001C97FF September 6, 1929. BOYS STEAI. FRUIT FROiI I.AUNCH FATHER OF AVEST BAY RESIDENT AAVARDED C.~I.G. THE WEST VAN NEVFS CLASSIFIED ADS The following letter is self ex- planatory. The incident is not exaggerated as we happen to l now personally the details of it. Youthful spirits and excessive energy can excu. e many thingi but not such an incident as this. Here is a wilful trespass and de- struction of property. To board r. boat and steal things from it i no different to breaking into and burglarizing a house. 4Ve believe the act complained of was done without malicious intent; nevertheless it caused troable and loss to others and if the culprits had been brought to the police cour'. it would have been no more than they deserv- ed. The result would have caus- ed trouble to them, and trouble and expense to their parents. 3Irs. Davis chose not to take these measures. The boys should be thankful to her. If this catch- es their eyes--and it would be a good thing for parents to draw it to their attention--they will re:ilise that they had a narrow escape. If they have good sense they will decide to be a little niore circumspect in future. They should be impressed by their parents with the fact that it is NOT fun when other people's property is damaged and a hen their actions cause trouble to others. To the Editor 9'est Van News. Iiear Sir:-- Some weeks ago I sent a let- ter to your paper protesting a- gainst the erection of a wood- yard at the foot of 17th on the grounds that it would spoil the pleasure of the children who hab- itually bathed there. TL Cay I am wondering how much better off I should be if the woodyard were there. Last Friday, I, with my fam- ily returned from Gabriola Is- land on a private gas boat which ive anchored off 17th Street wharf. IVe had four large boxes of t fruit on board, and while we had gone for a transfer man to re- move the fruit and our personal luggage to our home the boys and girls swimming and rowing around the wharf boarded the l:oat, opened the boxes of fruit and what they couldn't eat they threw into the water. FIad we not been so tired from our long trip we should certainly have notified the police. It was bad enough my being a resident; but supposing I had been a vis- itor proposing to buy property i» AVest Vancouver, EVhat a re- ception ! '. Thanking you, Nr. Editor, Yours sincerely, (Mrs.) L. K. DAVIS. lfrs. R. G. Innes-Noad, 1812 EVaterloo street, Kitsilano, has been notified that her husband, Fion. S. R. Innes-Noad, hI.L.C., of ~Ialton road. N.S.4V.. was a- warded the C.4I.G. (Companion of the ~lost Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George) in the King's birthday honors. The order was conferred by His Maj- esty for "distinguished services to the state." FIon. Mr. Innes-Noad estab- lished a welfare clinic for moth- ers and children from all parts of New South EVales. He has never been in Canada, but ex- pects to visit Vancouver early in 1&30. Mrs. Innes-Noad received a congratulatory letter from Hon. D. R. S. du Chaire, governor of the state of New South EVales. stating that her husband had re- ceived the honor. She has been i» Vancouver more than a year and has three daughters here, i~lrs. J. Stuart of Vancouver who is well known in IVest Vancou- ver, and Mrs. A. G. Eastman, AVest Bay; also Mrs. A. L. Mor- iee, Jericho Beach Air Station, R.C.A.F. iVATER BOARD BUYS CANYON VIEiV HOTRI. The Greater Vancouver AVater District, in addition to its num- erous other undertakings, has now entered the hotel, auto camp and suspension bridge business. Sale of the Canyon View Hotel a»d auto camp and the suspen- sion bridge at Capilano have been completed and Commissioner E. A. Cleveland announced yester- day morning that $76,000 has been paid to Nr. Rowe Holland, Vancouver barrister, vendor of the property. Purchase of this property was completed in connection with the district's scheme for the acquis- ition of 4200 acres of land in Capilano and Seymour valleys for reservoir purposes. Canyon View Hotel property is astride the abutments of the proposed darn at that point and will be hei..l by the board pending construction of the dam, about 1940. The hotel property divas purchaseR to prevent increasing valuation', declares Commission- er Cleveland. He believes that revenue from the hotel and auto camp, which ivill be operated until expiration of'urrent leases, will enable the board to carry charges on the property. Negotiations for the purchase of the remainder of the 4200 acres are proceeding and some of the smaller parcels have already been acquired. v4%oUYKR Uissaa (~ggy ~ 4 l js J s U JE at DUNI)ARAVE HALL on SA I'URDAY, SEP I. Zth 2.80 to 10 p. m. Entries received at Hall on previous Friday night or early on morning of exhibition. ADMISSION, 16c; Children Gc. COME IN CROWDS lVEST VANCOUVER AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICULT- URAL ASSOCIATION IVill hold the 13th Annual Couldn't Oblige Two The hansom ordered by the middle-aged spinster was late, and the cabby came in for a good rating when he finally drove up. "I shall probably miss my train," the irate lady informed him, "and I shall hold you re- sponsible. I want your name, my man. Do you understand? I-- n ant--your--name!" The Boston driver clucked up his horse easily. "I'l let you have the number if you like." he said, "but you can't have my rename. That's promised to an- other young lady." A Stop and a Dash "Father," asked eight-year- nld Alice, returning home from school, "are you good at punctu- at ion?" "Yes," replied the father. "EVel), tell me, please, how would you punctuate 'The wind blew a five-dollar bill around the corner.' "IVhy, daughter, I would simp- ly put a period at the end of the sentence." "I wouldn'," said Alice mis- cliievously; "I would make a ciash after the five-dollar bill." The Old and the New The teacher asked: "IVhen did Moses live?" After the silence had become painful she ordered: "Open your Old Testaments. IVhat does it say there?" A boy answered: "Noses, 4000." "Now," said the teacher, "you have all seen that before. AVhy didn't you know when Noses lived?" ")Veil," replied the boy, "I thought it was his telephone number." IVhat He Couldn't Do A prominent judge was recent- ly automobiling and his chauf- feur was driving at a very fast pace. They didn't see the dog, but suddenly they heard his "ki- yi," and the judge ordered the cnauffeur to stop. Going back they found an angry woman standing over a dead dog--one of the ugliest dogs imaginable. She saluted the judge in no uncertain terms, telling him what she thought of him and fiuishing up by calling him the "murderer" of her dog. The judge, thinking to pacify l.er, said: "Madam, I shall be glad to replace your dog." "Sir," she said in freezing voice, "you flatter yourself." Pushing a Good Thing One day a party of traveling men ivere boasting of the busi- ness done by their respective firms, when one of the drum- mers said: "No house in the country has as many men and ivomen push- ir.g its line of goods as ours." "IVhat do you sell?" he divas asked. "Baby carriages," said the salesman. It's a Creat I'lace for Big Beats A Texan and a New Yorker were one day discussing the rel- ative merits of their respoctive climates. "Down ivhere I live," said the 1exsn, "we grew a pumpkin so hig that ivhen we cut it my wife used one-half of it as a cradle to rock the baby in." The New Yorker smiled. ")Vhy my dear fellow," he said, "that' nothing at all. A few days ago, right in Net York City. three full-grown policemen were found asleep on one beat." It 8'ould Be Obvious Then "I confess," said the old doctor to the patieiit, "I eanriot make out your case." "5Vell. but what are you going to do?" asked the forlorn pati- ent. "Oh." said the doctor as he brightened up, "we'l wait and f»id out at the post-mortem ex- amination." F OR RENT-- 1 Roomed Furnished Suite in private house. Fully mod- ern, $ '5. Close to f rry. Phone West 621Y. I.OisT--4 riot N atch, 2lst .august. betw en corner 20th and Fulton and "3rd and Bellevue. Please return to Theodore Robinson, c o Mrs. Gourlay, M'"2 Bellevue. GARDE B Q ftR()S S--Strong Light unpainted; price $440, delivered subject to approval. Phone North 864 R. HOUSEWORK IVANTED by the day capable woman. Phone West 231R. FOR ltENT--6 Room Fully IIodern House on Waterfront. Furnace. Open fireplace. Splendid view. Low rent to good tenan&. Phone West 30L. YOR RE.iT--New 4-Room Bungalow, fireplace. furnace. 11th and Esqui-malt, $ '.50. Phone West 153X. CARl'FNTER WANTS iVORK--Alt- erations or repairs. Day or contract Reasonable. R. Chalmers. 2145 Bellevue. REIVARI)--Lost Gold IVrist IVatch. August 31st, near 14th and Marine.Please phone West 333. FOR PLUSIBING REPAIRS--Phoae West 241R. iV EBB'S S HOE REPAIRS W RAID BEST-- Dundarave. 5 ANTED -- Land Clearing: Wood Sawing with machine. Large orsmall jobs. J. Glover. Phone West 214 R. 'I IIE I'LACE TO EAT--Lunn's Cafe. Public phone West 611-0. TAXI-- I'eerless Sedan. Day or Night Service. Phone, Webster North 1234 SCHN EPPES LMIO& ADE, CAh ADA DRY GINGERALE and all the Good Brands of Cigars at The Ambleside Tea Rooms. GARDENS DESIGNED, Laid Out and Maintained. Rock Gardens, Lily and Ornamental Pools, Lawns, Rustic work, Fencing, Concrete Paths, Drives, etc., Pruning and Spraying, Landscape and General Gardening R. J. Kyte, Phono West 172XL R. P. CLARK & CO. ESTATES LTD. FURNISHED HOGTIE with one acre fully cleared. Situated on hill two blocks from bus service. Invigorat- ing air and splendid scenic panor- ama. Everything included at $~o on terms. Owner transferred to an- other district. It. P. CLARK 4 CO. ESTATES LTD. The Judge Got Lost 790 Dunsmuir St Seymour 7484 Local Representative C. J. ARCHER. West 225.A woman appeared in court and the judge noticed that the family name of the complainant v:as exactly the same as that of the defendant. "Are you any relation?" asked the judge. "I am," said the ~voman; "I am the defendant's stepmother and his mother-in-law." "AVhat?" asked the astonish- ed judge. "How can that be?" ")Vel), your Honor," said the woman, "you see his father is my husband, but before his fath- er married me he had been pre- viously married and by that mar- riage his father became father of a son, being him--EVilliam- as it ivere. Now, you see, I had also been previously married, and being married had a daught- er by my first husband. And as a widow I married this boy' father, my husband, and about the same time his son married my daughter. And then "He!p!" gasped the judge. KINGSAVAY TRADE I)oom Bungalow with Ilot Water heating, only 2 blocks off Kingsway and 16th Avenue. Will trade equity for cottage in liest Vancouver up to $ 1300. 1& ILL TRADE a very h&gh class sedan car (only gone 3-100 miles) on AVat- erfront lot or first class house. Here is a chance to sell out. GILLESVIE, HART E. TODD, LTD. 418 West Pander St. Seymour 93bO Get this number firmly fixed in your mind--it's easy to re- member-- CALL iVEST 21 when you want to discuss RENT- ALS, REAL ESTATE, INSUR- ANCE and LOANS. He Did Tommy came out of a room where his father was tacking down a carpet. He divas crying lustily. ")Vhy Tommy, what's the matter?" asked his mother."--p-p-papa hit his finger ivith the hammer," sobbed Tom- my. "IVell, you needn't cry about n thing like that," comforted his mother. "4Vhy didn't you laugh?" "I did," sobbed Tommy. GEQ. HA.Y Real Estate and Insurance Notary Public 1405 bIarine Drive Office Phone West 1 or Sey. 1260 Residence Phone W. 32R or %. 204X WOOD Inside Hr, Slabs and Kiln Dried Planer Ends. STOCK UI'OR iVINTER Lll Dark Before That "'iIay I ask ivhere you were horn, sir"." asked the reporter of the millionaire. "In Pit tsburg," replied the nian of millions. "And when did you first--er --see the light of day?" the re- porter asked. "At the age of nine," replied the Millionaire. "~ly people then moved to Philadelphia." MOVING aad BAGGAGE Dailv Trips to City Hobb Coal 5 Transfer (Bob Black) Phone IVest 17 DRGG KI l RE%TICE N ANTED Apply Lelige Drug Store, l4th and bfarin~. FOR RFNT--Newly Decorated House Your rooms with attic. Phone AVest 25L1. 8 EMSTITCHIN G--Plain.. white.. 5» yard; silk and colored 10c yard. Pearce's Drygoods, 14th Street and Marine. Phono N'est 144. RANGES FOR SALE--A Splendid assortment of used ranges. Com- pletely overhauled. Satisfaction guaranteed. Free de.'ivery. Phone Highland 3650. SERVING )VANTED -- Ladies'nd Children's work. bfrs. Bioxham, Phone AVest 226. CEil MT WORK Rock IValls, Land- caping, Lawns, Rockeries, Fencing, Trellis work Clearing Grading Phone T. Barnott, 23rd and Jeffer- son. TO PROSI'ECTI VE lt ENTERS Some Real Snaps Fully Furnished 7 Room Bungalo~ with electric range. Has four bed- rooms. Very pretty garden. Close ferry. On'.y $35 month. Brand New l-Room Fully llodern Bungalow. Close Marine Drive and ferry. Only $25 month. Fully Furnished 4-Room bungalowwith full nlumbing, fireplace, etc. On high ground at West Bay, with wonderful view. Only $25 to careful tenant. Local Representative -- llr. Sutton, Evenings 53R2 GILLESI'IE, IIART 4 CO., LTD .11S YVest Pender Seymour 9380