001C97F5 THE WEST VAN NEWS Personals Leicester and Ivan Murrav of 2227 Inglewood Ave., gave a very enjoyable party to their friends and acquaintances on August 14th. The garden was lighted ivith Japanese lanterns and af- forded an artistic setting for the ynung people between dances and contests. The best of music was provided by radio, and gai- ety was the note of the evening. AIr. and Mrs. J. de Pas Murray Inglewood Avenue, have as their guest this month Miss Norma Stokes of Cloverdale, B. C. Miss AlcEwen, Duchess near 13th, returned last Sunday after a week's holiday spent at Har- rison Hot Springs. Dr. Evan Greene of the Fac- ulty of the University of Al- berta, was in West Vancouver this week visiting his niece Mrs. H. Eager, 22nd and Fulton. Mrs. F. Marsh, 15th and Gor- don, left last Sunday with her sister, Mrs, J. 4V. Campbell, for a holiday visit to the latter's home in California. Mrs. Camp- bell with her children, has been summering in West Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Whiddington of Cranbrook, B. C., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Eager, 22nd and Fulton. Mrs. Eager is a niece of Mr. and Mrs. AVhidding- ton. 17th and Mar&ne Phone: IVest 46 24th and hlarine l'hone: Ivest 469 For Friday and SaturdayS'i g B. C. Crab Neat, per tin............ 30c Cut Green Beans........... 2 tins 35c Whole Wheat Fig Bars.. 2 lbs. 35c New Strawberry Jam 4 lb. tin 63c OLIVES Libby's Queen, 8 oz. bottle 18c Libby's Stuffed, 8 oz, bottle 26c Shredded Wheat ................ 2 for 19c Christie's Fancy Biscuits, assort- ed, 12 different kinds to box. 1 lb. box 43c Serv-us Butter: Finest Quality 3 lbs. $1.33 Fruit .lars: Perfect Seal, pints per dozen ............................. $ 1.23 Quarts, per dozen ................ $ 1.39 Fruit Jar Rubber Rings, box.... 7c "Certo," per bottle .................. 32c Sunlight Soap, per carton........ 21c Chateau or Kraft Cheese, 9j lb. bricks ......................................... 23c Kippered Snacks, per tin............ Sc Red Sockeye Salmon 2 tins for 37c Store Closes at 6 P. AI., and All Day Sundays. C.N.R. TERDIINAL IS SOUGHT BY NORTH SHORE ROBERTS'ETTER MEATS Thornton llleets 51embers of Councils Sir Henry Thornton, president of the Canadian National Rail- ways, accompanied by officials of the ivestern division, confer- red with members of the North Vancouver city and district coun- cils last )Vednesday with respect to the establishment of C.N.R. terminals on this side of the In- let. Following presentation of the North Shore's case by Mayor G. H. Morden, Sir Henry said: "This is not a new proposition to me. For three years I have been examining the situation in Vancouver with considerable anxiety. AVe know there will be very rapid development in Van- couver, and the past has given us an inkling of what to expect in the future." Sir Henry briefly referred to rapid development in the Orient- al trade and what it held for the future of Canada's Pacific met- ropolis. No. 1 STEER BEEF, LOCAL NE)V SEASON' LAMB, HOME ~IADE SAUSAGES COOKED HAM, Our Speci- alty. Mrs. Frank Ward of Massett, B. C., a sister of AIrs. Marling of the Hollyburn Gift Shop B. C. is being treated at the Prince Rupert General Hospital as the result of an auto accident recent- ly in which Mrs. Marling's moth- er, Mrs. )Veiler, was also involv- ed. Fortunately Mrs. Weller es- caped injury. Miss Harrop of West Bay, re- turned a few days ago from Al- aska, but has now gone on a trip to California with her mother and father, who reside in Cal- gary, Alta. Nake this store your cen- tre for all your Table Needs Fresh Fruit, Vegetables, Fish and Dairy Produce Dmly AIilk, Cream and Bread. One Store Only Next to PIGGLY AVIGGLY Late on Scene EVe are a late arrival in this province," said Sir Henry. "The C.P.R., only naturally and wise- ly, fortified itself. That railway has pre-empted the most import- ant and stategic points. AVe have had to content ourselves with what we could find and what we could get. "The financial standing of the C.N.R. in years past made it nec- essary for us to proceed slowly. Considerable money has been ex- pended in the provision of branch lines and we have had to spend a lot of money to put ourselves or. a par with our competitors, or leave the field." Referring to the local situation Sir Henry said: "This situation calls for care- ful examination and investiga- tion a& must be approached with the avowed object of serv- ing the community to give to the pnrt of Greater Vancouver the facilities that are needed and at the same time acquiring for ourselves a portion of the traffic that is justly ours. Reference was made to recent changes effected in the C.N.R. staff. One of the reasons for those changes, said Sir Henry, was to give ample opportunity tn pay special attention to local conditions. Will Seek Solution "The Vancouver situation will be carefully scrutinized with a view to finding a permanent so- lution to our terminal problem. This will have to be done on a very comprehensive scale. Councillor and Mrs. W. Blair and family returned last week end after a holiday of almost two weeks spent at "The Retreat," Craig's Crossing, Vancouver Is- land. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Rothstein returned a few days ago to their home at AVest Bay after a visit to New York and other eastern cities. They expect to remain here for a few weeks before go- ing to their city home at Shaugh- nessy Heights A very enjoyable evening was spent last Saturday at the home of EIr. and Mrs. Gentleman, 22nd and Gordon, when they enter- tained a number of their city friends on the occasion of their Silver Anniversary. Mr. Gentle- man is home on holiday from Anyox. C. A. Cunningham of the Can- adian National Railway, Winni- peg office, and brother of Milton Cunningham, 29th and Marine Drive, paid a visit to West Van- couver yesterday. 1578 h1 ARIN E D RIVE CALL WE8 190 RECIPES Squaw Hash Fry eight slices of bacon, cut fine. Pour off the fat if there is too much. Then add two cans of corn and one green pepper, washed, seeded and finely chop- ped. Add salt if necessary, and cook until brown, stirring often to prevent burning. Chocolate Prune Gelatin To one package of prepared chocolate gelatin add one pint boiling water. Let cool, and when about ready to eat add one cup of sterned and stoned prunes cut in small pieces. Serve with whipped cream. This dessert can be made early in the day. Menu Hint A plate of potato soup is a good start for luncheon. With a salad or a dish of rhubarb sauce and some good whole wheat bread and butter, it makes a very good luncheon indeed. Don't peel your rhubarb at this time of the year. Wash and cut it up with the peeling on and cook enough water to make it juicy. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Harron, 123 KVest Victoria Park, North Vancouver, announce the en- gagement of their eldest daugh- ter, Viola Sanford, to Mr. Harold I rank L. EVorsley of 60 AVest Seventh Avenue, Vancouver. The wedding will take place on Sep- tember 1S, at 7.45 p.m. at St. Andrew's United Church. Smith 's i~roeery A. HARVEY ShllTH, Proprietor. DUNDARAVE „,.'„",',",„",, HOLLYBURN August 23, 1929. Lamb Beef Pork Hollyburn Store gest 3 Ambleside Store gest 303 cu~ Meats For a New Building or a Repair Job AVe can supply everything you need. Roofing -- Building Paper -- Lamatco -- I'ir Veneer -- Gyp«c Plaster Board -- Sash -- Doors -- Heaver Hoard Shingles -- Lath -- Building Materials West Vancouver. umber Co. 15th and 51arine LIMITED Phone AVest 115 Residence Phone IVest 368L .I .I .I .I gf i U,E Everybody decries the frequency of the Forest Fire---even the people who cause them. Too much time is spent in bewailing the effect, not enough in analys- ing the cause. P LAIN CAR E- LESSNESS was the cause of Eighty Per Cent. of our Fire Losses last year. PREVENT FOREST FIRES YOU CAN HELP! BRITISH COLUMBIA FOREST SERVICE Once a customer, always a customer. . EFFERIEs SUPE (IOR .9:A"s Government Inspected Only. All &Ieats kept in Refrigerator during hot weather. A full line of Cold Meats always kept--Bacon, Ham, Butter, Lard, Eggs, Fresh and Smoked Fish, Etc. When serving salads at a buf- fet lunch when the guests are not seated at a table, jt is wise to shred the lettuce. Then the guests can enjoy the food with- out inconvenience. Grocer: "Don't you find that a baby brightens up a household wonderfully?" Woman Customer: "Yes, we have the electric lights going roost of the time now." Son: "Can you sign your name with your eyes shut, daddy?" Father: "Certainly!" Son: ")Veil, shut your eyes and sign my school report." A Typical Road Scene in ~Vest Vancouver