, South Wales. Dealer (rushing into the news- p~pel office) See hele you ve published an announcement of iny death by mistake. That' got to be Axed up somehow" Editoi Well we neve& con tradict anything we have pub- lished, but I'l tell you what I'l dio. Ill put you in the births column tomorrow and give you a fi esh start " Hare lies the body of Samuel Crane, Who ran a race with a speeding train. He reached the track, got near across, But Sam and his car were a total loss. The sexton softly tolled his knell, Speeding Sam on his way to- well, If he'd only stopped to look and listen He'd be livin'ow instead of missin'. PRIZES and GIFTS EVERYTHING FOR YOUR SHOWER OR PARTY ~Ve will paint in oils or wash- able colors on your own materi- als. Greeting Cards Dorothy Simpson THE GIFT AND PAR1Y SHOP Next door to Royal BankW R Saker a former resi dent of West Vancouver, but who is now living at 533 Fifth Street, North Vancouver, has just purchased two lots on Mathers Avenue between 14th and 15th Streets, and will erect a residence thereon. The lots were brought from J. L. Smuck of the engineering staff of Vancouver city. LYNN VALLEY TO HOLD FALL FAIR Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nesbitt, 1281 Clyde, and Mrs. John Nes- bitt,13th and Clyde, spent Sun- day with friends in Mission, go- ing there by motor. Pensioned hlothers The regular monthly meeting of the Civilian Pensioned Moth- ers'ssociation, was held on Friday at the Y.W.C.A. with a good attendance. Mrs. R. F. Murrav presided and opened the meeting with a spiritual address. Several new members were ac- cepted. It was unanimously agreed that the Association aid in tagging for the Sailors'ome on September 21st and arrange- ments were made to convene a corner for the day. Respects were paid in standing silence for a departed member, Mrs. Flor- ence Westlake. It was decided to hold a whist drive at the next regular meetin, Mrs. E. Willsie appointed as convener, assisted by AIrs. McInnes and Mrs. L. Col- lard. The meeting to be held at 7 p. m. and the whist drive at 8 p. m. The goodwill table was a great success. Reports from the committee of the linen chest were highly satisfactory. The meeting closed early to devote the remaining part of the even- ing to social intercourse. Thoae desirous of membership kindly communicate with the President Douglas 4049R or Douglas 2401L. All civilian widows whether receiving a pension or »ot are eligible. GAS and OILS The IVest Vancouver BATTERY SERVICE Charging, Rentals, Repairs. Shell Gas, Oils and Products AhIBLESIDE GAS E'IL STATION (Billy Craig) Marine Drive, Directly opposite Stratton's Bakery Phone IVest 6140 The annual Lynn Valley Insti- tute fall fair will be held in the Institute Hall, Lynn Valley, to- morroww. J. Kirkland and J. E. Daniels will judge fruit, flower and vege- table exhibits. There will be domestic science and home-cook- ing displays. The school children's garden- ing competition results will be announced by A. E. T. Eckford and H. Smith, judges. SHELL PRODUCTS Plu 'bing Heating %Firing BRIDGE TRAFFIC UP TO USUAL hIARK SUNDAY Sunday's tragic over Second Narrows bridge was up to the usual mark for this time of the year, according to a report is- sued today by bridge ofTicials. 'Tragic on that date was 22,711 persons and 6,916 vehicles. On Saturday 10,121 persons and 4,- 198 vehicles crossed the bridge, making a total of 39,902 persons and 11,114 vehicles for the week- end. Quality Work Guaranteed W. T. Atwood 2440 hlnrine Drive, Dundarave Phone IVest 301 »:RSON~ y g