West Van. News (West Vancouver), 5 Jul 1929, p. 1

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001C979B A Wee&.y '..'4ews~a~el $1.00 per year. Nlewgrstands 5c per Copy Ct'rculati upi I the District Of West Vancouver-- A m6leside, H0//y6uyu, Wc~g0u Duyfgu„uvre Cypress Park, Caulfeiid, Whytecliff, Etc. Vol. IV EIGHT PAGES HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER. B.C., FRIDAY, JULY 5th 1929 No. 14 Big Special Edition of News on 26th COUNCI[. NOTES The municipal solicitor report- ed progress made on the fo))oiv- ing matters: 1. Acquiring necessary lots for the Capilano bridge right of way. 2. That the best method of dea)ing with the closing of the Marine Drive would be by by-]a44 Messrs. G. N. Cave, Clifford. ! and Jones were present to inter- view the council in connection with dance at Red Mill, AVest Bay, alleging that the resort was being made into a public dance ! hall and that the slot music rna- chine irista]]nI there 4vas a nuis- ance. After a full discussion they were notified by the reeve that the matter wou]d be refer- red to the commissioners and Chief of Police to ascertain whether the building comes und- er the dance hall by-law or not and that they wou]d be notified 4 of the result. H. Ko]thammer was present regarding electric light for the district between Cau]feild and Gleneagles (approximately 21/2 miles). He was informed that when a sufficiently signed peti-'ion was submitted the matter would receive the attention of the council. J. C. ]44Ioon was advised in ref- ! erence to shack at waterfront, D. L. 669, that the building was on private property and that the , council cannot interfere. li L. Lambert's letter re ferry service to Horseshoe Bay from Vancouver on wednesday after- noons, Saturdays, and Sundays during July and August was re- ferred to the chairman of trans- portation for report at the speci- al meeting on Friday, 5th July. The following matters were referred to the engineer: l. H. G. )Vi]]iamson's applica- tion to cut fire wood above Ne]- son Creek. For report and also tn report on conditions in the area which applicant has already had permission to cut. 2. A. i%I. Powell. lane at back ef D. L. 554-5-D. Report. 3. G. T. Saunders. Boulevard 554-5A-6. Report. 4. 4V. S. SIclntyre. King' Ave. from 11th Street one half block west. Report. 5. B. R. Harrison. Bush at corner 26th and Haywood and Hayivood and Kings. Power to act. 6. Engineer's report on mid- d)e line, Marine Drive. Referred back with popover to act in moder- ation. 7. Engineer's report on appli- cation of B. H. Bowles for re- moval of boulders 2030 Esqui- malt Ave. Power to act. The work of installing a cul- vert at 430-34-9 was approved at a cost not over $15. In con- nection with this the engineer divas instructed to bring in an estimate of the cost of clearing of boulevard Bay Street from Royal Ave. to Nelson Ave. The big special publicity number of The News will be published on Friday, July 26th. This issue, which it is hoped to make a 32-page number, will have a cir- culation of several thousands in Greater Vancouver, in addition to its regular number. It will carry a large number of splendid illustrations of IVest Vancouver's Beaches, Schools, Roads, Homes and Scenic Views, and will have many special articles dealing with the progress and development of the dis- trict and drawing attention to its unique position as the premier residential sector of western Canada. Choral Society to Give Garden Concert Final arrangements have been made for the garden social to be given by the IVest Vancouve" Choral Society on Tuesday, July 16th. The social will be held in the garden of i~Ir. B. R. Harri- son's residence, 26th and Kings, and in view of the excellent pro- gram arranged and the beauty of the setting should be a most en- joyab]e affair. The following art- ists will take part: Soloists--Mrs. F. X. Hodgson, AIrs. H. A. Eager, Miss B. Tris- tram, Miss Joan Durbin, 4Irs. R. Howieson, AIessrs. A. J. Addy, Aubrey A. Clarke, G. Gray, P. T. Hardman, J. 4V. Holt, J. Low- don. Elocutionist--iAIiss I. Giddens. Humorist--Sid Dean. Accompanist--3Iiss Margaret McIntyre. Thanksgiving Service LEGION, ATTENTION! All members of the )Vest Vari- couver branch Canadian Legion, are asked to fall in at the corner of 22nd and Marine Drive next Sunday, 7th July, at 11 a. m. to t;ike part in the thanksgiving service for the King's recovery at St. Stephen's Church. This parade is by request of the Dom- inion Command. Every member is asked, therefore, to make a point of being present. Any other ex-service men ivi]] also be welcomed. Order of dress-- Mufti with medals. Invitation of Rev. A. Harding Priest to attend national thanks- giving service for the recovery of King George next Sunday was accepted. As many of council as can do so will attend. A culvert at a cost not to ex- ceed $ 18 was authorized for Gordon 4V. Smith to provic)e ac- cess to D. L. 555-25-15 providing he undertook to complete the re- mainder of the work. NORTH SHORE CEI.EHRA- TION DRAlVS CROWD Favored with ideal weather, a crowd of 6000 attended North Vancouver's Dominion Day cele- bration on Monday. The day' activities commenced with the street parade which wended its way to IIahon Park via Lonsdale avenue and Fifteenth Street. City fire apparatus led the par- ade, followed by the North Van- couver Boys'ipe Band, the First National Juvenile Band of Vancouver, a specially decorated coach carrying May Queen Jean Mu]cahy, and her maids of hon- or. Betty Bradford and Eleanor Goard, decorated bicyc]es, trucks conveying contingents represent- ing North Shore schools, celebra- tion committee officials and dec- orated autos and trucks. Percy IVi]]iams, Olympic star, appeared at ~iIahon Park shortly after the arrival of the parade and was given a warm welcome by the huge crowd. On behalf of the city, iAIayor G. H. i~Iorden presented to Percy a leather- bound portfolio of North Shore colored views. Following the presentation Percy officiated as starter for the senior events. Elks won the intermediate baseball game piayeu in the morning, defeating the )Vest Vancouver nine and the North Shore United girls'eam experi- enced their first loss of the sea- son in the afternoon 4vhen Ram- blers of the "A" division of the Vancouver and District Softball League won a close game 18-14. E)ks avon the senior ball game in the evening, defeating Squam- ish 4-0 and thereby adding to their lead in the North Shore Baseball League. North Vancouver Lodge No. 55, B.P.O.E., avon the tug of war 4vith a team representing As- sembly No. 11, Native Sons of Canada, second. Rodger Burnes avon first prize for the best decorated bicycle in the parade and Ted Eckford was second. The Al Fuel Company received first prize for the best decorated float in the parade and second prize event to R. Cates. Plans for Capilano Bridge Received Tenders to be Ca]]ed A letter was received from the Deputy I[inister of pub]ic SVorks by the council on Tues- day eienlng advising them that tenders for the substructure would he received by the minist- er up to Tuesday, 9th July, on which date they 4vou]d be opened in public at 3.30 p. m. A copyof the plans and specifications was enclosed. The new bridge ~vou]d be located a short distance downstream from the old struc- ture and the river would be spanned by a 250 foot truss span and two 28 feet beam spans. The approaches were to be fills made from excavating the river channel. The piers and abut- ments and also the toes of the fills would be protected by heavy rip-rap consisting of large con- crete blocks which wil] be ob- tained from the wrecking of the old structure. iAIr. Philip also stated that it ~as expected that tenders would be called in a week or two for the steel superstructure. The bridge roadway would be 20 feet clear between curbs and havea 5-foot sidewa)k nn either aisle Both roadivay and sidewalks on the spans will be reinforced con- crete slabs. HADDOÃ HALL DEAL GOING FORWARD The municipal so)icitor report- ed to the council on Tuesday evening that he had had a con- ference with ii!r. ~IcEvoy, solic- itor for ~Ir. Pat Burns, in con- nection with the Haddon Hall property, the intervie being very satisfactory. ter. McEvoy Nas leaving for Calgary on Sat- urday evening, 8th July, and he (the municipal solicitor) divas preparing a draft agreement, which he anticipated would be mutually acceptable, for Xr. Mc- Evoy to take avith him when he interviewed Mr. Burns. The council is meeting tonight lo consider this draft agreement. AIiss L. E. Robertson was ad- ] vised that the plumbing by-laws must be conformed with and that the sanitary inspector was only carrying out his duties. A. McEvoy and A. G. Harvey were informed in reference to an 1 alleged dance hall at tVest Bay that the matter has been refer- ! red to the Chief of Police. i J. S. Yates. assistant fire mar- shall, reported on conditions in the private schoo]s. ]4Ir. Yates was thanked for the information )I and informed that the council ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ look to him to see that his recom- mendations, of which the council 4 ; approve,are carried out. F. AV. Beddard wrote re Keith Road immediately west of bridge'ver the Capilano River. He 4vas advised that work 4vas in hand and it was anticipated that the road wou)d be attended to before the Marine Drive was ~'losed. The engineer's report on the application of L. R. Liddell for the opening of Lawson, 26th to . 27th Streets, was laid over. In reference to the Nort Vancouver Hospital contribution the matter of chief contributor Io the hospital divas referred to the solicitor for his report School Championship Swimming Gala at Dundarave Pier Tomorrow The Lower Main)and Public by our local Swimming Club by picture of the training giv b and Junior High Schools Regat- your presence at the Regatta this C]ub. The diving and to be held tomonow at Dun- and make it a point to bring at ining 4vi]] be ive]) worth the price darave Pier will commence at least one friend with you. No of admission. So, ]et's a]] go and one 0'clock shalV. A limited effort has been spared by the be sure to be there early This number of reserved seats are Executive Committee to make is going to be the children's "big sti) 1 available. this one of the best galas of the day." Put the stamp of your ap- season. The life saving exhibi- The fo]]owing is the list of prova) on the 4vork undertaken tion wi)] give you a very clear entries: EV&4]T Ão. 1 --25 YAItDS FREE STYLE THIRD HEAT--Norman Depoe (D.). Edwin Mills Boys under 9. (P2.), Fred Griffen (C.R.), J. Rorke (hf.), Dick R. hfcCarthy (M.P.), P. Harroway (lV). Emerson (LR.), O. Lacey (Mag.) EVEN'I'o. 2--2$ YA]WADS FREE STYLE EVE~IT iso ~0 YARDS FREE STYLE Girls under 9. Girls under 13. Barbara Good (B.C.S.) FIRST HEAT--Gladys hfunro (LS.), Mildred EVENT No. 3--50 YARDS F'REE STYLE Flook (M.), Ethel hfoffatt (lV.), Edith Palmer (Hol) Boys uunder 11. Margaret Currie (PJ.). David Loughnan (IV), Geoff'rey Biddle (L.R.) SECOND HEAT--Annie Solomon (M.), Jenny EVENT No 1--50 YA]tDS FREE STYLE Buckshon (M.), Joyce Fry (lV.), Olive Childs (Hol.),Edith white (PJ.).Girls under 11. A]ice hfcGarry ()V) &Vinnie Cox (Ifo].) I.orraine D l -- etty hfcLennan (hI.), Connie ee]wright (Ho].), Norma Ho]]]day (Dun.), Luci]]e ( .), ricia oughnan (IV.), Margaret Currie (Dun.), Monnibel Barbour (PJ.), Mary Good Franklin (Dun.), hfargaret Giske (P. of IV.), ( B.C.S.). EVENT Ão. 5--50 YA]&DS FILER STYLE FIRST EIEAT-- Ra Bro44n (S.R.M.B ), C B hBoys under 13. ( -), ~ y (. . .),ames een, nims c o (S C ) J Be]] (Hol )(IV), A]very Spray (M). Tom hfarshall (L.R.), Ger- SECO~&D HEAT--R Stephenson ( 4 ) R Payneaid Mills (PJ,), Campbell Fernie (L.R.). SECOND HEAT--Carl Johnson (H.), hfaurice son (S.C.), J. Brown (Hol.).hfcraw (P.J.), James Foster (C.R.), Jack hIeadley THIRD HEAT--N. Hesterberg (A.), G. Knechte](Sex.) ~ George~ Biddle (L.R.), Shaw hfisuhara (H.), (hf.P.), C. Barry (hl.), ]I. hfolland (hI.P.), J. Dun-J. Taylor (hfag.). can (S.C.), hfaurice Anderson (PJ.). (Continued oa Page 7) The engineer reported on l. E. II. E)]iott's application for 44ork on lane ~3i ~ ll to 15 EVork approved at a cost not over $350. 2. A. S. Taylor's application for opening lane 237-11-10. AVork to be done at a cost not exceed- ing $ 140. 3. App]ication of M. J. Tisdale for access to garage 555-12-13. IVork authorized at a cost not tn exceed $35. CAI'ILANO BRIDGE TO BE CLOSED FOR TRAFFIC The bridge over the Capilano river at 4Iarine Drive will be closed as from 13th instant. from 4vhich date on traffic 4vi]) be detoured over the Keith Road bridge, which is no~v being speci- ally strengthened for the in- creased traffic. Arrangements have been made to fix up the Keith Road from the bridge as far as 3rd Street.