West Van. News (West Vancouver), 28 Jun 1929, p. 7

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001C978F June 28, 1929. THE ~ST VAN NEWS Correspondence WRITES A BOUT TAX ES Editor EVest Van News, Dear Sir:--Your recent de- fence of the 1929 Tax Rate mas no doubt well intentioned, but in the minds of a great many, a 61 mill rate is utterly indefensible. Burnaby's similar rate being termed "Barefaced Appropria- tion" and EVest Vancouver's tax- es are relatively higher, owing to " a higher assessment. One Reeveship candidate at ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : the last ~lunicipal Election, more by ivay of a threat than anything e)se, forecast an Improvement ~ Tax for 1930 when he wouldn"are to be Reeve." But if the present Council had kept the mill rate down to say 30 or 35 mills, I u.ith a tax on the necessary per-'entage of improvements to raise "~ the required revenue, it is my firm opinion that AVest Vancou- ) ver ivoutd have had quite a boom , this year instead of the present stagnation. Both Point Grey and Burnaby have been largely built up of former South Vancouver resid-'nts escaping high taxation and & now it is reported that Burna- by in its turn, owing to its own'igh land taxation, has lost . 2,000 of its population to Surrey rrrrtl Point Grey owing to amalga- mation, has a 60'ax increase cn any house assessed at $2500 lr with a higher proportional in- crease on the larger houses, antI there will soon be large numbers of Point Grey residents looking for a lower taxed municipality and West Vancouver is the logic- al place to «ttract them, but ! I with Improvement Taxes almost " universal, it is the general im- pression in the City that we are ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ paying 61 mills both on land and improvements, and it is this false impression that is erroneously advertising IVest Vancouver as' highly taxed municipality, whereas ivith approximately the same taxes spread on land and improvements sve should be known for what we really are, a lowly taxed residential suburb and would attract many who are seeking to escape the City's high taxes. Another candidate for the Reeveship spoke of future amal- gamation with the City of Van- cnuver, as soon as this is ac- complished we shall pay the City's rate 37% mills (or more) nn land and on 60'" of assessed improvements, this would mean doubling or trebling our taxes. Besides being such bad adver tising, and unwieldly single tax defeats its object, viz. the rais- ing of municipal revenue, by owners of vacant lands refusing to pay such taxes, the land re- verting to the municipality, but taking 4 years to obtain title, it has then cost the municipality more than it is worth and it is almost impossible to dispose of it. as witness 16 years lost taxes on the "Haddon" property. South Vancouver had an experi- ence of this. having four million dollars worth of tax sale lands at time of amalgamation, the to- tal yearly sales falling several hundreds short of the number annually reverting and South Vancouver at its ivorst only had a 55 mill rate. The Single Tax applied in a suburban or residential district cannot be considered equitable, the whole burden of municipal experrditure being placed upon land, which does»ot require fire or police protection, schools nor light, but has to pay for them, and also works a hardship upon the man who wants a large piece of land which originally was Burnaby's chief attraction, «nd to a lesser extent IVest Van- couver's, but, under such high taxatiorr a large piece of land becomes a burden. I am not writing this in th» interest of either landowners or property owners, but in the int- t.rest of the municipality as a whole and having had quite a jrttle experience of municipal af- fairs, both in administration and tax paying, I am hoping to dis- pel some of the alarm that men- tion of an Improvement Tax raises and to prove that an Im- provement Tax combined with a Iow mill rate would be prefer able to the top heavy Single Tax that we now have. 4Ve all expect and hope to see West Vancouver grow and pros- per, but as every house built, causes the municipality a larger or smaller expenditure of money opening roads an&I lanes, provid- ing culverts, lighting, etc., and t:ducation of children, while the income remains the same, the simple fact remains, that under the Single Tax we cannot afford to have IVest Vancouver grow. Yours sincerely, J. B. F. ETTER RESIGNS FROil H IG H SCHOOI. STA FF --SOUTH A il AI'I'OINTED The resignation of H. D. Etter of the High School staff was ac- cepted by the School Trustees at their meeting last night. ~Ir. Etter will become principal of the i~lacLean High School, Port Haney H. D. Southam formerly vice- principal of Hollyburn School arid who has just finished a spec- ial course at the University was t ppointed in 4Ir. Etter's place and will take up his duties on September 1st. '1 6 0 LOCAL IIE i AVI i iERS IN VAN. SUittt TOURiiA~IENT Two members of the West Vancouver Horseshoe Pitching Club succeeded in bringing to West Vancouver prizes from the Vancouver Sun Tournament, the finals of which were staged at Con Jones Park, Saturday, June 22nd. They were J. Locheed, winner of 5th prize in Class A, Silver Cup; H. Binning. 10th prize in Class A, 1 pair Horse shoes. Next year they hope to win the championship cup. The Courts at Ambleside are now in shape for play. Anyone wishing to join the Club can obtain membership cards from Secretary F. W. Rivers, Dundar- ave, Phone EVest 410L. EXPERIENCE TEACHES KNOWLEDGE Specializing in this District we have a good idea of values 1912 - 1929 HOUSES FOR RENT HOUSES FOR SALE KVATERFRONTAGE- ACREAGE illoney to Loan -- Fire Insurance GEO. HA.Y Real Estate and Insurance Notary Public 1405 Marine Drive Office Phone Nest 21 or Sey. 1260 Residence Phone N. S2R or W. 204X CLASSIFIED ADS t'ARDEN BARROWS--Strong, Light. unpainted; price $4.50, delivered subject to approval. Phone North 36-r R. RFDPONSIBLE COUPLE woold rent fully modern house from October on or near Marine Drive essential. Reply at once, Renter c o West Van News. G ETO RENT. t'04-O. FOR SAI.F Brass Double Bed and Mattress, Kitchen Table. cabinet style, large fluff rug, electric perco- lator, all in splendid condition. Nould sell separately or the four pieces for $20.00. Phone West 468R CA RS 0 V ER HA U L ED and Repairs of every description made; 5 years'xperienceDaimler Motor Co., Eng- land. Phone West 221X. II YOU INTEND TO BUILD or Want your house al tered or repaired, phone Colin Turner, builder, 1Sth and Haywood. West 679R. TAXI-- l'eerless Sedan. Day or,'Sight Service. Phone, Webster North 1234 R. P. Clark 8c Co. (Vancouver) Ltd. f Ki itTFR % iD f LPERHAttGER would give services as part pay-ment in purchase of house or asrent of house. Phone Douglas 5047L 15 Would Help ith ChiM ren during holidays. Phone 640R. BOY 15 l4 ants Work During Holidays. Apply "Boy." c o west van News. IIIGff SCHOOL GIRI Wants Work-- Apply "Girl," c o %Vest Van News. FOR SALE--6 Volt Storage Battery,fully charged, $7.00. Apply Arnble- side Tea Rooms. ALTO WORK--Charles Bookman lateof Daimler Motor Coy., London, England. is now residing in West Vancouver and is open for all re-pair work and overhauling auto- mobiles. Phone Nest 221X. WANTED TO RENT, on yearly leasemodern 6ve-room bungalow. PhoneWest 41HR. CLIENT WORK, Landscaping, Lawns Rockeriee, Fencing, Trellis work.Clearing. Grading. Phone T. Barnott23rd and JelTerson. K l I N DRIED PLANER FDDS-Double load delivered, $%60. HobbTransfer, W ~t 17. SACRIFICE SNAP ITERFRONT LOT, A&IBLESIDE Nest of Ferry, Bargain Price $ 1400. R. P. CLARK 8t CO., LTD. 790 Dunsmuir St Seymour 7484 Local Representative C. J. ARCHER, West 225. RANGES FOR SALE g Splendidassortment of used ranges. ov«haula. S tisfan&on gu~~~nteed. Free delivery. PhoneHighland S650. FOR IDENT OR SAI.E Ho~Waterfront at Altamont. ApplyLeyland, West 63RL SCHWEPPE8 LEMONADE, ADA DRY GINGERALE and all the Good Brands of Cigars at TheAmbleside Tea Rooms. ~ 9 (i P)Ij ~ F~ 'EWING WANTED -- Ladies'ndChildren's work. Mrs. Bloxham,Phone West 226. WEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST--Dundarave. NEWhlh.i 4 ROBBLiS Contractors, Builders, Painting Pap- erhanging, Alterations and Repairs.Promptly Executed. House PhoneNest 74R1. HEMSTITCIIING--Plain white 5cyard; silk and colored 10c yard.Pearce's Drygoods, 14th Street and Marine. Phone Nest 144. / ~j 1 +ClD-th d ! Corrosive compounds in impure gasoline result in sulphur-forming acids tvhich destroy the vital parts of a motor. 60 per cent. of valve and bearing trouble is due to sulphur in gasoline. "'Tphere's rto Gas lilte Home" '8'~ jinni .l) fijgrtolteitlioutdelut OTOR HALITOSIS--no other" .-ivord explains it so ivell--a danger signal of engine trouble ahead. It indicates the presence of sulphur corrosives and impuri- ties in the gasoline you are using. You can't mistake it-- that odor discharged from the exhaust. Stslpi)ur rtst'rts gOuK motor'void the costly results of using impure gasoline. Discriminating motorists insist on Home Gas-- they avoid excessive cor- rosion and expensive engine repairs. GARDENS DESIGNED, Laid Out andMaintained. Rock Gardens, Lily andOrnamental Pools, Lawns, Rustic work, Fencing, Concrete Paths,Drives, etc., Pruning and Spraying,Landscape and General Gardening R. J. K)W, Phone Nest 172X1. FOR PLUBIBING REPAIRS--Phoae West 24IR. Daubed a Bit. "EVhat! You only offer me two dollars for this picture'hy the canvas alone cost that." "IVell, what good is it now?" Not Acquainted The Aladam--"I believe I'l take one of those large lobsters." The Fish Dealer--"Yes, ma'- am, and shall I wrap it up?" The s~Iadam--"Yes, I guess you better had. I'm afraid he doesn't knoiv me well enough yet to follow me home." Another Party Judge--"Are you the defend- ant?" Negro Chauffeur--"No, sah, I'se just de man dat was speed ss Determined Spectator It Na~ earls mornrng at ~lrt- chel Field. The Spirit of St. Louis was making a few silver circles before its reluctant de- scent. "It's Linboig!" shouted one of the spectators. "Not Linboig, Lindberg," cor- r«ted a nearby pedant. "Well," said the shouting spec- tator, "he's flying Linboig's plane." 'lccu~fomed Tp If "Are you going abroad to view the eclipse?" "Oh, no. It ivouldn't be any treat for a Londoner." The trouble with the average man is that he never tries to mend his ways until he finds himself broke. Guaranteed Free From Corrosive Sulphur Compounds