001C97B0 July 19, 1929. PARTIES CATERED FOIL Home-Made Jams SPECIALS Saturday and Nonday Corn Beef, tin............. 20c Kellogg's Corn Flakes...... 10c Pink Salmon............. 3 tins 25c Bantam Corn, tin..... 20c Bartlett Pears ............... 2lc Vela Naptha Soap. 3 bars 2lc"I'" AY 1~ i~gI„"II„'. Ig't I'hone IVest 318R3. West Bay PROiWIPT DELIVERY IIAVE YOU Tl(IED OUI'fOiIE-hIADE CAKES'arden Party at Home of Mrs. J. D. Allan ~Irs. J. Dodd Allan, Radcliff Avenue, EVest Bay, and Dr. Rob- erta Vass of 9'est Bay, were Joint hostesses yesterday after- noon at a delightful garden party cn the beautiful grounds of the former's residence, DIrs. Allan entertaining in honor of Mrs. James Allan and the i~Iisses Mur- iel and 5Iargaret Allan of Regina and 51rs. Gordon Keith of Lon- don, England, and Dr. Roberta Vass in honor of EIrs. Fred. Vass and the Misses Gladys and AIur- iel Vass of EVestmount, i4Iont- real, Those pouring tea were Nrs. Ford Breckenridge, Mrs. william Hodges, Mrs. Cull ington, and DIrs. Hugh Hodgson. Nrs. Colin AIarshall and Mrs. E. F. Allan cut the ices. The following ladi- es assisted in the tea room: )Irs. Frank Patrick, Mrs. Mackenzie Bowell, Mrs. Gott, Nrs. Truswell, Nrs. Dunell, ilIrs. N. Hastings, aixl Mrs. N. F. Hill. The young lady helpers were the Nisses Jean EVatson, Doris Reid, Violet- te Lawrence, Gladys Reed, Beat- rice Hodgson, Hazel Sorenson, and Josephine Allan. The invited guests were: Mrs. Frank Patrick, Nrs. E. B. Mc- Dermid, Miss Rosa Alarin, Mrs. Edward Davis, EIrs. DIackenzie Ho&veil, Mrs. E. F. Allan, Mrs. R. Squires, Nrs. Homer Moore, Nrs. Basil Dunnell, Miss, Milford Has- tings, Mrs. )Valter Gow, Nrs. Edmund Strong, AIrs. Stanley Peters, Nrs. Charles Ross, Nrs. Gott, Mrs. R. Ogilvie, Mrs. Trus- well, Nrs. A. lV. Lee, Mrs. Nc- Connell, hIrs. Jack Cates, Mrs. Rutherford, Nrs. Harry Hodgson Mrs. 9'm. Herger, Mrs. AV. D. Fi aser, Mrs. F. F. Lovegrove, Nrs. Clarke, 5Irs. H. Priest, 5Irs. Ceperley, Mrs. Osborne, AIrs. J. Armstrong, 5Irs. Archibald, Mrs. I.'. Ford, 5Irs. Sutherland, Nrs. Lothian, Mrs. Colin MacLean, bfrs. F. X. Hodgson, Nrs. H. R. NcDonald, 1iIrs. watson, Lady Innis-Noad, Mrs. Eastman, Mrs. Stewart, Miss Jack, Mrs. Colin Marshall, i~lrs. Alfred IIoughton, Mrs. IIugh EIodgson, Mrs. Proc- ter, Nrs. Cullington, Nrs. Gordon Grey, Mrs. Gordon Hobson, Airs. James Rutledge, ilIrs. 51cLeod, Blrs. Si. Griffis, Nrs. Holt- hlur- ieson, AiIrs. Frank Armstrong, ~Irs. Ford Breckenridge, 51rs. I". Bowman, 51rs. Naismith, 5Ira. Glen, )Irs. Sorenson, 4iIrs. Pato», 5Irs. Lang, iWIrs. Reid, )Irs. Alex. Smith, 51rs. Gallant, Miss V. Vass, 5Irs. J. Russell, Nrs. Ec- cleston, Mrs. Robinson, 51rs. J. H, Smith, iAIrs. Ross, Miss Stev- enson, Mrs. I lawkshaiv and others. A cement pavement has been laid between the sidewalk and the stores in the IVharton block «t 14th and lllarine Drive. o .I electricity was solL thzottglz Slot, maeh~m toq realize hovr eap it really is. Stan Stronge had a good day t.nd worthily upheld the reputa- tion of )Vest Vancouver as a sports centre at the deferred Ocean Falls Dominion Day sports and regatta which took place on 3rd July. He was first in the men's 100 yards and 220 yards swim, getting a silver cup for each event, and then won first in the high jump. The water polo team of which he is a mem- ber defeated all comers, and he captained the football team who secured the championship, an- nexing a medal for himself in each case. This is a wonderful showing especially for one day' work. The United Church of IVest Vancouver enjoyed the annual picnic to Belcarra Park on 'I hursday, July 11th. It was the largest picnic in the history of the Church, many of the aaults joining with the girls and boys in a delightful outing. 'l he day was perfect, the steam- er, Harbor Princess, carried the crowd over calm seas, the eat- ables were pleasing and plenti- ful, the park an ideal place with open spaces and shady nooks. I"verybody came home satisfied and voted unanimously that the whole function was a grand suc- cess and that i~Ir. Harrison and his staff knew how to organize and successfully complete a real summer Sunday School and con- ge.ega tional picnic. The net minister, Dr. E. A. IIenry, was present and as one of the judges, had only one de- cision disputed, which showed the splendid discipline of the school. The following is a list of the winners in the sports events: 25 Yard Dash (6 years and under) boys -- Douglas illiller, Geo. Allison. 25 Yard Dash (6 years and under) girls--Norma )Veir, Mar- garet 4IcLeod. 40 Yard Dash (girls 7 and 8) --Jean AIcTavish, Phyllis Taylor. 40 Yard Dash (boys 7 and 8) --Blake Rolston, Douglas IVatt. 50 Yard Dash (girls 9 and 10) --Jean NcTavish, Lucille Currie. 50 Yard Dash (boys 9 and 10) --Verne Taylor, Ken iiIcNair. 50 Yard Dash (girls 11 and 12) --Margaret Currie, Muriel Dlc- Leod. 50 Yard Dash (boys 11 and 12) --Teddy Sheffield, Earl Ifavie. 65 Yard Dash (girls 13 and 14) -- iWIay Cripps, Muriel Stone- man. 75 Yard Dash (boys 13 and 14) --Bob Fiddes, R. Harrison. 80 Yard Dash (girls 15 to 17) Pat. Davidson, Marjorie Att- wood. 100 Yard Dash (boys 15 to 17) --IVingate Irish, Jack EVatt. 75 Yard Dash (single ladies) Violet AIcLaren, Mollie Kinloch. 35 Yard EVheelbarrosv Race- Nac and AIrs. 31acAulay, Geo. )Vatt and Gladys ilIcNair. Sack Race (girls) -- May Cripps, Pat Davidson. Sack Race (boys) -- John Teece, Douglas McNair. 3 Legged Race (girls) --Mary O'Donnell and i~Iary Cripps, Irene Shirlaw and Una Dunn. 3 Legged Race (boys) -- Bob Fiddes and Jack EVatt, AiIac Mac- Aulay and Douglas DIcNair. Married Ladies -- i~Irs. AV. AV. Archer, 5Irs. Skerton. Tug of IVar--Phil Brine, W. Irish, J. ilIcLeod, A. Duncan, T. Read, J. watson, J. Gardner, R. Irish. Egg and Spoon Race--glary Cripps, Eileen IVare. At the end of the races the Senior and Junior boys had ex- citing baseball matches, fought and won with all the zeal of the league matches. C c IIr roo hooght dectridtr a penny'a morth at a time --you'd realize that electricity is the smallest item on the family budget. Just suppose you went to a slot machine whenever you needed electricity to light the home, or to operate an electric iron. One cent operates a 40-watt lamp for 12r/& hoursi One centi... A Qhwatt lamp, for 8 hours aad 20 minutes. Other services, too. The floor polisher, for example, operates steadily for five hours and 40 minutes for a single cent. One cent runs your electric cleaner for two hours aad 50 minutes.a L.O.L. No. 2990, deposited a spray on the 41emorial Arch last I'riday, 12th July, before start- ing for Nanaimo where they were the smartest unit in the whole parade. Where else do you receive so much for a cent? But, of course, you don't have the inconvenience of 6nd- ing change or trotting to market for a basketful of electricity. It's there when you need it--your meter keeps honest check oa the amount you use--and after a whole month's electrical service you get a bill for... $180 perhapsl'erriblel Exorbitaatl I(ESTRICTS I.OADS ON KEITH ROAD BRIDGE Following a special meeting nf the District Council 51onday afternoon, at which Hon. lV. A. i~lcKenzie, acting minister of public works and the deputy min- ister conferred with the district a u thorities, the council passed a resolution restricting loads to be carried over Keith road bridge nver Capilano River to five tons gross. The council discussed with the government representatives sug- gested improvements to Capilano road and that portion of ~iIarine Drive between Capilano River bridge and the boundary between North Vancouver city and dis- trict, the idea is to have con- structed a highway adequate to handle present-day traffic and uniform in construction with the new highway being built through IUest Vancouver. Following the meeting, Coun- cillor George R. Dennis, chair- man of the board of works com- mittee of the council, said: "I consider the outcome of the int- ervieiv with the government rep- resentatives entirely unsatisfac- tory." Councillor Dennis stated that while the government represen- tatives had admitted they had taken in hand the repairing of the bridge without first ap- proaching North Vancouver Dis- trict Council, joint owners of the bridge with )Vest Vancouver, they refused at the Monday meeting to be held responsible to give compensation to the mun- icipality for any damage incur- red by users of the bridge. "This," said Councillor Dennis, "made it obligatory upon the part of the council to pass a res- olution restricting the load on Keith road bridge to five tons." A telegram reciting the action of the council was forwarded to government officials last night. Reeve J. N. Fromme reports that a second resolution will be fonvarded to the government asking that the bridge over Cap- ilano River be kept open while the new bridge is being construc- ted. The reeve further states that the government representatives expressed their willingness to do anything within reason and that mention was made of the gov- ernment contributing toward road maintenance as its share of taking care of the cost of the extra traffic that will be thrown on Capilano road and that por- tion of Marine Drive within the district. IIon. Nr. 5ICKenzie and the deputy minister informed the council that when improvements now being made to Keith road bridge over Capilano River are completed. the bridge will be capable of handling any type of traffic that offers. Think of the slot machine next time you thini of the "high cost of electricity." ~ Baaed on the ~cnt rate. BanttnCouaona 'ererattiianaer Ca VAN COUVER VICTORIA ~ 11 ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ 11 ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ 11 ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ 11 ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ L Call at the UNION GAS STATION For GAL I EGG COAL (Jimmy Donnan) 15th and ~larine IVest 212 S ER VICE I'HOSE ED. BLACK iVEST 68 Green Apple R Raspberry In business in West Van 8 Years C. J. Overington a SPECIAL for the Week End. Mrs. Ross's HOME COOKING "IT'S ALWAYS GOOD" In hew Store ~ferine Drive at 14th a h eXt J~ fferica ~f eat S tare Note the address: 1415 tllarine Drive Expert Work--Ladies', ChildrenGentlemen I'hone Wtsi 1$o for app~intment THE L. M. DUVAL and J. W. MANSON813jkRARD . AUN.DRY Stockbrokers and FinancialA gents LLiIITED Stocks, Bonds, Investments For I'eople who Are Particular TIIIILD ST. and ST. DA VIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. Prompt Execution of Buying and Selling Orders. Reliable Information Given. IVest Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone IVest 410L Seymour bS94 a&9 Dunsmutr St., vancouver BURGLARS ROB I'IGGLY iVIGGI.Y AST )1J (.t'1J'.8 3. ( CO, 'j'.). (Successors to Cedars Lumber Yards Ltd.)The Piggly )Viggly store in the Ales.(in@ter Block at 16th and 5Iarine Drive was entered some time early Sunday morning by burglars, who took away the safe and contents. Eiitrance divas apparently effected through the back of the store, and it is thought that a truck was used tc take the safe away. which was only a small one. Nobody living i» the block was disturbed, so it is evident the burglars worked quietly and quickly. It is under- stood that so far no trace has been discovered of the safe. NOTE--After inventory we find we are overstocked on several items and to reduce these we are offering them at very LOIV prices. Come in and look them over.. Yards: 154 Esplanade West C. M. ASTBURY in personal charge Night North 1415RI'hone North 285 North 212 THE WEST VAN NEWS 5 ~ I ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ 111 ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ 11 ~ 11 ~ 11 ~ $ 1 ~ $ 1cTAN STRQNGE A WINNER Un;ted Church P AVins Two Cups and Two &IedaIs Successful Affa&r