001C97E4 A Wee.z..y '.Newssaaei $ 1.00 per year. I vol. IV EIGHT PAGES No. 20 Ctrculati uteri u the District of H~est Vaucouver-- A mblestde, Hollyburn, Westou, Dundarave Cg&press Park, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Etc. New@stands 5c per Copy HOL[ YBURN P.Q.. ~VEST VANCOUVER, B.C., FRIDAY, AUGUST 2nd. 1929 On September 7th the IVest ', ~ ancouver Horticultural and Ag- , ricultural Association will he holding its annual Eall fair. Now i~ the time for ivould-be exhibit- ors to get busy with their gard- ens. Prizes will be given for all~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ , kinds of vegetables, such as I l&sans. 1&mts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, corn, onions,pota- toes, etc., also collections of veg- etables. In the flower section sweet peas, l)ouquets, nasturti- $ ums, dahllas, lili~ zinnias, and collections of Eloivers, appear on the list. Fruit, of course, ivill be Il nae of the mnin sections of the exhibition, and there is sure to he lots of competition for the prizes. ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~There ivill be a good domestic science department, made up of home baking, bottled fruit, jams, ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~jellies, canned vegetables, pickl- es, and needleivork. As in the „, Summer Shoiv prizes are to be : given for boulevards, one com- 'etition Eor the best kept boule- vard not less than 33 feet, and the other for the best boulevard npened since September 1928. Altogether the exhibition promi~m tn be one of the hest ever given in the District, and the Horticultural Association is g to be congratulated on the long prize list they have prorided. f Anyone desiring information should apply to any of the offic- ers, who will be pleased to ans- iver all questions relative to the shoi«. The officers are: I'resident: John Nyland. Vice I'resident, hlrs. G. Elgar. Secretary, hlrs. Edith A. Ford. '1'reasurer, Fred Hadivin. Directors--hfrs. G. lV. Barker, hlrs. G. Elgar, hlrs. E. A. Ford, hlrs. F. Lefeaux, hlrs. P. hlast- ermnn, hlr. lV. J. Clifford, hlr. I". Hadivin, hlr. W. hlc(}uaker, l lllr. J. Nyb&nd and Mr. N. Heine. r v (c a-',il ~ ~ Eagle Harbour IVhere a big gala takes place next Sunday, featured by the diving events from the new raft ivhich ivas built with Olympic stand- ard equipment. There will be ei'ents for boys and girls and also the following program: Greasy pole event; 50 yards free style, men's open; 50 yards free style ladies'pen; 50 yards backstroke High board diving; spring board diving; canoe race (no paddies) boat race, plunge for distance; ling distance race, Kew Beach; mixed relay race: spring board diving, ladies; log pushing race. The various events are open to all members of the AVest Vrrncorrver SN'jmrniqg ~r»b orrfl topi g will be cr~l primo& for tlie various competitions. The Vancouver Swimming Club mem- bers are holding their annual picnic to Eagle Harbour on that day. ~.r', &'V- jP's ~ ~f ~ West Van Fall Show Aquatic Sports Next Sunday at Eagle Harbour and Horseshoe Bay Council Notes The Canadian National Insti- tute fear thg Rlinfi wrntg asking for exemption or substantial re- duction of taxes for D. L. 815, B Ec C, 1. They were advised that the council have no author- ity to exempt any lands from taxation. The Deputy ~linister of Public IVorks ivrote advising the coun- cil that his clepartment was now having the Keith Road bridge strengthened to carry a load up to twelve tons. lV. R. Beaty Ec Co. Ltd., wrote in reference to a weed-killer manufactured in Vancouver, with which very satisfactory re- sults had been obtained. They ivere advised that at the present time the council ivas not prepar- ed to embark on any destruction scheme. A resolution was passed that hIrs. IVinchcombe be paid from ferry funds the sum of $7.50 in iull of clothing damaged refer- red to in her letter of July 28th. The Automobile Club of B. C. wrote in reference to the erec- tivn Of aaruir.g asst) die'tetiona) signs. They stated they had bet- ter facilities to have this work undertaken than had the muni- cipalities, and the question of cost could be gone into, and an estimate given to the council. Their letter was ordered filed. The reeve and solicitor ivere appointed with power to act to go into the matter of the muni- cipality's transfer of ivater rights at D. L. 762 in the event of a sale of the land. Councillor Fiddes, chairman of the ivaterworks, ivas appointed as AVest Vancouver's representa- tive on the Greater Vancouver Water District's administration board. The sum of $27.25 ivas ordered to be paid ivithout prejudice from ferry funds to Helen Chal- ker. The engineer reported on: 1. No. 3 bridge. Planking re- quired. Cost $ 118. Laid over. 2. J. Pettigrew's application for permission to cut firewood on road allowance D. L. 815-4-A, recommending compliance. The permission applied for ii as granted. 3. R. Reid's complaint against slashing trees on boulevard. That the cutting ivas done by F. Denton 1055-1-9. Received and fi!ed. 4. F. Kaloff's request that trees be removed, this referring to a clump of young trees tangl- ing with electric wires. They could be removed at a cost of $5, v.hich expenditure was author- ized. 5. A. ~I. Butt, access to 976 Duchess Avenue. Expenditure not over $25 authorized. G. Annie Pretious Permis- sion to use soil from right of way fronting her lot on Esquimalt also requesting that about fifty feet of plank sideivalk be remov- ed temporarily by the municipal- ity ivhile the earth is being re- moved. An expenditure not over $ 15 authorized for raising and replacing sideivalk. 7. C'- tirdrr Sciir ce Society's application for a sidewalk on 20th Street, cost $300. Expendi- ture not to exceed $250 author- i"ed. 8. Florence Harraway's ap- p!ication for improvement of 19th Street south of Marine Drive. Cost $ 1,000. Received and filed. 9. Dangerous places miles 4 tn 11. Again laid over. 4lrs. J. C. Reid was advised in reply to her inquiry that Keith Road ivould be oiled before traf- fic was detoured. The liarbour Lights Guild of hfissions to Seamen was granted ~ ~permission to tag in IVest Van- :& couver (but not on the munici-'al ferries) on August 19th. John Laivson "roneer of IVest Vancouver, ivho has just been appointed Post- master at )Iollyburn to succeed J. lV. Lyrin, who has resigned. Horseshoe Bay, IVhytecliff HORSESHOE BAY GALA IS BILLED SUNDAY; FINE LIST OF EVENTS A petition from A. Hughes and others re sprinkling ivas read. A resolution was passed that, ivhen a report of the engineer is r eceived that it is impossible for the supply mains to convey suf- ficient ivater to meet both the domestic and sprinkling require- ments, the use of garden hose or. sprinklers be prohibited en- tirely until further notice. this regulation to be issued and take ef feet at the instruction of the ieaterworks chairman. The hlarine Drive bridge clos- ing by-law ivas finally adopted. A grant of $28 ivas made to the West Vancouver branch of the Canaclian Legion on the und- erstanding that it be repaid to the municipality in taxes on their property. The purchase price of $ 650 for the lands require&i for hlarine Drive Capilano bridge purposes iias ordered paid. The annual fee of $ 10 was ordered to be sent to the sec- retary of the Good Roads League cf B. C. The second annual regatta of the Horseshoe Bay Regatta As- sociation, ivhich ivill be held Sunday, promises to exceed last year's event in popularity and interest. The association, compos- ed of campers and residents at ti:e popular resort, has been work- ing hard to provide a day of real sport. A good programme of sivimming, diving, rowboat and canoe races hrrs been lined up and competition promises to be keen. EVith the exception of the outboard motorboat races and one sivimming race, all events are for campers and residents only. Illustrated Number Well Received The 32 page illustrated number of The West Van Neivs issued last iveek has been specially well received by the public and has brought much favorable comment. hlany extra copies have been purchased by the residents of EVest Vancouver and these will be mailed to all parts of the world. Tourists from all over the North American continent have been presented ivith copies and the publicity agents throughout the West have had copies, ivith accompany- ing letters, sent them. The Municipal Council is having a copy sent to all non-resident taxpayers; and altogether the "Special" has had a very ivide circulation. The general impression is that this number ivill do West Vancouver a considerable amount af good in at- tracting attention to our beautiful district. Feiv people realise fully the extent and charm of the hlunicipality and the up-to-date facilities enjoyed by our residents, and it is felt that the many excellent pictures shown in the "Special" ivill bring to every reader a full realization of the desirability of West Vancouver as a place in ivhich to live. There are still a feiv copies left for sale. Do your share in shoiving your friends just ivhat can be seen and elljoyed in West Vancouver. Send a copy to every one of them. They ivill thank you for your consideration and the publicity will help IVest Vancouver.