West Van. News (West Vancouver), 16 Aug 1929, p. 7

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001C97ED August 16, 1929. To Employ Assistant WIanual Training Instructor. At a meeting of the School Board on the 8th instant, Chair- man Elgar reported that he had discussed with J. Condon the suggestion that an assistant manual training instructor be ap- pointed, partly to take care of increase in this work and witn a view to having ~fr. Condon de- vote part of his time to physical training for the whole school sys- tem. ~Ir. Condon stated that he was quite willing to undertake this work and offered to make enquiries at the Technical School in regard to a suitable assistant. It was resolved that the chair- man be asked to bring in a fur- ther report on the matter at the next meeting. Ife who laughs last is the one man who hadn't heard the joke before. o o o IIalf the literary world doesn' know how the other half sells its stuff. HOUSES FOR RENT HOUSES FOR SALE We have been specializing in West Vancouver since 1912. Lots, Acreage, Waterfrontage, Valuations, etc. GEO. HAY Real Estate and Insurance Notary Public 1406 Marine Drive Office Phone West 21 or Sey. 1260 Residence Phone W. 32R or W. 204X R. P. Clark k, Co. (Vancouver) Ltd. SACRIFICE SNAP WATERF ftO.'iT LOT, AIMLESIDE, IVes( of Ferry, Bargain Price $ 1400. R. I'. CLARK dk CO., LTD. 790 Dunsmuir St Seymour 7484 Local Representative C. J. ARCHER. West c26. THE WEST VAN NEWS LOST--On ~4 edneoday afternoon at 2) th and Waterfront, Hamilton watch, open face; also chain and locket. Suitable reward. Apply J. C. Howard, West 682L WANTED TO I URCHASE--A iiod em four room Bungalo~, West Van- couver, must have full basement, fireplace, furnace, hardwood floor and good location. State price. D. hlcFarland 4 Co., Phone North 318. WANTED--Books in good condition. Hollyburn Gift Shop, B. C. RANGES FOR SALE--A Splendid assortment of used ranges. Com- pletely overhauled. Satisfaction guaranteed. Free delivery. Phone Highland 3650. SNAP--For Sale, Indian Scout hfotor Cycle. Splendid condition. Terms to responsible party. Apply Hobb Transfer. Phone West 17. SE)VINl WANTED -- Ladies'nd Children's work Mrs. Bloxham, Phone West 226. TIVO FURNISHED SUITES to rent to end of August. Phone AVest 339. FOR ItEYi"I -Partly Furnished Cot- tage at 25ih and Waterfront, $20. Phone '6'est 66R2. CESIE.'iT WORK--Rock KValls, Land- caping, Lawns. Rockeries, Fencing, Trellis work, Clearing, Grading. Phone T. Barnott, Mrd and Jeffer- son. I'AINTER AND DECORATOR--C. L. Konings, 2456 Bellevue. Res. Phone West 214X. FOR I'LUIIBING REI'AIRS--Phone West 241R. GARDEN BA RRO~~ S--Strong, Light, unpainted; price $4.50. delivered subject to approval. Phone North 364 k. II YOU INTEND TO BUILD or Want your house altered or repaired, phone Colin Turner, builder, 13th and Haywood. AVest 679R. WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Dundaravo. I'AI'ERHANGING and I'AINTING-- I specialize in this work. Several years'xperience. For good work phone V. Hernandez, KVest 6784 IIEhISTITCHING--I'lain . «hite Sc yard; silk and colored 10c yard. Poarce's Drygoods, 14th Street and Marine. Phono West 144. CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE--Tea Wagon, g ritingDesk, C~r Chest, Kitchen Cabinet, Piano Stool, Toy Boats. Oliver, Cab- inet Maker, 15th and KVaterfront. CflESTERFIELD SUITES made to order. Repair work done. W. Detwart, residence phone west 214X H ELl' ANTED--Woman or Girl for housework for one month from August 21st. Phone %est 164R3. KILN DRIED PLANER ENDS Double load delivered, $3.50. Hobb Transfer, W'.st 17. TAXI--Peerless Sedan. Day or Night Service. Phone, KVebater North 1234 SCHWEPPES LEMONADE, CAN- ADA DRY GLiGERALE and all the Good Brands of Cigars at The Ambleside Tea Rooms. FOR REXT--Four Room Furnished Cottage. Apply, Oliver, 16th and Waterfront. TO kF'iT -- Comfortable Six-room house, beautiful sea view. Furni- ture for sale. Phone West 174L GARDE. iS DESIGNED, Laid Out and Maintained Rock Gardens Lily and Ornamental Pools, Lawns, Rustic work, Fencing, Concrete Paths, Drgves, etc., Pruning and Spraying. Landscape and General Gardening R. J. Kyte, Phone West 17~F1. c'.vL r r c to~,~ ~KC|LISH 'I I 'i I (i fop IS ~ 4 ( ig. .+) & ~ '. egt~ tt +It ~1)lg +i a gee, eW I p ~ &v PROPOSZD FZRRV qo &.//' uq~ "& ' cg i ~ w GOLF J : ugKS T I I' AK.+ i'ionia ~ -.,',, (4 II, J„i):',';) 5,;, . „. " %1Lfih. y, -L I ; j aim)K The above is an illustration of IVest Vancouver as it was a- bout twenty years ago. Notice the two proposed ferry routes, which have Dundarave pier as their starting point. From there one is shown as going to English Bay and the other to Vancouver. The subdivision to which atten- which even in those early days existed as regards the future of IVest Vancouver. A proposed tunnel will also be noted from the Capilano to Stanley Park, shoiving that the necessity of quick connection with the city was recognized twenty years ago. East of the subdivision IVest tion is evidently specially drawn stretches from the shore line ten streets up the hill between 22nd «nd 25th Streets, then known as i~macdonald an~I i~fahr Avenues. These side streets carry entirely different names to those they »ow bear, but a park had been provided, showing the optimisn& Vancouver simply did not exist at that time. The only road divas Keith Road, called on the map 4farine Drive or Keith Road, and with the exception of certain large cleared areas abutting on it, one of them reserved for a golf course, the remainder was evidently the primeval forest. A study of this map will quickly reveal the progress made by IVest Vancouver in tv enty years and with Vancouver's population groNing by leaps and bounds. no optimism is required to visualize the even greater strides which will be made by our district in the next twenty years.