001C97A7 THE EVEST VAN NEEVS I'ROV INCIA L BOA RD OF TRADE URGEDSmith 's i~rocery Formation of a British Col- umbia board of trade to bring gi'eater weight and co-ordinate the somewhat varying views from the different sections of the province was advocated by Mon- tague EV. J. Bruce, president of the Associated Board of Trade of Vancouver Island in his annu- al report presented at the con- vention which opened in Victoria yesterdav The danger of board of trade work, he said, was that it was apt to become too parochial. A. HARVEY SMITH, Prop. Phono lVEST il1 Wo Doliror 24th AND MARINE, Opp. Dundararo Hall. For Friday aaa aur az., ~ Regal Shaker Salt, 2 for 21c immature's Best Corn, 3 tins 42c Strawberry Jam, per tin.. 45c Tomatoes, 2ggs,........2 tins 25c Corned Beef, 1s, per tin.... 22c Certo. for I'reserving, per bottle ............................ 32c Family Sodas, per package 19c Burford Peas........... 2 tins 25c Lombard Plums... 2 tins 25c illaple Leaf I'ears, 2 tins 35c Carnation illilk ......3 tins 33c Seedless Raisins... 2 pkts. 23c Sockeye Salmon,!. js,2 tins 37c Singapore Pineapple 3 tins 29c Shredded IVheat, per pkt. 10c Serv-us Butter.... 3 lbs. $ 1.27 i~Iatches........ 3 boxes for 25c Quaker Pork ~C Beans, 2s, ......... ....... .......... 3 tins 3 7 c Benson's Corn Starch ..................... 2 packets 25c The bridge over the Capilano River will not be closed to traf- fic on Sunday, as was previously planned, it is announced. The reason assigned for the delay is that government engi- neers, strengthening the Keith road bridge to stand the in- creased traffic strain, have not completed their work as speed- ily as anticipated. AIr. and 5Irs. R. A. Hutchison ef Vancouver, have moved into the Page house at 24th and AVat- erfront, where they ei~ect to spend the summer. AIr. and AIrs. J. Sweeney, Mr. and Mrs. T. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard returned on Sat- urday from a week's motor trip up the Cariboo highway. ROBERTS'ETTER MEATS Master william AVoodhall and his sister, Dorothy, of Swift Current, Sask., are visiting their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. H. Smith, 15th and Fulton. FREE DELIVERY TO ALL PARTS DAILY Plymouth Custards 4 eggs 1 quart of milk 1 scant cupful of sugar. Put into custard-cups, grate a little nutmeg over the top, and set in a jar of hot water in the oven. Bake for twenty minutes. Art Ridley of Los Angeles, paid a flying visit to his brother A. J. Ridley of Caulfeild, on Sat- urday, motoring up from that city in forty hours. He left os his return trip the same day. This Store is ready to take care of your Hot )Veather Needs with a good line of fresh Government Inspected 5Ieats,-- LA5IB, BEEF, PORK and HOME-MADE SAUSAGES Also in Delicatessen:-- JELLIED TOiNGUE ROBERTS'PECIAL COOKED HAM VEAL LOAF BOLOGNA and AVEINERS Caroline Pudding 1 quart of milk 1 cupful of grated bread- crumbs 3/g cupful of molasses A little salt A piece of butter Spice to taste, and bake slow- ly for three hours, stirring often so as to prevent its having any crust. Coffee Tapioca Pudding Soak two tablespoonfuls of tapioca over night. In the morn- ing drain and add three cupfuls of coffee. Cook until soft in a double boiler. Thicken with one teaspoonful of cornstarch. Add half a cupful of sugar and a little salt. Serve with sugar and cream. We hiake Everything IVe Sell. GOING AWAY? Take some of our hI EAT PI ES, CAKES BUNS and COOKIES Don't forget our special SPOViGE CAKES for Fruit Short Cakes. Mrs. DraperOne Store Only Next to PIGGLY O'IGGLY 2435 MARIiVE DRIVE Next Dundarave Hall. NOTE PHONE: West 386 1578 hi A RIiV E DRIVE PHONE WEST 190 OUR OWN SPECIAL FORihIULA forGarden Fertilizer. Help your grow- s ing plants............ NOIV 2 lbs. for 25c ge ) EVERGREEN INSECTICIDE 33cper bottle. hIRS. ROBERTS I'hone IVest 191 THE ; ewerDAYS OF JUiVE 'Tho"r my mind romantic dreams, Boreal banners, glint and glow, That's not so foolish as it seems, For God--and woman--made me so. You see, alert for ready use,I'e Adam's valid old excuse. The day has passed the blush of morn, The month is radiant, joyous Jun, The heather, rose and flowering thorn Droop in the drowsiness of noon. Tho blue sky bends in tenderness To touch the earth with warm caress. The time is short from noon till night, Then why not love while yet we may? Er joy our dreams of fair delight, Nor mourn if visions fade away. is vain to weep in Summer's glow, Because of Winter's ice and snow. If you pay your telephone bill by the 18th of the month ou i~an Save One Iiiollar July 12, 1929. Once a customer, always a customer. . EFFERIES'UPERIOR 7, EATS Government Inspected Only All Meats kept in Refrigerator &luring hot weather A full line of Cold Meats always kept--Bacon, Ha» Butter, Lard, Eggs, Fresh and Smoked Fish, Etc. Lamb Beef Pork Hollybiirn Store gest 3 Ambleside Store gest 303 c,"i'"~r'..i. For a New guilding or a Repair Job A limited number of (sri 90 Ivith orders for t)eel ~ $2.50 f ICE Large boxes holding 50 pounds of ice and leaving leaving lots of room for food stuHs. Phone Ridleys, %Vest 456 MARINE MOTORS, 2153 Marine Drive Nowadays is bitterly hostile to any form of foolishness which endangers life and property. The Reckless Driver, the Man Who Rocks the Boat, the Man Who Didn't Know it was Loaded, are Gradually Disap- pearing under pressure of pub- lic opinion. The Man Who is Careless with Fire is the great- est menace of them all. Let public opinion focus upon him. PREVENT FOREST FIRES YOU CAN HELP! BRITISH COLUMBIA FOREST SERVICE AVe can supply everything you need. Roofing -- Building Paper -- Lamatco -- Fir Veneer -- Gyp«c Plaster Board -- Sash -- Doors -- Beaver Board Shingles -- Lath -- Building hlaterials West Vancouver . umber Co. 15th and 51arine LIAIITED Phone AVest 115 Residence Phone: AVest 368L. And so, dear lass, while days are fair, With smiling sun and sylvan shade, And clover scents the summer air, Where winds acros sthe meadows strayed, We'l set our mutual hearts in tune 'I'o life and love and days of June. "Why are you so pensive?" he asked. "I'm not pensive," she replied. "But you haven't said a word for twenty minutes." "Well, I didn't have anything to say." "Don't you ever say anything when you have nothing to say?" ~ INo ~ I "Well then, will you be my wife?" B. C. TELEPHONE COMPANY Sash, Doors and Interior Finish Get our prices IT WILL FAY YOU GLASS Broken Lights repaired at reasonable cost. Amb.esIc.e . umber Co, tc. hIARINE DRIVE AT 16th STREET Fhone West 199