West Van. News (West Vancouver), 5 Jul 1929, p. 7

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001C979B July 5, 1929. THE WEST VAN NEWS SCHOOL CHAMPIONSHIP SKI i~ii~iING GALA SCHOOL PASS LISTS CLASSIFIED (Continued from Page 3) ricia wallace 2 Oliver Bur- bridge; 3. Joan Sheffield. Second Term B-- 1, Donald Sharman; 2, Kathleen Gourlay; .i,Audrey Todd. Grade 5--Second Term A-- 1. Jack IIcLeod; 2, Eunice Tur- vey; 3, SVendell Hayes. Grade 6-- 1st Term-- 1, John Gordon ~fo~; 2, Betty clou!ton; 8, Albert ~IacLeod. Second Term-- 1, Frank Hodg- son; 2, Teddy Sheffield; 3, Dickie Lester. Grade 7--1st Term--1, Helen Ritz, 2, Ian Devlin; 3, Edith White. Second Term B--1. Walter Mc- Lintock; 2, Robert Allan; 3, Bar- bara Harrison. Grade 7--Second Term A-- 1. Kathleen Hodgson; 2, Gerald Ilason;,'3, ~Iargaret Saunders. Grade 8--First Term-- 1, John Iiendrick; 2, Jack Sheffield; 3, David Spencer. Entrance-- 1, Josie Leyland89"; 2, iAIay Cripps 83"; Char- les Baldwin and Tom Timbrell 82'. r' (Continued BOA lt D AN D ROO&I Available for ladies or gentlemen, near waterfront and ferries on Marine Drive. Phone tVest 449Y. FOURTH H EAT--S. Mills (A.), F. Wilkinson (M.P.), L. hforrison (3f.), J. McAulay (3f.P.), R. 3ferklin (W.), A Davis (iV.W.). FIFTH HEAl' J. Keenan (A.), C. hfcDonald (M.P.), J. Sloan (31.). A. Coulter (S.C.), H. Elsey (W.). W. Tupper (C.R.). SIXTH HEAT--G. Brennan (A.), F. Moorhouse (M.), R. Shelly (S.C.), B. Liddle ( W.), B. Boyd (Sex.), B Barr (P2.), D. Cornborough (R.). EVENT iVo. H.--50 YARDS FltEE STYLE Girls 13 and over. FIRST H EAT--Freda hf utter ( M.P. ), Hannah Boumgart (hf.), Jenny hfurray (M.), Norah Stronge (Hol.), hfolly hforrison (PJ.), Doris Rivers (PJ.). SECOND HEAT--I.lllian Lake (M.), Gladys Wil- liamson (3f.), Betty hfoore (W.). Phyllis Johnson (Hol ), Vera Dunne (PJ.), Pat Davidson (P2.), Frances Giske (P. of W.) THIRD HEAT-- hfarion Lang (M.), hfary Short (31.), hfary Edington (Hol.), Gertrude hfcNeil (Hol.) Wylma Donaldson (I'.J.), Dorothy Ecclestone (P. of W.), EVENT iVo. 9~F1 NAI, 50 YARDS 13oya under 13. EVEVT No. 10.--FINAL, 50 YAltDS Glrlrr under 13. EVENT iVo. I L--JUNIOR BOYS'IVIiVG I)ives-- 1 standing plain, 1 running plain. In event of lie, 1 running jackknil'e. James Keen (H.), Angus McColl (lV.), Garnctt Williamson (Hol.), Carl Johnson (H.), Shaw ihfizu- hata (H.), W. hfontgomery (PJ,), George Biddle (L.It.), Edwin hf ills (PJ.), James Foster (C.R.), Geoffrey Biddle (L.R.), hfaurice Meraw (PJ.), Ger- ald hfills (PJ.), Fred Griffen (C.R.), Dick Emerson (L.R.), Campbell Fcrnie (L.R.), Tom hIarshall (L. R.), O. Lacey (hf.A.G.), J. Taylor, (hf.A.G.). EVENT No. 12.--SEMI-FINAI. OF 50 YAltDS. 13oys over ]3. EVENT No. 13.~ViNIOlt GlltLS')IVIiVG. Dives-- 1 standing plain, 1 running plain. In event of a tie, 1 running jacknife. Edith White (PJ.), Margaret Franklin (Dun.), Connie Duprez (W.), Gladys hfunro (L.S.), hfargaret Currie (PJ.), Lorraine Wheelwright (Hol.), hfar- jorie Rivers (PJ.), hfargaret Giske (P. of lV.), hfary Good (B.C.S.). EVENT No. 14.--FINAL OF 50 YAltDS. Girls over 13. EVENT No. 15.--50 YAltDS, BACKSTltOKE Boys, open, FIRST HEAT--G. Brennan (A.), R. Payne (D.), R. Shelly (S.C.S.), A. hlacAulay (Hol.), R. Emer- son (L.R.). SECOND HEAT--C. Booth (A.), A. Coulter (S. C.S.), H. Lamb (S.C.S.), J. Foster (C.R.), O. Lacey (hfag.). EVENT No. l6.--SENIOR BOYS, DIVING R. Stephenson (A.), R. Payne (D.), S. Mills (A.), G. Knechtle (3I.P.), D. Campbell (hf.), A. Coulter fS.C.S.), J. Keenan (A.), C. McDonald (hf.P.), J. Keil (hf.), R, Shelly (S.C.S.), R. hferklin (W.), G. Brennan (A.), H. Shelly (S.C.S.). H. Elsey (W.), C. Booth (A.), H. Lamb (S.C.S.), I. Elgar (Hol.). M. Stevens (PJ.), W. Tupper (C.R.), B. Liddle (W.), J. Duncan (S.C.S.), M. Anderson (PJ.), B. Boyd (Sex.). FOR SALE--Sealers and Jelly Galsa- es. Davenette. Fall Leaf Table. Lawn 3fowe r. Chairs, etc. 2548 Bellevue Ave. WANTED TO PURCHASE--Second Hand Row'oat. Phone West 43. TWO SNAPS-- 1 Acre 3!arine Drive, Altamont, $ 1050; 50 ft. Lot near ferry, $250. Both view lots. One- third Cash. Phone West 126X. RELLXHLE YOUNG AVOIIAi& wanted for light housework. One baby well trained. Ref- erence. Steady position. Call mornings before 10 or even- ing after 6 o'lock. Phone 4Vest 2SCL. CE31ENT lVOftK, Landscaping, Lawns Rockeries, Fencing. Trellis work, Clearing. Grading. Phone T. Barnott 23rd and JefFerson. KILN DRIED PLAiVER ENDS-- Double load delivered, $3.50. HobbTransfer, Wist 17. ltANGES FOR SAL~ A Splendid assortment of used ranges. Com- pletely overhauled. Satisfaction guaranteed. Free delivery. Phone Highland 3650. Dundarave School Class Leaders, June 1929. Grade I.--1st term--1, Ray- mond Lycett; 2, Gordon Cun- ningham. 2nd term--1, Donald Griffith; 2. Olive Robbins. Grade II.--1st term--1, Dor- othy Sangster; 2, Brenda Devlin. 2nd term--1, Elsie Robbins; 2. Frances Devlin. Grade III--1st term -- 1, Dale Fricksen; 2, Dlartha von Zuben. 2nd term--1, Victor Bl~ck; 2, Marion Currie; 3, Billy McCrum. Grade IV--1st term--1, Hugh Williams; 2, ~iIary Franklin; 3, Dorothy Davis. FOR ItEVT OR SALE -- House on Waterfront at Altamont. Apply Leyland, West 63R1. SCHWEPPES LEMONADE, ADA DRY GINGERALE and all the Good Brands of Cigars at The Ambleside Tea Rooms. A bbrev i at iona. Sir Richard McBride School. ...S.R.M.B. Aberdeen .............................,...., ........... . A. Dawson ................. ....... D. hfount Pleasant .. .. hf.P. hfodel M. Shaughnassy College School.... .. S.C.S. White Rock W. lfollyburn .............. ... Hol Pauline Johnson .. ... PJ. Hastings ............... ...... H. Dundarave ...... .. Dun. Laura Secord .. ... L.S. Lord Roberts .. .. L.R. Sexsmith ............. .. Sex. Cecil Rhodes ................................................C.R. New AVestminster N.W. Prince of Wales...... .......................... P. of W. Magee ................. ,..............., ........... bfag. Ridgeway ..................................................................... R. NOTE.--In all swimming events the first and second in each heat shall swim in the final. SEWI iG WANTED -- Ladies'n4 Children's work. Mra Bloxham, Phone West 226. WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS %EAR BEST--Dundarave. NElVMAN 4 ItOBBIVS Contractors, Builders, Painting Pap- erhanging, Alterations and Repairs. Promptly Executed. House Phone West 74R1.HONOR ROLLS AND PRIZES Div. I--Proficiency, Dale Erik- sen; Deportment, Kathleen Og- den; Attendance, George Bin- ning. Trustees'pecial Prize for Good Effort--Bet ty Gray. Division II--Proficiency, Elsie Robbins; Deportment, Beatrice Young; Attendance, Peter )Vil- liams, Billy Huggins. Trustees'pecial Prize for Good Effort--Dorothy Sangster. H EM STITCHING --Plain. white„5e yard; silk and colored 10c yard. Pearce's Drygoods, 14th Street and hfarine. Phone West 144. An old farmer and his wife drove to market one day. It had been a very wet day, and large pools of water had formed in the 1 oadway between the farm and the town. On the return journey an old friend was met. "And hoiv are you today?" was the friendly greeting. "Oh, very well thank you!" answered the farm er. "How is the missus?" con- tinued the friend. "She's fine, fine;" answered the farmer, "She's behind there"--jerking his thumb toward the back seat. "She's not there!" said the ast- onished friend. The old farmer turned and looked over his shoulder, then coolly replied: "Humph! that would be the splash then!" USEFUL RECIPES GARDE. aS DESIGNED Lard Out and Maintained. Rock Gardens, Lily and Ornamental Pools Lawns Rust&c work, Fencing, Concrete Paths, Drives, etc., Pruning and Spraying, Landscape and General Gardening R. J. K)M. Phone West 17~%1. To Keep blilk Fresh Milk that goes bad from hav- ing the air excluded is very dif- ferent to milk that has soured naturally; indeed, the former is as poisonous as tinned food that has gone wrong. Cover the open neck of the bottle with an up- turned saucer and then store in a ivooden box that has been filled with clean sawdust or chaff. Keep the box in a place that is both cool and airy. In this way milk will keep for a whole day even in very hot weather. Whimsical Review Convincing Himself TNo members of the Provinci- al Police knocked at the door of a trapper's shack on Vancouver Island: "Hello, Ed! said one of them, when the trapper came to the door. "We came across the dead body of a man over there in the hollow, and we thought it was you." "That so? What'd he look like"; asked the trapper. "Well, he was about your 4uild--" "Have on a grey flannel shirt? "Yes." "Boots?" "Yes." "Were they knee boots or hip boots?" "Let's see, ivhich were they, Charley, knee boots or hip boots? Oh, yes, they were hip boots." "No," said the trapper, 'tivns- n't me." FOR PLUM BIVG REPAIRS--Phone West 241R. HOillE HINTS A new clothes line should be boiled before using it; this will prevent the line from stretching nnd also make it last longer. GARDEN BARROWS--Strong, Light, unpainted; price $4.50, delivered subject to approval. Phone North 364R. ItESPONSIBLE COUPLE would rent fully modern house from October on or near Marine Drive essential. Reply at once, Renter c',o West Van News. To prevent cheese becoming mouldy wrap it round ~vith a piece of thin muslin ivrung out in vinegar. As the cloth dries moisten it again. Shrimp and Cucumber en Gelee 1 Package Lemon Gelatin 1 Large Can Shrimps &,'& Cupful French Dressing 2 Cucumbers, Diced Dash Paprika and Cayenne 1 Cupful Cold AVater 1 Cupful Boiling IVater 1,'upful Mayonnaise 1.Cupful Gruyere Cheese, cut in small cubes. Dissolve the gelatin in the cold ivater; add the boiling water. &Iarinate in the French dressing the contents of the can of shrimps, ivhich first break into small sections. Drain these and ad~i them to the gelatin. Add also the chilled, diced cucumbers, the Gruyere cheese, cut into tiny cubes, and then the stiff mayon- naise folded in gently at the last. Season well before putting in the refrigerator to set. Vhis salad may be prepared in indiv- idual molds or in one large shape. Serve on hearts of lettuce, cover- ing the whole lightly with shrimps, left unbroken for this purpose. Surround ivith sliced cucumbers. dressed with French dressing flavored ivith onion- juice. Extra mayonnaise dress- ing, mixed ivith an equal amount of whipped cream (unsweetened) nnd seasoned ivith paprika and a few grains of Cayenne, may be passed with this exotic and un- usual salad. II'OU INTEVD TO BUILD or Want your house altered or repaired, phone Colin Turner, builder, 13th and Haywood, West 679R. Sheets and tablecloths are best hung by folding six or seven inches over the line and then pegging up the tivo louver cor- ners so as to form a bag. The physician was giving an informal talk on physiology. "Also," he remarked, "it has recently been found that the hu- man body contains sulphur." "Sulphur!" exclaimed the girl in the blue and white blazer. "And hoiv much sulphur is there in a girl's body?" "Oh, the amount varies," said the doctor, smiling, "according tn the girl." "Ah!" returned the girl. "And is that why some of us make bet- ter matches than others?" TAXI--Peerless Sedan. Day or Night Service. Phone, Webster North 1234 It. P. Clark dh Co. (Vancouver) Ltd. SACRIFICE SNAP Always add butter gradually in small pieces to soups ivhile stirring, as, if too much is added at once, it is liable to oil. WATERFRONT LOT, A31BLESIDE, West of Ferry, Bargain Price $ 1400.Dog Barber (beginning work on the household pet): "And how will you have him clipped, lady?" "EVith a boyish bob, ofcourse.'o prevent stretched and mis-shapen garmen ts, hang theclothes upon the line as much aspossible in the position in ivhich thei ale wolll. P. P. CLAltK 4 CO.. LTD. 790 Dunsmuir St Seymour 74'ocalRepresentative C. J. ARCHER, West 225.Without abating in any degree our zeal for protection of the for- ests ive must admit that the sug- gestion of a contributor that their destruction presages the end of the big Sunday papers "gives u8," as the French would my, "furiously to think." "They tell me you have a mod- el husband, )Irs. EIicks." "Ysu, sir; but 'e ain't n ivork- ir&'odel." Soup that is being thickened ivith oatmeal or pea flour must be continually stirred while be- ing brought to boiling point and not left afterward», or it will probably burn. EXPERIEYCE TEACHES Kib OKVLEDGE Specializing in this District we have a good idea of values 1912 - 1929 HOUSES FOR RENT HOUSES FOR SALE WATERFRONTAGE- ACREAGE lloney to Loan -- Fire Insurance A certain bishop once said to n little girl: "Ethel, yc:u sc~m to L a bright little girl can . ou r~peat a verse from the Bible?""I'l say I can," replied Ethel. "Very favell, my deal'." answer- s,d the bishop; which one is it?" "The Loril is my sheliherd--I should worry!" The next time your sink gets choked up, try removing the cause by pouring down the ivnste pipe n bucket of boiling ivater to ivhich n handful of salt has been added. Pulling Together "It ain't the guns or armament, Nor the tunes the band can But the close co-operation That makes them win the dny. GEO. HAY Real Estate and InsuranceWhen butter is hard, put it ona plate and stand it over a basin containing boiling ivater. This is a less wasteful ivay than plac- ing it in front of the fire or on the stove. "It ain't the individual, Nor the army as a whole, But the everlasting team.ivork Of every bloomin'oul." --Kipling. Let us be of good cheer, hoiv ever, remembering that the mis- fortunes hardest to bear are those which never come. Notary Public 1405 hfarine Drive Office Phoae West 21 or Sey. 1260 Residence Phone W. 32R or W. 204'rom page I) EVENT No. 17.--FINAL OF 50 YARDS Boys over 13. EVENT No. 18~0 YAltDS, BACKSTROKE Girls, Open. Gladys Munro (L.S.), Freda hfutter (M.P.), Mary Short (M.), Grace McMillan (PJ.), Pat Davidson (PJ.), Frances Giske (P. of W.). EVENT N~ 19 LO» Elt 31AIVLAND SCIIOOLS. Relay Swimming Chapmionship fnr the Jantzen C'hallcnge Trophy. Boys. FIRST IIEAT--Mount Pleasant (J. McIntyre, A. Ballard, II. Molland, J. MacAulay, G. Knechtle); Aberdeen (N. Hesterberg, C. Booth. R. Stevenson, W. hfayes); Shaugghnesay C. S. (H. Lamb. R. Shelly, A. Coulter. J. Dickinson); hfodel (Spray, Murray, Moorehouse, Rorke). SECOND H FAT--IVhite Rock ( R. Downey, B. Liddle, A. hfcColl, H. Elsey, R. Merklin); Hollyburn (R. Irish. J. Bell, I. Elgar, J. Brown, A. Hookman); Lord Roberts (G. Biddle, R. Emerson, C. Fernie, T. hfarshall ). EVENT No. 20.--SENIOR GIRLS DIVING. l)ives-- 1 standing plain, 1 running plain. In event of tie, 1 back dive. Cicely Russell (W.), Jeanne Garrett (Hol.), Wyl- ma Donaldson (PJ.), Betty Moore (W.), Dorothy Ecclestone (P. of W.), Annie Ridley (PJ.), EVENT iVo. 21~FINAL OF 50 YAItDS Backst roke, Buys. EVENT iVo. 22~LOWEft 3IAINLAND SCHOOLS. ltelay Swimming Championship for Girls. Jantzen Challenge Trophy. White Rock (Connie I)uprez, Betty hfoore, Ethel 3foffatt, Joyce Fry, Patricia Loughnan); Hollyburn (I'hyllis Johnson, Anna McNeil, Doris Cullen, Nancy Kearns, Ida Allan); Pauline Johnson (Bonnibel Bar- bour, hlolly Thomson, Annie Ridley, Grace Mchfillan, Keitha Anderson, Doris Rivers, Pat Davidson); hfodel (J. Murray, L. Lake, H. Boumgast, G. Wil- liamson). EVENT iVo. 23.--FINAL SCHOOLS'ELAY CHA3IPIONSHII', BOYS.