West Van. News (West Vancouver), 16 Aug 1929, p. 6

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001C97ED THE WEST VAN NEWS August 16, 1929. TlhIE was when colored show bottles were as characteristic of a drug store as the wooden In- dian of the cigar store. But like the Indian the show bottles have largely disappeared. Time and customs change. If the pharmacist had to depend for a living on the dispensing of prescriptions and the sale of sick-room supplies, their number would be reduced an appreciable extent and many a community would feel a serious loss. In order to maintain an effici- ent prescription department, ready to serve you when sick- ness cornea, your Neighborhood Druggist must be a merchant as well as a profes:ional man. EXHIBITIOiV TICKETS. Phone AVest 323 Lesage Drug Store G. E. REID, hlanager New Building--Corner Marine and 14th FAST DELI VE RY No Order Is Too Small The most common impediment in the speech of the American people is chewing gum. Nowadays a father cannot tell whether he has married a daugh- ter off or a son-in-law in. AIen and women get along bet- ter as life partners than as bridge partners. H. OF T. TO IIEET NEXT hIONDAY The regular monthly meeting of the West Vancouver Board of 'I'rade will take place next Mon- day night, at 8 p m., in the Legion rooms, ferry building. A number of matters will be up for discussion. Every member is asked to make a point of being present. DR. DORCHESTER, HEALTH SI'ECIALIST QTRITES ON I ONG LIFE An interesting article appears in "Psychologv" magazine for August by Dr. Frank E. Dor- chester, on long life. The title is"Be Happy and Live 100 Years." Many British Columbia resi- dents «re mentioned, and other Canadians. In his usual manner of writ- Wider streets would give care- less drivers additional splash room and wider range for their shots. Much of man's success in life is due to his failure to inherit money. Alimony is a system by which when two people make a mistake one of them continues to pay for it. Home Made ing, Dr. Dorchester points out that no fads increased the age of the many persons he men- tions, but the factors of non- worry, all round activities, and moderation played important parts. The article is well produced with illustrations of Vancouver scenes and old timers. His health articles have ap- peared in a number of journals and newspapers recently. hl"de from Fresh Fruit RASPBERRY LOGANBERRY BLUEBERRY G REEN APPLE CHERRY and BLACKBERRY hleat Pies and Sausage Rolls Mrs. Draper 2435 5IARINE DRIVE Next Dundarave Hall. NOTE PHONE: Woat 368 Open all day Thursdays. MOVING O'RANSFER Daily Trips to City. Order your Winter Supply of WOOD Now. Teston Cartage &VEST 201L .)owen ..s.anc- W.&ytec. iff .'erry Fare 25 cents DAILY Leaving Leaving Bowen Island AVhyteclifT 9.20 a.m. 10.10 a.m. *12.20 p.m. *12.45 p.m. 3.20 p.m. 4.00 p.m. 6.20 p.m. 7.00 p.m. *8.30 p.m. *9.40 p~.'Not effective until June 15 SUNDAYS R HOLIDAYS Leaving Leaving Bowen Island )Vhytecliff 9.30 a.m. 10.00 a.m. 11.30 a.m. 12.00 noon 1.30 p.m. 2.00 p.m. 2.30 p.m. 3.00 p.m. 3.30 p.m. 4.00 p.m. 5.00 p.m. 5.30 p.m. 6.15 p.m. 8.10 p.m. 8.45 p.m. a'Lt i1v+ a 'LC'q vC. On 14th Street, Right at the Railway Crossing CHET SHIELDS and BERT JAMIESON Billiards and Magazines, Candies Snooker Pool Tobaccos, Soft Drinks IS GOOD TEA! pitman Business College Vancouver's Leading Business College. INDI VIDUAL ATTENTION DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL FOUR NIGHTS EACH WEEK Students may enrol at any time 422 RICHARDS STREET (At Hastings) PHONE SEYhlOUR 9135 NALS DIrs. Roy Faulkner of Gull Lake, Saskatchewan, a former resident of )Vest Vancouver, isvisiting here and in Vancouver. Mr. and AIrs. Miller of Van- couver, have moved to the Gros- venor camp at 23rd and Belle- vue. Mrs. Dowding of Vancouver, is visiting her son-in-law and d:lughter, DIr. and Mrs. George Reid, 21st and Marine Drive. Mr. Granger of Granger's Gro- cery, 21st and AIarine Drive, is having a large store-room built at the back of his premises to take care of his growing busi- Iless.W. R. Sutton, 29th and Marine Drive, who is in the real estate department of Gillespie, Hart .0 Todd, has returned from a motor trip to Vancouver Island. Luis Mora of Vancouver, has taken a house at 14th and Es- quimalt. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Merrick, 21st and Bellevue, are spending a holiday at Cottonwood Beach. AIr. W. Herrin of the Munici- pal, EIall, with his wife and daughter, Joyce, have returned hcme after a holiday trip to Van- couver Island. AIost of the de- lightful scenery on the Island from Nanaimo south was viewed by the holiday makers who cov- ered the ground by auto. Mrs. J. D. Allan of Radcliffe Avenue, West Bay, with her family, left last Wednesday for a holiday visit to California. Mr .and Mrs. T. E. Leach of Tabor, Alta., are visiting Mr. and AIrs. E. S. Gamage. AIr. Leach is here to attend the drug- gists convention held this week in Vancouver. The visitors made the trip by auto, taking three days to cover the distance. Mrs. Leach and Mrs. Gamage are sis- terss. Mrs. F. X. Hodgsonp 23rd an Bellevue, with her family, is spending a holiday at Buccaneer Bay. Margaret Nyland IVins Prize. Miss Margaret Nyland, daugh- ter of Mr. John Nyland, 29th and AIarine, was the fortunate win- iier of the first prize in the draw- ing at the Exhibition foi Hed liind's Products last Saturday. She was given a case of the dif- ferent delicatessen dishes pre- pared by Hedlund's. Miss Edina Archer left today on a two weeks'acation which ~he will spend with hei sister Mrs. J. Young at Compeer, Alta. Mrs. Harry Hodgson and fam- i!y, returned home last Tuesdayafter a holiday visit to Victoria. Mr. and AIrs. P. Giovando, who svith their little son, Laurence, are spending the summer at"Cedar Bank," Clyde Avenue, have as their guest Madame Nicola Masi, wife of the Italian Consul in Vancouver. J. P. Pillsworth, Keith Road and 9th, who has been sick for some weeks is now much im- proved and fast recovering his normal health. Mrs. C. J. Archer, 11th and Inglewood, has returned homeafter a short holiday spent at Gibson's Landing. T E Batchelor of Fort AVil liam, who is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Blower, 18th and Ful- ton, is spending a few days in Victoria. Mr. Batchelor is on sick leave from the Customs and Excise Department in Fort Wil- liam, of which he is chief. Mrs. Avory white, 29th and Marine Drive, with her children is spending a holiday in Victoria. N. H. Strickland of Allco, B.C., has purchased the Hartley house at 13th and Duchess. Miss A. Rowley, 2386 Iiings Ave., is spending a holiday at Campbell River. Percy Overington, a nephew of C. J. Overington, recently won the first prize of a sport coupe in a guessing competition at the picnic of the North Toronto Bus- iness Men's Association. The ob- ject of the competition was to guess the exact number of revo- lutions made by a certain auto over a given period. Percy cal- culated the exact number. Miss Mabel AIacfie of Holly- burn School staff, and the Misses Ethel Millard and Gertrude Law- son of the Pauline Johnson staff, have returned from Victoria, where they attended the sum- rner school there. J. Davies of the ferry staff, accompanied by Mrs. Davies, has returned from a motor trip to the Okanagan. Mr. and Mrs. Minions, 14th and Marine Drive, spent the week end at Boundary Bay. Blind Pig at Altamont. A blind pig was discovered o» the beach at Altamont on Mon- ciay, having apparently arrived here from the Fraser River aft- er a long journey. Sanitary in- spector Gracey destroyed the carcase,--the pig was very dead--by burning, and the surround- ing residents breathed again. Jimmy Thomson' TRANSFER Daily Trips to and from City. Moving Baggage a Specialty. PHONE WEST 110 FOR Coal and %Vood Prompt Delivery. DI. Williams, the Ambleside tailor, has been confined this week to his home at 20th and I»glewood, through sickness. i~Iiss Doris Rehberger, 14th and Jefferson, is holidaying atPort Haney. Yet another gas station is be- ing built in )Vest Vancouver, in- dicating the amount of traffic expected on DIarine Drive nowthat the new pavement has been completed. The Richfield Gas Co. is having a service station constructed on the property theyhave purchased at the north- west corner of 15th and Marine. Harry, son of AIr. and Mrs. Henry R. McDonald, 15th and Fulton, was one of the winners in the crack Seaforth pipe band, which won the cup at the Cale- donian Games on Saturday, em- blematic of the championship ofthe Pacific Coast. Mr. and Mrs. C. Upham, 20th and Fulton, have taken CaptainLunn's cottage at 15th and Gor- don. Who' YOU1 'I'ailor. You can get the very best workmanship right here in AVest Vancouver. /0 Years'xperience Reasonable Prices and Good variety of Patterns to choose from. M. WILLIAMS 1Gth and Marine Ambleside CUSTOM TAILOR I'hone West 20 Cleaning, I'ressing, Repairing GORDON ROBSON Barrister Q Solicitor WEST VANCOUVER-- Office No. 1447 Marine Drive. Phone West 403. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 818; 510 Hastings St. % Phone Seymour 4199. Ice Cream Confectionery LUNN'S CAFE 11th and hlarine Soft Drinks Tobacco I'ub lie Phone--IVest G11-0 Ioj. y mrn "leatre Thursday, Friday and Saturday. COLLEEiV hIOORE in "Why Be Good" Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday CORRINE GRIFFITH EDhlUiVD LOWE and LOUISE FAZENDA in "The Outcast" .ouses 8t .ots IN )VEST VANCOUVER I have some delightful Water- front homes as low as $3,000, and Vacant Waterfront Lots from $ 1500. Other View Lots from $100. Rentals Several very desirable Cottages and Bungalows .(. If. Savory 1443 AIarine Drive, Ambleside Phone AVest 340 Evenings, IVest 143 Real Estate, Financial and Insurance Agent [ wmd+ ~ ~jlfi ' ". Burrard Sheet Metal 229 Lonsdale Ave, North Vancouver Phone North 345 Res. North 918Y and 1214Y