001C97BA 16 DUNDARAVE PIER Dundarave pier at the foot of 25th Street, divas erected in the early days of the municipality, and, being built of concrete, is the best in West Vancouver. It is the centre of the swimming activities of the district, and is the headquarters of the West Vancouver Amateur Swimming Club. This organization a year or two ago had a swimming tank built, which is put in position at the east side of the pier every summer for the benefit of swim- mers and divers. Here is held an- nually the Dundarave Regatta, one of the most important and best known swimming and div- ing galas on the Pacific Coast, which is attended by many of the best exponents of these forms of athletic endeavor in the province and the Pacific States. A large permanent stand has been erected on the pier where sigh tseers can sit and ivatch the various events. A few weeks ago the first regatta of the Greater Vancouver and Lower Mainland Schools was staged here, and it proved to be a very popular event. It is to be held annually from now on. A bathhouse has been erected on the pier for the many swim- mers who crowd here daily, GROWTH OF TELEPHONE SERVICE Steady local telephone growth «nd an extension of long-distance service along the east shore of Howe Sound have marked the North Shore telephone activities since the first of the year. West Vancouver on July 1 had 949 telephones, 90 more instrti- ments than it had at the first of the year when the total was 859. On January 1, 1928, there were 782 telephones in West Vancou- ver, and on July 1 of last year the total was $49, 100 belom the present total. The B. C. Telephone Company, early in the year extended its system to embrace Boiven Island and Horseshoe Bay, popular Howe Sound pleasure resorts, and is now constructing a line along the east shore of Howe Sound from Horseshoe Bay to Britannia Beach to give service to the latter. Recently two new circuits from AVest Bay to Whytecliff were constructed to give long-distance telephone ser- vice to Gleneagles, Garrow Bay and Cliff House. AVhen the extension along the east side of the Sound is com- pleted, Britannia Beach will have a direct telephone circuit to Van- couver. Heretofore, its only wire communication with Vancouver has been the telegraph service provided over one of the Domin- ior. Government's lines. THE WEST VAN NEWS I ~ . r v-» Me~ * ~ -t'i-r... ~; .'V-" ',~) ..I rg, ~ Al ~ A gV V I p '1+» ' \ h ~ ~ ~ \ ~ ~ $ 'I F, . ~ dL,. li '.' ~i~!', ~ Fire Brigade is Volunteer Force i~len Called to Action by 5Iodern Equipment and Alarm System Ice Cream LUNN'S CAFE 14th nnd hlarine Soft Drinks Tobacco 1'ubIic I'hone--N'est 611-0 EVhile not boasting a fully modern fire protection system, EVest Vancouver is singularly well-equipped in its volunteer brigade. Owing to the large ter- ritory comprising the municipal- ity, great distances add to the ever-increasing problem of fire protection. It is, therefore, in- evitable in the near future that, with the rapid increase in popu- lation and the large number of new homes being erected, a per- manent municipal system will be undertaken. At the present time a fully- equipped modern fire truck is in operation. Special telephones have been installed for use in case of fire and an electric siren has been installed on a high building in the district to sound the alarm and give warnings. The brigade consists of twelve volunteers under Fire Chief J. S. Yates, who have given yeoman service and who have an excel- lent record for the prevention and fighting of fires. The loss ratio in the municipality is low. In the dry summer time a can- tinual hazard exists in the all timbers on the ridge, and there are few who do not recognize the distaster, both locally and to Greater Vancouver, should this great forest playground be de- stroyed by fire. Campers, hikers and mountaineers are constantly being warned to preserve this great natural asset and the gov- ernment forestry department is carrying on an education cam- paign by issuing pamphlets and erecting signs throughout the danger areas. Beautiful Cypress Park Call at "THE INN" for Tea OPPOSITE THE CREEK Stages pass the door. )owen .s.am- W &ytec. iI'I'.'erry Fare 25 cents DAILY Leaving Leaving Bowen Island AVhyteclifF 9.20 a.m. 10.10 a.m. *12.20 p.m. *12.45 p.m. 3.20 p.m. 4.00 p.m. 6.20 p.m. 7.00 p.m. *8.30 p.m. *9.40 p~. 'Not effective until June 15 SUNDAYS 8" HOLIDAYS Leaving Leaving Bowen Island AVhytecliK 9.30 a.m. 10.00 a.m. 11.30 a.m. 12.00 noon 1.30 p.m. 2.00 p.m. 2.30 p.m. 3.00 p.m. 3.30 p.m. 4.00 p.m. 5.00 p.m. 5.30 p.m. 6.15 p.m. 8.15 p.m. 8.45 p.m. Part of the Garden of Mr. J. Haydn Young's Residence, 24th and Inglewood July 26, 1929. FOR SERVICE AND QUALITY AT CITY PRICES Phone West 96 & +C'-&.l'~ '-C.A..S I.'or tiisweei MATCHES, 300, per box ................,.............................. HcCANNED MILK, all kinds, tails.................... 3 for 33cTOILET PAPER ...........- ....-.. " .. 8 rolls for 25cSINGAPORE PINEAPPLE, 2s.......... 2 for 25cROYAL CROEVN SOAP........ 5 for 25cCERTO, per bottle............................................................ 32cRUBBER RINGS, for Sealers........................... 4 pkts for 25c EVILD ROSE PASTRY FLOUR, 7s.................................... 35cPEACHES in heavy syrup, 2s, per tin............. 20cSHREDDED 5UHEAT BISCUITS, per pkt............. 10c YOU AVILL ENJOY A VISIT '1'0 Entrance right on Marine Drive WEST VANCOUVER Pacific Stage goes right past the entrance. Splendid auto road all the way from Vancouver. Good Parking Space. BOATING - FISHING - BATHING Mineral Spring AN IDEAL PI ACE FOR THE HOLIDAYS FURNISHED COTTAGES ~ ~ APPLETON COURT IN lVEST VANCOUVER One of the 5Iost Up-to-date Residential Blocks in Canada. West Vancouver, on Marine Drive ~ wali 'IIii& ~;6 iii"'ppleton Court, one of the finest and most up-to-date residential blocks in Greater Van- couver, and which is situated at the corner of 17th and Fulton, West Vancouver, has had in- stalled in each suite a radio for the convenience and pleasure of the tenants. This is a service given in very few apartment blocks anywhere in Canada. Appleton Court is a red seal build- ing, having all electrical fittings and appliances. TEAS - LUNCHES BOATING - BATHING Splendid Dancing Floor No Charge for Dancing. Phone West 6120