West Van. News (West Vancouver), 14 Jun 1929, p. 3

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001C977B June 14. 1929. A SERVICE STATION on the Highway of Health In the choice of your daily Drug Store needs, seek the ad- vice of a reliable Pharmacist. IIis is a professional respons- ibility-- not merely the making of a sale. This Store is Your Store. WEST VAN MARNACY The Store of Service. l'Ve lreliver I'hone &Vest S7 .IEVENTY-FIVE I'ER CENT OF ROAD EilPLOYEES ARE LOCAL ii EN 5'ork on the widening and re- construction of hIarine Drive is going apace, and it is expected that the work will be completed by the end of July. Quite a large number of workmen are employ- ed, and we are glad to see that preference is being given to local labor. Seventy-five per cent of the workmen live in lVest Van- couver. The employment of loc- al men on AVest Vancouver con- tracts has been a matter of much contention in previous undertak- ings, and it is good to know that the Ellis Cotton Co. are giving preference to local taxpayers and local residents. ~ TENTH STRAIGHT FOR NORTH SHORE ELKS Elks chalked up their tenth win in the North Shore Baseball League by defeating Squamish 0-2 in a league game at Mahon Park i~Ionday evening, this being the antlered nine's fourth win over the braves this season. As a result of this game, Squamish &vent to the cellar and Capilano Cardinals moved up onto second place in the league standing. Jimmy Bone did the pitching for Elks and held Squamish to four scattered blows. Lindsay hurled for Squamish and was touched up for five safeties, one ot which was a circuit clout by Jack Black. Tonight Capilano and Squam- ish will meet in a league game through which Squamish will have a chance to move back into second place in the league stand- r rig. Summary -- TN o base hits, Lord, D. Baker; home run, Black stolen base, Band; base on balls off J. Bone, 3; Lindsay, 2; struck out by Bone 1, Lindsay 2; double plays, Lord-Black; Lindsay Band lt, Baker-i%I. Josephs-D. Baker; Larson-Lord Mills; wild pitch, Lindsay; left on bases, Squamish G, Elks 3; time of game 1.12; umpire, F. Inch. Personals Mr. and i~Irs. I. ~I. Laude of 31ontreal, have taken the Cutler house at 23rd and Marine Drive for the summer. 0 0 ~ ~Irs. S. L. Davey entertained a number of her friends at the tea hour on Tuesday afternoon rit her home at 27th and Math- ers. 0 ~ 0 i~lr. and 3Irs. lV. T. Atwood and family, have moved from 21st and Bellevue to their Irew home at 15th and Ottawa. 0 0 ~ Henry Davison has moved from 13th and Fulton, to a house at 24th and Hayivood. 0 0 0 IIr. and ~Irs. F. P. Holland and family, 23rd and ~Iarine Drive, have left for Bridge Riv- er, where they expect to reside in future. Stephen Golder of Vancouver, was a guest at the Clachan hotel over the week end. 0 0 ~ lV. N. IlcDonald of Vancouver has purchased the home of Mr. and illrs. EV. L. Berry, 21st and Alarine Drive, and will take pos- sessiorr at the end of the month. 0 0 11rs. EV. Sulley has returned to her home in Caulfeild. 0 0 D. lV. 5Icgueen of Vancouver, has moved into a house at Cyp- ress Park. 0 0 i~Ir. and i4Irs. I. )I. Laude of Montreal spent the week end at the Clachan hotel. 0 A son was born to Mr. and AIrs. Cliff T. welsh, 31st and EVaterfront, on wednesday, 5th June. 0 4 0 E. T. English of Vancouver, is building a garage at Radcliff Avenue and Marine Drive. E. Seip of Vancouver, has tak- en the Crane cottage on East Beach. 51r. and Mrs. Oscar EVhittak- er, 11th and Esquimalt, have left for a visit to Galiano Island. iAIr. and Mrs. EV. R. Hamilton, 2193 Argyle Ave., have rented their lower suite to Mr. and Mrs. 3U. illcKenzie of Vancouver. AIr. M. Bush of Vancouver, is spending a week at "the Clach- an." The 51isses Dorothy Johnston and Marjorie Black, both of Vancouver, have purchased Mrs. Efford's cottage at 19th and Bel- levue. AIANUAL TRAINING AND HOi&IE ECONOillICS DISPLAY Next Friday, June 21st, from 3.30 to 5 and from 7.30 to 9, the cwork done by the boys and girls in manual training and home eco- nomics will be on display in the Ingleivood School auditorium. THE WEST VAN NEWS DUTCH TREAT TOilORROiV. Big Day at AVest Boy , ~ ' =. PHONE iVEST 28 FREE DELIVERY :- Ambleside Grocery O'ardware The Independent Since 1900. .-. Swift's Brookfield Butter, '~ lbs. in carton.. .=: Swift's Brookfield Eggs, Extras in cartons... Pullet Extras.... Ayres Nulack, 4-EIour Enamel in all beautiful shades for Floors, Furniture and all decoration. Ladies just love to work with it. Sizes 30c, 55c. 95c & $ 1.75 AVildRose Flour, 10 lb. Sacks . . 48c Regal Shaker Salt ....................... . 10c Roger's Golden Syrup, 2 lb. tins... 18c Sliced Pineapple, size 2s, . . 3 tins 29c Borden's St. Charles 31ilk, large size .. hIade in B. C. Borden's Reindeer Coffee and 31ilk, large size 30c per tin Just add boiling water. BUILDERS HARDWARE I AINITS OIL GARDEN TOOLS Tomorrow from 3 o'lock in the afternoon till 10 o'lock at night IVest Bay Beach will he the scene of much joy and mer- riment. The much anticipated "Dutch Treat" organized hy the members of the Duncan lwwson Chapter, I.O.D.E„will unques- tionably draw a very large crowd. All kinds of attractions and entertainments have heen arranged for, and many original innovations will he in evidence. Two raffles will he held, one for a heautifulHy dressed Dutch doll, the other for a fruit cake. Home cooking and candy booths ivill he at tractively arranged. Fortune telling, pony rides and hot dogs will centre round the old Red ~Iill. The fun ivill he fast and furi- ous. Admission is free. Keep away from I%est Bay Beach tomorrow, unless you are in for a good time, but, if you want a happy and joyous after- noon and evening, run the family bus out with every member of the family aboard to IIarine Drive where the municipal bus- ses stop, and then walk down the steps to the old Red hlill or else take the municipal bus and ask to be unloaded at IVest Bay Beach. 1ic ]b. 35c doz 30c doz 3 for 35c See 4Vindow for Specials ~ fl ~ &'0 ~ &i ~ l ~ & ~ ~ 4t 1&1IO tl-0 ~ ) ~t 4AaA&Ha ~ ~ t ~ - ~ i ~ ~ 1 ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~-4HHyo ~-ty-'lyly 'qy ~ q ~+~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '"5'hat do you do with your clothes when you wear them out?" "AVear them home again, nat- urally." Husband: "31y dear, why don' you ask me for advice on the matter?" EVife: "I intend to, just as soon as I decide what I am going to do." BLACK'S N'EST VA~N. TEVLNS ~~th and ~larIne AVEST 68 Transfer to City Daily. iVOOD -- COAL BUILDINiG SUPPLIES 10 years in business in IVest Van Dutch Treat at the Red ~!ill, EVest Bay Beach, tomorrow. The municipal board of works is building a new gangway at Dundarave pier, this being one of the improvements asked for by the IVest Vancouver Amateur Swimming Club. CAPILANO TIilIBER COiIPANY "From Forest to II'ou " W HEN You need Lumber, whether in small or large amounts, just give us a telephone call. Since our mill is located on the AVater- front at the west boundary of North Vancouver City, it may be too far for you to come down, simply telephone our office and ask for our LOCAL SALES DEPART&IENT. Your wants will receive every at- tention. Our Representative will gladly call on you if you so desire. FOOT OF PEi~lBERTON Pemberton and waterfrontPhone North 305 iVEST VANCOUVER HORTICUI.rURAL ASSOCIATION You are invited to the Sixth Annual CEDA R RADIO I OLES 40 Fto LONG ALlVA YS ON HAND. ~'r0 '~ ~ - II lklLN DRIED KINDLING Big Cord Load Delivered (North or )Vest Vancouver... Extra charges for distant deliveries. $3.50 in DUNDARAVE HALL on'A I U]%DAY,;I une 22nd Doors open at 2.00 p. m. Beyond St. Dennis (North Vancouver District) .... Centre Road (North Vancouver District) 29th Street (North Vancouver District) 29th Street, EVest Vancouver, to IVest Bay IVest Bay to Caulfeild . 50c Extra 50c Extra 25c Extra 50c Extra . $ 1.00 Extra Official Opening at:).')0 hy Reeve V. V, Vinson. A i~lass of Bloom and Color IVell IVorth Seeing. I'hone North 304. After 6 p. m.; North 304K