West Van. News (West Vancouver), 2 Aug 1929, p. 6

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001C97E4 THE EVEST VAN NEWS August 2, 1929. A. ibl. STEPHEN LECTURES BEFORE KBVANIS CLUB We can give you anything you need in SOXALSDRUGS but if you don't need MEDICINE PItone West 323 for ICE CREAM A. M. Stephen, the well known poet and author, who is a resi;I- «nt of Dundaiave, addressed the North Vancouver kiwanis Club last Tuesday evening in the K. of P. hall. The subject of his lecture was Canadian Literature, on which he is an ackiiowledged authority. Mr. Stephen is a great advocate of Canadian literature for Canadiaiis, who, he said, were liable to be too much influ- enced by the flood of American writings which was poured into our country. At the same time our writers were gradually be- coming known throughout the world. During the evening he gave extracts from a number of poems. The people of West Van- couver should familiarize them- selves with Mr. Stephen's poems and novels, which can be pur- chased from any of the book- stores, and which are on the shelves of the local libraries. Miss Ifilda Wilsoii, 2367 Mar- irie Drive, has been awarded a scholarship for pianoforte at the summer school being conducted on Bainbridge Island, Washing- ton, by Sigismond Stojowski of New York. 0 George Coppin and Percival Ross, both of Vancouver, are spending a week at Horseshoe Bay. Mrs. Flett and daughter of Vancouver, will shortly occupy the Smith cottage at 15th and Bellevue. Captain Skeet of the ferry staE, returned to duty on Tues- day after spending his annual vacation in Victoria. Alr. Justice Ford and Mrs. Ford, who recently arrived from Edmonton,have taken the Elgar liouse on Gordon Ave. Father Cosgrove and Father Riley, both of Portland, Oregon, were the guests on Monday of I"ather Kelly, 24th and Hay- wood. Firebi ok'ut at the house of J. F, Webb at 29th and Belleviie o» Dlonday. The fire brigade turned out, and succeeded in put- ting out the blaze. The roof and interior were badly burnt. Iilrs. Dnwney and family, who have been spending a few weeks at 17th and )Iarine Drive, re- tUrned to the city oii Wednes- day ~ A lovelv dessert in hot weath- er. Delivered in any quantity from 10c up, and--lvh en you need it. Doll t forget the pllone nunl- ber WEST 323. Phone IVest 323 Lesage Drug Store Alf Searle of the Vernon Feed Store, returned home on Sunday after a trip to Vancouver Island.G. E. REID, ManagerNew Building--Corner Marine and 14th FAST DELIVERY No Order Is Too Small Air. Scott of Vancouver, movedon Wednesday into a house at Sandy Cove. )Ir. and Airs. Reid and family who have just arrived from Eng- land, have rented the Nesbitt cot- tage at 13th and Clyde. R. W. Pine of the engineering staff of the municipal ferries, is taking his annual vacation. Miss Jessie Kenney of Centre- ville, California, a former resid- ent of West Vancouver, who has been visiting in and around Van- couver spent Wednesday evening with Mrs. R. B. Cripps, 23rd and Marine. Miss Kenney is return- ing to Los Angeles today and expects to make her home. there in the future. W. Herrin of the municipal hall, is away on his annual va- cation, which he is spending on a motor trip on Vancouver Is- land. WHY BAKE THESE HOT DAYS You can get the Real HOhiE hlADE SUNSHINE IN JULY ABOVE AVERAGE Thirty-seven of the lost hours of sunshine that fled from Van- couver during the irregular weather of early spring and ear- ly summer came back to Van- couver during July, according to the monthly report of Dominion Meteorologist E. B. Shearman. In July there were 37 hours and 12 minutes more than the aver- age sunshine recorded which is 285 hours. The total last month was 322 hours and 12 minutes. The mean temperature of the month also averaged slightly higher than the record of 63.7 degrees, being 64 degrees. The highest temperature was 85 de- grees on July 13, a day after the lowest temperature had been re- ported on July 12 at 47.9 de- grees. Precipitation was slightly higher being 1.40 inches, more than the usual amount for July, 1.09 inches. The total precipita- tion since January 1 amounts to 19.86 inches or a deficiency of 8.04 inches from the yearlv average. The mean relative humidity during July was 75, and the greatest velocity of wind in one hour was 15 miles, northwest, on July 6. Bread, Cakes, Pies, Etc. at this Store. They'e absolute- ly pure and wholesome. Mrs. Draper J. H. Cossy is having a garage built on his property at 24th and Ottawa. 2435 i~IARINE DRIVE Next Dundarave Hall. NOTE PHONE: West 3ss The advance guapl of the sal- nion run has arrived in the wat- ers of West Vancouver. Already several anglers have made catch- es of fish around nine pounds. A. L. Grout, 12th and Duchess has purchased the Partington house at 16th and Duchess. Miss Phyllis Bloxham, 23rd and Inglewood, returned to her home on Saturday from the North Vancouver General Hos- pital, where she underwent a serious operation. She is now making good progress towards iecovery. Open all day Thursdays. W]~o's Your j.'aij.or? Ray Powers, 17th and Duch- ess, had the misfortune to break his thumb whilst playing base- ball at Spencer's picnic party last Wednesday. William Thompson of North Vancouver, has moved to West Bay. You can get the very best workmanship right here in Vilest Vancouver. 40 Years'xperience Reasonable Prices and Good variety of Patterns to choose from. Geoige Childs 18th and Mat erfront caught a nine pound ling cod on Sunday while fishing oaf the mouth of the Capilano. The work of construction on,'. B. Joy's new house at 26th and waterfront is about finished. G. Gemmill has had a new set of show cases installed in his store the West Van. Pharmacy. Mr. Waite, 19th and Water- fi ant, is confined to his home through sickness. M. WILLIAMS )Iiss Donna Hudson of the B. C. Telephone staff here, is tak- ing her annual vacation. J. Woollen of the Okanagan, has purchased one acre of wat- erfront at Cypress Park. Mrs. J. Mc)Iillan, 25th and Palmerston, moved to North Vancouver on Monday. ) Iiss Lorna Thomson of the Hollyburn postal staff, is spend- ing her holidays at Cherry Creek rear Kamloops. During her ab- sence Miss Grace Hari~son is assisting at the Post Office. H. Huggins, 27th and Mathers is moving to Miss Harrop's house at West Bay. Mr. and )Irs. Lashbrook and family have purchased the Grout house at 12th and Duchess. Mr. a»d Mrs. Lashbrook recently came here from London, Ontario. )Ir. and Mrs. R. )I. Bruce, who came here a few weeks ago from London, England, have taken the Pascual house at 14th and Es- quimalt. 16th and Marine, Ambleside CUSTOM TAILOR Phone West 20 Cleaning, I'ressing, Repairing HOLLYBURN POSTBIASTER RESIGNS MOVING O'RANS Daily Triils to City. J. W. Lynn, who has been postmaster at Hollyburn for a number of years, recently re- signed from the service, his res- ignation taking effect last AVed- nesday, 31st ultimo. John Law- son, who was the first postmast- er in West Vancouver, has been appointed to fill the position temporarily, and assumed his duties yesterday morning. Order your AVinter Supply of AVOOD Now. A collision took place on Tues day evening in front of the Hol- lyburn Theatre between two Vancouver autoists. One auto was practically uninjured but the other had both hind wheels tom off. None of the occupants vere hurt. Mrs, J. A, Campbell gave a luncheon last Tuesday at her home in Cypress Park. Covers were laid for twenty guests. Mrs. Torrent, who has been summering at 17th and Marine Drive, moved back to Vancouver on Wednesday. The West Vancouver Swim- ming Club is erecting a high div- ing tower on the tank at Dun- darave pier. When completed it will have one 5 metre platform and two spring boards of 1 and metres respectively. Miss Kitts of California is a guest at the Fortune Cup Inn. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Barnden, 2438 Marine Drive, have return- ed from a trip up the West Coast of Vancouver Island. MTestoa Cartage WEST 201L 3l.akes a One-Cup Drinker, a Two-Cup Drinker pitchman Business College LEGION TO HOLD DIONTHLY DIEETING The Canadian Legion, IVest l ancouver branch, will hold their regular monthly meeting next Alonday evening, 5th instant, in the Legion rooms, ferry build- ing. The meeting is called to dis- cuss matters relative to the erec- tion of the new meeting house, which is now in process of con- struction. A full attendance of members is requested........... On 14th Street, Right at the Railway Crossing CHET SHIELDS and BERT JAMIESON Billiards and Magazines, Candies Snooker Pool Tobaccos, Soft Drinks Vancouver's Leading Business College. INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL FOUR NIGHTS EACH AVEEK Students may enrol at any time 422 RICHARDS STREET (At Hastings) PHONE SEYhlOUR 9135 PROhlPT DELIVERY WE WANT TO SERVE YOU. GROCERY SFECIALS for This Week Pure Malt Vinegar quart 20c Old Dutch Cleanser.... 2 for 21c Blue Ribbon Ten, per lb........ 65c Canned Peas ............ 2 tins 25c Rubber Rings for Sealers, ............................ 4 packets 25c Certo, per bottle .................... 32c Canned hlilk (tails) nll kinds 11c Corn Flakes, per pkt, .... ]Oc arine Grocery 22nd and Marina J. A LLISON. Prop. PHONE WEST 96 GORDON ROBSON Barrister & Solicitor WEST VANCOUVER-- Office No. 1447 Marine Drive. Phone West 403. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 818; 610 Hastings St. Vf Phone Seymour 4199. Ice Cream Confectionery LUNNPS CA.FE 1 jth and hiar&ne Soft Drinks Tobacco Public Phone--West 611-0 HOlly )urn 'I'heatre Thursday, Friday and Saturday. "The Tide of ENFIRE" Featuring RENEE ADORE Monday, Tuesday, wednesday. DOROTHY MACKAILL and JACK MULHALL in "WATERFRONT" also BEBE DAiNIELS in "Feel My Pulse" ouses gt .ots IN iVEST VANCOUVER I have some delightful Water- front homes as low as $3,000, and Vacant Waterfront Lots from $ 1500. Other View Lots from $100. Rentals Several very desirable Cottages and Bungalows (. ff. Savory 1443 5larine Drive Ambleside Phone IVest 340 Evenings, %est 143 Real Estate Financial and Insurance Agent Burrard Sheet Metal 229 Lonsdale Ave, North Vancouver Phone North $46 Res. North 918Y and 1214Y