001C97F5 August 23, 1929. SCHOOLS St. Patricia KINDERGARTEN AND GIRLS'CHOOL iVjI I Re-Open i~IONDhY, Sept. 9th MISS J. Dl'RBIN 20th and Haywood Phone i'Vest 97R BELLEVUE SCHOOL Cor. ~Mrd and Bellevue. (Principal, bliss I'hilip) Boarding and Day School FOR GIRLS KINDERGARTEN New Term commences Wednes- day, September I th. I'hone Wes t 178 It. Bilton House School For Boys DAY BOYS AND BOAltDEltg 29th St. and I'.G.F Railway TERbl STARTS SEPT. 6th K. B. FOYSTER I'hone ivest ISOY2 FRA MAR MONTESSORI School fur Young Children I'olk Dancing and lthythm in- cluded. Fall Term open ivednesday, September 4. Phone MRS. W. D. FRASER 18th and Esquimalt ALL-NIGHT STREET I.IGIITS ON NORTH SHORE AFTER SEPTEMBER I In a letter to the North Van- couver City Council, last Mon- &lay evening, District Clerk D. G. Tate stated that the North Vancouver District Council at its last meeting went on record as approving of all-night street lighting coming into effect in that municipality on September 1. As the City Council, Monday evening, reached the same de- cision, all-night lighting will come into effect in the two mun- icipalities on September 1. According to a report made the cost involved is about $2 ex- tra per light and sufficient to cover the extra cost was provid- ed for by both the city and dis- trict councils in their estimates at the first of the year. At pres- ent the street lights in the city and district are turned off at 1 a. m. George Reid, manager of Le- sage Drug Store here, is taking his annual vacation. Every new scandal makes some happy they are not so bad as some other people. Jokes Everyone enjoys a joke now and then. But there are good jokes and poor ones. AVe think it's a poor joke'. When some woman blushes with embarrassment. When it is based upon a rumor or an untruth. EVhen it must be told in an undertone. AVhen some heart carries away an ache. EVhen something sacred is made to appear common. When it is the cause for anger or hard feelings. When a man's weakness pro- vides the cause of laughter. EVhen it is provoked by malice or hatred. When profanity is required to make it funny. )Vhen a little child is brought to tears. When everyone can't join in the laughter. H OLLYBUItN is now ON TIIE hlAP Q f Course! ALL ROADS LEAD eft, from North Vancouver--Vancouver. ovely GIFTS FOR GENTLEhIEN and please Qou LADIES visit me. Boys (under IC years of age) -- FREE I'ENCII.S- Ut -- only if you live in this hlunicipality can Qeceive a gift. Qo!! NEVER Will TIIESE BARGAINS BE AVAILABLE Q:rls (under 10 years of age) g n this hlunicipality will also receive Pencils Fairly -- freely offer you bargains ~e hlothers and Fathers Free. HU RltAH tQ I se!g wilg and Carr Q B U NevoR Again+ livinG I IF - ge f Qome NU-BONE ColtSEfS (made to measure, Socks or Shirt@ Half the Fun (is inspecting quality and comparing) The patH LEADS tQ PPiCII S TAKE hlY TIPL yiIIBIT-- pitT N EEDLEWOlt K, NOVELTIES--SEI TEbl BER IIOUltg VOlt SIIOI'I'INC 9 A. hl. to 12 A. hI.; 2 I'. hl. tu 6 I'. hl. SATUltDAY 7 A. hl. tu 9.30 CLOSED ALL I)A Y TIIU ItSDA Y, QE ON Tih!E Positively Nogash only lt EDIT--ALL 0LL OUTST ENDING ACCOUNTS hl UST BE I AID BEFO!tE UGUST ilY l ltICES Alt E LO'O'Elt TIIAN FaLSEivIIEltE31st OV AUGUS THE WEST VAN NEWS GARROD --GRAY Correspondence Service ISA wedding of great interest was solemnized in St. Andrew'a L'nited Church, ilonday evening, August 19th, when Eva, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. SValter Gray, Keith Road, West Vancou- ver, was united in marriage to Mr. Stanley Wallace Garrod, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Garrod, Keith Road, North Vancouver. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. J. C. Switzer. The bride looked charming in a dress of white georgette over a silk lace foundation, the gown hanging in long points to the ankles. The bodice was shirred and sleeveless with streamers of orange blossoms from the shoul- der and she wore white satin and brocade slippers.. Her show- er bouquet was of shell pink ros- es ivith lilies of the valley and white heather. Miss Vera Garrod, sister of the bridegroom, was bridesmaid. She was attired in shell pink georgette trimmed with lace in- sets and lace jacket. She wore a pattern hat of shell pink trim- med with shades of deeper pink and beige to match the lace trim- mings. Her bouquet was shell pink roses and carnations. The little flower girl was Miss Eileen Reid, daughter of Mr. and iilrs. R. G. Reid, 1041 East 21st Avenue, Vancouver. She was dressed in gold colored taf- feta, silk trimmed with mauve, velvet ribbon with mauve tulle bow on her head and mauve socks. She carried a f!ower bas- ket of mauve sweet peas and tulle. Mr. Ted Gray, brother of the bride, acted as best man and the ushers were Mr. Lloyd Garrod, brother of the groom, Mr. Ken 8 dger, Mr. Douglas Cameron, and Mr. Arthur Wootton. Miss Elsie Elliot t sang "0 Promise Me," during the sign- ing of the register, Mrs. Bayley presiding at the organ, playing the bridal music. After the ceremoiiy which was conducted under a lovely floral arch banked by palms, maple leaves, gladioli and hydrangeas, a reception was held in the Vet-erans'all, 3rd St. East, North Vancouver, attended by about 200 guests. The guests were received by the bride's mother and father as- sisted by the mother and father of the groom. The bride's moth- er was attired in a floral chif- fon ensemble with black lace hat trimmed with sprays of velvet roses to match the floral tones of the dress. She wore corsage bouquet of pink roses and fern. The mother of the bridegroom v:ore a black floral georgette dress with beige hat to match and she also had a corsage bou- quet of pink roses and fern. The hall was beautifully dec- orated in tones of pink and n.auve and the bride and groom received under an arch of maple leaves and ivy with mauve and pink asters and dahlias twined between. A buffet lunch was served. Mrs. Veitch cut the ices and Mrs. iV. McGregor and Mrs. Peter Grant presided at the tea table. After the bride cut the wed- ding cake which was a handsome 4-tier cake, Mrs. Summerfeild superintended the serving of this to the bridesmaid and flow- er girl and best man to pass. During this toasts were drunk in punch served by Mr. Veitch and the ushers to the bride and groom, the brides maid and flow- er girl, bride's mother and fath- er, and Mr. and Mrs. Garrod, sen- ior, who celebrated the 34th an- niversary of their wedding day the same day. A special toast was drunk to the Folks at Home, ~lr. and ilrs. Gray's people all being in the old country. After the toast, Mr. and Air~. S. iV. Garrod left on a trip to Victoria and Buccaneer Bay and will be aivay two iveeks. iVAXTS BOULEVARDS DI PROV ED and alway~ ha~ been our motto. Fditor AVest Van News Do you not think that the present is a good time for our Horticultural Society to ask the Board of Works for the loan of two or three men a month to lielp fix up the ilarine Drive boulevards? The road workers have cleared a great many spaces and even though we haven't the trees yet for planting, we may have neat-looking boulevards. I feel sure the property owners on the Marine front would help with theirs if only to enhance the value of it, and by so doing, a great work of advertising our municipality would be perform- ed for the benefit of all. Some of the male directors of the Horti- ciiltural Society have expressed willingness to help by beginning v ith their own tu o lots which, if perfected would be a conspicu- ous spot, and. at least, a good beginning. Yours for AVest Van., M. BULKLEY. We mls--Weigh your Baby, Dispense your Pre- scriptions, Sell you a stamp, Offer Fountain Re- freshments, Load your Camera Develop Film, Deliver anything to your home. and dozens of other's Give us an opportunity. WEST VAN PHA1NACY The Store of Service. We Deliver Phone %vest 37 &IOUNTAINEERS RETURN FROil GARIBALDI PARK Forty members of the B. C. Mountaineering Club returned to Vancouver Sunday evening after two weeks spent at the club camp at Garibaldi Park. Three ascents of Garibaldi Peak were made, the party being led by Mr. Harold O'onnor of Vancouver on each occasion. I'eaks surrounding Garibaldi were also scaled. Messrs. H. G. Selwood and R. H. Simmonds of iVest Vancouver are members of the club and took part in this meet. "Oh, what a cute little dolly! Does she say 'Mamma'hen you squeeze her?" "Naw! iily dolly's a modern doll; when you squeeze her she says, 'Oh, boy!' Salesman--How much is Bill Jones good for? Credit Man--Does he own an automobile? Salesman--No. Credit Man--Let him have all he wants. Fancy generations hence say- ing they descended from us. A NNO UN(.'EMENT Dr. Willard Coates HERB%& HEA&ER Let Natural blethods restore you to health. CONSULT THE HERBAL SPECIALIST. GQLDEN DAYS b EVANS 1 AW- GIH+Q A BITE OI= THE'IE, ~ „::.'.::::.. SPEcxs I i il& A Ql&HT! 0PE~ YauR HOUTH-- Pr mam A 4k~=:= /rr PROTECT YOUR INTERESTS: NAKE SURE THAT YOUR BUILDER SPECIFIES THAT CAPILAW'O'S WELL SEASONED, HIGH-GRADE LUNBER IS USED THROUGHOUT YOUR HOUSE A'.I'I+I'T ,* I~$ 1 &g-- o CAI'ILA50 TIMBE C C0..TP. Ft. Pemberton hve. Phone ilorth 305 Specialist in Australian, English and American Herbs. (10 years'ractice in Vancouver and Melbourne, Australia) Will receive patients in the Upper Suite at 1%1 bIARINE DRIVE, (Corner 13th and hiarine), on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings from 8 to 9 o'lock.