001C97A7 July 12, 1929. DUNC.&W AND DVNCANA INCREASE TEACHING STAFF SCHOOI. SiVliDIING GALA A SUCCESS I'auline Johnson Girls ~Iake a Great Showing. On Saturday afternoon there took place at Dundarave Pier the first swimming gala ever held for the Lower i~lainland schools, and which was promoted by the West Vancouver Amateur Swim- ming Club. There was a large crowd present, who followed all the events with great interest. Fven the very severe rainstorm at the beginning of the gala cculd not dampen the enthusi- asm of the crowd, who all came back from various places of shelter when the rain was over to see the rest of the program. Reeve Vinson, in opening the proceedings, paid tribute to the West Vancouver Swimming C!ub, through whose efTorts the gala had been made possible. It v;ould only be the first of many such events, »'hich would be- come more popular and draw a greater number of entrants with the years. The Pauline Johnson swim- »iers worthily upheld the repu- tation of )Vest Vancouver as a i wimming centre with an im- pressive list of victories. They took first in the girls'enior 50- yard dash, first in the senior girls'ive, first and second in the junior girls'ive, second in the junior girls'0-yard dash, third in the junior boys'ive, and seco»d in the girls'elay. EEollyburn won a third in the senior girls'0-yard dash and was third in the girls'elay, Dundarave securing third in the 50-yard dash for girls under 11. This is an extremely creditable sliowing, when it is remembered that they were up against the best in the Lower Mainland. During the programme a very i»teresting display of life-saving was put on by the Life-Saving Association, methods being shown of rescuing the drown- ing,assisting tired swimmers, and the use of a boat by a single person in lifesaving. At the conclusion of the gala, J. S. Gor- don, superintendent of schools, presented the prizes. Particulars of the various events are as follows: 25 yards, free style, boys un- der 9--1st, P. Harroway (white Rock); other competitors were scratched. 25 yards, free style, girls un- der 9--1st, Barbara Good (B. C. S.); no other competitors. 50 yards, fre estyle, boys un- der 11--1st, David Loughnan (white Rock); 2nd, Geoffrey Biddle (Lord Roberts). 50 yards, free style, girls un- der 11--1st, Mary Good.(B. C. S.); 2nd, Alice DIcGarry (white Rock); 3rd, Lucille Currie (Dun- «larave). Time, 67 sec. 50 yards, free style, boys un- der 13--First heat--1st, Angus 3IcColl (IVhite Rock); 2nd, Campbell Fernie (Lord Rob- erts). Time, 41 2-5 sec. Second heat--1st, James Fos- ter (Cecil Rhodes); 2nd, George Biddle (Lord Roberts). Time, 38 3-5 sec. 50 yards, free style, girls un- der 13--First heat--1st, Gladys Munro (Laura Secord); 2nd, Ethel 51ofTatt (White Rock). Time. 36 2-5 sec. Second heat--1st, Edith White (Pauline Johnson); 2nd, 5lar- garet Giske (Prince of IVales). Time, 41 1-5 sec. Third heat -- 1st, C. Duprez (white Rock); 2nd, Pat Long- huan (IVhite Rock). Time, 43 sec. 50 yards, free style, boys 13 and over-- I irst heat--1st, G. Kuechtel (blount Pleasant); 2nd, H. Lamb (Shaughnessy Col- lege). Time, 30 1-5 sec. Second heAt--1st, R. Shelly (Shaughnessy College); 2n&l, A. Coulter (Shaughnessy College). Time, 34 2- 5sec. 50 yards, free style, girls 13 and over--First heat--1st, Fran- cis Giske (Prince of AVales); GUN CLUB SHOOT Gun Club hoot over following The Scenic Highway held their week-end s the holidays, when the scores were made: 25 25 St. St. P. B. Anderson 24 23 H. E. Bush...,.. 26 23 J. Ritchie....18 18 C. K. Snell....24 18 R. Jessop ...22 16 A. Escott ........ 20 22 L. E. ihlcKenzie..14 19 Fred Huttoii.....13 17 Geo. Dennis ......18 16 Fred Gallant......16-- H.C.E.And'rs'n..15 17 G. Kobrow..........-- 12 lV. F. Smith......23 24 R. Logan ............18 20 V. V. Vinson......23 21 25 12pr. St. Dbls. 24 19 20 23 23 15 23 19 16 12 12 13 24 The Duncan Barbes School have now a staff of ten of the finest instructors in Canada, all specialists in their own line of teaching. illr. Gus Dawson, the well known Australian ballet master, is now in charge of the tap, soft shoe, buck and wing, step and eccentric dancing. hlr. Dawson is responsible for many of the 6nest revues and vaudeville acta that have toured the Australian circuits, and he comes to Van- couver after finishing an exten- sive and successful tour with his own company. Alr. Leonard Hayman, distin- guished Canadian singer and teacher, is in charge of the voice culture for the school, it will be remembered that he sang the very inspiring song "Carry On" in connection with the British film by the same name and also the Empire Pageant staged at the Pantages a short while ago by Duncan and Duncana, he is spoken of by many as the man with the golden voice. i~lr. George F. Bennett, recog- nised as one of the leading Brit- ish stage managers, and who managed the gigantic production of "The Sign of the Cross"'nd many others, is now in charge of all make-up classes and is also Stage Alanager for the Duncan Theatrical and Pageantry Enter- prise Company, which is a sub- sidiary to the School. The Enterprise Company was formed with a view to supplying professional entertainment to meet all demands, and also to uti- lize and place all graduate stud- ents of the school in steady pos- itions. The results obtained have been remarkable, ', hundreds of graduates are now working pro- fessionally with the largest cir- cuits in the world, Fanchon E: Marco, Orpheum, Pantages, Eng- lish, Australian and Parisian cir- cuits, while others operate suc- cessfully their own schools of dancing. During the past few weeks Duncan and Duncana have re- ceived letters from Ottawa, Que- bec, Edmonton, Regina, Sher- brooke, Victoria, winnipeg and illontreal, all for quotations for professional entertainment, and also an invitation to attend the annual Circuit Convention in winnipeg next January. Duncan and Duncana report that rehearsals are going ahead satisfactory for the Vancouver Fxhibition Pageant to be staged the evenings of August 7, 8, and 9th, and that it promises to be a programme of exceptionally fine quality, full of snap, color a»d surprises. The Duncan Barbes School will operate summer classes for two weeks only, July 15th to 29th, at the Dundarave Hall, IVest Vancouver, enpuiries for partic- ulars should be made to Miss Mollie Edwards, The Marcel Shop, 15th and Marine, or by telephoning IVest 304, )Vest 410- 5, or Bayview 2494. THE WEST VAN NEWS 2nd, Doris Rivers (Pauline John- son); 3rd, Phyllis Johnson (Hol- lyburn). Time, 41 3-5 sec. %cond heat--1st, IVylma Don- aldson (Pauline Johnson); 2nd, I)orothy Ecclestone (Prince of )Va les); 3rd, Bet ty hloore (white Rock). Time, 38 2-6 sec. Final, 60 yards, boys under 13--1st, Angus IlcColl (White Rock): 2nd, James Foster (Cecil I:hodes); 3rd, Campbell Fernie (Lord Roberts). Time, 44 1-5 sec. Final, 50 yards, girls under 13 --1st, Gladys ~lunro (Laura Se- cord); 2nd, Edith white (Paul- ine Johnson): 3rd, Ethel i~lof- fatt (white Rock). Time, 42 1-5 sec. Junior boys'iving-- 1 dive standing plain, 1 running plain --1st, J. Taylor (Dlagee); 2nd, Dick Emerson (Lord Roberts); 3rd, .lV Montgomery (Pauline Johnson). Final, 60 yards, boys over 18 -- 1st, G. Kuechtel (Mount Pleasant); 2nd, H. Lamb (Shaughnessy College); 3rd, A. Coulter (Shaughnessy College). Time, 32 sec. Junior girls diving--1 dive standing plain, 1 running plain --1st, i~largaret Currie (Pauline Johnson); 2nd, 3Iarjorie Rivers (Pauline Johnson); 3rd, iblary Good (B. C. S.) Final, 50 yards, girls over 13 --1st, EVylma Donaldson (Paul- ine Johnson); 2nd, Dorothy Ec- clestone (Prince of AVales); 3rd, Francis Giske (Prince of IVales). Time, 42 2-5 sec. 50 yards, backstroke, boys'pen-- 1st, H. Lamb (Shaugh- nessy College); 2nd, G. Kuech- tel (blount Pleasant); 3rd, R. Shelly (Shaughnessy College). Time, 4-I sec. Senior boys'iving--1st, --. Lavi ne; 2nd, A. Coulter (Shaughnessy College); 3rd, G. Knechtel (blount Pleasant). 60 yards, backstroke, girls'pen-- 1st, Francis Giske tPrince of Wales); 2nd, D. An- d&,rson; 3rd, Gladys Munro (Laura Secord). Time, 51 2-5 sec. Championship relay race, boys--1st, Shaughnessy College, R. Shelly, A. Coulter, J. Duncan, H. Lamb; 2nd, white Rock, R. Downey, H. Elsey, R. hlerklin, A. DlcColl; 3rd, Lord Roberts, G. Biddle, R. Emerson, C. Fernie, T. Marshall. Time, 2 min. 23 sec. Senior girls'iving--1 stand- ing plain, 1 running plain--1st, N'ylma Donaldson (Pauline Johnson); 2nd, Betty Moore (White Rock); 3rd, D. Ander- son. Championship relay race girls -- 1st, white Rock, P. Longhuan, Betty Moore. Ethel i4IofI'att, Con- »ic Durez; 2nd, Pauline John- son, J. Currie, Pat Davidson, Keitha Anderson, )Vylma Don- aldson; 3rd, Hollyburn, Anna McNeil, Doris Cullin, Nancy Kearns, Phyllis Johnstone. Time, 3 min. 7 3-5 sec. The eight year old boy of 5Irs. 3V. R. i~lathews, West Bay, got up and dived off the verandah of his home last week while a- s'eep, falling twenty feet. He suffered from concussion, but is doing well at his home. Bathing &0 Caps PICNIC SUPPLIES PLATES CUPS % AXED PAPER. ICE CREA%I The Ideal Desm~ for Summer PAL&I &g the best. %e have it--Bricks 0 Bulk. Phone West 37. WEST VAN PHARMACY The Store of Service. We Deliver Phone West 37 A number of local radio en- thusiasts sat up until 2 a. m. on Sunday morning to listen to the service of thanksgiving ia West- minster Abbey. The service came through with great clearness, the voices of the archbishop and clergy being very distinct. For GAL~ EGG COAL PHO 4E ED, BLACK WEST 68 CAPILAN0 TIAIBER COMPANY "From Forest to l(ou " ~' fl ~ F 1o .&e a)I anO ..III')er .O.. 1:c. Phone North 305 FOOT OF PEAIBERTON Pemberton and Waterfront CEDAR RADIO POLES 40 Ft. LONG ALWAYS ON HAND. KILN DRIED KINDLING $3.50Big Cord Load Delivered (North or )Vest Vancouver ..... Extra charges for distant deliveries. Beyond St. Den»is (North Vancouver District) Centre Road (North Vancouver District) 29th Street (North Vancouver District) 29th Street, IVest Vancouver, to West Bay . )Vest Bay to Caulfeild .................................... 60c Extra 50c Extra 25c Extra 60c Extra $ 1.00 Extra I'hone North 304. After 6 p. m.; North 304K W HEN You need Lumber, whether in small or large amounts, justgive us a telephone call. Since our mill is located on the AVater- front at the west boundary of North Vancouver City, it may be too far for you to come down, simply telephone our office and ask for our LOCAL SALES DEPARTMENT. Your wants will receive every at- tention. Our Representative will gladly call on you if you so desire.