001C9786 THE )VEST VAN NEREUS June 21, 1929. "Prices Consistently Low" LADIES'i $PECIALS AT &0TH sToRKS sl FREE DELIVERY U FRIQAY - SATURDAY - MONDAY Pure Lard......................3 lbs. 59c C. G. Broken Orange Pekoe Ten........................ per lb. 59c Sweet Juicy Oranges, 3 doz. 59c 8-oz. bottle Dutch hfaid Salad Dressing, without oil; 8-oz. bottle hfayonnaise.... 59c Jameson's Best CofFee......lh. 59c Bottle Lime Juice Cordial, Pound Assorted Sandwich Biscuits .............................. 59c Royal City Peas............ 1 tins 59c 3 tins Norwegian Sardines, 2 tall tins Nestle's hfilk.... 59c Pound Choc. Eclair Biscuits, Pkt. Chateau Cheese........ 59c Pound C. G. Butter and one Shaker Salt.............. 59c 7 lbs. Cee-Gee Flour, 3 pkts. Quaker Corn F)nkes......... 59c B. C. Sugar.............10 lbs. 59c 3 1-lb. pkts. hfncaroni, 7 C.G. Toilet Rolls....... 59c 10-lb. sack Snowfiake Pnstry Flour, tin Molasses............ 59c 2-lb. pkt. Prunes, 6 pkts. Empress Jelly Powder...... 59c 16-oz. bottle Mixed Pickles, tin Corned Beef................. 59c Sliced Pineapple...... 6 tins 59c GARDENS and GARDENING By hfINA G. BUTT, Landscape Architect graduate ia Landscaping V. of C A&aerican School of Laadscape Architecture aadGardening. Meabar National Laad scape Service. In West Vancouver rock gar- de»ing is one of the most ap- propriate and interesting forms of ibeautifying home grounds. The existing slope is a decided asset and a splendid opportunity to indulge in the pleasures of growing the varied and alto- gether charming alpine flom. If your main garden is already established and is of the formal type, the rock garden should, if possible, be entirely separate or effectively hidden, as the two types are not congenial. The beauty of both is frequently lost if they are combined. while eith- er alone is a reward worth work- ing for. The rock garden should, if possible, be located far enough away from large trees so that the nourishment in the soil will riot be taken up by the tree roots instead of supplying the needs of the rock plants; also drippings from the overhanging branches tend to rot the plants. After the site has been select- ed the soil should be thoroughly loosened up and enriched with well rotted manure, and the soil for placing between the rocks should be carefully prepared. A good mixture for this purpose may be prepared as follows: Four parts light loam, two parts leaf mold, two parts road grit, or crushed limestone, and two parts manure, all thoroughly mixed. In selecting the rocks an ef- fort should be made to secure those which have been lying on top of the ground, which have as a rule a weather-beaten ap- pearance that is pleasing. A large rockery, of course, requires large rocks, while rocks of an average size are more suitable for a small rockery, although the appearance of a small rock- ery may be improved by the ju dicious placing of a few larger rocks. Rocks that do not crum- ble easily should be selected. There are two styles of rock gai4e»s. One is that which is made by the use of stratified rocks, that is, rocks with parallel horizontal lines running through them, such as limestone and shales. The other is secured by the u se of igneous, or non-strat- ified rocks, such as granite. The two classes of rocks should not be mixed in a rockery. If strat ified rock is used the lines, al- though broken in several places, follow along in one general di- rection for the most pleasing re- sults. However, the use of gran- ite or non-stratified rocks will present a very pleasing appear- ance and is we believe more eas- ily available in )Vest Vancouver. In building the rockery the larger rocks should be placed at the bottom and form the back- ground. They should not be placed one after the other in a straight line, but an effort should be made to place them in a naturalistic manner. The face of the rockery may have a gentle slope in some parts, and may be almost perpendicular in others. More interest is obtain- ed by varying the slope. NOTE--The writer will consider it a pleasure to answer questions concerning the garden in this column. The questions should be addressed to the writer in care of tbe Editor. The answer will appear in an early issue orii a personal reply is desired a stamped, self-addressed envelope should be enclosed. at the Hollyburn Pavilion 17th Street and IVaterfront IVest Vancouver FRIDAY, June 28th Don't forget the Flower Show at Dundarave Hall tomorrow-- Saturday--2:30 until 10 pm. Official opening by Reeve Vin- son at 3:30 p.m. Speed An American was boasting to an Irishman about the speed of Ameri- can trains. "Why, Pat," said the American, "we run our trains so fast that the telegraph poles look like a continuous fence." "Do they now?" said Pat. "AVell sir, I was wan day on a train in Ire- land, and as we passed first a field of turnips, then wan of carrots, then wan of cabbage, and then a large pond cf water, we were goin'hat fast I thought it was broth!" Tao Stores in West Vancouver GREENWOOD'S GROCERY GRANGER'S GROCERY, 1442 hIarine Drive 21st and hlarine Drive West 1G West 405 You are invited and 51is Rile& of Vancou ver have taken the Elliott house at 16th atgI Hdllevue for the summer. to visit this store and inspect our Miss M. V. )Vhite has return- etl to her home at 23rd and Kings. Sui»mer Hats The Iatest ideas nnd styles. Hollyburn Art Shop The Pauli»e Johnson senior girls, playing on their own grounds, defeated the Hollybur» girls at baseball on Wed»esdav afternoon by a score of 5 to 3. hIiss Hutchison and friends of North Vancouver have vented Dlr. Gibson's )louse at EVest Bay. Captain Ronnie Jackson of the ferry staff left for Victoria yes- terday to meet his wife, who is returning from an extended visit to the Old Country. James Kerr of Vancouver has taken the Lewis cottage at 12th a»d Duchess a»d will move in the first of next month. hIr. Back of Vancouver, who is connected with the hIetropol- itan Life Insura»ce Co., has iented the Steiner house at 14tli and Inglewood and will take pos- session 1st July. He will be joined by Mrs. Back, who is re- turning from a visit to England. hIrs. T. 4V. Crighton is having a new house built at 29th and 3Iathers. The Pauline Johnson senior boys'aseball team tlefeated the Hollyburn boys by a score of 18 to 12 on Thursday afternoon, 18th insta»t. The match was played at Hollyburn grou»ds. Jack Hunt of the ferry staff's taki»g his annual vacation. Mr. and Mrs. R. Howieson a»d family have moved into their l louse at 18th and Duchess, which they have enlarged and remodelled. hiIiss AI. DIutchmore, 13th and i&Iarine Drive, left on 13th in- stant for a visit to her nieces i» Victoria. (hfrs. Carson) 1.&10 hfttrtne Drive FIATS REAiODELLED Call at the UNION GAS STATION (Jimmy Don»an) 15th and Marine West 212 SERVICET. DIcKewan of Vancouver has moved into a house at 11th and Esquimalt. AIiss AIargaret AIcKenzie of Hollywood, Cal., visited 3Ir. and AIrs. Jack Anderson at their home at EVest Bay for a few days last week. Miss hIcKenzie is on her way to winnipeg tovisit her mother. Mr. Frederick Cook, who re- cently arrived from England, has bought Mr.. Hay's property on 15th Street, and with his wife and daughter will in future re side there. Mr. and Mrs. Cook have looked over several dis- tricts and finally decided that West Vancouver was the only place to make a permanent home; in fact, Mrs. Cook said that ever since she was in West Vancouver six years ago she has had a desire to come back. Mr. 4V. EV. Elliott of Calgary is spending a vacation in )Vest Vancouver with his wife and daughter Betty at 14th and Duchess Street. J. R. Mitchell of the high school staff will have charge of the entrance exams. for the high school, which will be held at Inglewood School next week. The examinations for matricula- tion and Normal School entrance, which start today, will be in charge of H. D. Southam. Ernest Cunningham, 29th and Marine, who, as representative of the Geo. H. Hewett Company, has been on a trip through Al. btrta and British Columbia for the past two months, returned home last Wednesday night. Mr. Cunningham made the entire trip by auto. A collision occurred on Sun- day evening on Marine Drive at 13th street between a car driven by a Vancouver autoist going east and another car from the city which was proceeding in the opposite direction. A California car which was immediately fol- lowing in a westerly direction was also involved in the crash. Fortunately nobody was hurt and the cars were only slightly damaged. Mr. and Mrs. McLuckie of Vancouver have moved into a house at Cypress Park. MORE ORNAhlENTAL LIGHTING FOR NO. VAN. Provision for an ornamental lighting system, similar to that i eeently installed on Lonsdale Avenue between the ferry wharf arid Third Street, is being con- sidered by the city council to be undertaken with the replac- ing of the permanent surface on Esplanade between Lonsdale and Rogers Avenues. City Engineer George S. Hanes reported to the council Monday evening that if the lighting system were installed, twenty-five cents per foot per year would be charged against the property for a period of 20 years, and the cost per year to the city for maintenance would be $275. The report was refer- red to committee of the whole for further consideration. Mrs. D. EV. Graham and fam- ily, 21st and Bellevue, left on Saturday for Victoria, where they expect to spend the sum- nler. H D Southam, 21st and Ai gyle, spent hIonday in Victoria. C. Poore, who has been resid- irig at 12th and Duchess, has nioved to Vancouver. A. H. Kennett of Vancouver has taken a house at Travers Avenue and hIarine Drive. Mrs. D. i~IcMillan, who has been a patient at the North Van- couver General Hospital, retur»- ed to her home, 20th and Es- quimalt, last Wednesday. AIrs. AIcMillan is much improved in health, but it will be a little time before she is able to be around again. Scalloped Potatoes Grease a glass baking dish. Put in a layer of sliced raw po- tatoes and sprinkle with flour, salt and pepper. Repeat until you have sufficient quantity, omit- t.'ng flour on top layer. Pour in hot milk to within an inch of the top. Place pork chops on top of po- tatoes and season with salt. Cover and let bake for half an hour. Remove cover and let chops brown and then put a round of dressing on each chop and continue baking until pota toes and dressing are done. THE hIISSES CRAIG Announce the Opening of a DANCING CLASSOn Tuesday last Mrs. Bulkleygave a farewell tea in honor of DIrs. S. G. Clarke, who is shortly leaving for Burquitlam. Those present were Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. Fiddes, Mrs. Tinney, Mrs. McLeod, Mrs. Tupper, AIrs. An- derson and Mrs. Stokes. The prize for the "Flower Garden" contest was won by Mrs. Tinney, and a booby prize was won by Mrs. Anderson. The house was profusely decorated with nas- turtiums. After all good wishes for prosperity and success in their new position had been di ank with Mrs. Clarke, the party broke up, vowing to meet again in the near future. Two »otes of regret through sickness were received from friends. For Children and Adults Scottish Step Character and Toe Dancing Reasonable Terms. For further information call 1433 BELLEVUE AVE. Phone West 6140 "Chiropractic Will Help You" Others can get well So can yoti. The best results are obtained from utilizing the natural health forces within the body. TRY CHIROPRACTIC On Saturday, the 15th inst., the annual sports of the Corn- wall, Devon and Somerset Asso- ciation were held at Ceperley Park, and were well attended. Each of the twenty-two events was keenly contested. The nov- elty races were particularly in- teresting. Dancing 9 to 12 Tommy Tickfetoes Five-Piece Orchestra Tickets 50c Organized and Arranged by the HOLLYBURN BOAT HOUSE CO. VI SIT T H E SAN DY BEACH At the Foot of 17th St. "A Safe Place for Children" Boating Fishing Bathing Why Not Trade Your House' REAL ESTATE IS ACTIVE Gillespie, Hart A Todd Ltd. I'hone Seymour 9380 418 West Pender Street Phone your listings to Mr. Sutton, West. 63R2. He is specializing in West Vancouver properties and will do his utmost to sell or trade for you. See him regarding fire insurance, mortgages and building loans. Consultation Free Roherta A. Vass D.C., Ph.C. Graduate of Palmer Scftooi CHIROPRACTOR Phone IVest 383 Next to Stratton Bakery Ma»ne D»ve Ambleside also at Vancouver