West Van. News (West Vancouver), 16 Aug 1929, p. 8

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001C97ED Smith 's ~ rocery VYe Deliver A. HARVBY SMITH, Prop. 24th AND hIARINE, Opp. Dundaravo Hall. Phono W'BST 440 THE WEST VAN NEWS School Board Notes BIiss Agnes Hale has accepted an appointment on the High Schoo] staff. August 16, 1929. Once a customer, always a custom EF.E (IIES'UI'E UO 4 V. j'.A".S For FridayS and Saturday Herrings in Tomato Sauce, ........................................ 2 tins 25c H. P. Sauce, per bottle............ 25c Tomato Ketchup, large bottle 22c Best Foods Mavonnaise, 8 oz. )ar .......................................,.... 32c 18 oz. jar.......................... 32c Bread and Butter Pickles, large jar .......................................... 32c Quaker Pork and Beans, 18 oz. tin .............................. 3 tins 35c Evaporated Milk, all brands, ....................................... 3 tins 33c Read E EVhite Tea, per lb........ 57c EVax Lunch Paper............ 3 rolls 25cEureka Blench, large bottle.... 10c and A]l Day Sundays. Murray's Marmalade, large lb. tin 55c Red Plum Jam, Nabob, large tin 56 oz. 39c Sweet hlixed Pikles Sweet Mustard Pickles Happyvale Brand, 38 oz. sealer 49c Peanut Butter: Peter Rabbit, per jar ................................ 18c Puffed IVheat ................2 for 25c Libby's Mustard, 8 oz. jar........ 11c Domestic Shortening. 1 lb. pkg. per lb.............................. 1Sc Pilchards, large tins.... 2 tins 25c Lobster Paste ................ 2 tins 2oe Norwegian Sardines....,... 2 tins 27c Store Close: at 6 P. III., There was recently shown us a very interesting illustrated booklet published in the early days of )Vest Vancouver when tnose sections of it now known as Hollyburn and Dundarave were first put on the market. Ho]lyburn pier is there and just a few houses round it, but Dun- darave pier at the time of this pre-war period had not yet been built. EVest of that there were no buildings of any kind except the Clachan Hotel, the first hotel ever erected in the municipality, and then it had no second story, as now. ilIarine Drive is shown in pro- cess of construction, and the streets immediately north of it inhere called after the names of such English public men as As- quith, Peel, Roseberry, etc. Bel- levue Avenue was apparently called Gladstone Street at that time. However, the North Van- cnuver real estate man respon- sible for the publication of the pamphlet evidently foresaw tru- ly )Vest Vancouver's future, for on the title page it is described as "the district of distinction." The wonderfu] strides made by the municipality since then, and it is only after al] a few years ago, have amply justified his vis- ion, and are an earnest of that growth which may be expected here in the immediate future. ROBERTS'ETTER NEATS THEY ALL COhIE BACIZ WHO& Our customers, who visit- ed )Vest Vancouver last vear, return and say "EVe didn't forget your Good Meat." POLICY OF BUSINESS Good Judgment in Buying, Careful Handling of Stock, Proper Refrigeration, Combined with Cheerful Service. Daily Deliveries to All Parts One Store Only Next to PIGGLY AVIGGLY 1578 hIA RINK DRIVE CALL Mrs. 4V. Reid has also accepted a position as Commercial teacher at the High School. Mrs. Reid succeeds ) Iiss EVa]]. 4V. Car]ey was given the work of cleaning and oiling the gym- nasium floor. His tender was $ ]5.00. Bliss M. M. EVi]son who as- sumes the position of Music Sup- ervisor of the )Vest Vancouver Public Schools on September 1st will receive a salary of $ 1600 a year. The North Vancouver City School Board wrote the local trustees recently that no further steps are being taken at the pres- ent time in regard to appoint- ing a joint municipal inspector. The annual B. C. School Trus- tees Convention will be held at Nanaimo on September 23rd, 24th and 25th. The )Vest Van- couver School Trustees with Secretary Garland will attend as in past years. / The Rev. Dr. E. A. Henry ~ the United Church, has app&~d to the School Trustees for use of the High School gymna~.elm. The matter wil ]have considera- tion when the winter sche('.u]es are being drawn up. 1 A meeting of the Greater Van- couver and New Westminster branch of the B. C. School Trus- tees'ssociation n)i]] be held this week. F. P. Colpitts and T. McCul- loch, school janitors, were each granted two weeks'oliday. SPRINKLING HOURS SUSPENDED Sprinkling hours are suspend- ed in )Vest Vancouver by order of the counciL Notice has been published that until further not- ice all use of Garden Hose or Sprinkler is prohibited and that fa ilure to comply will render party responsible liable to prose- cution. Government Inspected On]y. A]] Meats kept in Refrigerator during hot weat er. A fu]] ]inc of Cold Meats always kept--Bacon, Butter, I ard, Eggs, Fresh and Smoked Fish, I.amb Beef Pork IIollyburn Store gest 3 kinds of Ambleside Store gest 303 For a New building or a Repair Job ~ sar s ~ ~ &t t q 't ~t ~ + ~P Everybody decries the frequency of the Forest Fire--even the people who cause them. Too much time is spent in bewailing the effect, not enough in analys- ing the cause. PLAIN CARE- LESSNESS was the cause of Eighty Per Cent. of our Fire Losses last year. &Ve can supply everything you need. Roofing -- Bui]ding paper -- Lamatco -- Fir Veneer -- yproc p]aster Board -- Sash -- Doors -- Heaver Board Shingles -- Lath -- Building hlateria]s Pest Vancouver . um ver Co. '5th and Marine LIMITED Phone IVest 115 Residence Phone: IVest 368I . J WES+ 190 p 9 n VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phone West 9 Next door to Theatre Fuel and Building Supplies. BUY GOODS MADE IN CANADA GIVE MORE PEOPLE iRK BRING BE'fT 'IN FOR I5,000 People in West Vancouver by the End of Next Year A trip through AVest Vancouver cannot fail to impress the observer with the steady growth that is taking place in the municipality. Modest homes, and some not so modest, are springing up in all sections of the municipality, and new business building are much in evidence. The inspiring thing about it is that ninety per cent. of the homes built recently in West Vancouver were built by or for owners. Having looked over the advantages of other sections of Greater Vancouver these people decided that )Vest Vancouver was the more favored and they are staking, in many cases, their all, in their new home. It is plain they are willing to back their opinion of the advantages of West Vancouver in a practical and substantial way. It is equally plain that West Vancouver is regarded as the most desirable of all parts of Greater Vancouver for the permanent homes of middle class people. That there is a definite swing in this direction can no longer be doubted. The home owning and home beautifying tendency of the West Vancouver people is one of the most significant char- acteristics. One sees everywhere the people in their gardens. Hardly is a new house completed before work is begun on lawns and f]ower beds. One is impressed too with the simplicity and real beauty of modern house design lending itself so much more to a garden setting than did the designs of even a few years ago. "EVATCH WEST VANCOUVER GROW"--This has been a phrase much heard for the past few years. A new order of things is coming into vogue now and the old phrase has given way to a new one, viz: HELP WEST VANCOUVER GROW." ARE YOU HELPING? Get out and boost for the District. Let's all work for a particular object--15,000 people in YVest Vancouver by the end of 1930. PREVENT FOREST FIRES YOU CAN HELP! BRITISH COLUMBIA FOREST SERVICE ',~ou i~an Save i~i~ne Dollar If you pay your telephone bill by the 18th of the month PHONE West &.56 If you get all your knowledge out of books you may as well leave it there. On 14th Street, Right at the Railway Crossing CHET SHIELDS and BERT JAMIESON Billiards and Magazines, Candies Snooker Pool Tobaccos, Soft Drinks B. C. TELEPHONE COMPANY