001C977B June 14. 1929. THE WEST VAN NEWS Correspondence IVOODYARD COiDIUNITY HAI L To the Editor of the )Vest Van News. Dear Sir:--On behalf of the 750 people who signed the peti tion I would like to thank you for the publicity which you gave the announcement in your last issue. This expression of public opin- ion regarding our waterfront throughout the entire district will have an excellent effect, and will strengthen the hands of our representatives in their deliber- ations as to its use for the fut- ure. The petition has been handed in to our Reeve and Council where it divas received favorably and is having every considera- tion. Yours truly, JO1IN TURNER EVATT. Editor of the West Van News, Dear Sir: Now is the time to consider the building of a suitable hall for the good of'ur DIunicipality. I am writing as an individual. interested in such an undertak- ing, and not, as President of the Horticultural Society. This matter has been occupy- ing the time and minds of the Iforticultural Society directors for a number of years, so far without result, owing to the dif- ficulty of finding money for such a purpose. This Society have 3 lots on &Wlarine Drive and 22nd Street, just in front of St. Stephen's Church, with a frontage of 176 feet on 31arine Drive and 150 on 22nd Street, which all admit is an admirable site for such a purpose being central and would go far to beautify that corner. Plans have been before the dir- ectors now for some time. To raise funds for such a pur- pose,my idea would be, for the I forticultural Society to issue bonds or shares, say 3,000 at $2 per share, no person to have more than 100 shares. The shareholders, 1 year after date of issue, to be paid 4'/~, (four per cent.) on their shares, giving the Society a 1 year use of the money. Annually a ballot be taken to retire shares equal to the sur- plus in hand, minus, 20" for sinking fund. In this way, shareholders, without discrimination would get their money returned, plus 4"'nterest.A good hall could be built, with no financial hardships to anyone, and all shares could be retired within 12 years, there- by giving us a fine hall, suitable for 20 years, free of debt, and sliareholders would have a per- fectly safe investment. Any other citizen having an interest in this subject, if they would be kind enough to express their views, either through the columns of this excellent paper, or to the Horticultural Society, I am sure such ideas would re- ceive all consideration. Hoping something on these lines will be done soon to provide us with a hall and thanking you Yours sincerely, J. NY4AND, Altamont. 130UI,EVARDS The Editor, ~Vest Van News. Dear Sir. I was unable to attend the meeting re Boulevard. and, therefore, I hope I am not plagi- arising when I say that IVest Vancouver being above all a view city, I hope this will be kept in mind when any plans are pre- pared for development of the Boulevard. It would be crimin- al to place trees in positions ii here they would, when full grown,obstruct the residents'iews. Arches either over or a longside footpaths have been tried with good effect, and this form of planting has the advant- age of immediate results. Lilacs too have never been used as they might be. I would suggest that all resi- dents on a block be asked to de- cide upon a plan for their boule vanl, and, if this is accepted by the authorities, future residents there be asked to conform to that plan. It is not usual for every block to be different but the effect could be very delight- ful if carefully planned, and it svould give all residents a choice in the matter. Yours truly V. J. In business in IVest Van 8 Years C. J. Qverington In New Store ~larine Drive at 14th Next Jefferies hereat Store Expert Work--Ladies', Children Gentlemen 1'hone West 136 for appointment "EVillie, said his mother, "I wish you would run across the street and see how old Mrs. 13rown is this morning." A few minutes later lVillie re- turned and reported: "Elrs. Brown says it's none of your business how old she is." .1.IS II IIQV"t'('t"00)S S"0('Next door to Seed's Grocery) EVERYTHING TO BE SOLD REGARDLESS OF COST. FIXTURES FOR SAI E SILK BLOOiiIERS,........ $ 1.19 SLIPS .. $ 1.65 R $ 1.85 I)IEIITY SLIPS AND BLOOMEI(S . .. 50c each ItUBBEI( APRONS from ............................................ 35c each COTTON VESTS from... 19c BLOO)IERS............ 2 for 59c Flannelettes, Ginghams and other piece goods, all greatly re- duced. Infants'Voolen EVear half price. Stamped Embroidery Goods. Arkyl Rope....... 2 for 5c Cotton.......... 3 for 20c D.C.51....... 3 for 10c Pull Skein... 'or 5c Leather Novelties, China, Brass. etc. PLAY BALL AVhat is the matter with all cur baseball fans when they are riot putting in an appearance at. our games in West Vancouver. IIr. Condon, and his boys should receive every possible support, as they are putting everything they have into the game, and play like real veter- ans. There is quite an expense to be met in the upkeep of uniforms and equipment, so come along and help them out, EVould it not be a happy sug- gestion for last year's Senior "B" Club, to present to the youngsters any finances they have on hand, for this club is here to stay. J. II. LARNIE. The above letter from J. ibl. I.arnie gives a very timely sug- gestion. The intermediate base- ball club is putting up some mighty nice games, in deed many of them are far more interesting from a spectator's point of view than are some of the big- ger leagues. The players should receive every encouragement and a~distance, and nothing helps the players more than a big crowd of spectators. The home games are played at Amhleside Park. The balance of the season' schedule is given below. Get out and watch the boys play. As AIr. Imrnie points out, there is quite an expense in the upkeep of'niforms and equip. ment. If there is anything left in the exchequer of the Senior Club, which operated last year, the money could well be turned over to assist the intermediates, since the Senior team is disband- ed. It would indeed be a happy gesture for the officials of the old Senior team to get in touch with illr. Condon with a view to rendering such assistance to the 1929 teams. BASEBALL IVest Van. Intermediates Defeat Elks. On Tuesday evening the )Vest Van. boys surprised the Elks ivhen they scored 3 runs in the last inning to win 8 to 7. Benny Trafford event the whole route for the locals and was in good form. IVengel Irish provided the fielding feature when he raced in from centre field to pick up a short fly just over second base. On Thursday the 9'est Van. team played the Chalets at Capilano Park. The game ends the first half of the season ex- cept for a postponed game with the Indians and one with the Elks to be played at SIahon Park on July 1st in connection with the Dominion Day sports. The school baseball league games have been called off on account of the approaching ex- ams. Wvo games, however, will still be played, Hollyburn Seniors versus Pauline Johnson on the grounds of the latter, and the high school team against Holly- burn at Hollyburn. Fussy Old Lady (as radio broadcaster sneezes): "There! Now I'm sure I shall catch cold." :M:EE I ):5'G OF Canadian Legion Rooms Ferry Building .&oarc of "rate OiV On MONDAY Next at 8 p.m. Don t Cook a Lunch. Get some of our fine V 'A'I'~ 'S Beefsteak and K idney 2 for 15c AIRS. ROSS'S eDri Special l.unch Every Day. THE BURRARD .[ AUNDRY LDIITED For People who Are I'articular THIRD ST. and ST. DAVIDS North Vancouver Phone North 1310. IVest Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone IVest 410I. PICiilCS A iD PARTIES CATERED FOR. HA VE YOU TRIED OUR HOME-&IADE CAKES? SPECIALS Saturday and Monday Corned Beef, per tin .... 20 Sardines i tins Ke Matches, 400s,...... 2 boxes 23e Royal Shaker Salt............ 10e Malkin's Peas, No. 3.... 2 tins 33e Bon Ami ............... 16e I h I iL I I",'i„i1„'.,'7 Phone )Vest 318R3. West Bay PROIIPT DELIVERY HOLLYBURN Barber Shop 16th h Marine EXPERT SERVICE E. MARSH, Proprietor AS'..')1J&I'1JP.I'-4 CO, .".). (Successors to Cedars Lumber Yards Ltd.) NOTE--After inventory we find we are overstocked on several items and to reduce these we are offering them at very LOEV prices. Come in and look them over. ~ Yards: 154 Esplanade West C. M. ASTBURY in personal charge Phone North 285 North 212 Night North 1415R even Euclid couldn', have done it ~ INTO THE RECTANGLE ABCD PLACE TEN TIMES ITS OWN AREA riAT'S a tough proposition, you'l say. It's more~~ than that. IT JUST CAN'T BE DONE. You can wiggle your dividers as much as you iike- pou can let A equal Hastings Street and B equal a given amount of traffic, but you cannot increase, by cne,'ot. the amount of traffi that street will hold--let ."icne multiply it by ten. Yet that's what people are trying to do. Vancouver is growing so fast that it will soon be ten times the sise it was 25 years ago. More and more people make the daily trip to and from the city as time goes on. The dis:ance is too far to vralk--they must have trans- portation. But the streets are no wider; there is a definite limit to the amount of vehicular traffic they will hold. What is the solution to this problem) Easyl It's the street ear. One street car will carry as many people into the city as 3$ automobiles--carry them safely and without bother. Congested streets are the invariable result of misuse of automobiles in the downtown part of the city. And congeston hinders growth. Leyte the city streets to the street car BEIHB GL&EtBE!l RLXCTRICRIBMWCtl VANCOUVER VICTORIA L. M. DUVAL A J. W. MANSQN STOCK BROK ERS AN D FINANCIAL AG E.iTS Stocks, - Bonds - Investments Prompt execution of Buying and Selling Orders. Reliable Information Given. 679 DUNS&IUIR STREET, VANCOUVER. SEY41OUR 889l