001C97B0 THE WEST VAN NEREUS July 19, 1929. Melba ileauty Creams A special deal for a short time only:-- Dlelba Vanishing...... 50c i4Ielba Tissue Cream 50c &Ielba Skin Food.......50c All for.... $ 1.50 .. $ 1.00 USE YOUR I'HONE We give your orders per- sonal attelltion. phone West 323 Lesage Drug Store G. E. REID, hlanager New Building--Corner Marine and 14th FAST DELIVERY No Order Is Too Small Raspberry HOYLE 1lLADE JAIL CHUTNEY, LEMOiV CURD, RHUBARB k PliVEAPPLE hIARhiALADE SALAD DRESSING, ORANGE hIARhIALADE. Mrs. Draper 2435 hIARIiNE DRIVE Next Dundarave Hall. NOTE PHONE: West S68 Open All Day Thursdays. Your Suit! How does it look? THINK IT OVER AND SEE M. WILLIAMS 16th and hlarine, Ambleside CUSTOM TAILOR Phone West 20 Reasonable Prices Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing FUEL FIR or ALDER--Any Lengths FURNACE AVOOD nnd COAL Radio Poles -- Fence Posts Cedar for Rustic Avork Manure for Your Gardens. Soil THE iVESTON CARTAGE West 201L Correspondence I WOULD CHANGE BI ETHOD OF TAKING FERRY TICKETS To the Editor of Thy IVest Van News. Dear Sir,--lii the last issue of your valuable paper, you had an editorial "Fares on Our Ferries," suggesting a ten (10c) fare on our ferries. This is a most praiseivorthy suggestion and needs all the sup- port the travelling public can give it. Given a ten (10c) fare straight on the ferries (or ten (10) rides for One Dollar), and five (5c) fare on the busses, straight (or say tiventy (20) rides for One Dollar) and if some ingenious person will only devise some means ivhereby, fares on the fer- ries can be collected BEFORE embarking, or, UPON embarking then there is no doubt but ivhat travelling public ivill patronize the ferries to a much greater extent than heretofore and that the revenue from this source will be very materially increased there is no doubt. Further, if season tickets ivere «dopted for business people travelling to and fro daily via. bus and ferry as in the Old Country,such a boon would prove a blessing to them, would it not~ Thanking you for the space alloived me, Yours truly, FELIX J. TROUGHTON I'OISON AIUSHROOAIS EASY TO RECOGNIZE EVhen you don't know for cer- tain ivhether a mushroom is ed- ible or not do not eat it. Of the tivo most common poisonous ti~es that should be avoided we give the following descriptions: "The most important part of the deadly amanita is the sheath at the base of the stem known as the death cup. The ring on the stem is larger than that of the common mushroom, and the gills are white, both when young and old, those common mush- rooms being at first pink, then black. Nothing can be told from the color of the upper surface of the cap because it varies so niuch. )Vhen one is gathering mushrooms, it is exceedingly im- portant to get all of the stem and not leave a portion of it in the ground, since the death-cup may thus be overlooked. "The fly amanita is as beauti- ful as it is dangerous. The cap is usually bright scarlet, yellow- ish or orange, sometimes fading to nearly white, and covered with conspicuous warts, which are portions of the death-cup car- ied up from beloiv. The rest of the cup will usually be found in fragments in the soil about the swollen base of the stem. The gills are white and remain so, thus differing from those of the common mushroom. The warts on the cap also distinguish it." For a Better Tea, better try Play a game of 3 tables for your pleasure C.-I;l. S.- EI.DS 14th StreetRight at the Railway Crossing It is Better? Pitman Business CoIIege Vancouver's Leading Business College. IN DI VIDUAL ATTENTION DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL FOUR NIGHTS EACH WEEK Students may enrol at any time 422 RICHARDS STREET (At EIastings) PHONE SEYMOUR 9135 LS Mike Cramond of Sherman, ivas thrown from his motor bi- ciclc. 1~st iieek iihen it left the Alarine Drive at IVest Bay, sus- taining three fracturecl ribs. iAIrs. Gas, 21st and Marine, Drive, is ill and confined to her home. AIrs S G~rnham 24th and Waterfront, has as her guest AIrs. A. AlcAIillan of Vancouver, but formerly of Brandon, Alani- toba. Billie, the 9 year old son of Mr. and )Irs. EV. Dickinson, 14th and Esquimalt, ivho has been quite sick at his home, is now much improved. Airs. EV. Pearson returned on Saturday to her home on AIath- ers Avenue from a visit to Port- land, Oregon. A cheque for $320 was approv- ed for AIcDonald ancl Bradley for cc:st of new bath house at Dun- darave pier. bliss AI. Hillman, 16th and Ing- leivood, left on Alonday for a trip to Chicago and other eastern points. A. L. Jamieson of Vancou- ver, has movecl into A[rs. Holi- ciay's house at 15th and Esqui- malt. The choir of Holy Trinity Church, Vancouver, gave a sup- per last Thursday evening, 11th July, at "the Clachan." Covers ivere laid for twenty-five. Mr. and iAIrs. Barbour and family, ivho formerly lived in AVest Vancouver, are staying iiith AIrs. Barbour's brother-in- law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Green, 13th and Haywood. Alr. and Airs. Fred Vass of Montreal with their daughters Gladys and Muriel ivere recent visitors to West Vancouver as guests of AIr. Vass'rother, Dr. kV. H. Vass, )Vest Bay. Mrs. Crawford of Edmonton, arrived here last Saturday for. an extended visit with AIr. and Mrs. T. Barnott, 23rd and Jef- ferson. AIrs. E. E. Hill, 24th and Jef- ferson, returned to her home last Sunday after a holiday spent at Pender Harbor. AIrs. J. D. Allan, )Vest Bay, 1'ad as her guests for last week end, Air. and Mrs. Gordon Keith and Mr. Pettley of London, Eng- land. Mrs. F. Marsh, 15th and Gor- don, has as her guests her sister AIrs. W. J. Campbell and her daughter and tivo sons, of Los Angeles, California. Mrs. T. Barnott, 23rd and Jef- ferson, entertained a number of her friends yesterday at a de- lightful garden party. BAPTIST CHURCH PICNIC The )Vest Vancouver Baptist Sunday School held their picnic't Eagle Harbour July 13th, go- ing by the municipal bus. An enjoyable time ivas spent. Swimming, boating and sports being enjoyed by the young peo- ple. Great credit is due to the bus driver for the skillful ivay he negotiated the curves of the road. After a sumptuous supper, all returned safely to their homes by 8 o'lock. The folloiving story came orig- inally from St. Thomas, Ontario: A party of ladies and gentlemen at dinner were discussing Scotch manners and customs, when someone remarked that a bright lady present was an enthusiastic admirer of everything Scotch, having lately secured among other curiosities, a hinge from the barn-door and a piece of ivood from the door of the house where Burns was born. Another member of the company there- upon remarked, with a wink to his next neighbor, that his wife had a shingle from the barn where he had learned to play poker. The lady of the Burns relics at once retorted, "Your mother ought to have had it " Horseshoe Pitching A keen game ivas played off on the KVest Vancouver Horse- shoe Pitching Courts at Amble- side, on Tuesday evening be- tiveen the West Vancouver Horse Shoe Pitching Club and North Vancouver Elks Club. A close game ivas played throughout, ending by the visit- ing team being beaten by a few points. The following were the teams playing, )Vest Vancouver -- Messrs. Locheecl, Binning, Alurray, G. Currie, Oiven, watson, EV. Cur- rie, AIinions. North Vancouver Elks Messrs. 4V. Smith, T. Boswell, Marshall, Blyth, Mills, Bailey, McNamara. Scorers--F. Guinan, I . Rivers J. Murray, Jr. VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phone West 9 Next door to Theatre Fuel and Building Supplies. lV. J. Pitman arrived here from Prince George on Sunday to visit his wife's parents, Nr. and Mrs. John Laivson, 22nd and Bellevue. iAIr. and AIrs. Pitman and family with Mrs. Laivson left on wednesday for Victoria, going by way of Nanaimo. They expect to make a tour of Van- couver Island, returning by ivay of )Vashington. Captain H. P. Skeet of the ferry staff ivith his ivife and family, left on Tuesday for Vic- toria for his annual vacation. Mrs. and Miss Lowrie of Van- couver, have taken the Merrick house at 21st and Bellevue until 1st August. AIrs. H. Alurcloch of Vancou- ver, is visiting her parents, Mr. ancl iAIrs. George williamson, 23rd and Kings. Miss Given Hodge of the B. C. Telephone staff here, is back at duty folloiving a short absence due to sickness. Professor E. Cockburn Kyte, librarian of Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, is on a visit tc his brother, Mr. R. J. Kyte, 24th and Mathers. Before his departure for Canada, Professor Kyte had the honor of catalogu- ing and arranging the library of His Alajesty the King at Sand- ri»gham. He has also put in c,rder a number of famous coun- try-house libraries in the Old Ccuntry and was for some years secretary of the British Library Association. Since coming to Canada, Professor Kyte has lec- tured in Toronto, AIontreal and Neiv York upon subjects con- nected ivith libranes. [ ltOhlPT DELI VERY WE WANT TO SERVE YOU. GROCERY SFECIALS for This Week arine Grocery 22nd nnd hlarine J. A LLI SON, I'rop. PHOiVE WEST 96 GORDON ROHSON Barrister 8r Solicitor WEST VANCOUVER-- Office No. 1147 Marine Drive. Phone West 403. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 818; 510 Hastings St. W Phono Seymour 4199. Ice Cream Confectionery LU N IV'S CAFE 1! th and hlnrine Soft Drinks Tobacco I'ublic Phone--iVest 611-0 HOLLYBURN THEATRE Friday and Saturday BUSTER KEATOiV in Spite Pl,arriage hionday, Tuesday & Wednesday, ALICE IVHITE and JACK hlULHALL in 5'aug11ty . lal)y also "SHADOWS OF THE NIGHT" Rouses & .ots IN WEST VANCOUVER I have some delightful Water- front homes as low as $3,000, and Vacant Kvaterfront Lots from $ 1500. Other View Lots from $100. Rentals Several very desirable Cottages and Bungalows (. lf. Savory 1443 Alarine Drive, Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Real Estate, Financial and Insurance Agent Burrard Sheet Metal 229 Lonsdale Ave, North Vancouver Phone North S45 Res. North 918Y and 1214Y pure hInlt, Vinegar, quart.... 2o Old Dutch Cleanser.- - 2 for 21 Blue Ribbon Ten, per lb...... 65 C'erto per bottle ".--"--". "-" Rubber Rings for senlers pnckets for 25c Canned I ens 2 for 2JC B. C. Gran. Sugar.... 10 lbs. 59c hlntches, 300, per box ........ 8c Royal Crown Soap, .... 5 for 25c