001C97FF THE WEST VAN NEWS Personals September 6, 1929. SCHOOL ENROLMENT BUII.DING I'ER~IITS $5,g00I A RT I ES CATER ED FOR Home-Made 3ams SPECIA IA Saturday and Monday Pauline Johnson and Holly- burn Schools each had a receiv- ing class of 22 when they open- e3 for the fall term last Tues- day. On that day the total roll stood as follows: Pauline John- son, 363; Hollyburn, 301. Paul- ine John=on took in 30 scholars from other schools. Six permits for buildings of a total value of $ 5,900 were issued liy the municipal hall officials in August. Particulars are as follows: Mrs. McDonald, who has been residing for some time at 16th and waterfront, left here last Thursday week to return to San Francisco. 0 0 0 Captain and Mrs. 4V. J. Kane, 1253 Marine Drive, have been spending this week on a holiday at Seattle. ~ 0 0 Strat ton's Bakery, i~Iarine Drive at Ambleside, has pur- chased a new 6 cylinder Chevro- let truck to keep pace with their growing businesS. 0 0 ~ i~lrs. C. Grisedale, 17th and waterfront, returned on Monday from a short visit to Nanaimo. ~ e 0 Ensign Stratton who has been spending her annual vacation with her parents, Mr. and i~lrs. J. ~I. Stra t ton, 1468 31arine Drive, left here on Sun&lay to re- turn to winnipeg. 0 e 0 ibIrs. O'rien, who has been summering at Horseshoe Bay, has returned to the city. e 0 ~ The fire brigade was called out at 1 p. m. on Saturday to a bush fire, ivhich had broken out at 25th and )Iarine Drive. They quickly extinguished it, no dam- «ge being done. ~ 0 0 Mrs. L. i~l. Clement, ivho has been spending the summer at Miller's Bay, returned to her home here last Friday. 0 0 e hIr. and hIrs. F. D. Cramer of Seattle, spent the week end with Mrs. Cramer's brother and sis- ter-in-law, 11r. and Mrs. Chet Shields, 14th and Bellevue. 4V. Gentleman, who has been spending his holidays at his home at 887 22nd Street, return- ed today to Anyox, B. C. iWIiss AiIarie Smelt, a former resident of IVest Vancouver, but who now lives at Ocean Falls, spent the week-end with friends here. D well in gs F nglish, A.II., Gleneagles $2,500 Gas Station Abbott. M., 15th and illar- ine Drive ..... 1,800 Garage 1Vhipple, R. G., 14th andJefferson....... 250 Additions Granger, E., 21st and 31arine................. 200 Tristram, bliss, 20th and Fulton R. P. Clark 8r, Co., Glen- eagles Golf Club... 700 Corned B~ef, per tin.... 20c Bantam (orn, per tin ..... 20c Palm Olive Soap.... 3 for 20c Toilet Rolls......... 6 for 20c Certo, per bottle... 29c Borden's hlilk ....... 3 tins 20c 6'est Vancouver Baptist Church I'.'III.IC RECEI'TION FOR PASTOR HUMI'HREYS AND iVIFE Entrance to the big Horticult- ural Exhibition has been reduced to 15 cent~ this year. Don't fail to take it in. Dundarave Hall tomorrow -- Saturday -- 2.30 to 10 p. m. I.ast Friday evening in the IVest Vancouver Baptist Church the Rev. H. P. Humphreys, the new pastor, and Mrs. Humph- riys, were given a public recep- tion to welcome them to the com- munity. ~lr. Schulte, former piistor acted as chairman. Deacon 4V. J. Clifford on be- )ialf of the members of the IVest Vancouver Baptist Church v el- cnmed i~lr. and 31rs. Humphreys in a brief address. Other speak- ers were: Dr. E. A. Henry of the iw 'i (w)(~'1 f ~i gt'hone %est 318R3. %Vest Bay PROAIPT DEI.IVERY I&dewar(i- $5,900 I'HONE SERVICE SHOlVS GAIN HAVE YOU TltIED OUlt )IOhIF hIADE CAKES? A good tonic given to the children NON. will reward you Sawing with machine. Large or small jobs. J. Glover. Phone West 21& R. 'I HE I'LACE TO F KT--Lunn's Cafe. Public phone West 611-0. According to the latest state- rnent of development of the B. C. Telephone Company, there were 3852 telephones in use in the three North Shore municipalities at the first of August as com- pared with 3669 at the first of January, shoving a gain of 183 in the first seven months of the year. In the city and district there are 2891 phones in use and in West Vancouver there are iinw 961 phones in use. The com- pany, has ivith connecting com- panies, 118.968 phones in use in the province. HOLLYHURN PUHI.IC Library (located at Gemmill's Drug Store) Announces that 50 New Books will be available this weak. SU 13SCRI PT ION S IGLOO until end of 1929, or 60c a month. A%I-- I eerless S da~ Day or ~lght Service Phone 6 «hater North 1234 SCHWA EPPES LEhIO.'CADE, ChiC- ADA DRY GINGERALE and all the Good Brands of Cigars at The Amblaside Tea Rooms. GARDENS DESIGNED, Laid Out and hlaintainecL Rock Gardens, Lily and Ornamental Pools, Lawns, Rustic work, Fencing, Concrete Paths, Drives, etc., Pruning and Spraying, Landscape and General Gardening R. J. KpM, Phone 4Vest 1Z2X1. HOLLYBURN Barber Shop United Church, )Vest Vancou- ver, Rev. A. W. Ward, secretary of the B. C. convention, and pas- tor of Jackson Avenue Baptist Church; Rev. AV. L. McKay, pas- tor of 1Vest Point Grey Church; Rev. A. Reynolds, chairman of Pastors Settlement committee and pastor of Kitsilano Church. 3lr. Staines of the First Baptist Church and Mrs. Staines of the AVomen's Board. During the evening Mrs. Ritz recited a poem specially compos- ed for the occasion and ~lrs. Lashbrook sang a solo. lllr. Humphreys ivho received " rousing reception. spoke in ap- preciation of the kindly lavishes extended to himself and ii~lrs. Humphreys. A pleasing feature of the eve- ning was the presentation of a beautiful bouquet of roses to Mrs. Humphreys by Jean Vern- on. Letters were read from Rev. J. E. Harris of South Vancouver, and Rev. A. Harding Priest ex- pressing regret at their inability to be present. Refreshments were served at the close by the Ladies of the church. U. S. TOURIST FALLS OVER CI.IFF16th 6: hlarine EX P EltT SERVICE E. hIARSH, Proprietor R. P. CLAItK & CO. ESTATES LTD. Answering a call at 11.30 p. m. Sunday to Prospect Point, Stan- ley Park, ivhere it divas reported a man had fallen over the cliff, the Varcouver police found that the individual they expected ivould have been killed, had man- aged to make his way up the high bank an(1 had been taken aivay in an automobile by 1'iiends. The incident was re- ported by H. Cox, in charge of Prospect Point signal station, who said that two automobiles bearing United States license numbers drove up and their oc- cupants alighted. One of the men jumped over the fence ivhich guards the edge nf the 100-foot timbered drop at that point. IIe disappeared over the precipice and his cries were heard by Mr. Cox, who summon- e:I aid. Before assistance ar- rived the man had been recover- ed by his friends. FURNISHED HOhl E with one acre fully cleared. Situated on hill two blocks from bus service. Invigorat- ing air and splendid scenic panor- ama. Everything mcluded at $-'o00 on terms. Owner transferred to an- other district. For the ~Veek End INDIVIDUAL CHICKEN PIES 2 for 15c. Enjoy the Treat. Mrs Ross's(The Pantry) R. I'. CLARK & CO. ESTATES LTD Zgo Dunsmuir St Seymo~ Z4S4 Local Representative C. J. ARCHER. &Vest 22$ . 1415 h'Iarine Drive All Home Cooking. Kl iGSN AY TRADEe Captain and Mrs. H. Vince and son, 13th and Marine Drive, have returned from a motor trip, dur- ing which they went as far north as Bridge River. Mrs. Cuppage of North Van- couver, has rented the Sewell cottage at 23rd and Bellevue. V. Davies of Vancouver has taken one of the Stevenson cot- tages at 24th and Haywood. 5 ltoom Bungalo& with Hot IVater heating. only 2 blocks off Eingsway and 16th Avenue. V ill trade equity for cottage in West Vancouver up to $ 1300. Call at the UNION GAS STATION 9 ILL TIRADE a very high class sedan car (only gone 3400 males) on %at erfront lot or first class house. Here is a chance to sell out. GILLESPIE, HART X-. TODD, LTD. 418 West Pc.nder St. Seymour 9380 (Jimmy Donnan) 15th and i~larine iVest 212 S ERVICE Mr. and )Irs. Leigh of Vancouver, are guests at the Clachan. A. Dickinson, the lighthouse keeper at the First Narrows, has returned to his home from the Vancouver General Hospital, where he has been undergoing eye treatment. At first he was in danger of losing the sight of one of his eyes, svhich had be- come poisoned but luckinly he is now progressing to a complete recovery. FOOTBAI.L ASSOCIATION TO HOLD ANNUAL ilEETING Get this number firmly fned in sour mind its casa to re- member-- CALL iVEST 21 ivhen you avant to discuss RENT- ALS, REAL ESTATE, INSUR- ANCE and LOANS. ~ ~ riIP'he North Shore Football As-sociation is holding their annualmeeting tonight at the North Vancouver Club, Esplanade 9'est. The program includes the annual election of officers and it is hoped to decide on the ac- tivities for the ensuing year. All those interested are asked to at- tend the meeting. , A-VQ ', ',&3W SATURDAY GEO. HA.Y Real Estate and Insurance Notary Public 1405 Marine Drive 0 0 0 An American autoist on Sat- urday drove too far to the side of the Keith Road. The car skid- ded into an overhanging tree. The hood and top of the auto were smashed, but luckily no one vas hurt. «t DUNDARAVE HALI. "The Whoopee Gang" held a treasure hunt on the evening of lost Thursday iveek throughout the municipality. They expect to stage o beach party in about two iveek»'ime. ~ ~ ~ nnua. -'XBM Ion Office Phone West 21 or Sey. 1260Residence Phone W. 3'R or AV. 204X \VEST VANCOUVER AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICULTURAL ASSOCIATION 2.30 to 10 p.m. %VOOD IIUSIC LESSONS HY iVEST VAN. TEACHEKR Inside Fir, Slabs and Kiln The coming week all the music teachers of IVest Vancouver ivill have started their classes for the fall term. and once again we would draw the attention of the 1&ublic to the excellent facilities i: f forded here and the outstand- ing ability of the music teachers living in 1Vest Vancouver. Piano, violin, vocal and other lessons «re given by teachers recognized as being amongst the leaders of their profession. You can be as- sured of the best possible in- struction ivhen coming under t heir di rect ion. Adults 15c. C)1ildren 5c. Official Opening at 3 p. m. by Captain Ian )!ackenzie i'll.L.A. North Vancouver (Succe STOCK UP FOR 1VINTER LUDIBER -- Sl IINGLES -- S.ASH S; DOORS -- VENEERS GYPROC I'LASTEI'OARD --BUILDING PAPER AXD ROOFIiNG A few Odd Lots of Lumber to clear at Spwial Prices. V-Joint Siding and Flooring .... $ 15.00 Shiplap (good grade) ..... $ 14.00 2xi, 2x6, 2xs, 2x10 . $ 14.00 2x3 and 2x6................. $ 12.00 I'HONE~'cnorth '~5 "ight.North 1415R Co e in Cro:.ds! YARD: 154 Esplanade 1Vest A splendid display of ~Vest Vancouver FLOWERS, FRUITS VEGE'I'ABLES, and DOMESTIC SCIENCE. Entries receive(I at IIall tonight, Friday, from 7 to 9 o'lock or carly tomorrow morning.