001C9767 Smith 's i~roeerg We Deliver A. HARVEY SMITH, Prop. 24th AND MARINE, Opp. Dundarare HalL Phone WEST 461 Lux Toilet Soap ............ 3 cakes 22c Sockeye Salmon, tall, tin... 42c Flit, S ox. oottle ............ .. 3Sc Kill the flies now. Crisco............................ 3 lb. tin 69c Clark's Tomato Satsup, bottle 19c Serv-us Flour .... 7 lb. sack 37c Fruit Cookies .......... 2 lbs. 39c Our Own Tea, per lb.............. GOc tomatoes,large tins ........ 2 for 25c Royal Crown Soap Powder...... 21c Our Own Tea, per lb .... 60c ROBERTS'ETTER MEATS DELIVERY TO ALL PARTS DAILY 10th to 25th--9.30 10th to Caulfeild--12.30 10th to 25th--3.30 We take much pleasure in introducing to our friends and customers our new as- sistant, hIR. BERT SALTER AIr. Salter is an experi- enced i~Ieat Cutter, having managed businesses with great success in England, the United States and Van- couver. We feel sure our patrons will have confidence in him and trust that business re- lations may be increased to our mutual advantage. )Vhen all prices are high, buy only the Best BEEF VEAL LAAIB PORK Fresh Fish Fruit 8'egetables PHONE WES I 190 One Store Only Next to PIGGLY AVIGGLY 1578 hlARIiVE DRIVE It is estimated that two per cent. of national energy could be saved if all salary checks were sent direct to the installment people. For Friday and Sataarday Finest Norwegian Sardines, ......., ...............,.........' 2 tins 27c Kraft Cheese, ......., ... ',z lb. 22c St. Charles hIilk ............ 3 tins 33c Del hlonte Apricots, pcr tin.... 23c ihfatches ........................ 3 boxes 25c Quaker Corn Flakes ... 3 pkts. 28c Kellogg's All Bran, pkt......... 19c Oranges, sweet and juicy, .................................. 3 dozen 62c Our Own Coffee, per lb............ 60c Pcndray's Water Glass, per tin 15c Our Own Coffee, per lb........... 60c THANK GOD FOR LIFE. I'm glad God gave this gift to me More ivonderful than land or sea, Than past, present, or things to be, This gift of life. To sleep, to wake, to ivork again,'1'o laugh, to weep, to suffer pain, Be down in the depths, and rise again, Thank God for life. When comes that time, and I pass on, Be laid aside like wood or stone,I'li be glad, yes proud, at leastI'e known The gift of life. There is no death for me nor you, It has no terror for the heart that's true, It's living ill makes us fear and rue The gift of life. "What seems death is just sleep" then born a-new. God's glorious gift of life. A. M. VICKERY, Ambleside, B.C. "Of all the odd things! Did you notice she gave condensed milk in our tea?" "Oh, well, dear, her fiat's so tiny you know'" A Chinaman was much alarmed by a vicious looking dog that always barked at him loudly. "Don't be afraid of him," said the owner of the dog. "You know the old proverb, 'A barking dog never bites.' "Yes," said the Chinaman, "you know proverb; I know proverb; but does the dog know proverb?" Johnny came back from his first sight of an elephant much excited. "Oh, mama," he exclaimed, "Katie spilled some peanuts on the ground and what do you think happened? The elephant picked them up with his vacuum cieaner." They met under the mistletoe on Christmas eve. "Do you know," she said, "you are the first man to kiss me." "Well, well," replied the man, "you must have taken a correspond- ence course--you certainly don't act like a beginner." ")e '.OW!i S 0 A Few Bedding Plants Left LOBELIA--Trailing and Dwarf. l SMALL FUSCHIAS--For WindowBUTTERFLY FI.OWER -- pretty Boxes or Tubs. in masses. CUT FLOWERS--Always in stock.AGERATUM-- ~ TOMATO PLANTS--25c per doz. FUNERAL AND IVEDDING ORDERS AT SHORTEST NOTICE Mrs. Roberts'lower Shop,"„",„,"„""",',',",'"'ACIFIC STAGE LINES ADD TO FLEET OF BUSSES (Continued from Page 1) vice in such a way that every possible need for transportationis taken care of. Today certain parts of Canada are looking forward to aconsiderable expansion in the development of transportation,which in some measure has been responsible for the progressand prosperity of the country. We feel that the developmentof the North Shore will be such that the Pacific Stage Lineswill find it necessary to continually add to their equipment toadequately serve our growing demands. The company, it issaid, is giving much study and consideration to the transporta-tion problem that exists here. Recently special services havebeen inaugurated for the early morning hours and for theholiday services. TIIE AVEST VAN NEEVS HOWI ING CI UB The response to our notice re- garding the proposed meeting to form a boivling club in West Van- couver has been very gratifying. A number of residents have giv- en us their names and telephone numbers, «nd they ivill be notifi- ed later «s to the date and place of the meeting. If there are any others interested, ive ivould ask them to let us have their names as soon as possible. ENTHUSIASTIC AUDIENCE LAST N IGHT AT CHORAL'ONCERT There was a very enthusiastic audience to listen to the first con- cert given by the )Vest Vancou- i er Choral Society assisted by the West Vancouver Ladies'hoirlast night in the Unite&I Church. The Choral Society was heard to advantage'in a number iaaf the festival pieces of the last few years, their rendering of the 'Challenge of Thor" being par- ticularly fine. The Ladies Choir gave the tivn 1929 festival pieces the audience insisting on their repeating i~Iacfarren's "You Stole AIy Love." 5Irs. George Iferring anil J. Lowden's solos ivere very well received, and each divas called upon for an encore. The violin solo by Rex Rhodes was very favell done indeed, and Gertrude Nash on the pia~no quite captivated the hearts of her hearers. Both young musicians responded with an encore. The NcIntyre quartette played sev- eral pieces with their usual finish and were called upon each time for another number. "Lost Lagoon," an original composition by Miss Margaret 5'cIntyre with which she won the gold medal this year at the B. C. Musical Festival, was sung for the first time by Mrs. C. Mc- Leaa. The music was altogether charming, and Mrs. McLean sung it with great feeling. To satisfy the insistent applause she gave as an encore another song com- posed by Miss McIntyre entitled "To a Butterfly," which with its light and airy music gave great pleasure to her hearers. A man who do'es good deeds for cash deserves no credit. Public Aleeting in Ambleside Hall tomorrow, Saturday, night, on Boulevards. Address, illus- trated by'antern slides. .3owen .sanc- W 1ytec iI.I. erry. Fare 25 cents DAILY Leaving Leaving Bowen Island EVhyteclifT 9.20 a.m. 10.10 a.m. *12.20 p.m. *12.45 p.m. 3.20 p.m. 4.00 p.m. 6.20 p.m. 7.00 p.m. *8.30 p.m. «9.40 p.m. 'Not effective until June 15 SUNDAYS R HOLIDAYS Leaving Leaving Bowen Island EVhytecliA'.30 a.m. 10.00 a.m. 11.30 a.m. 12.00 noon 1.30 p.m. 2.00 p.m. 2.30 p.m. 3.00 p.m. 3.30 p.m. 4.00 p.m. 5.00 p.m. 5.30 p.m. 6.15 p.m. 8.15 p.m. 8.45 p.m. Jimmy Thomson' TRANSFER Daily Trips to and from City- bloving Baggage a Speci»ty. PHONE WEST 110 FOR Coal and %VODER Prompt Delivery. May 31, 1929. Once a customer, always a customer. - EFFEIRIES'UPERIOR .Y„EATS Government Inspected Only. All 5Ieats kept under strict sanitary conditions a»il with up-to-date refrigeration service. I or the very best in all kinds of Meats phone I.amb Beef Pork Ilollyburn Store West 3 Ambleside Store West 303 c.t"~i::t. Can be rented for II &I i~" t]ie season for P]xone the Ice Pj.ant CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER TRADE AND DOG LICENSES All persons liable for above ivho have not obtained same,are notified to do so at once. Failure to comply will renderparties responsible liable to prosecution. JAS. OLLASON, Collector. Hollyburn, B. C., 30-5-1929. I. O. D. E. DUTC I TREAT SATURDAY. JUNE 15th, -- 3.00 p.m. to 10.00 p.m. RED IlIILL, West Bay Beach. Novel attractions for Children and Adults. Afternoon Tea -- Hot Dogs -- Tulip Bed -- Raffles Candy -- Home Cooking -- Fortune Telling Dancing and Bathing Adm&sston Free. Sash, Doors and Interior Finish Get our prices IT WILL PAY YOU G Broken Lights repaired at & easonable cost Amb.esice. umber Co, tc. hI A RIN E DRIVE AT 16th STREET Phone West 199 ~EST VAN TENNIS CLUB 1929 SEASON Any des» ing to goin please phone J. GRISEDALE, West 434, or G. DAVENPORT, West 481R3 For a Net Building or a Repair Job We can supply everything you need. Roofing -- Building Paper -- Lamatco -- Fir Veneer -- GyprocPlaster Board -- Sash -- Doors -- Heaver Hoard Shingles -- Lath -- Building hlaterials West Vancouver . umber Co. 15th and i&Iarine LIMITED Phone West 115 Residence Phone: AVest 368I-.