001C97A7 July 12, 1929. PARTIES CATERED FOR Home-Made Jams SPECIALS Saturday and Monday Pork dc Beans, per tin....... lie Pineapple t Singapore) ...... 1 1 c Pastry Flour........ 7 lb. sack 32c Strawberry Home-made Jam 24c Campbell's Soups (asstd.) 2 for 25e Pacific Milk, tin............... 11e '..".. S". I'A,If. I~ Igl„ll,'., Ii',I'hone &Vest 318R3. %V est Bay PROi&IPT DELIVERY HAVE YOU TRIED OUR )IOiIE-ilhDE CAKES? DEER SEEN AT AillBLESIDE A one-year-old coast deer was seen at 6:30 a.m. on wednesday walking in a westerly direction along the P.G.E. tracks between 16th and 16th Streets. On catch- ing sight of a few men who hap- pened to be up at that early hour it bounded up the track towards 18th Street and disappeared. There are some deer of this spe- cies around Cypress Creek, and a few of the white-tailed variety in the vicinity of Black Moun- tain. From the direction, how- ever, from which this deer came it looks as if it had migrated down the Capilano Canyon from the back country. Americanism: Deciding not to pay more than $ 10 for the art- icle you want; choosing one priced at $36 so the clerk won' think you are poor. HOhI E ECONOibIICS COURSE DEFINED The curriculum of the first year of the proposed home econ- omics department of the Uni- versity of British Columbia, which will probably be definite- ly established in 1930, is an- nounced by the University reg- istrar. The courses as outlined should be taken, it is stated, by all stu- dents intending to study toward the home economics degree. Full credits will be granted for them when the department is formed. The subjects contained in the new curriculum, which corres- pond closely to those offered for first year art students, are: Compulsory, English 1, one course in a language offered for matriculation, and chemistry 1. Optional (one at least of which must be a science), phys- ics, 1; biology, 1; mathematics, 1, and history. The completion of each course offered credits the student with three units. Every student must take, as in the other de- partments, fifteen units of cred- it each year. Actual formation of a sepa- rate department for the home economics students was delayed this year because of the lack of accommodation, Dr. L. S. Klinck, the University pressident, states. R. U. MOV):5 G I'hone Bob Black West 17 Daily Trips To and From City. Reasonable Rates. Expert Packers. COAL We can supply wou with GENUINE GALT and DRUhIHELLER COAL St. Stephen's Picnic Some two hundred and fifty children and adults were present at the annual picnic of St. Step- hen's Sunday School held AVed- nesday at Eagle Harbour. The weather was perfect, the food abundant, the sports exciting, the swimming good, the boats en- ticing and all enjoyed themselves to the full. The journey to and fro was made by the )Vest Van- couver busses, which gave good service as did the resort man- agement. In the morning there &vere aquatic sports and in the afternoon track and field events, which were watched with keen interest by the adults present. The results of the swimming races ivere: Girls under 11--1, Betty, ( ourlay. Boys under 13--1, Ted Mills; 2, Frank Hodgson. Girls under 13--1, hfarjorie Rivers. Boys under 14--1, hIilton EVard; 2, Rex Rhodes. Girls under 14--1, Wylma Donaldson; 2, Enid Clements. Boys Open--1, Albert Kend- rick; 2, Scott Richardson. Girls Open--1, Wylma Donald- son; 2, Nancy Kearns. Boys Diving--1, Gerald Mills; 2, Hugh hIontgomery. Girls Driving--1, Edith white 2, lV. Donaldson and N. Kearns. The results of the track and field sports were:-- Boys under 7--1st, Bob Mil- ler; 2nd, Billy Gracey; 3rd, Peter EVait, Girls under 7--1st, Mora MacLeod; 2nd, Poppy Knight; 3rd, Doreen Forster. Boys, 9 and under--1st, An- gus Young; 2nd, B. Pridham; 3rd, Lloyd wallace. Girls, 9 and under--1st, Peg- gy hIorrison; 2nd, Dorothy Shar- man; 3rd, Betty Jones. Boys under 12--1st, John G. Moe; 2nd, Pat Douet; 3rd, Ed- win Gill. Girls under 12--1st, Josephine Allan; 2nd, Hertha Paulson; 3rd, M. Rivers. Boys under 14--1st, Fred Fen- ning; 2nd, Milton AVard; 3rd, John Bradley. Girls under 14--1st, YVylma Donaldson; 2nd, Jean Garrett; 3rd, Florence Gracey. Boys over 14--1st, Albert Kendrick; 2nd, Rex Rhodes; 3rd, John Bell. Girls under 16--1st, AVylma Donaldson; 2nd, Jean Garrett; 31 d, hIolly Morrison. Boys under 12, Sack Race- 1st, Pat Douet; 2nd, L. Wallace; 3rd, Carman Wallace. Girls under 16, Sack Race- 1st, Muriel Dawson; 2nd, M. Morrison; 3rd, G. Russell. Boys under 16, Sack Race- 1st, hIilton EVard; 2nd, Billy Hawkes; 3rd, P. Douet. Parent-Teacher Race -- 1st, Mrs. Sharman; 2nd, Mrs. Colvin; 3rd, Mrs. Phillips. Girls'eanut Race -- 1st, Florence Edwards; 2nd, Jean Garrett; 3rd, M. Rivers. Girls'lass Relay--1st, Mrs. hfartyn's class, M. and B. Morri- son, hI. Phillips, F. Gracey; 2nd, Miss Larnder's class, M. Daw- son, W. Donaldson, J. Garrett, E. Clements; 3rd, Miss Tite's class, Edith white, M. Rivers, H. Paulson, G. Russell. Boys'lass Relay--1st, Mr. Smith's class, T. Timbrell, W. Smith, T. and G. hIills; 2nd, hIr. Wenmoth's class, M. IVard, J. Bell, J. Bradley, H. Phillips; 3rd, Mr. Lovegrove's class, S. Richardson, Rex Rhodes, Arthur Hookham. Girls'road Jump--1st, hIu- iiel Dawson; 2nd, hI. hIorrison; 3rd, B. hlorrison. Boys'road Jump, under 12 --1st, Pat Douet; 2nd, Bill James; 3rd, G. hIills. Boys'road Jump, Open- 1st, Albert Kendrick; 2nd, Rex Rhodes; 3rd, hI. IVard. Girls'igh Jump--1st, hI. Morrison; 2nd, B. Morrison; 3rd, THE NEST VAN NE%'S M. Dawson and J. Garrett Boys'igh Jump, Open--1st, R. Rhodes; 2nd, J. Bell and A. Hookham. Boys'igh Jump, under 12-- 1st, P. Douet; 2nd, Don &Iills; 3rd, Jim Bloxham. The officials for the sports were: Starter--hIr. EVil fred Hawkes. Judges--hIrs. Sellwood, Mr. Whipple, Mrs. Gleed. Prize Givers--Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Pearce, hIrs. Hayes. Scorer--hIrs. Burton Forster. Clerks of the Course--Rev. A. H. Priest and hIr. H. G. ihIason. S(}UAIIISH SECOND IN BASEBALL LEAGUE By beating Capilano Cardinals 8-4 in a league game at Mahon Park hIonday evening, Squamish jumped into second place in the North Shore Baseball League. Neither team scored in the first two frames, but Squamish collected three runs in the third inning. Cardinals came back in their half of the fourth with four runs, and went into the lead. In the fifth, Cardinals'utfieldexperienced trouble and when Squamish collected sever- alhitsoff Sutherland they count- ed five runs. The remaining two innings went scoreless. Willie Gallagher did the pitching for the Braves and was touched up for seven blows, while Sutherland and McKinny on the mound for Cardinals al- lowed only six between them. Both teams made four errors, but Cardinals'our miscues came when the busses were pop- ulated. TENNIS DANCE TONIGHT Tonight the West Vancouver Tennis Club is giving a dance in Hollyburn Pavilion. Dancing will take place from 9 to 12, and an excellent orchestra will be in attendance. The dances put on by this club are deservedly popular, and there is no doubt that there will be a large crowd at the pavilion tonight. Tickets, 75 cents, can be obtained from any of the members. SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATE~ ASSOCIATED BOARD OF EXAhIINATIONS The following are the success- ful West Vancouver candidates at the recent examinations of Associated Board of the Royal Academy of Music and Royal College of Music held in Vancou- ver, the examiners being Dr. E. Narkham Lee, Hugo Anson, M. A., Mus. Bac., and Gordon Bry- an. "D" signifies "distinction"; "H. hI.," "honorable mention." Subject is piano, unless other- wise stated. Intermediate Grade -- Joan Durbin (Singing). Higher Division--David Spen- cer. Lo~ver Division-- (D) Bet ty Elliott, (HM) Beatrice Hodgson, violin; (HM) Doreen Todd, Mur- ray Allan. Elem,mentary Division-- (HM) Gertrude Mary A. Nash, (HM) Caroline hIarsh, Margaret Dav- is, hfary Olivia Gibson, Mary Bradshaw, Betty Hodgson, Au- drey Todd. Primary Division-- (D) Bonni- bel L. Barbour, (D) Bernice Babcock. (HhI) Barbara McIn- tyre, Pearl McLennan, Mary hIurray, violin; Ernest Harrison, violin; Catherine McLeod. The annual presentation of certificates will take place in the ballroom of Hotel Vancouver on the afternoon and evening of wednesday, September 25th next. hIisspelled signs are a cause for arrest in Ttirkey. It's a good thing for owners of roadside stands that that law hasn't been adopted in this country. \ I I g & "I r- -- -- .i S Ir & ~ t~ . Jip aW& +& +J British Colurlibia ~ ~ OO&OO++ ~yylooo01 ~ ~ ~~ ~ 0 I 0 ~ TRANSPORTATION WV Briti h Columbia pro~~s and B. C. FJectric prope~s are going hand in hand. By developing its electric pox er, gas and tran.-porta- tion services, this company is helping in every way po.:sible to develop this province in which it has so great a stake. I ~ BRITISII COLUimLK I I-F-'CHUG RAIL%'AY CO. LDIITED Vancouver ibex' esrnIinIItcr: Pretoria 3 Factor in Your Prosperuy GW lO The professor had just finish- ed an evening talking on Sir Walter Scott and his works when a lady said: "Oh, professor, I have so enjoyed your talk. Scott is a great favorite of mine." "Indeed," said the professor. "what one of his books do you like best?" "Oh," answered the lady, "I haven't read any of his books, but I am so fond of his Emulsion --I'e used a lot of that." Call at the UNION GAS STATION (Jimmy Donnan) 15th and hlarine West 212 S ERVICE SPECIAL for the Week End. In business in IVest Van 8 Years C. J. Overington a:." xe:. iWIINCE PIES RASPBERRY PIES Mrs. Ross's HOME COOKING "IT'S ALWAYS GOOD" In Nevr Store M arine Dri re at 14 th Next Jefferies Meat Store Expert IVork--Ladies', Children Gentlemen Phone AVest 135 for appointment Note the address: 141'~ illarine Drire L. M. DUVAL and J. W. MANSON THE 313. %RA. &D A13jb',D.RY Stockbrokers and Financial Agents Stocks, Bonds, Investments LIhIITED For People who Are Par ticular THIRD ST. and ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. Prompt Execution of Buying and Sellrng Orders. Reliable Information Given.SUest Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone IUest 410L Seymour SS94 579 Dun~murr St Ianeourer AS.. 31J (.( .1JI 3'. ( CO, "0. (Successors to Cedars Lumber Yards Ltd.) NOTE--After inventory ive find ive are overstocked on several items and to reduce these we are offering them at very LOW prices. Come in and look them over.. Yards: 154 Esplanade West C. M. ASTBURY in personal charge Phone North 2SS North 212 Nigh t iX or th 141~R