001C975B THE WEST VAN NEWSofay 23, 1929. CLASSIFIED ADS whimsical ReviewBy MIiVA G. H~s Landscape Architect GOAT FOR SALE--Milking, $5.00.Aonly 978 Dnche s, West 20RR. FOR SALE--Cedar Chest 2 ft. 7 r 3ft. 14't x 2 ft. 3. Strongly made. At Gray Bungalow fronting 24thStreet near Haywood. KILN DRIED PLANER E,iDS Double load delivered $3 50 us for Building Supplies, Hobb Transfer, West 17.Teacher: 'Name three articles containing starch." Johnny: "Two cuA's and a col- lar." ~due t 0 Ia Laad sea pla g U. e f C, Aaerfcaa 5cheel of Laadseape Arch l t K tare Gardeatag. hfesher Natieaal Laadscape Service. I-OST--Early Tuesday morning, white Spitz puppy. Finder. phone West 638 L. quire very thorough fertilization cultivation and watering. All varieties of dahlias should be planted by the second week in June. If the tuber does not show a bud, do not include it in the regular planting. Plant it ftomewhere where should it fail to grow, the gap will not be too noticeable. EVhen staking the tall growing perennials, and now, by the way, is a good time to begin, a better appearance is gained by tying each stalk separately to the stake than by tying them in a bundle and hitching them to a stick. Place your house plants in the shade of a tree with the pots buried in the soil. Geraniums, coleus. etc., may be cut back if they have become leggy in the bouse. Something net in the garden gives an added interest. Some novel plant or shrub will repay you many times in the pleasure nf anticipating its development. The first part of June is the time to make the last sowing of the late garden peas. During the second and third weeks of June soivings of early peas may be made. provided the soil is good and is not likely to become dried out during the summer. IVith a wealth of Spring bloom appearing so rapidly, and the mild pleasant ofay sunshine, there is an irresistible call to the garden, and a keenness of joy in the necessary garden work greater than is felt at any other time. The flowers, roses, and flowering shrubs that are to fol- low the profusion of ofay's beau- ties are calling for your care and attention now. Every hour of i11ay is precious in the garden. ~Ve must be there to see each of her beauties unfold, and to work eagerly that all her promise of later beauty shall be fulfilled. Every care of the lawn is nec- essary to insure that close, thick growth so desired. Clip the lawn frequently in ofay and June. Frequent moNings during the groiving season are highly bene- ticial as they serve as a good mulch Frequent clippings do aivay with weeds of the annual sorts as they do not get a chance to seed themselves and become nuisances. Any perennial weeds that appear, such as burdock, and plantain, should be dug out Nith a knife and the holes filled with good top soil and seeded. Gladiolus may be planted at intervals of ten days to two weeks from early April until July 1st. These late plantings wil] bloom during late August and September. Annual seeds may be sown as late as July 1st, with good re- sults anticipated. They will re- F OR SALE--IVttlnut Console I'honola Hoosier Cabinet with ice box, solid leather lounge, white rotary sewing machine and '4 size violin. Also walnut double bed and coil springs. Phone KVest 61. o ~ o SE~f I-MODERN 4 Room Bungalow for sale at snap price, $ 1400. onterms. Big lot. An extra good buy. Phone %Vest 17. 'hey tell me you have a mod- e] husband ilfrs. Hicks. "Yus, sir; but 'e ain't a work-in'odel." ~ o e A farmer received a crate con taining some fowls. He wrote tn the sencjer, informing him that the crate was so badly niade that it had come to pieces &~hen he was taking the hens home with him and they had all escaped, and, after much search- i»g he had only succeeded in finding 11 of them. In due course he received the following reply: "You were lucky to find 11 hens, because I only sent you slX. I'I.YhfOUTII BA R RED ROCKS-- Twelve one year old laying birds for sale. West 449R or 1!oJ3 Esquimalt. 1923 FORD SED hN FOR SALE-- Needs some repairs. Best offer ac- cepted. Richardson, 2384 Lawson. AVest 669R.ELECTRIC HOUSE RANGE and %fet-or Wiring. Free estimates. North Shore Electric, Phone North 79. TAXI--I'eerless Sedan. Day or Night Service. Phone, Webster North 123 1 YOUNG lVO&IAN %anted to Help in Store and restaurant. Apply. Mrs. Ross, The Pantry, 1415 Marine Drive. IVICKER I'USlf CART with hood, for sale. Good condition. West ii~9. CEhf ENT IVORK, Landscaping, Lawns Rockeriea, Fencing, Trellis work, Clearing. Grading. Phone T. Barnott 23rd and JeR'erson. hfODERN 4-ROOII BUNGALOW for sale. 14th and Duchess. Apply,Davis 14th and and Gordon ftA iGES FOR S %LE-- 4 Splendid assortment of used ranges. Com- pletely overhauled Satisfaction guaranteed. Free delivery. Phone Highland 3650. hfeasured Pobteness Helen was at her first party. %&en the refreshments were sewed, she re- fused a second helping of ice cream with a polite "No, thank you," though she looked wistful. "Do have some more, dear," the hostess urged. "Mother told me to say 'No, thank you," the little girl explained naively, "but I don't believe shhe knew how small the dishes were going to be." Friend: "How's everything'." Newlywed: "S h e's f i n e, thanks." FIRST CLASS Ladies'ailoring andAlterations. All work guaranteed. Mrs. H. E. Mills, 22~& Bellevue. West 12SY. ~ o Little Johnny, a city boy in the country for the first time, saw the milking of a cow. "Now you know where the milk comes from, don't you?" he was asked. "Sure," replied Johnny. 'You give her some breakfast food and water a»d then drain her crankcase." o 'Psst"'issed the inmate of the asylum. "I'e made a great discovery." "Ah, I knew you were a won- derful man," the keeper humor- ed him."Ssssh"e found they take the holes from doughnuts and use them to fill macaroni." "They are not going to cut me up if I go to the hospital, are they?" "Of course not, when you'e going just for a rest. AVhat n akes you think they are?" "Because when I called up the hospital a voice said, 'Oper- ator.' --Baltimore American. "EVhat did you say that your age was?" he asked between dances.'I didn't say," smartly return- «d the girl, "but I'e just reach- ed 21." "Is that possiblej" he consol- ed. "4Vhat detained you?" o o Teacher: "Johnnie, now you have in front of you the north, on your right the east, on your left the west. )Vhat have you behind you?" Small boy: "A patch on my pants--I told mother you'd see itj" l'RACTICAL NURSE offers servicesor ~ould care for children in even- ing. Phone West 290L FOR I AINTING DECORATING STAINING. POLISHING, phone 4V. Carley, IVest 71Y. The Holey City EIotel Clerk in small town: "I see you are just in from Chicago, Mr. Smith." hfr. Smith: "No, that's just a moth hole in my coat."--Northwestern Pur- ple Parrot. FOR IDENT OR SALE -- House onWaterfront at Altamont. ApplyLeyland, West 63R1. SCHWEPPES LEMONADE, CAN- ADA DRY GINGERALE and all the Good Brands of Cigars at The Ambleside Tea Rooms NOTE The writer will coaslder It a pleasure to aasrer questloas coaceralas the aardea Ia th l ~ column. The ques tloae should be addressed to the writer la care ol the Editor. The answer will appear la aa early Issue or If a personal reply ls desired a ~ tamped, selt-addressed envelope should be enclosed. Very Low SEWING WANTED Ladies'nd Children's work. Mrs. Bloxham, Phone IVest 226. iVEBB'S SHOE REPAIRS WRAITH BEST--Dundarave. Friend (visiting hospital patient): "Do you know, old man, that's a swell looking nurse you'e got!" Patient: "I hadn't noticed." Friend: "Good Lord! I had no idea you were so sick!" USEFUL RECIPESCOUNCIL NOTES Savory %feat Rolls Make a biscuit dough and roll a quarter of an inch thick. Spread with chopped meat mix- ed with gravy and well seasoned. Roll the whole thing up like a jelly roll, and bake in a moder ate oven until the centre is cook e:l and the crust is brown. It does not pay to make the roll too thick. Serve with gravy, cut- ting the roll in slices like a jelly roll. Creamed vegetables are a »ice substitute for the gravy. As a variation cut the roll be- fore baking, and place each slice nn a greased tin. Put a piece of butter on top and bake 15 minutes in a hot oven. Serve on a platter surrounded by green peas or buttered carrots. Cream sauce goes nicely with this. In- stead of making one big roll, you could cut the dough into squares, place the meat in the niiddle, and roll each up before baking. Serve like old fashion- ed sausage rolls with creamed vegetables. Naina Singh's application for a building permit, and a letter from J. Canvardine, acting on behalf of K. Ray, all regarding the classification of the water- front property at 17th Street was referred to the solicitor and tiie engineer. NEWMAN 4 ROBBINS Contractors Builders Painting Pap erhanging, Alterations and Pepairs. Promptly Executed. House Phone AVest 74R1. The Insult "Why did you strike the telegraph operator?" the judge asked the darky. "Well, yo'onah," said the culprit, "It was jest like this: I hands him a telegram for mah girl, and'e starts in readin't. So I jest nachurally ups and hands him one." HEMSTITCIIING--Plain.. white 5c yard; silk and colored 10c yard.Pearce's Drygoods, 14th Street and Marine. Phone West 144. C. Madser.'s application for permission to open an amuse- ment place on the beach at Horseshoe Bay was referred to the chief constable for a full report on the proposed site, the contemplated erections, music, if any, operating hours, public, conveniences credentials of ap- plicant, etc. o CARDEN BARROQ S--Strong, Light, Painted, price $4.60, delivered sub- ject to approval. Phone North 364R GARDENS DESIGNED, Laid Out and Maintained Rock Gardens Lily and Ornamental Pools, Lawns, Rustic work, Fencing, Concrete Paths. Drives, etc., Pruning and Spraying, Landscape and General Gardening R. J. KyM, Phone West 172X1. Time! It was almost at the end of the third round and Battling Ginsberg was ham- mering away for all he was worth. The bell rang loud and clear, but the Hebrew seemed to pay little or no attention to its signifiicance. It was then that the referee came between the two boxers, and, tapping Ginsberg upon his shoulder yelled "Time!" "Look, look!" laughed the Hebrew, still jabbing right and left. "Just when he sees me getting de best of ae fight, he vants me to tell him vot time it is!" II'OU I.'s TEND TO BUILD or% ant your house altered or repaired, phone Colin Turner, builder, 13th and Haywood, AVest 679R. MODERN ELECTf(IC IVIRING of all kinds. See us for Radio Sets, Sup- plies, At.rials. Largest on North Shore. North Shore Electric and Radio Stores-- 1540 Lonsdale Ave. North Vancouver. Phone North 79. The engineer was instructed tn deal with the following mat ters: 1. A. H. Preiitice. Tax on 20th St. Power to act. 2. Gordon AV. Smith. Car access to 555-25 15. Power to act. 3. Clachan Hotel. Clearing up 25th St. and maintenance. John Mouat. Stump and hole on Boulevard, 430-46-19. Re- port. 5. John Bruce. Parking place, 430-46-9. a o a G. S. Hanea wrote recommend- ing that railings be provided at once on the westerly end of Ma- rine Drive i» certain dangerous places where he alleged an auto ) might overturn and go over the side of the roadway. The letter was ordered filed. o ~ o F. Blow wrote in reference to the roof garden erected on 'his property at IVest Bay which he has let to hfr. Lewis. He was informed that the council had »o authority to interfere in the matter of a dispute bet&veen him «nd i~Ir. Lewis as to the condi- tions of their contract. e o a The physician divas giving an informal talk of physiology. "Also," he remarked, 'it has recently been found that the hu- rnan body contains sulphur." 'Sulphur~" exclaimed the girl in the blue a»d white blazer.'And how much sulphur is there then in a girl's body?" "Oh, the amount varies," said the doctor, smiling, 'according to the girl" "Ah," returned the girl. "And is that why some of us make better matches than others?"-- Ladies'ome Journal. "Do you believe that we should have a more elastic currency?" asked the man who always talks national finance. "Not much~" snorted the man with the shiig clo'thes. "It' elastic enough noiv. IVhat they ought to do is make it more ad- hesive." FOR PLURI BLiG REPAIRS--Phone West 241R. An Ignorant BunchEggs in Tomato Sauce 5 eggs Half can tomatoes Three-quarters c. breadcrumbs 1 t. butter 1 t. flour Salt and pepper Strain tomatoes through a sieve. DIelt butter in a dish and add flour, stir until smooth and add strained tomatoes. Season with pepper and salt. Break the eggs carefully into this and cover all with breadcrumbs. Dot with pieces of butter and bake in a moderate oven. The prosecuting attorney had en- countered a somewhat difficult wit- ness. Finally he asked the man if he was acquainted with any of the mfn on the jury. "Yes, sir," announced the witness, "more than half of them." "Are you willing to swear that you know more than half of theme" de- manded the lawyer. "Why, if it comes to that, I'm willing to swear that I know more than all of them put to- gether," came the emphatic reply. GEO. HAY Real Estate and Insurance Notary Public Fire Insurance -- baloney to Lean 1405 Marine Drive Office Phone IVest 21 or Sey. 1260 Residence Phone ~V. MR or W. 204X ft. P. Clark 4, Co. (Vancouver) Ltd. The Good Die Young Tommy tafter a thumping): "You'e awful hard on me, hfa." hfother: "That's because you'e been very naughty and wicked." Tommy: "IVell, gee. You should remember that you didn't die young yourself." Send in your listings of Furnished Ifouses and Camps.I'OT AND BEDDING PLANTS Fertilizers, Seed I'otatoes and Grass Seeds Next Dood to Theatre VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phone IVest 9 Next door to Theatre Fuel and Building Supplies. SEAFRONT HOhlESITZ„. hfagniffcent situation. hfust be seen to be ap- preciated. Extra large area 75x450 feet, $2000. terms. IVe will quote you lowest Insurance Rates on Furniture and Household Ef- fects.The teacher had brought a glass bowl containing goldfish to school. "Now," she said, "can any one tell me what goldAsh ise" "Yes, teacher," replied a little girl. "It's a sardine that has got very rich." "hfaud has made some swell niarriages, but divorced all her husbands." "Yes, she moves in the best triangles, so to speak. The boys' enior baseball team of Pauline Johnson School de- fecated the IIollyburn senior team on )Vednesday by a score of 13 to 8. R. l'. CLAltK 4, CO LTD. 790 Dunsmuir St Seymour 74&4 Local Representative C. J. ARCHEh, Nest e25. GARDENS and GARDENING