West Van. News (West Vancouver), 28 Jun 1929, p. 6

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001C978F THE iVEST VAN NEWS Vacuum Bott.les Regular 69c SPECIAL l9c Everyone should hnve one of these for Picnics, Lunches, lifotor Trips, Beach Parties, etc. CROSS%I ITH'S Old Count ry I'reparations. We have now in stock n very at- tractive line of these including the Famous Gold Seal Eau de Cologne nnd a new shade of Face Powder--PH UL-NAiVA Sun Tan. Phone )Vest 323 Lesage Drug Store G. E. REID, lfnnnger New Building--Corner Marine and 14th FAST DELIVERY No Order Is Too Small sou.& .'.c.I. c Take some of our MEAT PIES, CAKES BUNS and COOKIES Don't forget our special SPONGE CAKES for Strawberry Short Cakes. Mrs. Draper 2435 MARINE DRIVE Next Dundarave Hall. NOTE PHONE: West 366 MR. Your Suit! How does it look? THINK IT OVER AiVD SEE M. WILLIAMS 16th and Marine, Ambleside CUSTOM TAILOR Phone West 20 Reasonable Prices Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing FUEL FIR or ALDER--Any Lengths FURNACE WOOD and COAL Radio Poles -- Fence Posts Cedar for Rustic Work lifanure for Your Gardens. Soil I UNERAI. OF CAPTAIiV G. H. SPARROiVE The funeral of Captain George B. Spaiiowe was held Saturday from St. Stephen's Church, tlie Rector, Rev. A. Harding Priest, offic ia t in g. The pal lbearers weve Roy, AIason, Di'. A. C. Nash, H. B. Gr.ay, C. E. Burbridge, T. Crick- may, W. J. Dent, and Captain Lunn. Followiiig the conclusion of the church service at the graveside iri Capilano View Cemetery, of- ficers and members of )Vest Van- couver L.O.L. 2990 performed the last rites of the Order. The floral tributes weve num- erous and vers beautiful, the names of the do»ovs being: AIr. and Mrs. Greenley, AIv. and Mrs. Cripps, AIv. and AIvs. Bone and Ronnie, iAIr. and AIrs. AI. AIunn, Mr. and iAIrs. Webster and fam- ily, AIr. and Mrs. H. D. AIunn and family, AIr. and Mrs. EVall and AIv. EV. arid Miss Cotton, AIr. and AIrs. A. E. Baker, iAIr. and Mrs. Albin and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Alc Leod, AIr. and Mrs. Gourlay, Joan and Betty, Mr. and AIrs. F. X. Hodgson, Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Nash, AIr. and Mrs. A. Harvey Smith, AIr. and AIrs. Boul ton, AIay and Nancy, AIr. and AIrs. Cvickmay, Terence and AiIavjorie, AiIrs. Bibbs, AIr. and Airs. J. J. Rutledge, Mr. and AIrs. H. B. AIiddleton and AIargaret, the MacVean family, AIr. and Mrs. H. B. Gray, Mr. and iAIvs. O'. L. Jones and family, AIr. and Mvs. Jenvey, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Armstrong and family, Mr. and AIrs. E. J. Dickinson, Mr. and AIrs. C. L. Hilborne and AIargar- et, Mr. and AIrs. G. F. Edwards, Rev. and Mrs. A. H. Priest, AIr. and Mrs. J. Sheasgreen, AIr. and AIrs. Ed Black, Mr. and Mrs. G. G. L. Crossley, AIr. and Mrs. Owen Tanner and Mrs. Fennings, Mr. and Mrs. Barndo, AIr. and Airs. G. McLennan, Mrs. Binns and Aileen, E. Symons, AIother, Grace, Kathleen and Victor, Florence, Charles, Ralph, Oliver and Joyce Burbridge, Edie, Mike and Kenny, members of Junior 4V.A. St. Stephen's, Captain Wm. F. Springe, the Captains, Crew of the EVest Vancouver Ferries, L.O.L. 2990, Steamer "I~on," V. and V. Stevedoring Co. Ltd., Office Staff V. and V. Stevedor- ing Co., Superintendents V. and V. Stevedoring Co., Foremen and I ccker Staff, V. and V. Steve- doring Co., and the Vancouver and District waterfront AVork- ers'ssociation. The Sonrisa last Monday took the first party from the First United Church in Vancouver to tlieir summer camp at Fircomb Point, Gambier Island. There is nothing as merciless as an alarm clock. THE WESTON CARTAGE West 201L Too many people pray with the feeling that it won't do any harm even it it doesn't work. NU BONE CORSETS Surgical Belts and Binders AIRS. AIARLING 17th 8: AIarine AVest 224 Pitman Business College Vancouver's Leading Business College. INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL FOUR NIGHTS EACH AVEEK Students may enrol at any time 422 RICHARDS STREET (At Hastings) I'HONE SEYMOUR 9135 Play a game of 3 tables for your pleasure c t I I g f I I I I m ~l Ii i1iii J,e 14th StreetRight at the Railway Crossing The Tea with the Lingering Taste PERSOXALS Alv. Schenke has rentecl the Davidson house at 23rcl ancl Hay- woocl. Alv. IValkioshaw aiid fviencls of Vancouvev, have i'ented Mvs. Lloyd's cot tage at 25th ancl Palmerston. AIvs. Pavkyn and hev daugh- ter, 25th ancl Haywood, are leav- ing shortly fov a trip to the Old Country. AIrs. Higginson of Vancouver is moi ing into one of the Night. ing~le cottages st ~5th and Hay woo(I. Dr. G. E. Bayfield, 20th and Inglewood, is attending the sum- mer school ivhich is being held at the Hotel Georgia. V. Nightingale won the $40 worth of groceries, the prize at the carel party held at the Clach- ;in hotel last Thursday week in aid of the repair fund of St. An- thony's church. St. Anthony' church congregation is thankful for the help extended them on this occasion. Father O'Boyle of Vancouver, was a visitor at St. Anthony' rectory last Sunday. L. B. Thorn of Vancouver was a guest at "the Clachan" over the week end. AIvs. Lambevt~nd daughter of Vancouver have moved into a suite at the Fortune Cup Inn, where they expect to remain un- til the end of September. Mrs. Ladd and family of Van- couver, have moved into a house at 2155 Jefferson Avenue. Mr. Briggs of Victoria was a guest at "the Clachan" over the week end. AIv. and Mrs. McDowall and daughter of Vancouver are oc- cupying a suite at the Fortune Cup Inn for the summer. Five boys and thirteen girls from Pauline Johnson school are going into the School Swimming sports at Dundarave pier. This includes a relay team of girls. Mrs. Weller, mother of AIrs. Marling, of the Hollyburn Gift Shop, left yesterday on a visit to her daughters in Prince Rup- ert and Masset and will be away for some time. e John Harte, 15th and Esqui- malt, one of the real old timers of EVest Vancouver, had his auto slightly damaged last Sunday morning whilst returning from church. When opposite Strat- ton's Bake Shop, a car going in the opposite direction caught his wheel and made it necessary fov him to turn in for repairs. For- tunately no one was hurt. Mrs. Bell of Sherman, is leav- ing next week to visit hev moth- er in Ireland and AIr. Bell's moth- er in London, England, and will be away from West Vancouver for the summer. AIr. E. S. Wismer of Belling- ham, has spent the past week visiting his daughter and son-i»- law, Mr. and Mrs, Dayton Case, 14th and Marine Drive. They all went down to the American city today, and will stay over the holidays, returning at the end of next week. AIiss Joy Tristram of EVest I~ay, is paying a holiday visit to Victoria ancl will not i etuvn home until the latter part of next week. AIrs. Dave EVillington ancl fam- ily, 14th and Fulton, are leaving shortly for Roberts Creek, where they»rll spend the summei AIiss Jervine Gordon, grand- claughtev of Capt. and Mrs, Kane 12th and AIavine, is here for n holiday visit with her gvaiid parents. Jerrine's parents are coming up from their home, Mill City, Oregon, next week. AIr. and AIvs. G. D. Elgar, 16th and Govdon, had as their guests last week Mv. and Mrs. Thomas of Edmonton. The visitors, who macle the trip from the prairie city by auto, left last Friday. Mv. Thomas is the manager of the Great )Vest Garment Co. whose head office and factory is at Edmonton. Mr. and AIvs. Peter Robertson of Hawaii Island, are here for a two weeks'isit with Mr. and Mrs. J. AIcC. Hill, 15th and Ful- ton. The visitors are en route to the Old Country where they will stay for several months. Mrs. Robertson is a sister of Mrs. Hill. SURPRISE PARTY AIvs. R. Normand, Mrs Kruger, AIvs. R. J. Black and AIiss Hilda Russell arranged a surprise party on Saturday even- ing on their parents, AIr and AIrs. T. Russell, 14th and Esqui- nialt, who are shortly leaving for a trip to the Old Country. A most enjoyable evening was spent in music, games and danc- ing, following which supper was served. Those present weve: Alv. and AIrs. T. Russell, Mr. and AIvs. Dennison, AIr. and Mrs. H. Jones, Mrs. F. Rivers and Miss Lena Rivers, Mv. and Mrs. H. Davidson, iIv. and Mrs. Gleecl, W. Russell, Ted Russell, AIiss Jean Duncan, James Duncan and his son Alee Duncan, AIr. and AIrs. R. Normand, Mrs A. Krug- er, Mr. and AIrs. R. J. Black, and AIiss Hilda Russell. FINAL AIEETING OF SEASON FOR I.O.D.E. A special meeting of the Dun can Lawson Chapter, I. O. D. E„ was held Wednesday afternoon June 26th,at Mrs. AV. B. For- sters, with Mrs. David Morgan, vice regent in the chy,ir. Full reports from the Dutch Treat were received and all accounts voted paid. A hearty vote of thanks divas tendered AIrs. East- man fov hev very excellent work as convener of the fete. A committee reported that a silver porridge bowl suitably en- graved has been purchased and will be presented to the baby son of Mr. and AIrs. Welsh, who had the honor of being the first baby born in the new North Vancou- ver hospital. After voting that a substantial cheque be forwarded to the North Vancouver Hospital to ward the Duncan Lawson Chap- ter private ward, and the singing of the national anthem, the meeting adjourned until the 2nd Monday in September. Acicl stains can be removed from materials by sponging them with ammonia. Apply with a clean soft rag, and begin at the edge of each stain, working with a circular movement towards the centre. HOLLYBURN GIFT SHOP Next Door to Royal Bank Silk Vests, Bloomers............ 95c Green Stripe Silk Hose........ 69c hfen's Shirts, Sox. English IVool Hose for Camp or Garden.... 39c June 28, 1929. I Rogfl T DELIVERY ~p WANT TO SERVE YOU. QROCERY SPECIALS for This Week B. C. Granulntcrl Sugar 10 lbs........................ 58c Minute Tapioco, per pkt... 12c Pure bfnlt Vinegar, per qt. 18c lledlund's Roast Beef nnd Grnvy, per tin .................. 30c Hedlund's i~feat Balls nnd Gravy, per tin .................... 30c Eagle Brand Milk, Iier tin.... 21c Little Chip bfnrmalnde, Lemon and Orange„ per glass jnr..................... Shredded IVhent Biscuits, per pkt............................... 23c 10c arine Grocery 22nd and Marine J. ALLISON, Prop. PHONE AVEST 96 GORDON ROBSON Barrister & Solicitor IVEST VANCOUVER-- Office No. 14-17 Marine Drive. Phone )Vest 403. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 818; 510 Hastings St. % Phone Seymour 4199. Ice Cream Confectionery LUNN'S CAFE 14th and ilfnrine Soft Drinks Tobacco I'ublic I'hone--West 611-0 HOLLYBURN THEATRE Friday and Saturday BABE RUTH in 'Babe Comes Home'lso "Robinson Crusoe" .ouses & .ots IN WEST VANCOUVER (. Pf. Savory 1443 AIarine Drive, Ambleside Phone IVest 340 Evenings, %Vest 143 Real Estate, Financial and Insurance Agent ~ M (r- PÃiQX wrisaua~ Q~s, Burrard Sheet Metal 229 Lonsdale Ave North Vancouver Phone North 345 Res. North 918Y and 1214Y I have some delightful Water- front homes as low as $3000, and Vacant waterfront Lots from $ 1500. Other View Lots from $100. Rentals Several very desirable t ottages nnd Bungalows