West Van. News (West Vancouver), 26 Jul 1929, p. 30

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001C97BA 30 THE WEST VAN NEWS July 26 1929 Classified Ads %FEST VANCOUVER!t %Vest Vancouver Sible School THE LITTLE STORE OF BIG VALUES 34 3" &S 1410 Marine Drive Dry Goods, Men's Furnishings Hosiery, Novelties Kverytliing Guaran teed. Once a customer, always one. West 372 ROBERTS'ETTER MEATS &Irs. J. P Gerrie wife of the late Rev. Gerrie of Edmontoii, Alia., is visiting Mrs. A. B. Turn- bull of 13th and Fulton. 4V. H. Campbell of Vancouver, has taken the Anthony cottageat West Bay for August. H. )Valdron and little daught- ei', are guests at the Clachan hotel. All the fei ries have now passed their annual inspection by the Department of Marine and Fisheries. EV. Green of the municipal busstaff returned from his annual vacation on Monday. Miss Elfreda Cobro of Balti- more, is visiting her father, G. Cobro, 15th and Bellevue. James Thomson of Thomson' Transfer and Taxi Service, re- turned from a short trip to Cal- gary. FREE DELIVERY TO ALL PARTS DAILY WHDHeR YouP GROW R THLHNF R E SYNE AC,E, To UY YOUR gnea.! Only Prime Government Inspected AIeat Sold DELICATESSEN OUR SPECIALTY Roberts Better Ham, 75c lb. "i%one so good" COTTAGE CHEESE HOME MADE SAUSAGES FRESH FRUIT, VEGETABLES and EGGS Mr. and Mrs. James Teit and son of Merritt, B. C., who have been visiting Reeve and Mr '. Vinson for a week, are returning home at the end of the week. Principal Pat terson of the high school, returned home last wednesday from Victoria, where he has been engaged in marking papers for the i~Iatriculation Ex- amination Board. AIrs. D. D. Montgomery, 25th and Bellevue, has as her house priests, her brother and his wife, Mr. and 4iIrs. W. H. Smaill and daughter of winnipeg, also her mother, Mrs. william Smaill of EVindsor, Ontario. Mrs. J. Watson, 13th and I)uchess, returned from the North Vancouver General Hos- pital on Sunday, bringing with her her new baby girl. Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Nash, 1495 Clyde Ave., are spending a week at Lummi Island. One Store Only Yext to PIGGLY AVIGGLY 1578 biAliINE DRIVE PHONE WEST 190 +he Plozoer @hop For Your Fall Gardening See Special Display of PHLOX and IRIS--Order now for October delivery WEDDING AiVD FUNERAL ORDERS at shortest notice. Bouquets and Sprays made up. OUR OAVN FORbIULA GARDEN FERTILIZER, Special 2 lbs for 25c. Phone West 191Mrs. Roberts ~~th~ Green Apple & Raspberry Jimmy Thomson' TRANSFER SPECI A L for the AVeek End. Daily Trips to and from City. Moving Baggage a Specialty.Mrs. Ross's HOME COOKING PHONE WEST 110 FOR Coal and %Vood "IT'S ALWAYS GOOD" Note the address: 1415 blarine Drive Prompt Delivery. Christian Science Society at Mr. John Lawson's office 17th and Waterfront NEXT SUNDAY nt 3 P bl I.OST--Round Gold Brooch, val- ued as gift from deceased hus- band. Kindly leave with Mr. williams, tailor, Marine Drive. I.OST--Black and white Spring- er Spaniel. Answers to name "Nell." Phone EVest 282R. ~&.'~,300.00 -- At tractive 4-Room Stucco Bungalow, fireplace, furnace, nook, tiled sink, con- crete basement, fine view. Taxes $2'3. Apply 1147 Keith Roa(l. West 153X. I'OR RENT--Four Roomed llIod- ern House; cosily furnished, rent only to responsible party. Phone West 207L. I'APERHANGIiVG and I'AINTING-- I specialize in this work. Severalyears'xperience, For good workphone V. Hernandez, AVest 678L. LOST--On blarine Drive East of P.O.last Tuesday, Tennis Racquet.Phone Mrs. R. C. Procter, West23L3. FOR SALE--I'eterhoro Canoe. Ap- ply at Hollyburn Boathouse. FOR SALE--Perfection Oil Stove, 2burners with large glass door oven $ 10. Blocks and tackle with 80 ft.rope, $6.00. Dress form, size 40, $3.00. Several Fancy Chairs. Hut-ton, 1171 20th Street, near Ingle-wood, AVest Vancouver. FURNISHED HOUSE lor sale atSnap Price -- Furnished Colonialbungalow; living room 18 feetsquare. Large kitchen, pantry, bathroom, two bed rooms. Chicken house,work shop, many tools; 60 foot lotall planted fruit, vegetables, flow-ers, lawn; winter's wood. Near twoschools. Fine view. Hutton, 117120th Street, near Inglewood, )VestVancouver, Hollyburn, P.O. I" VRNITURE FOR SALE -- blapleGarden Benches, $2 each; 8-piecedining room suite $30; 6-piece IvoryBedroom suite $75; Singer SewingMachine $ 15; Ivory Dresser, $ 10;Double Bed complete $5; Hall Rackwith bevelled mirror $5; MahoganyRocking Chair $3; Edison Phono-graph and Records $45. All in goodcondition. Apply House, S.E. Cor.14th and Esquimalt. SEWING WANTED -- Ladies'ndChildren's work. Mrs. Bloxham,Phone West 226. iVEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS WEARBEST--Dundarave. CHURCH EDIFICE 20th and Esqulmalt, Hollyburn This Society is a Branch of The Mother Church The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston Massachusetts. Sunday Services 11.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. SUBJECT, JULY 28th, "TRUTEI" Leader MR. PERCY KING Subject: "THE BLOOD LINE" blr. King will speak over C K W X every Monday until further notice from 7 to 7.30 p. m.Sunday School at 10.00 a. m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday at 8.16 p. m. Unitec Church Minister E A Henry D D Sunday School 10 a. m. Morning Service 11.15 a. m. Evening Service 7.15 p. m. Rev. Dr. E. A. Henry will preach at both services on Sun- day, taking as his subject in the morning "The Heart of Protest- antism." The Loyal Orange Lodges of North Vancouver and West Van- couver will attend the morning service. In the evening Dr. Henry will preach on "Rules for a Safe Life." i~Ir. and Mrs. Alf Cole and family, 29th and Marine Drive, are spending a holiday in Van- couver Island. EValter B. Turnbull, brother of EV. Turnbull of the West Vancou- ver Lumber Co., has returned to his home at 13th and Fulton, from Kingston, where he has graduated at Queen's University C. W. Stevenson, 19th and Bellevue, has returned from a trip to Toronto, Hamilton and Eastern points. The SIisses Phyllis Bell and Kristine Johnson of the B. C. Telephone staff hery, have re- turned to duty after spendingtheir vacation at Lummi Island. Alf. Searle of the Vernon Feed Store, is spending a holiday in Vancouver Island. Miss M. McKenzie, chief oper- ator of the Alberta Government telephone service in Calgary, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Elgar, 16th and Gordon. H. B. Vogel of Vancouver, has moved into a house at 11th and Esplanade. AIrs. C. J. Overington with her daughter is staying at the charming residence of Mrs. P. E. Bill, Sherman, as a companion to her children while the latter is on a visit to her mother in Ireland, who is ill, as well as to Mr. Bill's mother in England. Mrs. Bill is expected to return home in September, breaking her journey at Edmonton to visit a brother who is resident there. Rev. and Mrs. H. P. Humph- reys and family of Trail, have moved into the house which Mr. Humphreys has purchased at 13th and Haywood. Doreen, daughter of Mr. anti Mrs. G. D. Elgar, 1Gth and Ful- ton, passed with honors in piano elementary division, at the rec- ent examination put on by the Toronto Conservatory of Music. Baptist Church Sunday School. 10 a. m. Morning Service, 11 a. m, Evening Service. 7.15 p. m. Rev H P Humphreys of Trail, will occupy the pulpit next Sunday at both the morning andthe evening services St. Anthony's Church Pastor--Rev. Father Kelly Sunday--Mass, 8.80 a. m. High Mass, 10.30 a. m. Benediction, 7.30 p.m. Week Days--Mass 8 a. m. St. Stephen's Church HEMSTITCHING--Plain.. white 5cyard; silk and colored 10c yarPearces Drygoods 14th Street andMarine. Phone Nest 144. GARDENS DESIGiVED, Laid Out andbfaintained. Rock Gardens, Lily andOrnamental Poo! s, Lawns, Rusticwork, Fencing, Concrete Paths,Drives, etc., Prun:ng and Spraying,Landscape and General GardeningR. J. Kvte. Phone West 172X1. Tiinity 9 (July 28th) 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 a. m.--Sunday School. 11.15 a. m.--Morning Prayer. 7.15 p. m.--Evensong. For the next four Sundays s~hile the rector is at Camp Art- aban and on his holidays the servic-s will be taken by the Rev. A. EV. Robinson of Terrace, B.C. Mr. Robinson was for ten years with the Central Asia Mission, being stationed at Marda on the North West Frontier of India and was on General Headquart- ers Staff in Mesopotamia during the war. Mrs. Robinson, who has also been a missionary in India will be with her husband in EVest Vancouver. Their only son, The- odore, is a patient in the General Hospital, Vancouver, with com- plications that followed a com- pound fracture of the left arm received two months ago.Visitors'ay at the Junior Boys'amp is next Thursday, August 1st, and the boat leaves the Union wharf at 9 a. m. Established on North Shore 20 Years. FOR PLUbIBING REPAIRS--PhoneNest 241R GARDEN BARROWS--Strong. Light,unpainted; price $4.50, deliveredsubject to approval. Phone North364 R. liANGES FOR SALE--A Splendidassortment of used ranges. Com-pletely overhauled. Satisfactionguaranteed. Fre de'.ivery. PhoneHighland 3650. CEllENT WORK--Rock Walls, Land-caping, Lawns, Rockeries, Fencing,Trellis work, Clearing, Grading.Phone T. Barnott, 23rd and Jeffer-son. Residence, West 672R. TO RENT--Four room cottage. Ad-ults. Apply, B. R. Harrison, West40&L. CONSERVATIVE AIEETING NEXT TUESDAY KILN DRIED I'LAN ER EiVDS- Double load delivered, $3.50. HobbTransfer, W st 17. AIl arrangements have been niade for the public meeting in IIollyburn Theatre next Tuesdayat 8.30 p. m. at which Hon. R. B. Bennett and Gen. A. D. McRae, AI.P., will be the principal speak- ers. Sir George Perley and others prominent in public life will also give addresses. As it is certainthat a large number from out- side points will be present, this being the only occasion on which Hon. R. B. Bennett will speak inGreater Vancouver, Hollyburn Pavilion has been engaged for an overflow meeting. The speeches ivill also be broadcast over CKAV X. Dr. F. E. Dorchester, presi- dent of the IVest Vancouver Con- servative Association will be in the chair. HARRON BROS. R WILLIAMSON TAXI--I'eerless Sedan. Day or iVight Service. Phone, webster North 1234 ffnilcl sl Qircf tnrs West Van Nems I'ublisiied Every FridayNorth Vancouver Parlors122 )Vest Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 Business and Editorial Office 1361 bI arine Drive Phone West 363 blail Addreaa: i'. O. Doz 101, Hollyburn, B. C. BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL B. D. AVHITE Mgr. Distinctive Funeral Service Lady Assistant 320--3rd St. E. Phone North 626 Publishera II. IIODGSON and F.F.LOVEGHOVB )Vest 363 )Vest 412L