West Van. News (West Vancouver), 5 Jul 1929, p. 8

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001C979B Smith 's i rocery No Doliror 24th AND MARINE, Opp. Dundararo HalL A. HARVEY SMITH, Prop. Phono IYEST 461 Quaker Corn Flakes 2 pkts 19c Certo, per bottle ............ 32c Bird's Custard I'oivder ... 17c Serv-us Lobster, &.~'s per tin ...... ... ....... ..... ....... 23c Kraft Cheese, l,q lb. pkg. 22c Fry's Cocoa, I ~ lb. ti» .... 24c Oranges ........... 2 doz. 39c Serv-us Tomato Soup . 3 tins 33c illacaroni .............. 2 lbs. 19c Eagle i4lilk, per tin ......... 19c H. C. Gran. Sugar, 10 lbs. 5 7c Aylmer Chicken, per tin.... 37c For Friday and Sataarday Kellogg~'s AII-Bran, pkt.. 1'.)c Fruit Cookies ... 2 lbs. for 39c Libby's I'ot ted i~leats tins 21c Jif Soap I lakes, pkg....... 18c ihlurray's hlarmalade, large jar ................................. 19c Colman's Mustard, &,!i, lb. tins, per tin................ 2Gc Libby's I'repared i~lustard per jar ....................... lie Royal City Peaches, 2's, per tin ..... ...... ............. ... .. 23c ROBERTS'ETTER MEATS FREE DELIVERY TO ALL PARTS DAILY This is the store of Qu,".lity, Cleanliness and Courte- ous Service. All Meats Government In- spected and kept in cooler during hot weather. Full Line of Fresh Cooked Delicatessen to choose from. Bulk Pickles 40c per Pint Fruit, Vegetables and Fish Fresh Daily One Store Only Next to PIGGLY WIGGLY 1578 hiARINE DRIVE PHONE WES I 190 The Proper AVay "How can I keep from being a wallflower at a dance?" "You should take steps to pre- vent it." Cup Cake One fourth cup shorte»i»g, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup milk, 1 egg, well beaten, 2 cups flour, 1'.t, teaspoon ~lt, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 2 tea- spoons baking powder. Sift to- gether sugar, flour, baking pow- der and salt: add melted shorten- i»g, mixed together. Combine the dry and liquid ingredients. illix well. Bake in moderate oven i» muffin tins 20 minutes. Cover with jelly meringue. Royal Corn illuffins Sift together one pint each of corn meal and flour, a tablespoon of sugar a teaspoon of salt, and three teaspoons of baking pow- der. Beat in two eggs and a pint of milk, mix smooth, and pour into cold buttered muffin pans, filling them three quarters ful). Bake fifteen minutes in a hot oven. A half cup of chopped berries may be added, in season, to these muffins, or chopped dates, raisins, or stewed prunes, in winter, added are very appe- tizing. Team work probably had its origin in the primeval household. Man was concerned principally with thoughts of getting enough tn eat. He had other troubles cf course, but he never knew, when he started out in the morn- ir.g, whether he would come home with the bark on, shredded or come home at all. EVhen he made a kill, how- ever, he had the co-operation of the whole family. Co-operation expanded. Tribes became com- munities; communities develop- ed into nations. How? Team- v~ork and co-operation of a con- stant and efficient type., Let us all pull together. To make coal last longer, dis- :olve a handful of washing soda in a gallon of water and throw the liquid over the coal when you Let in a fresh supply. A portable elec tl'ic flashing light, supplied with current by storage batteries, has been in- vented to replace oil lanterns as danger signals in streets, and where construction . is under way. THE ! ower SM) hi RS. ROBERTS SPECIAL THIS WEEK -- Small Ferns for table decoration 25c each Larger (3 ferns 1 pot) ...50c. Ask for "EVERGI(EEN" the safe Insecticide. I'hone West 191 $ash, Dpprs anrI Interior Finish Get our prices IT WILL FA.Y YOU GL+ss Broken Lights repaired at reasonable cost. Aml~.esic.e j umber Co, tc. hIARINE DRIVE AT 16th STREET Fhone West 199 THE EVEST VAN NEEVS NEQ')OOKS AT HOLI Y- BURN PUBI.IC LIBRARY The followi»g is a list, of the »e» books Nlth thell Authols which have just been put on the shelves of the Hollyburn Public Llbl'ary 'l ivate Selby, Edgar )Vallace; Bones, Edgar 9'al lace; AVhe» Tutt fleets Tut, Arthur Train; U»easy Street, Arthur Somers Iloche; Treasu re Trail, Roland Pertwee; Tomorrow's Tangle, Margaret Pedler; AValker of the Secret Service, blelville Davisson Post; Small Hatchelor, P. G. EVodehouse; Red Ashes, Margar- et Pedlar; Rung Ho, Talbot Mun- day; I'ressure, Margaret C. Ban»ing; Love of 5Iadamoiselle, George Gibbs; He Rather Enjoy- ed It, P. G. IVodehouse; The )Vire Tappers, Arthur Stringer; The Square Emerald, Edgar wallace; The Golden Ladder, Rupert Hughes; Dance illagic, Clarence H. Kelland; Cinema Murder, E. Phillips Oppenheim; Behind That Curtai», Earl D. Biggers; Bad Girl, Vina Delmar; Bellarion, Sabatini; Pride of Eve, )Varwick Deeping; Jacob's Ladder, E. Phillips Oppenheim; Jungle Tales of Tarzan, E. R. Bur- loughs; "K," Nary R. Rhine- hart; Stolen Idols, E. Phillips Oppenheim; The Forger, Edgar wallace; The Net, Rex Beach; Pool. Gentleman, lan Hay; AVel- come Home, Alice D. Miller; Red Dancer of Moscow, H. L. Gates; Path of the King, John Buchan; Secret of Ahbor Valley, Talbot Munday; The Double, Edgar )Vallace; Tale of Paddy Mush- eat, A, S. Bailey. Juvenile Section Story of a Stuffed Elephant, Laura Lee Hope; Bases Full, Harold N. Sherman; Animal Heroes, Ernest T. Seton; Girl Scouts Motor Trip, E. Lavell; Vacation with the Tucker Twins, Nell Speed; Polly of Pibbley Pit, Lillian E. Roy; House on the Cliff, Franklin 4V. Dixon; Bobb- sey %vins on a Houseboat, Laura L, Hope; Tale of Henriette Hen, Arthur S. Bailey; First Stop, Honolulu, F. AV. Dixon; Six Little Bankers at Farmer Joels. Laura L. Hope; Sunny Boy, R. Allison white. 3 Ii '.A:l That Satisfies and Pleases All Our Bread and Cakes i&lade in %Vest Vancouver Stratton's Goods are as good as any you can buy anywhere. STRATTON'S BAKERY AMBLESIDE I'HONE iVEST 27 And our Delivery man will call. Jimmy Thomson' TRANSFER Daily Trips to and from City. hloving Baggage a Specialty. PHONE WEST 110 FOR Coal and Wood Prompt Delivery POT AND BEDDING PLANTS Fertilizers, Seed Potatoes and Grass Seeds Next Dood to Theatre VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phone West 9 Next door to Theatre Fuel and Building Supplies. July 5, 1929. Once a customer, always a customer. Government Inspected Only. All Meats kept in Refrigelator during hot weather. A full line of Co]d Meats always kept--Bacon, Ham, Huttel, Larval, Eggs, Fresh and Smoked Fish, Etc. Lamb Beef Pork Hoiiybnrn Store gest 3 Ambleside Store gest 303 For a New Building or a Repair Job 4Ve can supply everything you need, Roofing -- Building Paper -- Lamatco -- Fir Veneer -- GyprocI'laster Board -- Sash -- Doors -- Heaver Hoard Shingles -- Lath -- Building illaterials West Vancouver .I~um her Co. 15th and Illarine LIMITED Phone AVest 115 Residence Phone: IVest 3GSI . FOR SALE MARINE MOTORS, 2153 Marine Drive WEST VANCOUVER TENNIS CLUB Tickets 75c at HOLLYBURN PAVILION FRIDAY, JULY 12th Dancing 9 to 12 . 3..i.C Nowadays is bitterly hostile to any form of foolishness which en dangers life and property. The Reckless Driver, the Man Who Rocks the Boat, the Man Who Didn't Know it was Loaded, are Gradually Disap- pearing under pressure of pub- lic opinion. The Man Who is Careless with Fire is the great- est menace of them all. Let public opinion focus upon him. PREVENT FOREST FIRES YOU CAN HELP! BRITISH COLUMBIA FOREST SERVICE 1Or Rent for season $2.50 & ' & Phone Orders for ICE to the Ice Plant, West 456