West Van. News (West Vancouver), 2 Aug 1929, p. 8

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001C97E4 Smith 's i rocery We Deliver h. HhRVBY SMITH, Prop. 24th AND MhRINB, Opp. Dundarave Hall. Phone WBST i11 19cSnap .... FLIT: I)cath to Flies 8 oz. bottle 37c 16 oz. tin 59c Serv-us Flour 49-Ib. sack $2.45 ............. 71b. sack 39c Sugar Erisp Corn Flakes 3 for 25c Dina-Mite: Net large pack- age ............................ 21c Royal Croavn Soap Poivder packet 21c For Friday ace aur a French Castile Soap: Extra large bar ...... 2Gc Chipso .................... 2 for 17c Sockeye Salmon, 1," s 2 for 37c Nabob Shrimps, ivet or dry 23c Fry's Cocoa, &/i lb. tin...... 25c , Christie's Fancy Biscuits 1 lb. box 43c BUTTER: Finest quality ......................... 31bs. $ 1.34 STRAWB ERR Y JAiil: Fre=h Pack; large glass par .......................... 51c ROBERTS'ETTER MEATS FREE DELIVERY TO ALL PARTS DAILY This Store is equipped ~vith the illodern System of Refrigeration- "FRIGIDARE" You can be sure your Meats and Fish, etc., are cared for in the best man- ner during the hot weather. Best Quality Government Inspected -- ONLY-- Fruit, Fish, Eggs, Butter, Fresh Daily One Store Only Next to PIGGLY O'IGGLY 1578 i~lARINE DRIVE PHONE WEST 190 HUilIIDITY HITS LOWEST LEVEL Temperature Thursday Nears 80 Degree clark The humidity of Vancouver's atmosphere sank to 52 degrees Thursday afternoon, while the temperature registered 79.9 de- grees, according to Eustace B. Shearman, Dominion meteorolo- gist. Thursday's humidity was low for Vancouver weather, the mean relative humidity for the month being 75 percent. The temperature, although not a record for the year, represent- ed a t&vo-degree gain over AVed- nesday. The weather report for July shows an increase of 37 hours 12 minutes over the average sun- shine record of 285 hours for July. Total precipitation for the month was 1.40 inches, being higher than the average, which is 1.09 inches. The total precip- itation since the beginning of the year amounts to 19.86 inches, or a deficiency of 8.04 inches. The highest temperature for the month was 85 degrees on July 13, a day after the lowest temperature which registered 4 r.9 degrees. The delegation from AVest Vancouver will support the res- olution re child vaccination from North Vancouver City at the convention of the U.B.C. Muni- cipalities. ii ~ Ten Great Days Canada Pacific Exhibition and Stampede VANCOUVER, B.C. August 7 to 17 Automobiles, Radios, Orphophonics and Pianos GIVEN AWAY Admission Tickets 5 for $2. Single Tickets 50c each Send remittances early to JOHN K. MATHESON, General Manager, Vancouver Exhibition Association St. Alice Hotel 2nd Street. just vvest of Lonsdale, North Vancouver 60 Rooms, all Steam Heated and with Hot and Cold Ivater. Reasonable Rates. FIRST-CLASS DINING ROOM Come and have a meal with us. c& iIa Phone. North 213. D. Gallia, Prop. Great International Stampede, High School Olympic, Wonderful Livestock, Industrial, Radio and Aircraft Displays Forty Splendid Sections Caledonian Games - Winter Garden Revue THE WEST VAN NEWS The Review, North Vancouver, August 1st, CONGRATUI.ATIONS The publishers of The West Van News are to be congratulated u p o n l a s t sveek's edition of that paper. Well ivritten, and &veil print- ed, the 32-page illustrated special edition is a credit to IVest Vancouver and to its publishers. 1595 Esquimalt Ave., Hollyburn, B.C., July 27th, 1929. To the Editor West Van News. L Dear Sir:--Your "Publicity Number" ef the West Van News lias doubtless had much favor- able comment. It ~vill not be out of place how- ever to drop you this line or two uf congratulation. It is the best issue of a public- ity number of any newspaper which I have seen and I like the idea of combining the news with the publicity. Its hearty reception by the public here and elsewhere must be a source of satisfaction to you and I'm sure it gives me a great deal of pleasure in saying how much it is appreciated in my family circle. Yours faithfully, J. T. AVATT. FAIR ENTRY LIST CLOSES TOillORROIV Entries for the horticultural section of the Canada Pacific Exhibition at Vancouver, Aug. 7 to 17, will be received at Hast- ings Park or at 438 Fender St., W., until Saturday night, Aug. 3, announces John K. 5latheson, manager of the exhibition. All exhibitors are urged to have their entries in by that date. Permission was granted C, J. Smith to hang a regatta sign a- cross hlarine Drive at Eagle Harbour next Saturday and Sun- day. Harry Nesbitt was appointed to look after the fire engine as from July 1st in place of %V. Thompson, who has resigned from the ferry department. COUNCILLORS OF NORTH SHORE URGE HARBOR RAIQAVAY EXTENSION At the North Vancouver Dis- trict Council meeting AVednes- day evening, a special commit- tee consisting of Reeve J. M. Fromme and Councillors A. %V. AVhitaker, G. W. )Iarshall and J. M. Bryan was appointed to in- terview the Vancouver Harbor Commission, urging the exten- s&on of the board's terminal rail- way east of the Second Narrows bridge to give railway facilities to industries located there. Councillor A. W. AVhitaker stated that although the Harbor Board had informed the council it had made an investigation of the situation and had found that extension of the terminal railway was not warranted at the pres-et time, he had been informed that such is not the case. "Industries located on tho waterfront east of the Second Narrows bridge want the rail- way," said Councillor AVhitaker. The council adopted his sugges- tion that the heads of the in.- dustries concerned be added to the committee that will inter- view the Harbor Board. He: "I wonder how long I could live without any brains." She: "Time will tell." A rather stout man was hav- ing difficulties under his car when he looked out and saw a boy sitting on the fence. "KVhat are you doing there?" he asked. "I was just watchin'," replied the boy. "And if "And if what?" "And if I could run faster, I'd laugh." August 2, 1929. Once a customer, alivays a customer. . EFFERlES'UPERIOR .0 EATS Government Inspected Only. All Meats kept in Refrigerator during hot weather. A full line of Cold Meats always kept--Bacon, Ham, Butter, Lard, Eggs, Iresh and Smoked Fish, Etc. Lamb Beef Pork I Hollyburn Store gest 3,„, ii Amblesiile Store gest 303 c"i"~i: i. For a Ne~v Building or a Repair Job Buy Your ~X,, o- ~av,I 'y..~l At a Bargain Price while they last. Plenty of Storage Space and Splendid Value Ring the Ice Plant %Vest 456 MARINE MOTORS, 2153 Marine Drive ~ ' U 4 L i 4 iA i a iA U Everybody decries the frequency of the Forest Fire--even the people who cause them. Too much time is spent in bewailing the effect, not enough in analys- ing the cause. PLAIN CA g E- LESSNESS was the cause of Eighty Per Cent. of our Fire Losses last year. PREVENT FOREST FIRES YOU CAN HELP! BRITISH COLUMBIA FOREST SERVICE Sash, Doors and Interior Finish Get our prices IT WILL PAY YOU GI A$S broken I ights repaired atreasonable cost. Ambi,esic e Lumber Co, MA RIN E DRIVE AT 16th STREET Phone West 199 IVe can supply everything you need. Roofing -- Building Paper -- Lamatco -- Fir Veneer -- Gyproc Plaster Board -- Sash -- Doors -- Heaver Board Shingles -- Lath -- Building illateriah West Vancouver Lumber Co. 15th and blarine LIAIITED Phone IVest 115 Residence Phone: %Vest 3GSL.