001C978F June 28, 1929. YOUR BABY' WEIGHT ls the surest guide to its health. Use our Bahy Scales eve ry week. REF RF&ll YOURSELF AT OUR FOUlte TAIN Cones, Sanda.iehes, Dixies, Bars, Bricks, Sodas, ~lilk-Shakes, Sundaes Soft Drinks WEST VAN PHARMACY The Store of Service. 9'e Deliver Phone IVest 37 I)OINGS OF THE HIGH SCHOOI. STAFI'rincipal Patterson is leaving fnr Victoria on Monday, where l «will be engaged in marking the Departmental Examinations for several weeks. Mr. i~fitchell is supervising the Public School Examinations and expects to spend the holidays in West Vancouver. hfiss IVall, Commercial teach- er, is spending the vacation at her home in Vancouver. 0 0 0 ilfr. Etter, who has been teach- ing at the IVest Vancouver High School since Christmas, has re- ceived the appointment as princi- pal of the MacLean High School, Port Haney, and will begin work there next session. He will spend the summer in completion of graduate ivork at U.B.C. and will spend his holidays in the Okanagan. 51iss Agar has resigned and is planning a trip North for the summer. Miss Davidge, Home Econom- ics teacher, is leaving to attend the Summer School at Victoria. I'AULINE JOHNSON PUPILS RECOilliWIENDED FOR HIGH SCHOOI THE WEST VAiN NEWS The High School Promotion List PHONE AVEST 28 FREE DELIVERY Promoted from Grade X to Grade XI. Names arranged alphabetically. Honor Promotion: (Not re- quired to write June examina- tions. 1, Irish, Winget t: 2, Reid, Margaret. Promoted: With June Supple- ments 3, hfcCulloch, Glen; 4, Reid, Barbal.a; 5, Webb, Frances. Promoted with full June examinations 6, Armstrong, Dorothy; 7, Body, Robin; 8, Boshier, Stan. ley; 9, Bromwell, Raymond; 10, Rurkhart, lfadeline; 11, Duncan, Allix; 12, Fiddes, Robert; 13, Gardiner, Billie; 1 i, Grafton, Lawrence; 15, Larnie, Thomas; 16, Lettner, Stanley; 17, Stephen Leslie. Passed Conditionally, with September Supplementals 18, Davis, Eunnce, (Latin, Chemistry, Geometry); 19, ~Iont- gomery, Daisy, (History, Chem- i~try, Latin); 20, McGowan, Charles, (Composition, Chemis- try, Physics). al examinations successfully. 1. Bradfortl, Celestine; 2 Beat- rice Short. Passed conditionally, with September Supplementals. ., Lester, Audrey, (Ty~ing); 4, lfuir, Millie, (Arithmetic, Book- keeping). Spectal Students Passed all 2nd year Commerci- al subjects successfully. 1, Chilton, Olive; 2, Hamilton, Bruce. Passed in 2nd year Shorthand, Spelling, Penmanship and Typ- ing and also passed in 1st year Book-keeping. 1. Eleanor, Lennox. Record of I'erfect Attendance 1928-1929. Division 2--Grade X. Raymond Bramwell, Allix Duncan, Billie Gardiner, Laur- ence Grafton, IVingett Irish. Division 3--Grade IX. Alan Dickinson, Jessie Hoyle, Robert Reirl, Grace Thompson, Jack Watt. Amhleeide Grocery O'ardware . The Independent Since 1900. S Iecia s ..Or ...Oi~.ay Promoted from Grade IX to Grade X. I fonor Promotion: (Not required to write June Examinations). 1, Cornish, G.: 2. Curtis, J.; 3, Fdivards, B.; 4, Gibson, T. Promoted with June Supple- mentals 5, AfcClin tock, M. (History, Composition); 6, O'Donnell, ~if., (Drawing); 7, Smith, kV., (Sci- ence); 8, Thompson, G., (Geome- try); 9, Vaughan, A., (Arithme- tic, Geometry). Promoted with full June Examinations. 10, Armstrong, B.; 11, Beard, T.; 12, Davidson, H.; 13, Dickin- son,A.;14,Dorchester,J.; 15,Ed- wards, G.; 16, Gleed, L.; 17, Grant, S.; 18, Hadwin, B.; 19, Hamilton, I.; 20, Harrison, Rupert; 21, Hoyle, J.; 22, Murison, P.; 23, Nash, K.; 24, Peterson, L.; 25, Procter, S.; 26, Reid, R.; 27, Savory, B.; 28, Stewart, C.; 29, Wa«,J. 'romoted Conditionally ( September Supplementals) 30, Clements, R, (Arithmetic) 31, Harrison, Robt., (Arithme- tic); 32, Lemon, R., (Algebra, Latin); 33, Roos, E., (Algebra, Geometry). Auto Service Ciuh. H. Davison )U II.)A (AV. GA (AG '. 25th and Marine Phone )Vest 444 "Seroice with o Smile" Jones was relating his narrow escape from drowning to some friends. "As I went down for the third time," he said, " all the past events of my life flashed before my eyes." "Is that so?" asked one of his listeners. 'EVell, did you see yourself borrowing that fiver you'e owed me for six months?" CAPILANO TIBIBER COMPANY From Forest to it ou For QALT EGG COAL l'llO.'h E ED. BLACK iVEST 6S Virginia Baked Ham 70c lb. sliced ;-'wift's Premium Ham... . 50c lb. sliced :-. Hot House Tomatoes ....... ...... 30c lb. ='resh Fig Bar Biscuits ............................................ 2 lbs. 35c Peaches, size 2s, sliced or half (fancy quality) ... 21c per tin St. Charles, Carnation, Pacific lfilk, tall size. 11c per tm Pineapple, 2s, sliced ................. 3 for 29c IVild Rose Flour, 10 lb. sack.. . 48c Regal Shaker Salt . 10c Palmolive Soap .. 4 for 26c I AINTS OII.S VARlts ISHES SCREEN DOORS IVIN DOIV SCREENS ,=. Windom Netting, 18 to 36 inches wide .. 1c per inch Five String Brooms .....................~...... ~ ................ 39c The following is the list of Entrance pupils ivho are recom- mended for High School and will be eligible for that Course next September. 1. Bert Albin 2. Gordon Armstrong 3. Charles Baldwin Alex. Baxter 5. Isabel Black G. 5Iet Chapman 7. ofay Cripps 8. Dfuriel Dawson 9. Eileen Dent 10. Evelyn Dickinson 11. Arthur Edwards 12. Florrie Edwards 13. Douglas Forrester 14. John Kyte 15. Billie Lang~ 16. Dfax Lennox 17. Josie Leyland 18. Leone hlacLeod 19. Irene ilfcCrum 20. Bet ty iAIorrison 21. Dorothy Muir 22, Ralph Patterson 23. Lulu Ray 24. Annie Ridley 2b. Margaret Seabloom 2G. Tom Timbrell 27. Edna IValker 25. Sydney EValker 29. Hattie Young 30. Louise Young. A Stampede "Ditl you notice how I moved th» audience last night?" asked 'he amateur elocutionist. " 'Moved'sn't the proper name for it." rejoined his critical f! iend. "It was little short of a stampede." Grade IX Commercial to Grade X Commercial Honor Promotion 1, Druscilla Dawson. Passed 2, Joyce Herrin; 3, Lucy James; 4, Lucille Johnston; 5, Annabel Morton. Passed with Supplemental Examinations in September G, Ila Gasse (Arithmetic); 7, Alma Lloyd (Spelling); 8, Mar- jorie bfurray (Shorthand, Typ ing); 9, Dorothy Spaulding (Ar- ithmetic); 10, Bernice )Vhite, (Arithmetic); 11, Robert white (%~ing). The following Grade XI stud- ents are this week writing the Departmental examinations. l. Ada Albin, Normal entrance. 2. Ruth Blair, hlatriculation. :3. Harry Dickso», Afatricula- tio». Kathleen Edwards, hfatric- ulation. 5, Gordon Grafton, ilfatricula- t loll. 6. John Higginson, 31atricula- t loll. 7. Douglas Johnston, Matricu- lation. 8. Charles MchIillan, Normal Entrance. 0. Afurray Watson, 5Iatricula- t lon. 10. Nell )Veatherhead, Normal Entra»ce. 11. Hiltla wilson, ~fatriculation 1'~. Eleanor Le»»ox, Complet- ing ibfatriculation, ("ommercial Department Passe&I all Gratle X Conlmerci- P 'I ~ . &e a )I ano I@a )er 0...):&. Phone North 305 FOOT OF PEIIBERTON Pemberton and waterfront CEDAR RADIO I'OLES 40 Ft. LONG ALWAYS ON HAND. KILN DRIED KINDLING Big Cord Load Delivered (North or IVest Vancouver .. Extra charges for distant deliveries. 13eyo»d St. Den»is (North Vancouver District) .... Centre Road (North Vancouver District) 29th Street (North Vancouver District) 29th Street, W est Vancouver, to IVest Bay . IVest Bay to Caulfeild, $8.50 50c Extra 50c Extra "5c Extra 50c Extra $ 1.00 Extra Phone North 30-l. A fter 6 p, m.; North 304K W HEN You need Lumber, whether in small or large amounts, justgive us a telephone call. Since our mill is located on the IVater- front at the west boundary of North Vancouver City, it may be too far for you to come down, simply telephone our office and ask for our LOCAL SALES DEPART)IENT. Your wants will receive every at- tention. Our Representative ivill gladly call on you if you so desire.