West Van. News (West Vancouver), 26 Jul 1929, p. 28

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001C97BA 5Cln sPEGIALs AT BoTH sTOREs Cl)qa Ivo FREE DELIVERY a Izo FRIDAY. SATURDAY - MONDAY 1 bot. Dutch Maid Salad Dressing 1 lb. Tomatoes 2 Heads Lettuce ................., 6 Empress Jelly Powders 4 Tins Potted Meats............ 1 lb. Best Butter 1 Tin Royal City Peas......... 59c 1 bottle Certo 2 doz. Rubber Rings 1 pkt. Parowax .......................... 59c 3 Doz. Sunkist Oranges.......... 59c 7 lbs. C. G. Flour 2 oz. bot. Vanilla 1 pkt. Baking Soda...... 69c 1 pkt. Parowax 1 pkt. Rubber Rings 5 lbs. Sugar ..................... 59c 10 lbs. Sugar........................ 59c 6 Tins Sliced I'ineapple......... 59c 59c 59c l Tins Royal City Peas............ 59c , 13 bots. Pop, any kind................ 59c 1 tin Aylmer Boneless Chicken 3 10e pkts. Avax Paper....... 59c I 1 lb. C. G. Tea, Broken Orange Pekoe ................................. 59c 30 oz. bottle Sweet Pickles 2 pkts. Lemonade Powder...... 59c -) pkts. Corn Flakes 2 tins Milk (large) ............... 59c 3 lbs. Pure Lard .................. 59c 1 lb. Mixed Biscuits 1 lb. Ginger Snaps . 2 lbs. Dates .............. 59c I S Chocolate Bars 1 tin Squirrel Peanut Butter.. 59c I 1 large packet Royal Crovrn Soap Powder and a good broom.... 59c BABY' PHOTO Are you keeping a record of Baby's rowth and development? Babies are a constant source of wondrous delight. Now, before it is too late, pre- serve those precious moods and moments. Let us make another photograph of Baby this week! Phone West 606 .: Ic arave . sar acy ALL FAMILY NEEDS Can be met here. Phone Seymour 1046 and make an appointment. THE Ring Studio V. V. VINSON, Prop. 311 Hastings St, W., Phone Seymour 1046 You can trust our advice regarding any article we sell for it is based on long experience and extensive practice. J. FINLAYSON Proprietor CI11" IG S.'CIES O'AI.L (NDS RUNNING SHOES BATHING SHOES TENNIS SHOES GYMiSHOES CANVAS SHOES SANDALS for the Kiddies R. U. .WOV):i G Phone Bob Black %Vest 17 Daily Trips To and From City. Reasonable Rates. Expert Packers. COAL AVe can supply wou with GENUINE GALT and DRUAIHELLER COAL I I I ~ I I LECKIE'S BLUETIP EVORK SHOES and FINE DRESS SHOES at .)oseph Tite's 16th and Marine, Hollyhurn Bring us your Shoe Re- pairs. We repair while you wait. 'I ',ll' S III:I 15th and hfartne E. MARSH, 15 years'xperience For Eight Years employed as Barber on C.P.R. Atlantic boats. hIen, IVomen and Children Only First Class AVork "I'rices Consistently Low" I I„I I Sl„l ..IA, '..I la I&l„ll: «S Two Stores in IVest Vancouver GR ANGER'S GROCERY, GREENWOOD'S GROCERY 21st and ilIarine Drive 1442 DIarine Drive iVest 405 IVest 16 THE WEST VAN NEWS MAURICE ROBERTS ASVINS DUNDARAVE-HOLLYBURN smMQ The second annual Dundarave to Hollyburn swim for the J. T. EVatt Challenge Trophy was held last AIonday evening. The fol- lowing ten swimmers entered the race, five girls and five boys: Gwen Clay, Isobel wilson, Lena Rivers, Doris Rivers, Evelyn Black, Maurice Roberts, Andrew Lockhart, Jack Normand, Gord- on Vance and Stan Boshier. Ex- Councillor J. T. Watt started the swimmers away from the float at Dundarave at 7.37 p. m. Un- fortunately the air was cold, but the water was fairly warm and calm and the swimmers made very fast time. Maurice Roberts, one of the most promising young swimmers on the lower main- land, won the race in the fast time of 38 minutes, with Gwen Clay star distance swimmer of the Club, a close second, finish- ing just two minutes behind Roberts. Isobel Wilson, another vei'y strong swimmer, made the distance in 43 minutes. The other two swimmers who finished fourth and fifth respec- tively were Lena Rivers and Eve- lyn Black. After the swim a meeting was held in the Fortune Cup Inn, when Mrs. AVatt pre- sented the cup to Maurice Rob- erts and Mrs. Vance presented a medal to Gwen Clay, she be- i»g the first girl to finish. A large crowd ayitnessed the finish at the Hollyburn wharf and cheered the swimmers as they came in. On Saturday, August 17th, the 13th annual Dundarave Regatta will be held. The program this year will include besides the reg- ular events, two B. C. Champion- ships, the men's 200 yards, free style swim, and the ladies open diving. These events will attract some of the best talent in B. C. Mollie Edwards and Lena Clam- pitt will uphold the name of the West Vancouver Club in the ladies diving and the club will probably have one or two entries in the 200 yards swim. After the gala the Swimming Club is holding a regatta dance in the Hollyburn Pavilion. An energetic committee is working on plans for the dance and tick- ets will soon be available. The residents will no doubt remem- ber the wonderful times had at previous regatta dances and it is hoped that the hall will be crowded to capacity. Tickets will be limited so make yuor reser- vations early from any member of the executive. Miss ilIaud E. Sambell of Van- couver, has moved to a house at 14th and Bellevue. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Hastings, 25th and Marine Drive, have re- turned from a holiday at Buc- caneer Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan of North Vancouver, are guests at the Clachan hotel. Mrs. N. Kenny of Pasadena, California, is the guest of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. MacAulay, 17th and Esqnimalt. At a special meeting of the Hoard of School Trustees seven applicants were interviewed for the two vacancies on the Holly- burn School teachers'taff. Miss (i. L. Smith and Miss M. Mc- Fadyen were appointed. J. Thomson was the success- ful tenderer for supplying 200 tons of coal to the West Vancou- ver schools. July 26, 1929. Dundarave Bakery For the Hest Real Home Made CONSULTATION FREE Dr. Roberta Vass Pal m er G radu ate Stratton Building, hlarine Drive ~Vest Vancouver I'hone AVest 383. CAKES, PIES and COOKIES Come to Mrs. Draper's Dundarave Home Bakery Next to Dundarave Hall 1l,I'0 I'RC;I'.I,'r. Wm. H. Vass Palmer Graduate Suite 11l, Dominion Bank Bldg. VANCOUVER I'hone: Seymour 5374 Phone )Vest 366 Open All Day Thursdays. Chtropracttc IV&ll Help You FRED TITE Marine Drive between Ihth and l5th Streets New and Secondhand Furniture AGENT FOR Gurney Ranges and Gold Seal Congoleums FURNITURE BOUGHT AND SOLD SEE FRED TITE FOR YOUR FURNITURE NEEDS Eleven Years Continuous Service West Vancouwer Transfer To City Daily Builders'upplies,:: Gait and wellington Coal Office and Yards--25th and Marine, Dundarave Phone West 68 A ..0 S:::&V.:C.: GAS - OILS - BATTERIES SHELL PRODUCTS AmbI.esic.e Service Station I 543 Marine Drive; West Vancouver Phone West 6 l 40 For West Vancouver REAL ES I A'I'E SEE GEO. GOURLAY Corner 23rd and 51arine, AVest Vancouver PHONE AVEST 2 REAL ESTATE:: RENTALS:: CONVEYANCING FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE. Play a game of 3 tables for your pleasure 'P Q'"" '," 'QQ 14th Street Right at the Railway Crossing Six applications were received for the vacancy on the High School teaching staff, and on the 11th inst. the applicants were interviewed by the School Board. None were found entirely satis- factory and the vacancy mas a- gain advertised. Pitman Business College Vancouver's Leading Business College. INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL FOUR NIGHTS EACH iVEEK Students may enrol at any time 422 RICHARDS STREET (At Hastings) PHONE SEYhIOUR 9135