001C97A7 THE WEST VAN NEWS July 12, 1929. Melba Beauty Creams A special deal for a short time only:-- &Ielba Vanishing....... 50c i~Ielba Tissue Cream 50c AIelba Skin Food.......50c $ 1.50 All for... .. $ 1.00 Don't forget to phone us for your Ice Cream. Orders delivered when you want it. VITA li STATISTICS FOR JUNE The District Registrar of vital statistics reportsa total of seven- tceii births, nine deaths and nine marriages for the three North Shore municipalities during the iiloilth of June. There was one death and one marriage in EVest Vancouver during that period. North Vancouver city had six- teen births, fire deaths and sev- en marriages, while there were recorded in North Vancouver district one birth, three deaths and one marriage. Phone West 323 Lesage Drug Store G. E. REID, blanager New Building--Corner Marine and 14th FAST DELIVERY No Order Is Too Small We blake Everything IVe Sell. GOING AlVAY? Take some of our blE KT 1 IES, CAKES BUNS and COOKIES Don't forget our special Sl'ONGE CAKES for Fruit Short Cakes. Mrs. Draper 2435 bIARINE DRIVE Next Dundarave Hall. NOTE PHONE: West 36S FIRE HAZARDS IN FORESTS NOW ACUTE Outbreaks in Province to Date This %ear Total 543 British Columbia's bill for for- est fire fighting and timber loss- es &rill be relatively light this year if present weather condi- tions continue much longer. (;onditions in most parts of the province remain satisfactory from the forestry standpoint, says the weekly fire bulletin of the Lands Department. "Re- ports," it states, "indicate that conditions over the whole prov- ince, with the exception of the souther ninterior forest district, have remained favorable. It is reported hot and dry in the southern interior forest district, winds add considerably to the hazard." Fire outbreaks to date total 543, as against 401 last pear and 239 at this time in 1927. )Vhile the situation thus is satisfactory for the moment, a few days of hot weather would create an acute hazard, officials emphasized, urging care with fire in the woods. Your Suit! How does it look? THLXK IT OVER AND SEE M. WILLIAMS 16th and blarine, Ambleside CUSTOM TAILOR Phone West 20 Reasonable Prices Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing FUEL FIR or ALDER--Any Lengths FURNACE WOOD and COAL Radio Poles -- Fence Posts Cedar for Rustic Work blanure for Your Gardens. Soil THE WESTON CARTAGE West 201L TRUSTEE i&IRS. SELIVOOD PRESENTED HONOR ROLLS In the EVest Van. News of 5th July there was no mention of Trustee Mrs. Selwood being pres- ent at the closing of the schools. Mrs. Selwood was not only present at Pauline Johnson, Hol- lyburn and Dundarave, but pre- sented all the Honor Rolls to the leading pupils of these schools. On the afternoon of June 28th Mrs. Selwood officiated at the closing exercises at the Capilano School. G. Goldsmith, who has been manager of Safeways Ltd., in Vancouver, has been promoted to the managership of the Company for Canada. Mr. Goldsmith is very well known to all the old timers in West Vancouver, hav- ing in partnership with James Jefferies opened and conducted the first butcher's shop in the municipality in the days before the war. NU BONE CORSETS Surgical Belts and Binders AIRS. 5IARLING 17th 8 Marine West 224 Pitman Business College Vancouver's Leading Business College. INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL FOUR NIGHTS EACH WEEK Students may enrol at any time 422 RICHARDS STREET (At Hastings) PHONE SEYMOUR 9135 Play a game of 3 tables for your pleasure Q' " ",' 'gQ 14th Street Right at the Railway Crossing More Cups per pound and Better I'ERSON ALS AIiss Gwen Ilodge is confin- ed to her home at 13th and Duchess through sickness. 5Ir. and Airs. Bert Jamiesosn of Vancouver have taken the Holliday house at 15th and Es- quimalt, and expect to move in next week. T. McL. Beveridge of the Nor- wood Press, winnipeg, was the @pest last week of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hadwin, 11th and Mathers. Mrs. Chatwin, 14th and Belle- vue, is spending a few weeks visiting relatives in Vancouver. Mrs. George S. Payne, 13th and Duchess, is at her summer camp at Bowen Island. A big run of smelts came into the bay this week, and the resi- dents of Sandy Cove have been catching them by the bucketful ~ T. Kennett, 14th and Clyde, returned home on Sunday from the North Vancouver General Hospital, where he has been a patient for ten days undergoing treatment for blood-poisoning. Mrs. H. G. Draper, Dundar- ave Home Bakery, has returned from a ten days'oliday at Se- chelt. Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Margeson and family of Trail, are the guests of Mrs. Margeson's moth- er, Mrs. J. R. MacPhail, 23rd and Inglewood. Mrs. David MacKay, 20th Street, left here on Sunday even- ing for Pictou, Nova Scotia. She will on her return visit New York and other cities in the east. H. G. Draper, 25th and Mar- ine Drive, is spending a vacation at Sechelt. Mrs. Robertson of Vancouver, has rented a cottage at 17th and waterfront. The board of works are rock- ing and grading Argyle Street from 15th to 16th Street. The North Vancouver Kiwanis Club and some Vancouver Ki- wanians gave a basket picnic on Tuesday at the Red Mill, West Bay. Nrs P E Bill of Sherman left on Saturday for an extended visit to Ireland. While a Vancouver autoist was fixing a tire on his car last Sun- day at West Bay the car slipped off the jack and fell 30 feet over a steep bank. Luckily no one was in it, and the car, when hauled on the road again, was found to be undamaged. Mrs. K. NcNaughten, who has been occupying a suite in the Messenger block at 15th and Marine Drive, has moved to the city. Mr. and Mrs. McKay have re- turned from their honeymoon in the south and are now at their home at 14th and Inglewood. Mrs. william Thomson, 13th and Fulton, is spending a month visiting in Victoria. Mr. and Mrss. Weston and son r.f Vancouver, are guests at the Clachan hotel. V RtKni@ . The EVest Vancouver Horse- shoe Pitching Club is playingthe team of the Elks'lub next Monday evening at Ambleside Court. Play will start at 7:15 p.m. Nr. and Mrs. T. Roscoe Thompson of Portland, Oregon,are visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Ray, 13th and Keith. They mo- tored up from the American city.Mrs. Thompson, who is a nieceof Airs. Ray, was before her mar- riage bliss Stella Bortaux of Berwick, Nova Scotia. It is reported that the Home Oil Co. have purchased the Hol- lyburn Service Station on Mar- ine Drive gust west of the Cap- i!ano bridge, and intend to en- lafge it and generally establish there a fully up-to-date gas and oil station. A 24-hour service is tn be given, it is understood, as soon as the new Capilano bridge is open for traffic. Miss Margaret Nyland, 29th and Marine Drive, is spending a few days visiting her aunt, Mrs. Joseph McGuire at AVhyte- cliff. From there she expects to go to Victoria for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan (Duncan and Duncana the eminent danc- ing instructors, whose adver- tisement will have been noticed in our last issue, will occupy Mr. and Mrs. D. I. Clark's residence, 26th and Bellevue, for a couple of weeks whilst the latter are away on holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Bosquet of Vic- toria, have taken up residence at 1355 Marine Drive. The West Vancouver Pharm- acy is having a balcony built at the back of their store. The balcony will be used as the dis- pensary, and underneath it shelves will be erected for the books of the Hollyburn Public Library. IllISS H. AIENZIES IS AVED TO AIR. REID, THURSDAY Interesting among the many early July weddings was that of Helen Tina Nenzies, of Vancou- ver, sister of AIrs. J. hI. Wilson, 13th and Clyde, and Mr. Victor George Reid of Seattle, son of Mrs. M. E. Reid, 1243 Haro Street, and the late Mr. Reid, which took place Thursday even- ing, July 4, in St. John's United Church, with Rev. P. T. Pilkey officiating. Delphiniums, snap- dragons and hollyhocks, banked with palms and ferns, made an attractive setting for the cere- niony, while the wedding music was played by Mr. Andrew, and the ushers were the bride's brothers-in-law, Mr. Duncan Mc- Millan and Slr. J. M. wilson. The reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Hamilton, 2005 Comox Street, Vancouver. Pink roses in bas- kets formed a bower before which the bridal party received. Nr. Andrew Milne gave vocal selections, and assisting were Nrs. Menzies, who wore a gown o1 black lace which fell in points and had a vestee of beige, and a small mauve hat covered with beige lace; and AIrs. Reid, attir- ed in an ensemble of rose beige georgette having a long coat heavily embroidered and hat of biscuit color. The bride's table was centred with pink carna- tions and tapers in flower hold- ers. HOLLYBURN GIFT SHOP Next Door to Royal Bank A Special,gj)'C'i( 'go ( ( PRObIPT DELIVERY WE WANT TO SERVE YOU. CROCERY SFECIALS for This Week Prunes (large)........ 2 lbs. for 23c Cooking Figs........ 2 lbs. for 25c Creamettes, per pkt--"-- --."- 10c Kellogg's All Bran, per pkt. 20c Kellogg's Corn Flakes, pkt... 10c Dina-Mite Breakfast Food per pkt................................. 20c Fr.sh Ground Coffee, per lb. 59c Snow Flake Pastry Flour 10'S ....................................... 49c Singapore Pineapple, 2 tins 25c arine Grocery 22nd and Marina ALLISON, Prop. PHONE WEST 96 GORDON ROBSON Barrister dk Solicitor 4A EST VANCOUVER-- Office No. 1447 Marine Drive. Phone West 403. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 818; 510 Hastings St. % Phone Seymour 4199. Ice Cream Confectionery LUNN'S CAFE 14th and blarine Sof t Drinks Tobacco Public Phone--%Vest 611-0 HOLLYBURN THEATRE Thursday, Friday and Saturday. "REDSKIN" with RICHARD DIX Monday, Tuesday E: Wednesday. "The Canary Murder Case" also "LADY BE GOOD" ouses & .ots IiN WEST VAiNCOUVER I have some delightful Water- front homes as low as $3,000, and Vacant Waterfront Lots from $ 1500. Other View Lots from $100. Rentals Several very desirable Cottages and Bungalows (. )f. Savory 1443 blarine Drive, Ambleside Phone IUest 340 Evenings, IVest 1&3 Real Estate, Financial and Insurance Agent Burrard Sheet Metal 229 Lonsdale Ave, North Vancouver Phone North 345 Res. North 918Y and 1214Y