West Van. News (West Vancouver), 5 Jul 1929, p. 3

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001C979B July 5 1929 Hollyburn School HONOR ROLLS AND PRIZES Division IX.--Grades 2A. and 28.--Proficiency -- Lily Fergu- s on; Deportment--Claire Rich- ardson; Regularity and Punctu- ality--Eva ~furch, Olive Davi- son, Kathleen Davies, Jean ilfac- Leod, Raymond Norman, Helena Clegg. Trustees'pecial Prize--Hen- ry Vigar. Class Leaders. Grade 2A.-- 1, Alice Nelson; 2, Audrey Corlan; 3, .'Ifary Hodg- son. Grade 2B.-- 1. Lily Ferguson; 2, Jacqueline Paterson; 3, Pearl Ferguson. Division I.--Proficiency--Don- alda EValker; Deportment--Ne- dra Boyd; Punctuality and Reg- ularity--Barbara Allwork; Flor- ence Charman, Nancy Kearnes, George EVatt. Trustees'pecial Prize--Phyl- lis Johnson. Class Leaders -- D o n a 1 d a Walker, John Barber, Hazel Brealey. Division II. -- Attendance- ~lildred Lettner, i~farjorie Hill David Gray, Jean Thomson, Douglas ibfcNair, Fred Jones, Caroline hfarsh, Jan Elgar, Ei- leen Body, Ida Allan, Ronald Irish, Doris Cullin; Deportment . --George Charman; Proficiency --Harry Jones. Trustees'pecial Prize-- Class Leaders. Grade 8B.--Harry Jones, Dor- othy Boshier, George Charman. Grade 7A.--ilfarjorie Paton, Alarjorie Hill, David Gray. Division X.--Grade 1.--Profi- ciency--Dorothy ~lessenger; De- portment -- Geoffrey Blaney; Regularity and Punctuality-- George Sakurai, F l o r e n c e Knight, Ella Colpitts, Pat. Jef- feries, 4'ictor Ferguson, Ariel I fodgson. Special--Philip Aldred. Class Leaders. Grade 1A.--1, Dorothy IlIes- sc.nger; 2, Geoffrey Blaney; 3, Joan bfills. Grade 1B.--1, Ariel Hodgson; 2, Pat. Jefferies; 3, Victor Fer- guson. Division III.--Grade VII B.-- Proficiency -- Doreen Palmer; Deportment--Ida Boshier; Reg- ularity and Punctuality -- Jean Duncan, Gordon Higginson, Don- ald %fills, Pearl Robertson, Afary Gibson. Special Prize--Doreen Childs. Class Leaders--Doreen Palm- er, Donald i%fills, Ida Boshier. Hollyburn School High School Entrance Exam- ination names of pupils (in alph- r.betical order, recommended for admission to High School: Barbara Allwork, Mary And- rews, william Atwood, Marjorie Atwood, John Barker, Nedra Boyd, James Brown, Hazel Brea- ley, Robert Crawford, Thomas Davis, John Edmondson, Mary I~'raser, Jeanne Garrett, Eunice Harrison, Arthur Hookham, Phyllis Johnson, Nancy Kearns, Maud Lambert, Charles Lauder, Jean Lettner, William Mason, Archie hfacKenzie, Julia Pyne, Donna Rosseau, Helga Roos, Ella Roxburgh, Phyllis Reid, Donalda EValker, George IVat t, bfary Yates. Division IV. Grade 6A.--1, Virginia de Gamage; 2, Jack Schuberg; 3, John Harper. Grade 6B.-- 1, hfary Currie; 2, Bernice Patois; 3, Eric Hoyle. Proficiency -- 5fary Currie: Board Prize, Jean Kinloch; Reg- ularity and Punctuality, Betty Bradford, Fred Corbett, Alexan- der bfacAulay, Gilbert Perry, June )Vright; Deportment, Vir- ginia de Gamage. Division V.--General Profi- ciency--Sydney Blaney; Deport- ment, Doreen Elgar; Regularity and Punctuality--Ian Rush, Ag- »es Gray, Jean Hill, Gordon Gib- son. Trustees'pecial Prize--Ted El fstrom. Class Leaders. Grade 5A.--Sydney Blaney, Anne Clegg, Ted Elfstrom. Grade 5B.--Agnes Gray, Har- old Johnson, Ian Ilfills. Pauline Johnson School On Friday, June 28th the a- bove school closed for the sum- mer vacation. About 11 a.m. the pupils were assembled in the school yard where Trustees Mrs. Robinson and Mr. Elgar present- ed the Rolls of Honor to the suc- cessful pupils and also a special prize given by the Trustees to one scholar of each division who had made the most marked pro- gress during the school year. At t)ie close Mrs. Robinson address- ed a few words of congratulation and good wishes for a pleasant holiday to the pupils and staff, and the pupils gave a rousing cheer to the representatives of the School Board. At the word 'dismiss" a wild, rushing joyous croivd rapidly disappeared in all directions to commence the best holiday yet. The following pupils were the recipients of the special prizes presented by the Board: Division 1 --Grade 1--Sadako Kobuyakawa. Division 2--Grade 2--Cynthia Haslam. Division 3--Grade 3--Billie Barker. Division 4--Grade 4--Ilfargar- et Ogden. Division 5--Grade 5--Patricia Wallace. Division 6--Grade 5a and 64 --Alice Lauder. Division 7--Grade 6a--Anne Salter. Division 8--Grade 7 -- Enid Clements. Division 9--Grade 7a and 8b --Gerald hlason. Division 10--Entrance--John Kyte. Division VI. -- Proficiency-- Alan Fraser; Deportment--Bet- ty Hadwin; Regularity and Punctuality--Bernard Bradford, Gerald Horkham. Trustees'pecial Prize--ibfar- garet Dickinson. Class Leaders. Grade 4A.--1, Elaine Kissick; 2, Rita Aldred; 3, Anna Pearson. Grade 4B.-- 1, Gordon Mills; 2, Gerald Hookham; 3, Lila Rey- nolds. Grade 3A.--Punctuality and Regularity--Jack Kearns, Eric Schuberg; Deportment -- April Fraser; Proficiency -- Douglas IVat t. Special Prize--Il f uriel Rey- nolds. Class Leaders-- 1, Teddy Meg- Laughlin; 2, Douglas EVatt and Jim Love (tie); 3, Harry Inman. Division VIII.--Proficiency- Ilarold Graham; Deportment-- Alice Nelson; Regularity and Punctuality--Robbie Perry, Au- drey Burkhart, Clifford Hill. Donald Howieson, hIary Hodg- son. Special Prize--Peggy Napier. Class Learlers. Grade 2A.-- 1, Alice Nelson; 2, Audrey Corlan; 3, hfary Hodg- son. Grade 3B.--1, Robbie Perry; 2, Flarold Graham; 3, Jimmie ~filler. The following is a list of pupils gaining Rolls of Honor in the ttn divisions: Division 1--Proficiency, Jess Public Schools Pass List and Honor Roll THE O'EST VAN NEAVS IVrisberg; Deportment, Gordon Bradley; Regularity and Punctu- ality, Ralph Tipton, AVill Nicol, Barbara Sparrow, Gloria Stam- atis, John Anderson, Laureen Jones, Robert Sheffield. Division 2--Proficiency, Rob- ert Kendrick; Deportment, ihfar- garet Curry; Regularity and Punctuality, Ifargaret Bill, Don- ald Cox. Richard Creelman, Alice Grady, Betty Aferaw. Division 3--Proficiency, Shei- la Edwards; Deportment, Joyce Burbridge; Regularity and Punc- tuality, Harry Parker, Jacque- line Boyd, Dorothy Sharman, Sylvia Harris, Peggy Anderson, Robert Timbrell. Division 4--Proficiency, Eve- lyn illcGowan; Deportment, Jes- sie Ritz; Regularity and Punctu- ality, James Turner. Division 5--Proficiency, Oliv- er Burbridge; Deportment, Yoshi Jlomma; Regularity and Punct- uality, James Duckworth, Harry ilferaw, Donald Sharman, ilfiltorr IVard, wallace i~furray, Ronald Clifford. Phyllis Creelman, Eil- een Hodgson, Verne Taylor. Division 6--Proficiency, John Gordon Moe', Deportment, bfar- jorie Teece; Regularity and Punctuality, Nora Dent, John Bradley, Jack McLeod, Gordon Ritz, Daisy Stokes. Division 7--Proficiency, Frank Hodgson; Deportment, ~farjorie ) IcLennan; Regularity and Punctuality, Gertrude Thomp- son, Teddy Sheffield, ~ifargaret Har dman, Tom Hicklenton, Dor- othy Dickinson, Alton Grafton. James i4!urray, Harry Phillips, Dick Timbrell. Division 8--Proficiency, Helen Ritz; Deportment, Doris Tanner; Regularity and Punctuality, Scott Richardson, Joyce Dickin- son, william Hawkes. Division 9--Proficiency, John Kendrick; Deportment, lfabel Phillips; Regularity and Punctu- ality, william Albin, Laura ~fur- ray, Jack Sheffield, Gordon Stemson. Division 10--Proficiency, Josie Leyland; Deportment, Alex Bax- ter; Regularity and Punctuality. Bert Albin, ofay Cripps, Eileen Dent, Josie Leyland, Betty ~for- rison, ~lalcolm Stevens, Tom Timbrell, Evelyn Dickinson. The names of the leaders in each Grade and Term are as fol- lvws'. Grade 1 -- 1st Term-- 1, Patsy hferaw; 2, Jim Anderson; 3, Gloria Stamatis. Second Term--1, Jess EVris- berg; 2, Jackie Lynn; 3, George Kempson. Grade 2--1st Term-- 1, Rhoda Hoffman; 2, Norma Stephenson; 3, Pamela Little. Second Term-- 1, Colin Jones; 2, Alice Grady; 3, Cynthia Has- lam. Grade 3--1st Term--1, Susan McLintock; 2, Paul Jaggar; 3, ~fargaret ibfciif illan. Second Term--1, Sheila Ed- wards; 2, Harry Parker; 3, John Little. Grade 4--1st Term-- 1, Jessie kitz; 2, Joan Mathews; 3, Kath- leen Jaggar. Second Term--1, Evelyn 3fc- Gowan; 2. Sylvia Kyte; 3, Cole- man Key. Grade 5--1st Term--1, Pat- (Continued on Page 7) Sunburn anrI Mosquito Bites Are prevalent just now and we guarantee U.iGUENTINE for the sunburn and we make a preparation for the bites that positively puts the "quit" in mosquitoes. Just ask for our own remedy--25 cents. WEST VAN PHARMACY The Store of Service. We Deliver Phone West 37 "Do you believe that we should have a more elastic currency~" asked the man who always talks national finance. "Not much!" snorted the man with the shiny clothes. "It' elastic enough now. KVhat they ought to do is make it more ad- hesive." For QALT EGG COAL l'fkO.iE ED. BLACK WEST 68 CAPILANO TIilIBER COAIPANY "From Forest to lI'ou " I ...ie a)i ano '..'isa ier .O...I.&. Phone North 305 FOOT OF I'Ei~lBERTON Pemberton and waterfront CEDAR RADIO I OLES 40 Fto LONG ALWAYS OÃ HAND. KlLN DRIED KINDLING Big Cord Load Delivered (North or IVest Vancouver.. Extra charges for distant deliveries. Beyond St. Dennis (North Vancouver District) .... Centre Road (North Vancouver District) 29th Street (North Vancouver District) 29th Street. lV est Vancouver, to )Vest Bay . IVest Bay to Caulfeild . $3.50 50c Extra 60c Extra 25c Extra 60c Extra $ 1.00 Extra I'hone North 304. After 6 p. m.; North 304K W HEN You need Lumber, whether in small or large amounts, just give us a telephone call. Since our mill is located on the AVater- front at the west boundary of North Vancouver City, it may be too far for you to come down, simply telephone our office and ask for our LOCAL SALES DEPARTMENT. Your wants will receive every at- tention. Our Representative will gladly call on you if you so desire.