001C975B May 23, 1929. -prices Consistently Low" THE ~ST VAN NEO S FLORAL FESTIVAL Oy, JUNE 22ND GARDEN PARTY HORSESHOE PITCHERS CLUB AT A&IBLESIDE pARKi„l„I',I Sl.l,. )A" '. 3 l~ Itl".1C '. ttS T~ o Stores in GREENWOOD'S GROCERY 1442 ~Iarine Drive AVest 16 AVest Vancouver GRANGER'S GROCERY, 21st and IIarine Drive AVest 405 SUI'RR SPECIAL! 12 ASSOIITED Ehfl'RES JEI.LY I'OiVDEIIS............. 59c Limit 12 to a customer. 1 Broom, 2 pkts. Royal Croaw Sal Soda, 1 tin Royal Crown Lye ........................................... 59c 6 cakes Lux Toilet Soap, 1 pkt. Lux Flakes ........................... 59c 10c tins Potted hfeat, 3 10c N'ax Paper ........................... 59c I tins Royal City Peas................ 59c 15 bars I'earl IVhite Naptha Soap ........................................ 59c 2 Shaker Salt, 1 tin 4Vhite Pep- per, 1 2-lb. pkt. Prunes........ 59c 1 bot. Crosse 4 Blackwell's Branston Pickle, 2-lb. tin of Iioney .................. 59c I'INE READING EXALTS CHILD Have Hooks in the Home, So That Youth ofay Early Get Good Habit. A child's tastes are formed largely through the influence of the home he lives in. If father «nd mother read books and en- joy them, the children will en- joy them too. But if there are no books in the house, if nobody reads, how can the child learn~ to like books? Reading for Pleasure Reading for pleasure is one of the finest habits a child can cul- tivate. It will make him com- pletely happy in an excellent way. It is cheaper, cleaner, healthier, than many another habit harder to form. Then why do not more children read at home? Because there are no books to read. EVhen a child comes into the family his library ought to be started. Buy him a picture book as soon as he begins handling things. &Iake it a good picture book A book full of kindly ani- nials, well colored is fine. The books of ships, the book of dogs, all of them are good. Then comes Mother Goose. She lays the foundation of literature for our children. Then add Esop Fables, fairy tales, Peter Rab bit, and go on from there. Give the child a book for every holi. day time. Books are as neces. sary to him as sweets and toys. A bit of chocolate, a good book, one good toy is a princely fort- une for a child. Leave one out and the treat is spoiled. DEATH OF F. E. ARMSTRONG V Frank E. Armstrong, 12th and Esquimalt, passed away last Fri- day in the Vancouver General Hospital, where he had recently undergone a serious operation. The deceased, who was only in his 50th year, had resided in West Vancouver for many years, having conducted a lumber yard here in the early days of the municipality. The funeral took place at 2 p. m. on Monday from 'J. J. Kearney's chapel in Van- couver, Rev. 4V. B. gillian, of- ficiating, and interment was made in the Capilano View ceme. tery. He is survived by his wife, two sons and three daughters to whom the heartfelt sympathy of the whole community goes out in the sudden and unexpected loss which has come to them. G. N. Stowe was appointed en- gineer and J. E. i~Iilne, resident, engineer, for the new Marine Drive coritract. I-lb. Fresh Ground Coffee, 2 small tins hfilk .................. 59c 1 large bottle Dutch hfaid hfay- onnaise, 1 small bottle Dutch Sandwich Spread.................. 59c I-LB. C.G. BROKEN ORANGE I'EKOE TEA ...................... 59c 1 bottle C. 4 B. Ketchup, 1 large pkt. Sodas, 1-lb. Dates ........ 59c 7-lb. sack Pastry Flour, 1-lb. Pure Lard ............................... 59c 5 lbs. B. C. Granulated Sugar, 3 pkts. Ke)logg's Corn Flakes rg 2 lbs. Ginger Snaps, 1 pkt. Cha- teau Cheese ............................ 59c 7-LB. SK. CEE-GEE FI.OUIt, 2 TALL TINS OF ittESTLE'S hf I I.K 59c THE iVEST VANCOUVER SiVIADIING CLUB ACTIV ITIOUS The IVest Vancouver Amateur Swimming Club formed less than a year ago, has adopted an ag. gressive and ambitious program which is being prosecuted with success. In the forthcoming regatta which takes place in August, the executive has ar ranged two B. C Championships, iiz.: Ladies Diving--open class «nd AIen's 200 Yards--free style swimming, eiso an open event, both of which will draw record entries and will be of keen inter- est to both spectators and com- petitors. The particular feature of the Club'e endeavors is the Lower DIainland Public Schools Swimming Gala to be held at Dundarave on Saturday, July Gth, it is probable that there be- ing so many events it will be im- possible to complete them in one 6ay, if this proves to be the case the competitions will be complet- ed on the following Saturday, the 13th instant. This competi- tion has the strong support of the Vancouver School Board and swimming authorities of the Lower Mainland. This event is quite open to private schools. Don't forget the Club's open- ing swim is on June 2nd. All interested are cordially invited. HOARD OF TRADE HOLD REGULAR 5IONTHLY hIEETING ilIONDAY Opposed to woodyard on waterfront The )Vest Vancouver Board of Trade held its regular monthly meeting on Monday evening in the Canadian Legion rooms, ferry building. The proposed amendments to the zoning by- Iiiw were very carefully gone irito and discussed, and the re- commendations of the board will be submitted at a later date to the town planning commis sion. The matter of obtaining better postal facilities was laid over until the committee ap- pointed by the board have in- terviewed Gen. A. D. McRae. The proposal to establish a woodyard by Sikhs at the foot of 17th Street also came up for discussion, and the board went nn record as being opposed to the project, and further as ob- jecting to any business or indus- try being allowed to be estab- lished on any part of the water- front unless a special permit was first obtained with the approval of the property oivners concern- ed A copy of this resolution is being forwarded to the council. (igq SPECIALS AT BOTH STORES (i)g a lyo FREE DELIVERY a lyo THUR. SAT 'AY - MONDAY The annual garden party of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I. O.D.E., will be held on Saturday, June 15th. at the -Red Mill" )Vest Bay, and will take the form of 'A Dutch Treat." The com- rnittee repor'.s that various orig- inal innovations such as a tulip bed and wind-mill wil Imake the r fternoon a real Dutch Treat. To add to the attractions two raffles wil] be held. one for a beautifully dressed Dutch doll, and the other a fruit cake. Home cooking and candy booths will be attractively arranged, nad afternoon tea served. Good progress is being made in the arrangements for the Sixth Annual Floral Festival to be held in )Vest Vancouver on Saturday, June 22nd. Frequent meetings are being held by the executive and committees in charge and every effort is he- i»g put forth to make this a specially outstanding event. Indications point to it being a very successful affair. Any fur- ther information needed regard- ing entries or exhibits can be obtained on application to the Secretary, i~irs. E. Ford, P. 0. Box 224, Hollyburn, or the Pres- ident John Nyland or any other member of the executive. The 4Vest Vancouver Horse- shoe Pitchers Club was granted by the council on 31onday night space in Ambleside Park where they could have matches with other clubs. It is intention of the Club to enter the tournament fathered by the Sun newspaper. FISHING COIIPETITION AT FISH ERiIAi ti'S COVE The anriual deep sea fishing competition by the B C Anglers Association will be held on Sun day, June 30th, at Fisherman' Cove The competition will start on arrival of the 9 a.m. stage from Vancouver. Competitors will come ashore at 12.30 for lunch and will go out again at 1.30 to continue fishing until 6 p. m. Their catch- Es will be weighed at 6.30 p. m. Competitors must use rod and line and not more than one lure or spoon or two hooks. Two com- petitors are allowed to each boat. The council decided on IIon- day night that all future water connections required for sprink- ling purposes only be granted on condition that they be metered and that similar connections al- ready installed be placed on met- er forthwith. An elaborate programme has been arranged by the Elks i~Iay Day committee for the annual festival at i~Iahon Park tomor- row--Empire Day It is expect- etl that 2500 North Shore School children will be in attendance. Four Maypoles will this year be provided for the exhibition of i~Iaypole dancing. The feature of the day will be the coronation of DIay Queen- elect Jean iAIulcahy by i4!ay Queen Christian Leighton. In order that the thousands of peo- ple who will be assembled may hear all that is said from the coronation platform, the com- mittee has arranged for the in- stallation of a number of ampli- fiers. EVhile the coronation cere- mony is taking place, a squad ron of airplanes from the Jeri- cho Beach airdrome will fly over the park. There will be a number of special events for Boy Scouts. Girl Guides and members of Can- ada's First National Band, by whom music for the festival will be provided throughout the day. At the evening ball, prizes and trophies won during the day will be distributed by May Day offici- als and the children will have the use of the floor from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. An added feature this year will be the first public appearance of the recently-organized North Vancouver Boys'ipe Band und- er Piper Donald MacLean. THE IVEST VANCOUVER C: --.::0: 4A: SOC]:E J.'Y and the IVest Vancouver :1-AD):ES C::--::OI: 4 vill give two 1 rand I'eStiVal 1 onCertS at 8 p. m. on ..'.:--::U.4S:3AY R:~:4:::)AY May 30th ofay 31st IN THE UNITED CHURCH Admission 50 cents LITERARY AND AIUSICAL EVENING AT INGLE%'OOD SCHOOL AUDITOHIUAI The many who went to the Inglewood School auditorium on Frida yevening to hear Mr. A. i%1. Stephen on Canadian litera- ture, illustrated by a number of selected readings, enjoyed a lit- erary treat. Mr. Stephen was equally at home, whether in re- citing poems of a serious vein, such as his os, 'The Golden Bells of Samarcand," or in some of the humorous verses of Drum- mond and Daly where a high sense of humor and the ability to render the broken English of the French-Canadian and Ital- ian was necessary. Mr. Stephen prefaced his readings by a very illuminating addi]ess on Cana- dian literature, and particularly Canadian poetry, tracing its be- ginning among the United Em- pire Loyalists, in the 5Iaritime Provinces and Upper Canada up to the present day. He empha- sized the necessity of studying and cultivating a love for Cana- dian literature among our peo- Iile and school children, if we were to become a truly great llat ioli, During the evening the High School students gave several mu- sical numbers, consisting of choruses, duets and instrumental selections, which were much ap- preciated by those present. The Amputations Association of the Great IVar were granted permission to tag in IVest Van cnuver, but not on the ferry boats, on Saturday, June 8th. A challenge to the continent . A gA ROLLING Itoct is a dead losg gnle~ tt jg tatb Street cars in the shops do not earn a cent. The B. C. Electric can claun one of the lowest records on the continent for cars in the shops during the rush hours. On street car systems in general 10 to 15 per cent. of the cars are in the shops for repairs, etc. Only 2 per cent. of the B. C. Electric cars are out of service in the evening rush hours. There are 260 cars in the Vancouver city system and seldom more than 5 cars are in the shops for repair in the evening rush hours. This record is accomplished by having all posaiMa repair work finished by I o'lock in the afternoon by a systematic and rigid inspection system aud by mechanical efFiciency in the shops. This eaiciency finds expression in the service which the public receives. ~~rSHCMrmalM " &~~nmrC14uwmCa vhNcoUvErt V1CTOR1h QW. $49 SPRINKLING PER&IITS EIIPIRE DAY CELEBRATION TO BE iIETERED AT NORTH VAiN. TOIIORROIV