001C9807 A Wee e..y '.4'ews ~a ~ei New@stands 5c per Copy$1.00 per year. No. 26EIGHT PAGESVol. I v gz'realarI'qq~ spq rhe DI'sprier of West Vancouver-- Ambleside, Holly burn, H~estou, Dundarave Cypress Park, CaulfeI'ld, WhyteelIIf, Etc. HQI I YBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., FRIDAY, SI-I'. 13th, I929 Council Notes (, IIORA I SOCIETY iVII.I. iIEET NEXT iIONDA Y--13IG iiIEiiI- BERSHII'XI'ECTEDThe Council received from thesnlicitor copy of L. E. Langley plan cancel notice D. L. 1085 N. lV i, 'g Lots 1 to 12, Block 1 and Lots 1 to ]2, Block 2. Ordered filed. The first rehearsal of the Chor- al Society will take place on 5!onday, the 16th instant, at 8.15 prompt. All members and pi ospective members are re- quested to be on hand on time. There are indications that the membership will be increased this year and those wishing to join are requested to be on hand on iIonday evening. An enjoyable evening was ~pent by the members on iIon- day evening last when the nec- essary business for commencing the season was dispatched and the rest of the evening devoted tn cards. The prizes were car- ried off by 31esdames Colin 51c- Lean, Leggatt, Hunt and ilIiss Gray, and iIessrs. J. H. Smith aiid Davies. G. N. Stone assistant district eiigineer, explained in a letter that there was no intention of adding gravel shoulders on the section of iilarine Drive on )Iile 5. to which ilr. IViltshire had drawn,the council's attention. The letter was ordered filed. The National Association of ii!arine Engineers sent an em- ployees'greement for comple- tion by the council. The matter was referred to the ferry man- ager to compare with former a- greement and report. The municipal engineer re- ported that owing to the altera- tions which had been made in the drainage for AIarine Drive nn miles 1 to 4 it would now be necessary to make all changes in the above complete to English Bay to prevent private properti- es being flooded and other dam- ages and troubles arising. He recommended the following ex- penditures: 15th and Marine Drive $425.00 22nd and Marine Drive 400.00 30th and Marine Drive 693.00 The matter was referred to the council as a whole. THE LAI)Y AI ICE iiIAHON VISITS iVEST VANCOUVER Districts Named after Family IVest Vancouver has had some interesting and distinguished visitors at different times, but there was one here last Monday the Lady Alice iiIahon, a visitor to &Irs.R.C.Procter of Altamont ivhose family history gives her a close connection with IVest Vancouver. It will be of interest in our people to know that Alta- inont divas named after Lady iiIahon's brother, who at the time the subdivision was made, »as the Earl of Altamont. After the death of his father he be- came the iilarquis of Sligo. teston in AVest Vancouver, is named after teston, County Galway, Ireland, which is the dower house of the Mahon fam- ily, and where Mr. John F. iiIa- hon resided long ago. That house soon after the Dublin Phoenix Park murders in 1882 divas dynamited by land leaguers. This year teston (Ireland) has become the home cf Honorable Mrs. Marcus Crof- ton, iiIr. John F. DIahon's niece, and sister of Sir John ) Iahoii, noiv at Eaton, and whose home ii Castlegar, County Galway. Castlegar, the C.P.R. junction in the Kootenays, is named after tliis Irish seat. 51r. Crofton of Saltspring Is- land is a counsin of Honorable 51arcus Crofton. It is interesting to note that Mr. R. C. Procter was directly iesponsible for the names Alta- mont and teston being given to these sections of )Vest Vancou- ver as it was on his suggestion that the names were used in compliment to this Irish family. The Board of Management of the United Church made applica- tion for the construction of a 5 foot cement sidewalk on 21st Street from ilarine Drive to Es- quimalt. The matter was refer- red to the engineer for his re- port. The offer of Reid, Henderson Ltd. of a 9'est Vancouver $ 1,000 5'.c debenture maturing Febru- ary 1st, 1932, at 99.08 and yield- ing 5.40 was accepted. The solicitor was instructed to secure title for the municipal- ity of D. L. 605 south part parcel "A" and D. L. 1139Si/~, this in connection with certain negotia- tions with the Greater Vancou- ver IVater Board. J. Frank Boyd wrote in refer- ence to noxious weeds. The mat- ter was referred to the engineer. An expenditure not to exceed G25 was authorized by the coun- cil for the purchase of 500 feet of hose for the fire department. Permission was granted Cap- tain II. Vince to erect an apart- ment house on Lots 19 and 20, Block 15, D. L. 237. The Greater Vancouver IVater District offered $7.00 per acre fnr the 91.96 acres of D. L. 673 iiow vested in the municipality exclusive of the Capilano Timber Co.'s right of way and of parcel "J". The offer was accepted. Councillor iilorgan moved resolution of which he had prev- ioiisly given notice, that a reput- able engineer be appointed to ad- vise the council on a permanent water system for iVest Vancou- ver, but failed to get a seconder. An experiditure not exceeding $15.00 was authorized on the construction of the crossing ap- plied for by S. P. Gillbanks at D. L. 775-7-12 1 ex. "A." Geoffrey Hoyle wrote in ref- erence to an accident to his fath- er allegedly caused by a loose board while the latter was walk- ing on the sidewalk on 14th Street just south of Duchess. He had fallen heavily and was seriously ill in North Vancouver General Hospital. Referred to the solicitor and engineer. COUNCII. API'ROVES I3URNS'GREEiIENT Solicitor Robsnn reported to the council at their adjourned nieeting on Tuesday that iilr. ilcEvoy, solicitor for iilr. Burns, »as satisfied with the agree- ment for the sale of the Hadden Ilail property as drawn. The council approved of this draft agreement «nd gave instructions that it he forwarded through iIr. iiIcEvoy for ilr. Burns'ig- nature. The agreement has since been forwarded, and on its return the necessary steps will immediate- l) be taken by the council to have the matter of the fixed as- sessment voted on.. It is ex- pected that voting on this will be held within the next two or tliree weeks. The agreement provides that the acreage is to he developed as a residential area. The estate is situated north of the Government road near the ~est bank of the Capilano river. All water rights on springs and streams and a fixed assessment for ten years will be granted to iiIr. Burns, according to terms of sale. It is also agreed that a nine-hole public golf course sill he built ivithin three years. G. OF T. TO IIEET N EXT iiI ONDA Y The regular monthly meeting of the )Vest Vancouver Board of Trade will take place next Mon- day night, at 8 p. m., in the Legion rooms, ferry building. A number of matters will be up for discussion. Every member is asked to make a point of being present. TENNIS CLUB DANCE TONIGHT The IVest Vancouver Tennis Club is holding a dance tonight in Hollyburn I'avilion. Every- thing is in readiness for a fine evening's entertainment, and it is expected that there &vill be a large crowd on hand at 9 o'- clock, ivhen Harry Tarrelton's orchestra will open the dancing, which will go on until 1 a. m. During the evening the cups won bv members at the club tourna- nient in July will be presented, «nd refreshments will be served. POI'PY DAY REI IEF FUND The Poppy Day Relief Fund committee held their annual gen- eral meeting last night in the Legion rooms, ivhen the secre- tary-treasurer's report divas aud- ited and adopted, and arrange- ments made for the coming year's activities. The commit- tee, ivhich is made up of five members of the local branch of t)ie Canadian Legion, and two members from the Duncan Law- son Chapter, I.O.D.E., administ- ers the funds derived from the sale of poppies on Armistice Day. Mrs. David iiIorgan was re-elect- ed president and Captain Love- grove, secretary treasurer, for the ensuing year. iiiesdames D. Morgan arid lV. Gourlay, and Alessrs. Carley and Lawson were appointed an investigating com- niittee with power to act. Night School Classes to Start October 1st The night sc.hool ~lasses ~ill ~tart work again in ~hest Vancouver on 'I'uesday, October 1st. Classes will be formed to give instruction in any subject providing that a minimum of ten applications are made for each such class. The chief subjects in demand are:--Shorthand and Typewriting: Book- keeping and Arithmetic; woodworking and Dressmaking. There v ill unquestionably be a good attendance again this year in all the above subjects and it is hoped to establish classes in others as well. The benefit derived from night school classes is very fre- quently far more effective and productive than day schools to some people. They give the opportunity to those who have attained the age svhen they know exactly what they want to do and at what they want to work--of becoming specially proficient in the subjects that will be of practical value to them in their everyday work. If you avant to improve your spare hours sit down right away and send your application to Secretary Garland of the Board of School Trustees, Hollyburn P.O. The application must be in his hands by 5 p. m. on wednesday, September 25th. iIany of the most successful people in the world have rounded out their education not at universities but at night schools; and very many well educated people avail themselves of these opportunities to extend their knowledge. There is an old saying that "one is never too old to learn." Some study merely to improve their earning capacity, or to correct particular faults of their early school days, others study for the pleasure of acquiring more and wider know- ledge and a greater understanding of things. whatever may be the reason that actuates your desire to join these classes.don't think you are too old or too long away fro'm school to be able to fulfil that desire. You will find many others similar to yourself. Night school students are usually very intelligent people. They realise their own shortcomings and it is a wise person who realises that. You can be assured of receiving as good instruction in the IVest Vancouver night school as in any school in the city. The instructors are the best to be obtained and the surround- ings pleasant and congenial. There are few places in the province outside Vancouver where opportunities are available to obtain such knowledgeat a moderate cost, and our residents should take full ad- vantage of them. Decide ivhich of the subjects will be most useful to you, and be sure and have your application in by the25th instant, so that ample time will be given the board to make the necessary arrangements. Tell your friends what sub- ject or subjects you intend to take up and try to influence them into joining you. If this is done, the night classes this year will have the most successful season since they were first instituted. Don't forget your appiication must be in the hands of the Secretary by 5 o'lock on Friday evening, September 25th.Just write a note saying you want to join and giving the sub- ject you want to take up, to The Secretary, Hoard of School Trustees, Hollyburn P. O. A "Keep Fit" Class for Men A physical exercise chss is being formed for men. It is hoped to make arrangements for this to meet in the Inglewood School Gym on Tuesday or Thursday nights. A director will be engaged. The object of the class is not for muscular development or gymnastic agility but to keep one in good physical condition. Such cLisses arranged in other places hai e for years made a strong appeal to those in sedentary occupations and it is ex- pected that a good sized class can be formed in iVest Van- couver. The class iviii meet in the evening and the charge will be merely sufficient to pay the fee of the director. Any who are interested should leave their names with the9 est i an Nenes s.