001C97FF "Prices Consistently Loiv" THE WEST VAN NEWS September 6, &929 MISS G. CADIERON'IS GVFST OF KRONOR FRIDAY - SATURDAY - MONDAY SPECIALS AT BOTH STORES Cee-Gee Toilet Paper.... 8 rolls 25c PICK LING S PICES and VINEGAR Sunmaid Raisins, Seedless or Nectar...............,... 2 packets 25c Sivansdown Cake Flour, per packet ................................... 3Sc Squirrel Peanut Butter, 1 lb. tin 23c Aylmer Tomato Soup.... 2 tins 19c Quick Quaker Oats with China- ware, pkt................................. 38c Christie's Biscuits, regular 10c packet ........................ 3 for 23c Kellogg's AII-Bran, pkt.. 19c C. G. Butter, Finest Quality 3 lbs. $ 1.32 Okanagan Honey,,12 oz jar.... 19c Gold Dust Scouring Powder, regular 15c per tin................ 9c 2 in 1 Floor Wax, regular 45c tins for.........., .. 3Sc Red Arrow Sodas, per pkt....... 19c 1 bottle Eureka Bleach 1 pkt. Eureka Bleach, Powder 1 bottle Ammonia........ All for 25c "Certo" bottle...................... 32c Canned Mi)k,,tall......... 3 for 33c Corned Beef, per tin................ 21c Royal Crown Soap............ 5 bars 22c Norwegian Sardines, tin............ l.lc Royal City Cut Green Beans,, ....... 2 tins 35c ! Royal City Pork 4 Beans. 2s .............................,........., 2 tins 28c ! Wax Paper, 9 lb. rolls............ 21c Snap Hand Cleaner, per tin.... 19c Needs No Premiums. , ~ ay a fame of BILLIARDS Three Tables foryour pleasure. Parlors on 14th Street right at Railway Crossing. TOBACCO CANDIES WIAGAZINES """lr 1 I I I j'.. ), rop. St. Alice Hotel 2nd Street. just west of Lonsdale, North Vancouver GO Rooms, all Steam Heated and ~th Hot and Cold W'ater. Reasonable Rates. FIRST-CLASS DINING ROOM Come and have a meal with us. Ho El Phone. North 213. D. Gallia, Prop. GOLDEN DAYS by EVANS U'b Elg QER'E c,HiLF, DlD Yo'LL +A,KE gp DAT PASTRY 1 Pu~ ON DIS WINPO' ) D[DN'1f /qp~ Anv.'lly -- -~~ps ~~ )T 5 A cooD THIN& +HE DION'SK'a r~~aPiCS LI 'mll~w ='i Q ~ " =-~ &(~il~N~ IT MAKES NO DIFFERENCE HOW YOU SAY IT: CAPILANO LUMBER is GOOD lumber USE IT THROUGHOUT THE HOUSE CA .-A~O 'l'.7.3:4 CO.."). Ft. Pemberton Ave. Phone North 305 FREE DELIVERY l„l„I) Sl„l,., .IA „„'..I lg, Igl„ll„,'gs Tavo Stores in IVest Vancouver GRANGER'S GROCERY, GIIEENiVOOD'S GROCERY 21st and illarine Drive 1442 blarine Drive )Vest 405 West 1G ln honor of Miss Grace Cam- eron of Caulfeild, ivho left yest- erday to attend school in Eng- land, several informal affairs we&e held over the holiday week end On Saturday evening Miss g&pg]le Davidson entertained with a ~m~ll dane when her guests included Miss Barbara EVood, Miss Anna Rid ley, 51iss Patricia Sulley, Miss Nora EValsh, iWIiss Phyllis Peters Miss Jean and Miss Mary )Iathe son, &Ir. John Redden, Mr, Jack and Nr. Robert Mathews, Mr, Iawrence Grafton, Mr. EVilmot Lsngley, Alr. Kenneth McRae, Mr. Stuart and Mr. william Natheson, BIr. Alee Plummer, Alr. Pen and i&Ir. Jack and Mr. 1Valter Taylor. I~Iiss Grace Cameron enter- tained with a small luncheon party on Saturday at her resid- erce at Caulfelld, when covers were laid for Miss Anna Ridley Miss Phyllis Peters, Miss Jean and bliss Mary Matheson and Miss Barbara YVood. &Irs. R. C. Procter and daugh- ter Miss Sue Procter, who have been aavay on an auto trip to California returned to their home at, 30th and waterfront last, Friday. Mr Procter with his son visited in Victoria «r- ing their absence. 5Il . and Mrs. Bracewell from Port Haney, have taken the Kil- lin house at 17th and Gordon and ivill move in to morrow. AIr. and Mrs. Tom Russell of Duchess, Street who left here some weeks ago for a six months holiday ivere in Brighton, Eng- land a couple of weeks ago visit- ing relatives, but were then on the eve of departure for Ireland according to ivord received by EIrs. Bob Black. Miss Bolton, 26th and Math- e!s, and Miss Barbara Tristram of EVest Bay, returned to their homes on Tuesday after a holi- day vlhit to Portland, Seattle and Victoria. a AIr. and Nrs. J. D. Allan and family of AVest Bay, returned home last Sunday after a visit to California. Mrs. Brackenridge of )Vest Bay, who has been indisposed for a few days, is now well a- gain. Mr. and i11rs. Burley, ivho have been in the Old Country for over a year, have returned to their );ome at 28th and Bellevue. ihlr. and iAIrs. R. Chalmers of Vancouver, have moved into a house at 2145 Bellevue. 5Ir. Chal- mers does carpentry work, alter- ations and repairs. Tonight (Friday) members of the Dundarave Ladies'hoir will meet at the home of Mrs. F. X. Hodgson, 23rd and Bellevue, for a social evening. Each member ic requested to bring her music and folder. Dlr. Shulte, formerly pastor of the Baptist Church in EVest Van- couver, has been called to a charge at blilo, Alberta. ilIrs. C. L. Hilborn and family 23rd and Bellevue, and 5Irs. B. M. 4V. Bone and family, 23rd and Kings, are spending a month at Bowen Island. SIate George Hay of the fer- dies last iveek slipt and fell from the top step of the pilot house on No. 5, while descending to the deck, injuring his hip. Up to the present he has not been able tn return to duty. Mr. and Nrs. L. R. williams of Vancouver moved on Monday in- to the house at 11th and Duch- ess, which they recently purchas- ed from Mr. King. Mrs. Keith of the Keith Block, 15th and Marine Drive, has gone to Calgary for a holiday. She was accompanied by SIiss Betty Tite. Captain A. E. Hawthorn of the Empi&w Stevedoring Co., spent a few days last week at Eagle Harbour, the guest of Charles Bateman, and thorough- ly enjoyed himself salmon fish- ing. Captain Hawthorn, who has travelled all over the world, was much impressed with the scen- ery in EVest Vancouver, which he states equals the best he has seen anywhere. Harry Thompson of the ferry staff, is spending this remaining iveek of his vacation at Harrison Hot Springs. Miss E. Cobro, who has been spending the summer with her father, Mr. A. Cobro, 15th and Bellevue, left here Tuesday to re- turn to Baltimore, Maryland. Mr. and Nrs. L. G. Sellers of )Vest Bay, returned home last Saturday after a holiday auto trip during which they visited Penticton, Vernon and Kelowna. Captain and ilIrs. 4V. F. Ihompson, 13th and Fulton, who spent the month of August at Cadboro Bay, Victoria, returned home last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gray, 26th and Mathers, who have been holidaying at Kamloops are home again. Hear Alr. King Next Sunday Mr. Percy King will lead the meeting of the )Vest Vancouver h,ble School next Sunday after- noon in the office of John Law- son, 17th and )Vaterfront. Mr. King will speak on "Is Healing in the Atonement?" He is a splendid speaker and a specially well read man. You will spend a profitable hour at the meet- ing. For 15 cents you can see a splendid exhibition of flowers, vegetables, fruits and domestic science at Dundarave Hall to- n1orrow afternoon and evening. The 13th annual exhibition of the IVest Van. Horticultural As- sociationn.Mrs. EVeller, 17th and Marine, is back again after a holiday spent in Northern B. C. Mrs. )Veiler is the mother of Mrs. Marling of the Hollyburn Gift Shop. CHOIRS START SEASON'S IVORK PRIZES and GIFTS for PARTIES The )Vest Vancouver choirs will open the season's work as follows: Choral Society on Monday, 9th September, Dundarave Ladies Choir, Tuesday, 10th September. No announcement has yet been made of the EVest Vancouver Ladies Choir. A splendid selection of Hand Made and Painted Novelties Suitable for all occasions GREETING CARDS I. O. D. E. iVILL MEET NEXT AIONDAY The September meeting of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, LO.D. E., will be held next Monday, the 9th, at the home of Miss Dauphinee, 2878 Bellevue Ave- niue, at 2.15 p.m. Dorothy Simpson THE GIFT ANO PARlY SHOP Next door to Royal Bank i&l. AVILLIAAIS, TAILOR, SHOIVS liWPROVEilIENT The West Vancouver BATTERY SERVICE The many friends of Mr. M. williams the )Vest Vancouver tailor and old timer of the Dis- trict, will be glad to know that be is making good steps towards recovery. It will, however, be some little time before he is able to resume work at his business. Meantime his business is being carried on by efficient help and under his supervision. Charging, Rentals, Repairs. Shell Gas, Oils and Products Ai4IBLESIDE GAS 4 OIL STATION (Billy Craig) Marine Drive, Directly opposite Stratton's Bakery I'hone West 6140 iVONDERFUL GROWTH OF CABBAGES IN lVEST VAN. The garden of Mr and Mts P. )Vait, 11th and Jefferson, is a sight favell worth seeing. In one section of it there are eight hundred cabbage plants includ- ing Brussel sprouts, kale, and cauliflower as well as cabbage, some of which have grown to a height of four feet. Plu bing Heating %Viewing FORDIER 51EDIBERS OF ENGINEERING STAFF REVISIT iVEST VAN. D. C. Bordessa, who was form- erly on the municipal engineer- ing staff, was with Mrs. Bordes- sa visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Murray, 25th and Ottawa, last Sunday. Mr. and Nrs. Bordessa left B. C. last Monday for a six months'isit to England and the continent. Major Dufresne also formerly connected with the engineering department with AIrs. Dufresne ivere other visitors to EVest Van- couver enjoying the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Murray. Quality Work Guaranteed NET INSTRUCTOR FOR BIANUAL TRAINING At the last meeting of the Board of School Trustees, George Dornan, who has been connected for the past seven years with the Red Cross workshop in Vancou- ver, was appointed assistant Manual Training Instructor for the )Vest Vancouver Schools. V. T. Atwood 2&&0 &Iarine Drive Dundaraie I'hone West 301 PFiRSONAI S