001C9767 ofay 31, 1929. THE WEST VAN NEWS DUTCH TREAT L. O. B. A. TO GIVE IVHIST DRIVE "Prices Consistentl& Low"SUN VISORS--20c up, PICNIC SUPPLIES, Saturday. June 15th, f'rom 3 until 10 p. m. the Red ~lill at West Bay will be the centre of much animation and joy. The Duncan Law@on Chapter of the J. O. D. E. are taking things in hand that day and have arranged for what they call a "Dutch Treat." There will be many novel at- tractions for adults as well as children--Fortune telling, Raf- I'les, Hot Dogs, Dancing, Bath- ing 'and afternoon tea, are a- mongst some of'he attractions. A beautiful Dutch doll and a large fruit cake will be given a- »ay and altogether the members of the I. O. D. E. are determined that this will be "an event." Keep the date open--Saturday June 15th. Admission free and all are welcome. The L. O. B. A. is giving a whist drive at the Clachan hotel tomorrow evening (Saturday) at 8 p. m. There will be good prizes also refreshments. The ladies of the L. O. B. A. have an enviable reputation as hostesses, and there is no doubt that the Clachan will be crowded with players tomorrow evening. Tickets 35 cents. ~.i.I~ Si."~ .'.iA":.:i (",'I.ii„:. &S BATHING CAPS and DIVING CAI'S Two Stores in IVest Vancouver GRANGER'S GROCERY, GREENWOOD'S GROCERY 21st and ~larine Drive 1442 ~larine Drive IVest 405 West 16 ~I ENTHOLATU~I for Sunburn SPECIALS AT BOTH STORES FREE DELIVERY FRIDAY- SAT 'AY- MO AY TRY OUR FOUNTAIN SERVICE LEGIO.'4'O HOLD ANNUAL ilEETINCSoft Drinks, Sodas, llilk Shakes, Sundacs, etc. Rice Krispli?s 2 pkts r ~sliced Pineapple .... 2 tins 2.ic Royal City Spinach, 2's. 2 tins SSe Kellogg's Cora Flakes 3 pkts. 29c. Lifebuoy Soap, ..... 3 hars 20c C. G. Broken Orange Pekoe Tea per lb. N hole N'hmt Fig Bars, lb.. 23c, P~yal City Pork h Beans, 2 tins 2~c ( ream of IVheat. per packet. 25c Johnson's Floor Nax, 1 lb. tin 63c Snowflake Pastry Flour ....... 10-lb. sack 48c Price's Baking Powder, 12 oz. tin ....... ........ ... .............. ...... 49c Lime Juice Cordial, 26 oz. bot. 3$c Lunch Tongue, ',&-lb tins.......... 33c Finest Quality New Zealand Butter................ 3 lbs. SINO Ozo Cubes, large tins ........ 2'oyalCity Peas, No. 4. 3 tins 52c Nut Bars ..................... 6 For 23c Empress Jama and Jellies, No. 1 glass bots. ac B. C. Sugar ............ 10 lbs. S~c Pure Lard, per lb .......... 19c Pure hlalt Vinegar, bottle .. 23c Mayonnaise, per Jar........ 18'c 33c Mixed Pickles. large bottle..... l9c FLO1.'R SPEClAL (C.G. Brand) 7-lb. sack . 31& 24-lb. sack .. $ 1.10 49-Ih. sack ........... $2.13 Election of Officers. The IVest Vancouver branch of the Canadian Legion will hold their annual meeting next ~fon- day evening, 3rd June, at S p. m. in the Legion rooms. Officers will be elected for the ensuing year. Reports will be presented. and the anuual financial state- ment, duly audited, wiH be laid before the meeting. Every mem- ber is requested to make a point of being present. WEg VAN PllARNACY The Store of Scr+&ce- N'e Deliver I'hone 1Vest 37 FAREIVEI.L PARTY IN HONOR OF IIR. AND AIRS. A. B. RANKINSNORTH SHORE FIOSPITAL AUXI[.IARY EI.ECTS OFFICERS i1fr. and hfrs. A. B. Rawkins former residents of West Vari- couver, who sailed last Wednes- day on the Aorangi for Australia were the guests of honor at a dance and bnn voyage party on Saturday at Beach house, 24th and EVaterfront. the home of Mrs. B. 5f. Grady. Mrs. Blanche ifolt Murison and Mrs. Grady acting as joint hostesses. Mrs. Rawkins was a member of the IVest Vancouver Archery Club and was specially interest- ed in the activities of the Canad- ian Handicrafts Guild of B. C. The invited guests included Wlayor lV. lf. 3falkin and i11iss Lila bfalkin, Afajor and Airs. AV. AI. Afackay, Dlr. and hIrs. Charles Scott. Bfr. and Mrs. Charles Ma- rega, hfr. and i~frs. J. Fyfe Smitli hfiss I lorence Fyfe Smith, hfiss Sawkins, Major and i~frs. Colin Marshall, Air. and Mrs. Roy Brown, i~fr. and Mrs. J. D. Allen, Colonel and i~frs. J. J. Thomas, Dr. and Mrs. Vass, Captain and illrs. C. Basis, i~frs. Pinder- Moss, Miss Archer, Dfrs. Grace Luckhart, iifrs. N. Afacleod, Dfr. and Mrs. J. S. Carpenter, Airs. Garland-Foster, Mr. Denby, Col. Angus bfaclean, Mr. and Airs. Arthur Anstey, Dr. and Mrs. Dallas Perry, Miss Isabel &Iac- lean, i~lajor Ifarrison, Mr. Allan Patterson and bfr. Arthur Pat- terson of Victoria, 5fr. and Sfrs. Ffarry Blowey. Afrs. Arthur Cushion of Ed- rnonton, bfrs. Bruce Powley, i41rs. E. i%I. Cuppage, hfr. Edward Cup- page, ~fiss Bolton, ihfr. and AIrs. Harry Hodgson, bfiss Stevenson, Mr. and 41rs. George Cross, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Clark, bfr. and Mrs. J. B. Leyland, Mr. and AIrs. L. Ajello, Mr. and AIrs. J. H. Smith, Afiss Theodora Grewer, Mr. and Mrs. ihfaurice Helyer, Miss Nancy Helyer, 5fiss 41olly Hibben of Seattle, IIIiss Marguer- ite Adams, iifr. Macleod, iver. A. Drummond, ihfrs. J. Barry, Miss Grace Ifardacre, Mr, A. Snape, Mr. C. Senner, Mr. J. Dunn, Mr. Harry Lake, i%fr. J. Troy, 51r. and Mrs. J. N. Leggatt, )Ir. and 1ifrs. A. D. Gunn, Airs. L. I. Fournier, Mr. Efoward Alitchell, i~fr. and Blrs. T. O. Reed-Palmer, )Iiss Daisy 5lcNaught, Miss Afar garet Mackay, hfr. D. Benedict, Mr. l'at iifurison, i~iiss Ruth MacKay and others. Reports submitted at the rec- eritly held annual meeting of the ~Vomen's Auxiliary to the North Vancouver General Ffospital re- vealed an exceptionally busy year. The treasurer reported re c~ipts from all sources during the past year totalled $ 1410, and disbursements $918. In the past year, ten regular meetings ivere held and seven sessions of the executive corn mit tee. The membership was raised to seve»ty-four. Mrs. C. R. Lane was the unan- imous choice for the presidency for the ensuing year. Other of- ficers elected were: Honorary president, ibfrs. A. D. i~facInnes; erst vice-president, 41rs. J. Hale; st.cond vice-president, Mrs. Gor- don Robson; secretary, Mrs. J. i~i. Bryan; treasurer, hfrs. R. V. bfcCarley. SIXTH ANNUAL FLORAL FESTIVAL MUSi:CA] CP& CER-j. .'S" IA". &A iA'i: The Sixth Annual 8'est Van- couver Floral Festival will be held on Saturday, June 22nd. It ivill be a specially good exhibi- tion. Don't forget to make ar- rringement for your entries. The c talogue giving full particulars of all events, with a list of offic- ers and prizes can now be ob- tained from any of the execu- tive. Send for a copy. and Assisting Artists INGLEWOOD SCHOOL AUDITORIUII on Friday, June 7th, at S p. m. Admission 50c. Children 25c. CAPILANO TlilIBER COiIPANY DR. VASS'IECE IS iilARRIED 5fiss Roberta.Hill of Seattle, niece of Dr. Vass and who paid a holiday visit to West Vancou- ver a short time ago was married in Seattle last Friday evening to i~fr. Charles Peabody-Fishel who is manager of the Le Marche stores in that city. Mrs. Pea- body-Fishel made many friends during her visit here who will wish her many happy years of married life. "From Forest to iI'ou " J. T. EVatt, Junior, was host to a number of his young friends cn ofay 18th. The occasion be- ing in celebration of his 15th birthday. 'The party enjoyed badminton and indoor games and did full justice to an ample sup- per. 'I I . le a)i ano . lfri)er 0...1:&.BASEBALL West Van. Comes from ehind to Beat Chalets FOOT OF PE~IBERTON Pemberton and WaterfrontPhone North 305 On Tuesday evening at Amble- r ide Park )Vest Van. Intermedi- ates won th~ir first game, turn- ing back Chalets 12 to 11. Both teams scored two in the first. West Van. collected another in the second and tivo in the third, while the visitors secured one in the third. In the fourth inning with 2 men out the Chalets brought their total up to 10. In the next three innings the mouii- tain team was held to one run. while the local boys gathered in seven to win the game. On Thursday evening the game between the Elks and IVest Van. was called in the fourth inning with the local boys leading 16 to 11. On Tuesday, June 4th, the IVest Van. Boys will meet the Native Sons at Ambleside Park. The last time these teams met the Native Sons won 5 to 4 and the boys will be out to reverse the score. CEDAR RADIO POLES 40 Ft LONG ALWAYS ON HAND, FORiIER RESIDENT HERE SUFFERS BIG FlRE LOSS KlLN DR I E D KI N D L IN G bfr. and airs. Paul Denison who lived for'our years at Alta- mont and who formerly operated the Artona Studios at Granville and Robson suffered a disastrous loss recently at their Seattle Studio. This divas located in the Pig and IVhistle building which divas the scene of one of the most spectacular conflagrations which has happened for some years. i1fr. Denison's studio and equipment divas entirely destroy- ed. Ifis loss divas over $9,000. $3.50Big Cord Load Delivered (North or West Vancouver... Extra charges for distant deliveries. 50c Extra 50c Extra 50c Extra 25c Extra . $ 1.00 Extra Beyond St. Dennis (North Vancouver District) Centre Road (North Vancouver District) 29th Street (North Vancouver District) 29th Street, AVest Vancouver, to West Bay AVest Bay to Caulfeild . After 6 p. m.; North 304KPhone North 304. W HEN You need Lumber, whether in small or large amounts, justgive us a telephone call. Since our mill is located on the Water- front at the west boundary of North Vancouver City, it may be too far for you to come down, simply telephone our office and ask for our LOCAL SALES DEPARTMENT. Your ivants will receive every at- tention. Our Representative &vill gladly call on you if you so desire.