West Van. News (West Vancouver), 2 Aug 1929, p. 4

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001C97E4 THE WEST VAN NEWS August 2, 1929. "Prices Consistently Loiv" Hale and Hearty T&vo Stores in West Vancouver GREENWOOD'S GROCERY GRANGER'S GROCERY, 1442 ihlarine Drive 21st and iMarine Drive West 16 West 405 Victory Spanish Olives, 20 oz. Queen ...................................... 37c 8 oc., stuffed ...................... 31c ~ Boneless Chicken, per tin............ 10c t 2-in-1 Shoe Polish, any kind per tin .................................... 10c 'essertPears, size 2s ..... l~c ~ r Puffed IVheat, packet ......... 1 lc ~ Post's Bran Flakes, packet........ 13c ~ Johnston's Floor IVax, 1-lb. tin 65c Selected Golden Dates, 16 oz. packets ........................ 2 for 25c Certo, per bottle .......,............. 32c Pure Strawberry Jam, tin..... 52c ~ Red Arroiv Sodas, large packet 19c Royal City Peas, new pack, sieve 2 .......................... 2 tins 45c 'BIBLESIDEFISHING CORI PETITION V The Ambleside Tea Rooms are starting their regular annual fishing competition for the larg- est salmon caught in West Van- couver waters between Dundar- ave pier and the Capilano light- liouse. The competition opened on August 1 and closes 15th Oc- tober. Casting or trolling is al- lowed. Valuable prizes are be- ing put up by the Ambleside Tea F.ooms, where fish must be brought to be weighed, and whose judgment in the matter will be final. AUTO LEAPS OVER NORTH SHORE BANK; TWO ARE liVJURED Wvo Vancouver motorists had a miraculous escape from prob- able fatal injuries at midnight Saturday, when their car leaped from the roadway near AVhyte- cliff and was caught ten feet down the slope by a stump. The car, driven by J. Church- ill, 753 Richards Street, had reached a point where the road takes a sharp bend, and it is assumed the driver missed the turn. He was bruised and cut slightly. william Farnell, 3509 Pandora Street, who was with him, suffered a broken wrist, a broken rib and was cut about the head. Both men were conveyed to North Vancouver General Hos- pital, and were able to go to their homes after receiving med- ical attention. Assorted Sandwich Biscuits. per lb ................................. 29c Cee-Gee Toilet Paper .... 8 rolls 25c Sunkist Oranges........ 2 dozen 39c Dr. Price's Baking Powder, per tin .............................................. 4 Sc Canadian &Iacaroni or Spaghetti 1 lb. packets .............. 2 for 25c Norwegian Sardines, per tin 13I'tc Fly Tox ........................... 50c A 75c H. P. Sauce, per bottle.... 28c Ivux Paper, 1-lb. rolls............... 32c Lifibuoy Soap ...3 bars 23c Jelly Powders ........... I for 25c Lime Juice Cordial, bottle........ 31c SWI&lilING CLUB NEWS The annual 1000 yards swim for both Ladies and Men was held last Thursday evening at 7.30 o'lock, the course being from the float at the Dundarave pier, out and around a boat anch- ored about 500 yards out and back to the float again. Owing to the bad weather the entry list vias small, there being only two nien and three ladies. Mr. Dunn of the C.A.S.A. started the swimmers away and they finished in the following order: Maurice Roberts, time 19 minutes, 54 seconds; Gwen Clay, 20 minutes, 24 seconds; Isabel wilson, 22 minutes, 55 seconds; Effie Flackhai&, 26 minutes, 10 seconds; Andrew Flockhart the other entry, unfortunately took cramps and had to,leave the svater. After the race Mr. Dunn presented the prizes. The Wm. Blair Challenge trophy going to Maurice Roberts aiid the wilson E: Moore Chal- lenge Trophy going to Gwen Clay, The Next event will be the llegatta at Eagle Harbour next Sunday, August 4th. A big time is assured. All events are open to any member of the Club. No entry fees. Some good prizes up. Programme will be posted up on notice board at Dundarave Pier. All those lavishing to enter leave their name with some member of the executive. Don't forget the big Regatta, August 17th, also the dance at the Hollyburn Pavilion after. Tickets are on sale now. FIRE CHIEFS VISIT NORTH SHORE CANYONS AND WEST VANCOUVER SPECIALS AT BOTII STORES FREE DELIVERY FRIDAY - SATURDAY. MONDAY AIr. and 5Irs. McIntosh of Cal- gary, have taken a suite at the Fortune Cup Inn for three weeks. o o st J. D. Hardy, 21st and Gordon, has returned from a short busi- ness trip to Calgary. DIr. and AiIrs. H. C. E. Ander- son of North Vancouver, have taken a house for the summer at Sandy Cove. Mrs. C. J. Archer, 11th and Inglewood, is spending a holiday at Pender Harbor. Miss F. McCullum of San Francisco, has purchased two acres of property at Cypress Park. EIiss Harrop of West Bay, has returned from a three weeks'acationvisit to Victoria and is leaving tomorrow, Saturday, for a holiday trip to Alaska. AIiss iMargaret Trequair, R.N., and Miss Grace Trequair, R.N., of Moosomin, Sask., were recent visitors at the home of Mrs. John Milne, Cypress Park. Miss Mar- garet Trequair has recently re- signed from the staff of the Ocean Falls hospital and is pro- ceeding to Mexico where she has accepted a position on the staff of the Mexico City hospital. ) Irs. A. Harvey Smith and children, 24th and Marine Drive, returned home on Monday from a holiday at Nakusp. Harry Nesbitt of the municip- al busses started his annual va- cation today. J. R. Stratton, 29th and Mar- ine Drive, left today for an auto trip on Vancouver Island. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Fry, 24th and Haywood,are moving short- ly into Captain Dunn's new house at 2264 Inglewood Avenue. Miss Stella Lloyd of Shei'maii left yesterday for Vernon, where she expects to stay for three months. Fire broke out o» Tuesday afternoon at the house of AIrs. Avery )Vhyte 29th and ilIarine Drive. The fire brigade turned trout and quickly extinguished the blaze, before it had got any hold on the building. Mr. and )Irs. Arthur Collinson returned on Saturday to theii'ome at 24th and Nelson after spending a month at Saltspring Island. Mrs. Taylor EVood of Vancou- ver, is spending a few days at Caulfeild, where she is the guest of i&lrs. J. AV. Henshaw. Mrs. D. Blight and daughter Edna, who have been visiting Mrs. 4V. Reid, 21st Street, left on ~Vednesday to return to their home in Victoria. They were ac- companied by iMrs. Reid's daugh- ter Margaret. Mrs. Reid will go to Victoria on Saturday to bring lier daughter back. Johnston--Edwards A quiet wedding took place last Saturday when the Rev. J. Henderson, D.D., united i» marriage Mrs. Margaret John- ston and Albert G. Edwards of Hawthorne, California. Following the ceremony, a wedding supper was held at the home of Mrs. David Nixon, West 14th Avenue, Vancouver, return- ing to their )Vest Vancouver home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. I.'dgards will leave shortly for a six months'rip to California. One should be full of the joy of IIvIng these bright summer days. If you don't enjoy perfect health CONSULT THE CHIR- OPRACTOR. Some slight adjustment may make all the difference. "Chiropractic will help you." Consultation Free. Roberfa A. Vass D.C., Ph. C. Graduate of Palmer School CHIROPRACTOR Phone IVest 383 Next to Stratton Bakery Marine Drive, Ambleside also at Vancouver HOLLYBURN Barber Shop 16th tt Marine EXPEItT SERVICE E. MARSH, Proprietor Visitor: "How does the land lie out this way?" Native: "It ain't the land that lies; It's the real estate agents." . U. MOVIN G P hon e Bob Black West 17 Daily Trips To and From City. Reasonable Rates. Expert Packers. BUILDING SUI'PLIES COAL AVe can supply wou with GENUINE GALT and DREPiIH ELLER COAL HOLLYBURN GIFT SHOP Next Door to Royal Bank A SPECIAL SALE of Nu-Bone Corsets, Lingerie, Hosiery, Brassieres ............................. 1y5 OFF until August 10th. MK&XMc'~MKKk: QKKBMQM. LOOK FOR THIS SEAL LOOK FOR THIS SEAT. O O LOOIZ FOR THIS SEAL C4 I +gal O If the Plumbing or Heating is Not Good Enough to hear Our Seal WARD--CATES Captain and Mrs. Charles H. C'ates, 266 AVest Fourth, North 4'ancouver, announce the mar- riage of their eldest daughter, Marguerite Rosester, to Mr. Earl AVard of AVest Vancouver. 'The wedding took place in St. John' Anglican Church, North Van- couver, Thursday evening, July 11, Rev. william Askey perform- ed the ceremony. The bride, who divas given in marriage by her brother, Capt. John Henry Cates, was attended by her sister, Miss Mary Cather- ine Cates, while Mr. Murdoch C rahame was best man. Ushers were 31r. Malcolm McManus and Mr. AIalcolm Veal, and during the signing of the register, Miss Helen Johnson sang "Because," accompanied by Mr. Kingsley )Vatson at the organ. Following a reception at the horne of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ward left on a motor trip to Los Angeles, and on their return will reside in West Van- couver. Last Friday afternoon and evening, over 500 delegates at- tending the annual convention of the Pacific Coast Association of Fire Chiefs, in Vancouver, were the guests of fire officials of North Vancouver. The visit- ors were taken on a motor jaunt to EVhytecliff and ivere later ent- ertained at a luncheon and dance in the Drill Hall, North Vancou- ver. The luncheon was followed by speeches. a musical programme and a dance. Brief addresses i~ere given by city officials, Fire Chief E. F. Coop, of Pasadena, Cal., newly-elected president of the Pacific Coast Association of Fire Chiefs; former chief of Vancouver Fire Department, J. H. Carlisle, Fire Chief James Smart of Calgary, Ald. E. W. Deane and Ald. P. C. Gibbens. M M O O O DO li'O(J ~&VENT IT. O O O gl C'EAL BUY COODSMADE IN CANADA GIVE MORE P sPI.E IRK BRING BETTER,TIN The standards of our ASSOCIATION are made to protect you. Membership is open to any Master Plumber or Heating Contractor who will conform to our rules and standards. Only if he is competent and trustworthy, only if he uses reliable materials can he display our SEAL OF HONOR. This Association takes pride in its Members'ork. Membership carries with it the obligation to live up to a high standard of craftsmanship. You need not, cannot afford to accept less certain satisfaction when you are buying plumbing or heating, for you must remember that; the priceless health of your family is concerned. Vancouver Association of Sanitary and Heating Engineers 8 m 425 I'ACIFIC BUILDING - - VANCOUVER, B. C. N. B.--This Association Guarantees the Plumbing and Heating done by its Members. Their Seal is your Protection.r , The following in IVest Vancouver are authorized to use our Seal: James G. Fiddes %V. T. Atwood J. S. Yates C. Murray Bros. LOOK FOR THIS SEAL LOOK FOR THIS SEAL LOOK FOR THIS L O O O C