001C97F5 THE WEST VAN NEWS August 23, 1 929. Drug Store Service It is not always just what you buy in a drug store that counts --as everything these days is standardised --except the ser- vice. And service means a whole lot. Reasonable prices; Quick, Courteous and Appreciative at- tention to your vrants. Prompt delivery and reliability. You get all these thi~ns at the Le- sage Store. No order too small. It is our privilege and purpose to give you every satisfaction. Phone West 323 Lesage Drug Store G. E. REID, Manager New Building--Corner hfarine and 14th FAST DELIVERY No Order Is Too Small The Shopper A tiller of the soil from Pohick Crossroads trudged into a shoe store svith his nine children and said to the clerk, "I want 'em all fitted." The obliging clerk ~vent to the job and as rapidly as he had each one of the bunch fitted, the farmer asked, "Now, mhat size is that?" The clerk gave him the information, which the farmer wrote on a slip of paper. EVhen all ~vere fitted, the clerk figured a minute and said, "Now that will be fifty eight dollars." "Oh," said the farmer, "I don't want to buy their shoes here. I just want to be sure of the sizes. I am going home now to order them from Sears-Roe- buck." Don't laugh at this, for it only parallels a tragedy daily enacted in the printing business by the habitual shopper. Home Made CAKE SPECIAL 2oc each Rich Fruit, hladeira, Seed Cherry and Date and iNuts. FRESH BERRY PIES Mrs. Draper 2435 MARINE DRIVE Next Dundarave Hall. NOTE PHONEa West 3SS Open all day Thursdays. For Wmter Order your Winter Supply of WOOD Now. SA WDUST HOG FUEL %Veston Cartage WEST 230 hlOVING and TRANSFER Daily Trips to City H. C. MOUNTAINEERING CLUB 'ANNUAL CAMP, GARIHALDI PARK Hy H. G. Selivood The B. C. AI. C. annual camp, held on the Black Tusk meadows of Garibaldi Park, August 4 to 18, proved a great success. Two iveeks of bright sunshine made daily climbs possible, and en- flbled three separate parties, tot- alling 24 men and 5 women, to cnnquer Mount Garibaldi. Two AVest Vancouver residents, Mr. R. H. Simmonds and the writer, made the ascent of this 8,700 foot peak which is the highest in the Park, and which offers sno~v, ice and loose rock hazards sufficient to make the trip a sporting proposition. Owing to the presence in camp of a number of flower lovers, and the great wealth of material a- vailable, several botanical sur- veys ivere made. The more rare 'alpines," naturally, ivere found on the rocky ridges at about 7,000 feet elevation, but the damp meadows, averaging 5000 feet elevation, were rich in the more common mountain plants, such as the lupin, valerian, paint brush, rein orchid, lesser fire- lveed, mimulus, and the various hea thers. The Park, with its 400 square miles of grandeur, is almost as wild as when the writer first ent- ered it mith the "discovery" party, in 1912; as the Park Com- mission has not yet got down to real business. But we may ex- pect proper development in due course, as the Park is destined to be one of the great tourist re- sorts of the Pacific Coast, rank- ing with the Yosemite Valley and Mount Rainier. A motor road has been sur- veyed from Daisy Lake Station on the Pacific Great Eastern Railway to the Black Tusk meadoms; and this route mean- while furnishes an acceptable trail for horse or foot traffic. But Daisy Lake, itself, is served only by the railway, and roads ir. that rough country will be very costly; so it looks as though a through road to the meadows from Squamish--or perhaps Vancouver,--will not be immed- iately forthcoming. Proponents of such a through road may have a long row to hoe. HERBAL SPECIALIST IN iVEST VANCOUVER Dr. Willard Coates, Herbal Specialist, has taken up resid- ence in West Vancouver, having rented the upper suite of the Garland house, 13th and Marine. Dr. Coates, mho has had ten years practice in Vancouver and Melbourne, Australia, specialis- es in Australian, English and American herbs. He will be home each Monday, Wednesday and Friday evening from 8 to 9 o'- clock to meet any who wish to consult him. IS GOOD A! On 14th Street, Right at the Railway Crossing CHET SHIELDS and BERT JAMIESON Billiards and Snooker Pool Magazines, Candies Tobaccos, Soft Drinks Pitman Business College Vancouver's Leading Business College. INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL FOUR NIGHTS EACH WEEK Students may enrol at any time 422 RICHARDS STI(EET (At Hastings) I'HONE SEYMOUR 9135 Mr. and Mvs. John S. Rankin c f Vancouver, have moved into the Creighton house at 29th and Palmerston. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Creighton who have been residing at 29th an&I Palmevston, have returned to Regina. Mr. and Mrs. S. Bracewell and family have taken the Kill in house at 17th and Gordon. Captain H. I. Vince of the ferry staff, with Mrs. Vince and son, left on Saturday for a motor trip up the Cariboo highway. AIrs. W. M. Thompson and family, 20th Street, and Mrs. C. Dunlap are spending a holiday at Cottonwood Beach. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Cooke have returned to their houme at 1202 Duchess after an extended trip through the three prairie prov- inces. Mr. and Mrs. EV. Green, 15th and Waterfront, moved into a house at 21st and Bellevue on Saturday. Mrs L S Messinger of Van couver, is the guest of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Messinger, 16th and ) Iarine Drive. Mrs. W. B. Small, who ha s been away on an extended trip in Eastern Canada, has returned tu her home at 20th and Ful- ton. Mr. Shellard, 26th and Marine Drive, has taken the Cakebread house at 22nd and Bellevue. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Stewart and children, who have been vis- iting Mrs. Stewart's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 4V. L. Berry, 22nd and Marine Drive, left on AVed- nesday to return to their home in Olds, Alberta. Mr. and Mrs. F. Eatock, 610 11th Street, left on Wednesday for a trip to Prince Rupert and Jasper Park. L. R. williams of Vancouver, has purchased the King house at 10th and Duchess, and will take possession towards the end of the month. Mrs. G. E. Bayfield with her children has returned to her home at 20th and Inglewood aft- er an extended holiday in the Cariboo country. A collision took place on )Ved- resday at 30th and Marine Drive when a truck of the Ferguson Motor Transfer Co. ran into the back of J. Clarke's truck, which was going west on the Drive. The Ferguson truck had its rad- iator and front smashed, but the other truck was not damaged. Nobody was hurt. Miss Etta MacVean, who has bc,en spending her annual vaca- tion at Edmonton, has returned to her duties at the B. C. Elec- tric Co.'s office here. Captain Cates of Vancouver, has rented a cottage at 17th and Waterfront. W. W. Sterratt of Moncton, New Brunswick, is visiting his brother-in-law and sister, Cap- tain and Mrs. D. O. Lunn, 13th and Gordon. Mrs. T. Barnott and daughter Marjorie, who have been holi- daying at Lummi Island, have returned to their home at 23rd and Jefferson. Miss E. Crewson, vice princi- pal of Pauline Johnson School, has left to visit her sister, Mrs. George Bell at whitehorse, Yu- kon Territory. 4 0 Frank Ellis of the Municipal bus staff, ig spending his annu- al vacation at, Harrison Hot Springs. Miss Bessie Berry, 22nd and Marine Drive, is ho]idaying at Galiano Island. Miss Elsie Harrison of the C. Telephone Co.'s staff here, is spendiilg hei annual vacatioil atHa» ison Hot Spi ings Mrs. Lance Garthorne, 22nd and Marine Drive, and her daughter Freda, are holidaying in Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Froud and family, have returned to their home at 1231 Marine Drive after a holiday motor trip in the Cariboo. Mrs. K. G. Whipple is having garage built on her. property at 14th and Jefferson. A daughter was born on Fri- day to Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Mes- singer, 16th and Marine Drive, at the Vancouver General Hos- pitall. Mr. A. Fry, 22nd and Ingle- wood with his sister Miss Fry left on Saturday for a visit to Victoria and other points on Vancouver Island. Mrs. C. Grisedale, 17th and waterfront, has received a dip- loma from the exhibition auth- orities for making most points in the section of household arts. Mrs. R. G. Haley has taken the Tristram house 20th and Fulton, Mr. and Mrs. L; M. Duval of C" ulfeild, recently made a motor trip through B. C. and Alberta, during which they visited Fort Steele and the Turner Valley Oil fields. Mrs. Geo. Gardiner, 15th and Ful ton, left on wednesday to spend a few days mith Mrs. D. C. Ritchie at her summer camp in Mt. Gardiner Park. BELLEVUE SCHOOL FOR GIRLS iVOW ENLARGED Bellevue School is the new name of the Day and Boarding School for girls at the corner of 23rd and Bellevue of which Miss Philip, niece of the very mell known Alex. Philip of North Vancouver, is principal. Many improvements have been made recently to the school and grounds. A furnace has been in- stalled and a cement playground as well as a grass playground in- stalled for the pupils. Kinder- garten instruction is given but the regular curriculum of the schools follows all public school work up to grade 7. Miss Philip and her sister specialise in French, this langu- age having been acquired by them by residence in France. The new term starts on Mon- day, September 9th. Jimmy Thomson' TRANSFER Daily Trips to and from City. hIoving Baggage a Specialty. PHONE WEST 110 FOR Coal and %Vood Prompt Delivery. RSOXALS Who'Your I'aij.or. You can get the very best workmanship right here in West Vancouver. 40 Years'xperience Reasonable Prices and Good variety of Patterns to choose from. M. WILLIAMS 16th and Marine Ambles&de CUSTOM TAILOR Phone )Vest 20 Cleaning, I'ressing. Repairing GORDON ROHSON Barrister 8r, Solicitor WEST VANCOUVER-- Office No. 1447 hIarine Drive. Phone West 403. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 818; 510 Hastings St. % Phone Seymour 4199. Ice Cream Confectionery LUNN'S CAFE 14th and Marine Soft Drinks Tobacco Public Phone--AVes t 611-0 : o. y mrn 'I'eatre Thursday, Friday and Saturday. "Two Outlaws" also GEO. K. ARTHUR and KARL DANE in "Brotherly Love" Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday hlILTON SILLS and THELhIA TODD " Love and the Devil" Also a Six Reel Comedy ouses & .ots IN WEST VANCOUVER I have some delightful Water- front homes as low as $3,000, and Vacant )Vaterfront Lots from $ 1500. Other View Lots from $100. Rentals Several very desirable Cottages and Bungalows (. If. Savory 1443 Marine Drive, Ambleside Phone AVest 340 Evenings, AVest 143 Real Estate, Financial and Insurance Agent Burrard Sheet Metal 229 Lonsdale Ave, North Vancouver Phone North 846 Res. North 918Y and 1214Y