West Van. News (West Vancouver), 26 Jul 1929, p. 17

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001C97BA July 26, 1929. THE %VEST VAN NEWS 17 EAGLE HARBOUR G I.EiN EAG I.ES IVH YTECI~I F F I'A RK- THE KEN'ESORT Eagle Harbour is located in a deep sheltered sandy cove a few miles west of Caulfeild and a short distance from Marine 1)rive, from which an open road runs right to the shore. There are tivo sandy beaches which are delightful for children besides forming a wonderful bathing place for grown-ups. EVhile nat- ure has so plentifully endowed this resort, the owners of the property have done everything possible for the comfort and pleasure of summer visitors. There are many new cottages folly furnished for those who wish to spend their holidays here, and the shady picnic grounds, first class pavilion and tea room, make it an ideal place for a day's outing. Boats and canoes can be hired, and a bath- house with every convenience has been built for swimmers. A feature is the very large and up- to-date diving tower. Gleneagles is a beautiful piece of property situated on the sea- shore just round the corner from Point Atkinson, and comprises a large subdivision, golf course, and country club. The subdivis- ion is 250 acres in extent with over a mile and a quarter of sea- front, and lies between Eagle Harbour on the south and Gar- row Bay on the north. The prop- erty faces westward, and every lot, if not fronting on the sea, has a view over Hoive Sound or the Gulf of Georgia. There is a building restriction of $2,500, and clauses while in the agree- ments for sale make it impossible for undesirables to purchase property, every opportunity is g! ven the man of moderate means to obtain a permanent homesite. The water. supply is excellent, being obtained from the upper reaches of Nelson Creek. Gleneagles is not a summer resort, and consequently no mr - ~ Eagle Harbour and Fisherman's Cove This is the first standard int- ernational diving equipment to be erected in British Columbia. 'The stand has 10-metre, 5-metre, 3-metre and 1-metre boards and is suitable for Olympic competi- tion. Eagle Harbour has been men- tioned as a likely venue for the Canadian Olympic trials in 1932. The location is ideal for big competitions as grandstands could be erected on the spit run- ning out into the water parallel to the float. Plans for the stand &vere supplied by the C.A.S.A., B. C. branch. The water is more than twenty feet deep, which is ample for high diving. An ample parking space has been provided, a convenience much appreciated by auto own- &rs, who knoiv only too well from experience the difficulty en- countered in most popular re- sorts in finding such space for their cars. dance halls or picnic grounds will be allowed on the property, but the beautiful beach at Lar- son Bay is reserved for the sole use of the Gleneagles property owners and club members. Gleneagles Golf Club The Gleneagles Country Club a»d Golf Course is situated in the niiddle of the subdivision, to which it may be said to be in the relationship of a park. The golf course proper is some 60 acres in extent, and lies for the most part in a beautiful glen sloping westward to the sea. Nine holes have been in play for over a year, and provision has been made for an additional nine holes. The course has met with the hearty approval of many prominent ex- ponents of the game, and the first unit of the club buildings has been erected and is in use. EVhile the golf course has re- ceived the most attention, pro- vision for other branches of sport have also been made. Boating and yachting have been provided for by way of safe anchorages, and the fishing is as good as any to be found in IVest Vancouver. ~K ~ g One ot'he man& delightful 5Iarine Views of IVest Vancouver. Between Gleneagles and Fisherman's Cove Whytecliff Park is one of the most delightful resorts to be found anywhere in Canada. It i.. charmingly located at the ex- treme west end of Marine Drive. This magnificent resort--one of the newest in British Columbia -- is easily reached by a beau- tiful drive full of scenic beauty and rugged grandeur, either by your own car or Pacific Stage. I leal parking and picnic grounds, a place where you can find plenty of sunshine or shade, with sea breezes so refreshing to tired and worn nerves. If you want a real change visit AVhyte- cliff Park. Comprising an area of twenty- five acres, it is a promontory jutting out into Hoive Sound be- tween white Bay and Cliff Bay and is clothed with a magni ficent stand of timber. The undeg- growth has been cleared and in the park land, beneath the fir and cedars, kiosks and shelters with stoves for the convenience of picnickers have been erected. A parking ground, with a ca- pacity of 250 cars, has been cleared. At white Bay, on the south side of the park, a boat- house has been constructed with storage for sixty boats at the sides, while the centre is used as a bathhouse, lockers being provided. On the roof is a prom- enade deck and lounge. On the tip of the promontory, sixty feet above. the waters of the Sound, a tea room, with a dance floor space of 32 by 67 feet, has been constructed. A huge rock fireplace adorns the centre of the room, the building being surrounded by a ten-foot verandah, from which a wonder- ful view of the Sound may be had, south, ~vest and north. Boating, fishing, hunting and bathing can be enjoyed at IVhytecliff Park. "Cliff House Hotel" Cliff House, known as the House at the End of the Trail" is beautifully situated, overlook- ing the ivaters of Howe Sound and the Gulf of Georgia, Lunch- eons, teas and dinners are served at popular prices. Dancing and 51usic Here is found one of the finest spring floors for dancing one could ivish for and dancing may be enjoyed at any time. There is rr special Dance Orchestra from 9-12 p. m. on Saturdays and special music from 4 to 6 p.m. on Sunday. Summer Cottages Cliff House is situated about cne and a half miles from Glen- eagles Golf Course and arrange- ments can be made for guests to play on this course. A feature at the Cliff House this year is the furnished cot- tages. One can have a delight- ful vacation in these beautiful surroundings. All the conveni- errces of an hotel and yet ln your own cottage equipped with heat- er, running ivater and electric light, ivith bathrooms adjoining. The Pacific Stages go direct to the door leaving Vancouver and North Vancouver every fe&v hours. bliss Hunter, the manageress, is one of the most experienced, and one of the best known of hotel managers in western Can- r.dn. She ivill be glad to give a»y information you desire. Phone Long Distance, Cliff House, Whytecliff. IVest Bay. showing the Red llill Inn iVEST BAY BEACH FISH ER~IAi t'S COVE EVest Bay is one of the most accessible beaches on the North Shore. It is a delightful resort with a gently sloping clean sandy beach. The bathing is quite safe even for the youngest children and the land surroundings are nuite enchanting. 4Vest Vancou- ver ~Iunicipal Busses take one within a few yards of the beach, as do the Pacific Stages. A- butting as it does on 5Iarine Drive there is a splendid auto road right to the beach. ilIr. Lewis, proprietor of the Red PiIill Inn at )Vest Bay, has been responsible for great im- provements here. The "Red 3Iill" is a replica of an old Dutch ~Iill and stands on the sands between Fisherman's Cove delights everyone ivho 'visits it. This lit tie bay on Howe Sound, with Horseshoe Bay forms what is known as 4Vhyteclif f, the westerly portion of the munici- pality. 4Vhile the eastern side of the bay is flat, a rampart of high cliffs surrounds it on its other sides, and a small island iri the centre gives an added charm to the whole ensemble. One of the prettiest views in the whole cf EVest Vancouver is that which can be obtained from the sur- rounding cliffs of the bay with the island resting in its limpid waters, and the yachts and launches which are usually to be seen on any summer day at ~ a r + ejgf ~ g 'lip the sea and a delightful shoav garden which is in the nature of a series of sunken rose gardens. Down the centre of this garden runs a streamlet tumbling in tiny cascades to the sea and making a specially attractive scene. "Dip, Dine and Dance" is a phrase carried on all the Red Mill Inn advertising. The phrase is a descriptive one. One can bathe in the sea here; dine at the favell appointed restaurant and afterwards dance on the special spring floor provided free of charge for the pleasure of the Red Mill guests. There is a bath house and bathing suits are a- i ailable for visitors. The grounds and sands have been furnished with many picnic tables, and meals can also be obtained at t) e restaurant. Private parties are also cater- ed for at the Red i4Iill Inn. anchor there. The sea-fishing is good, salmon and other fish found in t).e ~vaters along the North Shore being plentiful, and boats can b rented. There is a tea room on ~!arine Drive which skirts the shore of the bay, where teas and light refresh- ments can be obtained. There is a big fleet of roiv boats for the use of visitors. Just this year ~Ir. H. Kolt- hamn:er has had cleared an ex- tensive park, ~vhich abuts on Marine Drive. This park ~vill be used for picn.c parties and for auto parking. In the near future it is expected that other exten- sive developmeirts will be made Fisherman's Cove is right on tire 4Iarire highway. It can be reached by Pacific Stage direct from Vancouver, and there is s splendid road for those who drive their own cars. A View of Fisherman's Cove, ~Vest Vancouver The Cottages in connection with Cliff House, AVhytecliff Park.