West Van. News (West Vancouver), 28 Jun 1929, p. 5

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001C978F June 28, 1929. THE WEST VAN NEWS IOV.'.( )('I'OO)S S".0.&'- (Next door to Seed's Grocery) Wi].j. Go Out of Busine» Saturc ay, .tul.y 8tj& Everything must be sold before the store Is vacated- Even the Fixures are for sale. HORTICULTURAL SHOIV + A GREAT SUCCESS The flower show staged by the Horticultural Association at Dundarave Hall on Saturday was a very great success. Reeve Vin- son opened the show officially at ".30 p.m. speaking of the good work which was being accomp lished by the Association, and the benefits that had accrued to EVest Vancouver as a result of their activities. The hall itself was a mass of bloom, and the many residents and visitors who attended during the afternoon and evening expressed their de- light at the beautv and quality of the various exhibits. The following is a list of the prize-winners: CHILDREN'S SECTION Drawings Best Drawing of Pansies--1st Aileen Young; 2nd, Beatrice Hodgson; 3rd, Mollie Glen. Hest Conventional Design- 1st, Josie Leyland; 2nd, Irene McCrum; 3rd, Kathleen Hodgson Small Fruits Class 3, Currants Red--2nd, Geo. Lloyd. Class 4, Cucumbers, White- 2nd hfrs. H. Selwood. Class 5,Gooseberries--1st, G. Lloyd; 2nd, Nrs. H. Selwood. Class 8, Strawberries -- 1st, Mrs. D. McDonald; 2nd, Geo. Lloyd. Vegetables Class 10, Rheubarb, 6 stalks- 1st, EV. J. Clifford; 2nd, illrs. D rysdale. Class 11, Peas in Pod, 12 pods --1st, W. J. C)ifford. Roses Class 12, Golden Emblem- 1st Mrs. kV. E. Davies; 2nd, Mrs. C. Donohoe. Class 13, Six Roses, distinct varieties--1st, Nrs. C. Donohoe; 2nd, EV. J. Clifford. Class 14, Six Roses, 3 varieties -- 1st, Nrs. C. Donohoe; 2nd, hfiss M. B. Bolton. Class 16, Roses, 3 dark--Mrs. C. Donomoe; 2nd, hIrs. B. Bab-~ cock. Class 16, Roses, 3 light--1st, Gordon Robson; 2nd, E. Collin- son. Class 17, Hybrid Tea (3)-- 1st, Mrs. J. T, Watt; 2nd hIrs. W. E. Davies. Class 18, Moss Rose Buds- 1st, Mrs. J. T. IVatt; 2nd Mrs. 8, Babcock. In business in IVeat Van 8 Years C. J. Overington Q' In New Store 5iarine Drive at 14th Next Jefferica Meat Store Expert 1Vork--Ladies', Children Gentlemen I'hone IVest 135 for appointment Class 19, Collection Ramblers -- 1st hfrs. Nora Barrow. Class 20, Collection Climbers --1st hfrs. G. Elgar; 2nd lV. J. Clifford. Best Rose in Show--Mrs. C. Donohoe. Sweet Peas Class 22, Collection Sweet Peas--1st, hIrs. Nora Barrow. Class 23, Collection Annuals- 1st hfrs. Lefeaux. Class 24, Collection Perennials --1st hIrs. A. H. Albin; 2nd hfrs. E. Rhodes. Class 25, Collection Rock Plants--1st, Claude Barrow; 2nd hfrs. Masterman. Class 26, Native Wild Flowers --2nd, Mrs. G. Hodgson. Class 27, Collection Antirihi- nums--1st, Mrs. Nora Barrow; 2nd, hIrs. S. Gisby. Class 28, Collection Campan- ulas--1st, Mrs. E, Rhodes; 2nd, Mrs. A. H. Albin. Class 29, Collection Canter bury Bells--1st hfrs. W. Blair; 2nd, Nrs. J. T. Watt. Class 30, Collection Iris--1st, Mrs. A. H. Albin; 2nd, Nrs. D. hIcDonaid. Class 31, Collection Nasturti- ums--1st, Mrs. G. Bulkley. Class 32, Collection Poenies- 1st Mrs. E. Rhodes; 2nd, Mrs. A. H. Albin. Class 33, Collection Pansies, Violas--1st Claude Barrow; 2nd, Nrs. D. O. Lunn. Class 35, Pinks--1st, Mrs. A. H. Albin; 2nd, Mrs. E. Rhodes. Class 36, Collection Poppies- 1st, Mrs. G. Hodgson; 2nd, Mrs. A. H. Albin. Class 37, Collection Pyreth- ums--1st, Mrs. H. G. Selwood; 2nd, hIrs. C. J. Marshall. Class 38, Collection Any other variety--1st, Ed. Black; 2nd, Mrs. S. Gisby. Class 39, Collection Delphini- ums--1st, Mrs. A. Henderson; 2nd, hlrs. A. H. Albin. Class 40, Bowl of Roses (ar- ranged for effect) --1st, Mrs. C. Donohoe; 2nd, hIrs. G. Elgar. Class 41, Bouquet Sweet Peas --1st, Mrs. Nora Barrow. Class 42, Bouquet of Flowers --1st, Mrs. E. Rhodes; 2nd hfrs. S. Gisby. Class 42a, Best Bouquet of Flowers (picked by judges)-- 1st, Mrs. E. Rhodes. DECORATION SECTION Class 43, Best Arranged Bowl c f Nasturtiums--1st, Nrs. G. Bulkley; 2nd, hIrs. lV, Blair. Class 44, House Plant--1st, Mrs. D. 0. Luna. Open Classes Class 47, Roses, G blooms, 3 varieties--1st, hfrs. C. Donohoe. Class 49, Basket of Cut Flow- ers--1st, hIrs. hIasterman; 2nd, h1rs. Nora Barrow. HEST GARDENS Neatness, Arrangement and Originality First Prize -- B. Babcock; neatness 30; arrangement 29; CO:V.::l» FO]4 BA:CGA]::5'S Hosiery, Aprons, Dresses, I'rints, Ginghams, Flannellette, Ties, Hrassiers, Handkerchiefs,Cushon Covers, Novelties, etc. IVEDDlict G SHOWER A shower was given on Mon- day evening at the house of ibfrs. Duncan Mchfillan, 20th Street, in honor of her sister, hfiss Tina hfenzies, whose marriage takes place early in July. The gifts were presented in a basket dec- orated in shades of yellow. The table decorations were carried out in the same tones with a centrepiece of yellow and helio- trope Iris. Those present were: hfiss Tina hIenzies, hfrs. Reid, hfrs. McRae, hfrs. Dingle, Mrs. J. G. hfcCully, Nrs. R. hfcCully, Miss Ham, hIiss Chalker, h!rs. S. Aitken, hfrs. G. Schram, Mrs. A. Finlayson, hfrs. H. Legate, Miss H. L. Montgomery, ihfiss Letitia Hay, hfiss Jessie wilson, hfrs. J. Allan, hfrs. Heaslip, Mrs. G. Gardiner, hfrs. Simpson, Mrs. R. S. hfcCall, Mrs. A. hfenzies, h!rs. D. hIchfillan, Mrs. J. wilson. The public schools have each received a framed colored picture representing Captain Vancouver meeting the Spaniards in their ships off Point Grey. The pic- tures were presented by the Can- adian Club of Vancouver. PERhIANENT IVAVE FOR $7.50 Special to IVest Van. Ladies 7% JKJKJ%7% J% J% P% 7% J% MM7%~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Six Reasoaae mhy you are somet es late %or vvoetc or supper Aaae Oa Truck B&gr Gwyr¹etI 4 Tracks Uabecfirrg j. Ralgcuy Gauiay 'T is becomirig harder and harder ~ ~ to operate street cars through thm streets of Vancouver quickly owing to increasing traHic conges- tion snd delays beyond the conccoi of this company. Automobiles parking on car-line streets, crowding the car doors, accidents, breakdowns of trucks, coal wagons and furniture vaas loading and unloading at the curb, bridge congestion and bridge opert- ings, level crossings and a dozen other matters conspire to make your trip through the streets longer than it used to be. As one of the vast ma~ority of the public who travel by street car, you the car rider are entitled to fair play. If you travel by automo- bile, remember that directly or in- directly your prosperity depends upon the street car rider. A new service of very special interest to the ladies of )Vest Vancouver is being inaugurated by the Marcel Shop, 1634 Marine Drive. Madam Freda of Vancou- ver, the permanent waving spec ialist, who has been in business in that city for some time, will attend at the )Vest Vancouver store and give a permanent wave to your hair, according to its tex- ture, at the very special price of $7.50 as a summer special. It is necessary, however, for those who wish to avail themselves of this offer to phone the hfarcel Shop, )Vest 304, to make an ap- pointment or to get any further information. British CoI bia Electric Railmay PARTIES CATERED FOR Home-Made Jams SPECIALS Saturday and Monday TAKE SO&IE OF Mrs. Ross's HOME COOKING on your holiday trip. SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY CHICK EN PI ES 2 for 15c Lux ............... 3 pkta. 25c Marmalade, per jar........... 20c Choice Sockeye Salmon... 21c Chocolate Eclairs, g lb . 17c Malkin's Coffee, 4 lb. tin.. 31c Quaker Green Beans, 2 tins 29c Note the address: 1415 i~Iarine Drive originality 28 total 87 points Second Prize -- J. R. L. Mc- Daniels; neatness 30; arrange- ment 29; originality 23; total 82 points. Third Prize -- Miss E. B. Bol- ton; neatness 27; arrangement 28; originality 25; total 80 points BEST UTILITY GARDEN First Prize -- C. H. Ray; util- ity 31; arrangement 31; neatness 29; total 91 points. Second Prize -- Stanley Jones; utility 29; arrangement 25; neat- ness 27; total 81 points. Third Prize -- John Gillham; utility 25; arrangement 26; neat- ness 28; total 79 points. BOYS'ND GIRLS'ECTION Class 53, Best Dressed Doll- 1st Peggy Barker. Class 54, Hand-made Article- 1st, hIabel Phillips. Class 56, Princess Slip or Nightgown--1st, hIabel Phillips; 2nd, Kathleen Hodgson. Class 57, 3 Buttonholes--1st, Kathleen Hodgson. Class 58, hIachine hfade Art- icle--1st Dorothy Armstrong. Class 69, Steak and Kidney Fie--1st Marion Blair. Class GO, Layer Cake (iced)-- 1st, Josie Leyland; 2nd Mabel Phillips. Class 61, Six Baking Powder Biscuits--1st hfarion Blair. Class 62, Best Pie--1st Josie Leyland; 2nd, hIarion Blair. Class 63--Candy, 3 varieties --1st Marion Blair; 2nd, Virginia Gamage. Class G4, School Lunch for One --1st Kathleen Hodgson. Class 65, Best Piece Wood work--1st George Watt. Class 66, Best Hobby Prize-- Billy Barker. Class 71, Best Bouquet Flow- ers-- 1st, Fred Masterman: 2nd, Billy Barker; 3rd, Pattie Albin. Collection Native Wild Flow- ers--1st, Virginia Gamage; 2nd, Kathleen IIodgson; 3rd, Peggy Barker. " "..'".AIiI : Ic'i'hone %est 318R3. 1Vest Bay PROhIPTDELIVERY THE .BU.k. 4A.k.) . ~Ale.&,). RY LDIITED For People who Are Particular HAVE YOU TRIED OUR HOME-MADE CAKES'HIRDST. and ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. L. M. DUVAL and J. W. MANSON AVest Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone %'est 410L Stockbrokers and Financial Agents Stocksp Bonds, Investments R. U. :V.l:OVID'G Phone Bob Black AVest 17 Prompt Execution of Buying and Selling Orders. Reliable Information GivenDaily Trips To and From City. Reasonable Rates. Seymour S894 579 Dunsmuir St.. VancouverExpert Packers. AS" 31J(.( .U9 )'.( CO, "). (Successors to Cedars Lumber Yards Ltd.) NOTE--After inventory ive find we are overstocked on several items and to reduce these we are offering them at very LOW prices. Come in and look them over.. Night North 1415RI'hone North 2S5 North 212 Yards'54 Esplanade West C. M. ASTBURY tn personal charge