001C97B0 THE AVEST VAN NEKVS July 19, 1929. "I'rices Consistently Low" Hale and Hearty Two Stores in lVcst Vnncouve1 Dr. R. E. i~Ickechnie has de- (ideil to subdivide his waterfront property, which is situated be- tween 9'est Bay and Sherman. The sale of lots will be handle(l by Gillespie, Hart 8: Todd, who have the exclusive agency for this property. Last EUednesday Mrs. J. T. El- son of EUest Bay and Vancouver entertained at luncheon at the Iied 4iIill, )Vest Bay, the follow- ing ladies being her guests: Mesdames Frank L. Davies, C. C. Cathiea, C. Byron Smith, R. C. Manning, C. Truman. After the luncheon the guests spent a very I&leasant afternoon at bridge. 3Iiss Dilys 9'illiams of Cum- berland, B. C., is visiting her uncle and aunt, Prof. and AIrs. J. M. Morgan, 1228 Argyle Ave. AIiss Harragan of Vancouver, spent the week end with Miss L. McDougall, 1362 Marine Drive. iiIiss Doris Harraway of 20th and Bellveue, left on the 13th for a trip east, and will be the guest of iiIr. and )Irs. Gordon kidd, Toronto. DIrs. 4V. Harris, Keith Road, has left for an extended trip to Minneapolis and eastern points. Mr. and Mrs. T. Cutler, 23rd and Marine Drive, are spending a holiday at Buccaneer Bay. Peter Blackburn of Caulfeild, expects to leave shortly for a trip to Scotland. A fire broke out early on Mon- day afternoon at the garage of J. F. webb, 29th and Bellevue, The fire brigade turned out and soon had the blaze extinguished. Colin Turner, 1286 Haywood, i~ at present in Ladner, where he is building a large new gas and oil station for the Union Oil Company. Mrs. Alexander of Savory Is- land, is occupying a summer cot- tage at Kings and 25th. Mr. and DIrs. Bainbridge an(l family of Vancouver,are stay- ing at the Clachan hotel. A bush fire broke out early Monday morning, on a lot where clearing operations had recently been done. The fire brigade put out the blaze, which was quite a large one, but not before it had created considerable excite- ment among nearby residents. J. L. )Valker is here from Prince George for a holiday, which he is spending with his wife and family at their home at 2186 Marine Drive. Mrs. S. C. Ray of Portland, Oregon, arrived on Tuesday on a visit to her so~in-law and daughter, Mrs. Chet Shields, 14th and Bellevue. A. Chapman, 13th and Belle- vue, is leaving tomorrow for a week's holiday, which he will spend on a yachting cruise up coast. GRANGER'S GROCERY, 21st and illarine Drive IVest 405 GREENWOOD'S GROCERY 14 12 Marine Drive IVest 16 Ivax Paper, ~4 lb rolls............ 19c Fly Tox, S oz. 50c....16 oz. 75c Finest Quality Creamery Butter 3 lbs. $1.30 , Orange iliarmalnde, .........I lbs..l7c Tea Garden Table Syrup, bot. 23c Pnncnk» Flour, packet.......... 19c , 'Chateau or Kraft Cheese lb. packet .......................... 23c Pork 4 Beans, 2s,........... 2 tins 25c Sweet Juicy Oranges .. 2 doz. $9c 'hristie's Sodas, per tin........ 42c ~ Libby's Prepared Mustard, jnr 13c Hand Snap, tin............................ 19c l C. G. Broken Orange Pekoe Tea, per lb............................ 59c Quaker Puffed AVheat.... 2 pkts 25c Del Monte Asparagus Tips per tin ..................................... 20c Corn Flakes, per packet............ 10c B. C. Gran. Sugar........ 10 lbs. 59c Red Sockeye Salmon, 4 s, 2 tins 43c Certo, per bottle..., ............. 33c Canned Milk ........... 6c iC, llc Ginger Snaps ............ 2 lbs. for 35c Corned Beef, per tin...... 23c Mayonnaise, S oz. jar................ 32c Norwegian Sardines, per tin.... 14c Jamieson's Coffee, per lb........ 59c Sliced Pineapple............ 3 tins 29c Fry's Cocoa, 4 lb. tins.......... 25c SIUIilDIERS ATTEiNTIONSEE EARLY SOLUTIOiV OF TRAFFIC PROBLEiil The Dundarave to Hollyburn annual swim for the EVatt trophy will be held on i~Ionday, 22nd July, at 7.15 p.m. 'I'he Dundarave to Weston swim for girls in competition for the wilson S: DIoore cup which is to be competed for on Thurs- &lay, July 25th, will be held sim- ultaneously with the Dundarave to teston swim for boys. Let' have a big turnout for these three events. There are rumors of a cup to be donated for the boys'undarave-teston event. The Regatta Dance is to be held on 17th August, in the Hol- lyburn Pavilion. CARDINALS DEFEAT ELKS AND GO INTO 2nd PLACE TIE According to reports submit- ted by members of the North Vancouver City Council Monday evening, the visit on 5Ionday of Hon. 4V. A. McKenzie, acting minister of public works, and the deputy minister will likely result in a solution to the traffic prob- lem that has been created here, owing to the inadequacy of the city's wooden bridges. Members of the North Vancou- ver City Council, with the gov- ernment representatives, made an inspection of Third Street, Keith Road, Larson Road, Mc- Kay Creek and 3Iosquito Creek wooden bridges. The close ex- amination made by the minister and his assistant conveyed to members of the council the im- pression "that the government representatives are convinced that something of a permanent nature has to be provided to re- place the existing wooden struc- tures." The North Vancouver City Council anticipates that the act- ing minister of public works will consult with Hon. Nels Lougheed on this matter, and a definite reply to the requests made by the council is expected in a few days. The government representa- tives expressed the wish that the North Vancouver City Coun- cil submit a definite proposition, showing to what extent it desires the government to assist in re- placing the wooden bridges with permanent concrete works. The matter is receiving the attention of the council and a decision mill be reached shortly and forward- ed to the government. "At a glance, the government representatives practically told us that we have not a bridge left in the city," said Ald. H. C. And- erson, who added that Hon. Mr. McKenzie and his assistant were greatly impressed with the urg- ency of the case by their person- al view of the situation. Elimination of the right-angle turn at the corner of Third street and Bewicke avenue was one of the changes suggested by the minister, and government engin- eer and the North Vancouver City Council already has the matter under consideration. By defeating Elks 4-2 in a league game at Mahon Park, iAIonday evening, Capilano Card- i»als once more went into a tie with Squamish for second place. The antlered nine experienced an off night in the field whicn was the biggest contributing fac- tor toward their defeat. Traeger and Mills held the Cardinals to four scattered blows but infield errors, which came when the bases were populated, let in the runs. McKinny, on the mound for Cardinals, was touched up for seven blows, but he pitched good ball and was given excellent sup- port when danger loomed. Farquharson with three hits in four trips to the plate was the big noise of the game with the bat. Summary--Two-base hit, Lar- son; stolen bases, Morden, J. Ma- veety 2; bases on balls, off Mc- Kinney 2; Traeger 1; struck out by i~IcKinney 10, Traeger 5, Mills I; wild pitch, SIcKinney; passed balls, Black 2; 4 hits 4 runs off Traeger in 5 innings, 0 hits 0 runs off Mills in 1 inning; losing pitcher, Traeger; left on bases, Elks 6, Cardinals 5; time 1.24; umpires S. Josephs and Bowling. The 9 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Cameron of the Keith block at 15th and Marine Drive, was the victim of an unfortunate ac- cident last week, when he was run over by another boy on a bicycle, sustaining a broken leg. QUATER HOARD AREA ON THE RIDGE DEFINED Nr. Squires of Vancouver, has taken a cottage on )Vest Beach for a few weeks, Mr. Fall of Vancouver has tak- en a suite in the Hookham house at 18th and )Vaterfront. R. J. Black of the Hobb Trans- fer Co., has ri.nted his house at 19th and Mathers to Mr. Lowes, the new member of the police force. Mr. Cleveland of the Greater Vancouver EVater Board was up on Hollyburn Ridge last week blazing the boundaries of the water board, within which no camping will be permitted. It is alleged that a small portion of the main trail from the plateau to Hollyburn Peak passes through this prohibited area. The star pupil rose at the school entertainment to declaim his piece. "Lend me your ears!" he bawled. "Ha!" sneered the mother of the pupil whom he had defeated for honors, "that' Sarah Jane Doran's boy, all right. He wouldn't be his moth- er's son if he didn't want to borrow something." SPECIALS AT BOTH STORES FREE DELIVERY FRIDAY. SATURDAY. MONDAY rrls. Alex. Stlonge with hei (laughter, Norah, 14th and Mar- ine Drive, left yesterdav for a trip to Sausalita, California. C. J. Overington, the wel] knovi n Ambleside barber and angler, caught a 9','almon off Dundalave plel last Sunday morning. This is the first sa ""» «any size caught this sea son. Miss I&athleen Yates of the I'enticton General Hospital, is spending her annnual vacation with her parents, blr. and Mrs. J. S. Yates, 16th and Marine Drive. AIr. Fry of Calgary, has rented Captain G. Dunn's new house at 22nd and Inglewood, and expects to take possession shortly. Ann, the 13 year old daughter nf the late Captain George Spar- row, 24th and Bellevue, has just been notified that she has won honors in the elementary exam- ination (piano) of the Toronto Conservatory of Music. She is e pupil of IIrs. Charles Burbridge. Mrs. Mary McConnell of the hotel at Sechelt, was the guest lest week of Mrs. 4V. G. Draper (.f the Dundarave Bakery. North Vancouver Corps No. G of the Salvation Army, gave a picnic on wednesday in John Lawson's orchard at 17th and Bellevue. The day was spent very pleasantly in baseball and sports. Over 50 children and a number of adults formed the party. GARDEi l SOCIAL VERY SUCCESSFUL The garden social given by the )Vest Vancouver Choral Society on Tuesday evening was a most successful affair. The beautiful grounds of Mr. B. R. Harrison's residence at 26th and Kings, which had been lent for the oc- casion presented a fairy appear- arce, strings of electric lights enclosed in Chinese lanterns lighting up the winding walks and the various grottoes on the grounds, A number of )Vest Vancouver's best known artists took part in the excellent pro- gramme, which was very much enjoyed by the large crowd pres- ent. Ice cream was served dur- ing the evening. One should be full of the joy of living these bright summer days. If you don't enjoy perfect health CONSULT THE CHIR- OPRACTOR. Some slight adjustment mny make all the difference. "Chiropractic will help you." ConsultatIon Free Roberta A. Vass D.C., Ph. C. Graduate of Palmer School CHIROPRACTOR I'hone IVest 383 Next to Strntton Bnkery Marine Drive, Ambleside also at Vancouver MOVE G Phone Bob Black )Vest 17 Daily Trips To and From City, Reasonable Rates. Expert Packers. COAL 9e can supply wou with GENUINE GAI.T and DRUMHELLER COAL EAGLE ISLAND (IUest Vancouver) Dear little Isle in the sea, Surrounded by forest and water You'e stole this wild heart 0 me, For I'm a true Erin's daughter. EVonderful rocks and arbutus trees, Haven of peace, and a wind cleaned breeze; Fleet of small boats, and one white sail; Flash of wings and a sea-gull's wail.I'e loved you best when day was done, The evening shadows creeping on, witchery of moonlight luring me As I watched its beams on the restless sea, EVhile waves gleaming on the Gulf, so fair, And the ripples laughing in the August air. Dear little Isle in the sea, Sure you'e stolen this wild heart 0 me. A.M.V. I I g ~ I I I i alai I La! 4 ~ ~ & ~ ~ a ~ ~ "wr i~a ~ &ii ii i A s s i i AND OVERFLOW 1llEETING at HOLLYBURN PAVILION BROADCAST BY C K 4V X AVill add ress A PUBLIC MEETING In Hollyburn Theatre On TUESDAY, July 80th at 8.80 p.m.