001C9786 THE WEST VAN NEWS June 21, 1929. BATHING CAPS B&g vnr&ety of colors, 20c, 49c. 89c. VACUUM BOTTLES Splendid for picnics. Very special at 49c. 24-Hour Service on FII.hi S I'hotographic Supplies Phone West 323 Lesage Drug Store G. E, REID, hlnnnger New Building--Corner Marine and 14th FAST DELIVERY No Order Is Too Small Come to the ',ower Siow Tomorro~ --Saturday --then call at our store, next door to Dundarave Hall, and get a supply of our HohlF hlADE PIES, CAKES, BUNS, ROLLS, Etc. You'l like them! Mrs. Draper 2435 hlARINE DRIVE Next Dundarave Hall. NOTE PHONE: West SSS A Ne:: Suit hfakes a wonderful difference in one's appearance. Clothes don't make the man but they help a lot in promoting self confidence. It doesn't pay to wear a shab- by suit. We Guarantee Fit and Style. Reasonable Prices Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing M. WILLIAMS 16th and Marine, Ambleside CUSTOM TAILOR Phone West 20 CARPENTERS ASIiEI& FOR TENDEI(S Tenders are being asked by the Board of School Trustees for carpenter work in connection with the closing in of playrooms «t Dundarave School on 27th Street. The tenders must be in bv 5 p.m. on Thursday, June 27th. Plans and specifications can be obtained from the school architect, Hugh A. Hodgson, at his office, 320 Province Build- i»g, on or after Saturday, June 22nd. DEATH OF CAPTAIN GEORGE SPARROW Captain George Sparrow, 24th and Bellevue, a well-known EVest Vancouver resident, was acci- dentally killed on Tuesday after- noon while engaged on the load- ing of a steamer at the Vancou- ver docks. Death was instant- aneous. The deceased, who was in his 61st year, was a native nf Surrey County, England, but had been a resident of British Columbia for over 20 years. He leaves to mourn his loss his wife ard three little daughters, to whom the whole-hearted sympa thy of the community will go out in their sudden great loss, besides two sisters and two brothers resident in England. Funeral services will be held to- morrow at 2 p.m. at St. Steph- en's Church, Rev. A. Harding Priest officiating, and interment will be made in Capilano View cemeterv. Harron Bros. 8: EVil. liamson have charge of the fu- neral arrangements. The Canadian Red Cross So- ciety was granted permission to sell raffle tickets at Ambleside wharf on Tuesday, 25th June, from 2 to 4 p.m. ART'S GARAGE Home Gas Station (Art Doray) 206 Esplanade East North Van. Just before you get to the Low Level Road. Call Here For Service NU BONE CORSETS Surgical Belts and Binders AIRS. MARLING 17th 8: Marine West 224 FUEL FIR or ALDER--Any Lengths FURNACE WOOD and COAL Radio Poles -- Fence Posts Cedar for Rustic Work hlanure for Your Gardens. Soil THE WESTON CARTAGE West 201L HOLLYBURN PUBLIC Library (located at Gemmill's Drug Store) 50 New Books just added to shelves. New Subscribers may JOIN NOKV Fee $1.00 until end of year. An Honest.to-Goodness Tea Play a game of 3 tables for your pleasure c I I ) I QP ~ I ( ') I ~ SQI 14th Streeta Right at the Railway Crossing Pitman Business College Vancouver's Leading Business College. INDI VIDUAL ATTENTION DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL FOUR NIGHTS EACH WEEK Students may enrol at any time 422 RICHARDS STREET (At Hastings) PHONE SEYMOUR 9135 Council Notes The 9 est Vsncouiet Hoiti cultural Association was advised that their suggestion for the im- provement of boulevards was ap- proved, but o» account of its being too late in the season to be dealt with now they inclined to the idea that the park com- mittee and the association should get together and prepare a scheme for another year. EV. G. EViltshire asked foi sidewalk on Marine D»ve be tween )Vest Bav and 31st Street: He divas advised that, when the present reconstruction of Ma- rine Drive was finished, it would be flanked on both sides by a four-foot gravel pathway at that point, The council advised the minis- ter of lands in Victoria that there was a rumor to the effect that an application has been or is about to be made to the de- partment for foreshore rights to D.L. 775 E. pt. Block "U," Lots 4 and 5, Group 1, New EVestmin- ster District. They wished to again go on record as being strenuously opposed to the granting of foreshore leases in the district to any private party. The executive of the Ratepay- ers'ssociation sent a copy of the following resolution, passed at the regular meeting of the executive: "This executive desires to call the attention of the ferry de partment to the advantages that would accrue by adopting an ad- vertising programme in connec- tion with the ferry system of this municipality." The letter was ordered filed. The claim of E. Granger for damage to a bicycle damaged in collision with a municipal bus on 12th December, 1928, was laid over. The following matters were referred to the engineer for his report: 1. M. J. Tisdale. Fill and ac- cess to garage, 555 12-13. 2. A. S. Taylor. Opening lane. D.L. 237-11-10. 3. M. 5Iorrow. Access to pro- jected building, 556-65. 4. E. M, Elliott. Opening lane rear of D.L. 237-2-11. Laying sidewalk and providing arc light. 5. Home Oil Distributors. Ditch fill at Marine Motors, Ma- rine Drive. The following fire insurance policies were ordered renewed on their expiry dates: Garage and firehall building, $ 1,000; garage and firehall building, $ 1,500, and tools, $500. TAG DAY'he Ladies'uxiliary of St. Paul's Hospital was granted per- mission by the council to tag in )Vest Vancouver (but not on the ferries) on Saturday, 29th June. UNITED CHURCH ANNUAL PICNIC The annual picnic for the Sun- day School and congregation of the )Vest Vancouver United Church will be held on Thurs- day, July 11th, at Balcarra Park. The boat leaves Ambleside wharf at 9 a.m. and returning leaves Balcarra at 5 p.m. A good programme of sports is being arranged, particulars of which will be given later. The engineer iepo&ted on. 1. R. P. Clark, requesting let- tei foi Land Registi v Off ice waiving objection to registration of 557-10-1, Easterly 80 feet. Request to be complied with as approved by engineer. 2. Gordon Smith, car access to 555-25-15; cost $46. Refused. 3. J. D. Y, Davis, permit for garage as dwelling. Applicant will have substantial home un- der construction in six months'ime.Not living in garage ex- cept week-end, when clearing, etc., is carried on. Received and filed. 5. Dangerous trees, D.L. 1051 S.E. 1/j,-4. Referred to engineer with power to act. G. EVater license for Nelson Creek. Duly received. Received and filed. Miss Jessie Stevenson was asked to advise the council as to whether she wished the lease of the Du ndarave pier bath house, previously granted her for one year from 5th July, 1928, made out to her or her tenants. At the same time the )Vest Vancouver Swimming Club was notified that a prior appli- cation for the lease of the bath house had been granted. The secretary of the National Association of 5Iarine Engineers was advised that the council would deal with the matter of the renewal of their agreement with them on Monday, 24th of June. The council wrote the secre- tary of the North Vancouver Hospital that it would receive a deputation from the hospital and other special deputations next Monday. An invitation was received from the Lynn Valley Day Com- mittee to attend the celebration at the Recreation Park, Moun- tain Highway, on Saturday, 22nd June. As many of the council as possible will attend. The Capilano Timber Co. was advised that no signs of any size or description were allowed on SIarine Drive. FLORAL FESTIVAL IN DUNDARAVE HALL TOAIORROW Tonight Secretary Airs. E. A. Ford will be in attendance at Dundarave Hall for the purpose of receiving entries for the an- nual floral festival which is be- ing held in that hall toinorrow. Those haring exhibits for the show should be at the hall be- tween 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. with their exhibits. It is not probable that exhib- its will be refused, if made early on Saturday morning, if it be im- possible to get them in tonight. A very large prize list has been arranged, and there is every in- dication that this will be one of the best shows staged by the as- sociation. The doors will be open to the general public at 2 o'lock. During the afternoon and even- ing the official judges will be in attendance, and will be pleased to answer questions and give in- formation about the exhibits. The committee in charge of the show has made special ef- forts to ensure the comfort and convenience of both visitors and exhibitors, and it is expected that there will be a record at- tendance. ROCK PLANTS.--Exhibitors are asked to note that in the collection of rock plants these have to be staged on a space of two feet square. HOLLYBURN GIFT SHOP Next Door to Royal Bank Silk Vests, Bloomers............ 95c Green Stripe Silk Hose........ 69c hlcn's Shirts, Sox. English Wool Hose for Camp or Garden.... 39c pRohlpT DELIVERY WE WANT TO SERVE YOU. PRPgERy SPEi:IALS for This Week IIedlund s Roast Beef nnd Gravy, per tin ...--"-- "" " Hedlund's Meat Balls nnd Gravy, per tin ......"" ""--" 30c Eagle Brand hlilk, Per tin.... 2lc I ittle Chip hlnrrnalnde, Lemon nnd Orange» per glass jar........................ 23c Minute Tnpioco, per pkt..... 12c Pure hlalt Vinegar, per qt. 18c Shredded Wheat Biscuits, per pkt........ 10c B. C. Granulated Sugar, 10 lbs 58c arine Grocery 22nd and hlarine J. ALLISON, Prop. PHONE WEST 96 GORDON ROBSON Barrister 8c Solicitor AVEST VANCOUVER-- Office No. 1447 Marine Drive. Phone West 403. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 818; 510 Hastings St. % Phone Seymour 4199. HPLLYBURN TllEATRE Friday and Saturday "Moran of the Marines" with RICHARD DIX Monday, Tuesday, wednesday. "Our Dancing Daughters" ...ouses gt .ots IN WEST VANCOUVER I have some delightful Water- front homes as low as $3,000, and Vacant waterfront Lots from $ 1500. Other View Lots from $ 100. Rentals Several very desirable Cottages and Bungalows (. If. Savory 1443 5Iarine Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Real Estate, Financial and Insurance Agent ~M Burrard Sheet Metal 229 Lonsdale Ave North Vancouver Phone North 345 Res North 918Y and 1214Y Ice Cream Confectionery LUNN'S CA.FE 14th and hlnrine Soft Drinks Tobacco I'ublic l'hone--West 611-0