001C975B To the Ladies of West Vancouver THANkS! I'or the patronage at our Anniversary Sale. 1410 Alarine Drive AUest 372 ~ ' I ~ ~ p II 4h 4 ~ .It-gt.4t tl.1 ~ I ~ 4l 3 ~ .IA 1 ~;I ~ lt.t1 II ~ ~ .tt ~ I ~ 6'hitefish Pie 2 c. cod fish 1@i c. medium white sauce 2 t. chopped parsley 1 c. grated cheese AIashed potatoes or bread- crumbs. Any cold cooked fish, fresh or canned, may be substituted for the whitefish, if desired. Break it up with a fork and mix it with the sauce and parsley. Grease a casserole, place a layer of the mixture, then half of the cheese, the rest of the fish sauce and cheese, finishing up with crumbs or mashed potatoes. Put in a moderate oven until thoroughly heated and the top is brown. Do i;ot overdo it, as the cheese will become stringy. Toasted Cheese Sandwiches Cut slices of bread a quarter of an inch thick, allowing four rounds for each man who has a big appetite. Put together they make two large sandwiches. AIen who are light eaters usually con- sume one and-a-half, and women one sandwich. After estimating the number of sandwiches need- ed soften butter and grate enough cheese to spread each slice thickly. The tastiness of these sandwiches depends to a large extent on using plenty of filling. As cheese is such a use- ful food for supper dishes, I buy it in five-pound bricks, and eith- er put the necessary amount through the chopper or shred it on one of those excellent flat graters now on the market. Mix the cheese and softened butter together. This is ever so much better than spreading each sepa- rately. Season with cayenne c,r paprika. A filling of this kind should be quite sharp. Spread each piece of bread with a good layer of the mixture, press to- gether in pairs, and then dip one at a time in a mixture of egg and milk beaten together. For six sandwiches two eggs and one Cup of milk is enough, depending on the size of the slices and the eggs. If the former are very large, it pays to cut them in half before dipping. Toast until a nice brown on both sides in a frying pan greased with drip- pings. If you soften the butter in a bowl and add the cheese to it, you can use the same bowl for the eggs and milk, thus econ- omizing on dishes. Eggs in Draivn Butter 6 eggs Quarter lb. grated cheese 2 c. milk 2 t. butter 2 t. flour Salt and pepper Bring milk to a boil. Combine flcur and butter and add to the milk. Cook until smooth and creamy, stirring constantly. Sea- son with pepper and salt. Pour half of this into a buttered bak- ing dish, break the eggs into this carefully. so that the yolk will not be broken, cover with the rest of the white sauce and spread over all the grated cheese. Bake in a moderate oven until eggs are cooked. St. Anthony's Church Pastor--Rev. Father Kelly Sunday--Mass, 8.30 a. m. High Mass, 10.30 a. m. Benediction, 7.30 p. m. Week Days--Mass 8 a.m. Omelets The omelet makes a nice vari- ation in the ways of cooking eggs and many combinations may be used. Grated cheese or cooked ham, minced, may be sprinkled over it when almost cooked, and almost any veget- able may be used as a flavor. If vegetables are used they must be cooked, seasoned and heated before adding. This should be spread on the top of the omelet first before folding. The plain omelet is the foundation for all ot them. BABY' P OTO Are you keeping a record of Baby's growth and development? Babies are a constant source of wondrous delight. Now, before it is too late, pre- serve those precious moods and moments. Let us make another photograph of Baby this week! HOLLYBURN Barber Shop 15th &, Marine EXPERT SERVICE E. MARSH, Proprietor THH West Van Nexus Published Every Friday Publishers H. HODGSON and F.F.LOVEGROVE West 363 West 412L Business and Mitorial Office: 1361 Marine Drive Phone AVest 363 Mail Address: P. O. Boz 101, Hollyburn, B. C. $ 1.00 a year by mail or carrier, News stands Sc per copy. ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION Phone Seymour 1046 and make an appointment. THE Eing Studio V. V. VINSON, Prop. 311 Hastings St., W., Phone Seymour 1046 BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL B. D. WHITE, Mgr. Distinctive Funeral Service Lady Assistant 320--3rd St. E. Phone North 626 This wi]] continue on Saturday; and next week we will show a few other Extra Special Bargains to clean up the An- niversary Sale )Veek. THE WEST VAN NEWS WEST VANCOUTER Christian Science Society CHURCH EDIFICE 20th and Esquimalt, Hollyburn This Society is a Branch of The Nother Church The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston hfassachu set ts. Sunday Services 11.30 a. m. and 7.30 p.m. Subject May 2Gth "SOUL AND BODY" Sunday School at 10 00 a m Testimony Meeting Wednesday at 8.15 p.m. St. Stephen's Church Trinity Sunday (May 2Gth). 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 a. m.--Sunday School and Bible Class. 11.15 a. m.--Morning Prayer. 7.16 p. m.--Evensong An- them--"I am Alpha and Omega" (Stainer). The Loyal Orange Lodge of EVest Vancouver and the two companies of AVest Vancouver Girl Guides will attend the even- ing service on Sunday. There will be a preparation service for those newly confirm- ed Saturday evening at 7.30 o'- clock. The members of the class will make their first communion at the early Celebration Sunday morning. The Sunday School Mission Van for this diocese will be dedi- cated at the See House Monday next at 4 p.m. and a provision "shower" will be held to equip the car at the same time. There will be a working bee for all boys and girls and adults who can attend on the new re- creation grounds Saturday after- noon. In order to catch up in the schedule the Girls'aseball team will play three games next week . --Monday night at Hollyburn School against First Church United, Wednesday night at Hol- lyburn School against Renfrew Baptist and Friday night at Lord Nelson School against Renfrew Baptist, all games at 6 o'lock Death of Donald Ernest Robbins After an illness of only two days Donald Ernest Robbins of Dundarave passed away Monday morning at the Vancouver Gen- eral Hospital. Mr. Robbins, who leaves to mourn his loss, this wife and two little daughters, was born in Walthamstow, Es- sex, England, in 1895, and served throughout the war in the Royal Navy, where he received a head injury thought contributory to the cause of his death. Coming to Canada three years ago he settled almost immediately in West Vancouver, where his ster- ling character and excellent car- pentering abilities have won him a host of warm friends, in his construction being included the beautiful St. Francis'hurch at Caulfeild. He was a member of St. Stephen's Church and served on the church committee. He is also survived by his father in England and three brothers and two sisters in England and Am- erica. The funeral was held from St. Stephen's Church, Wednes- day afternoon to the Returned Soldier's Plot at Capilano View Cemetery and was very largely attended. The service was tak- en by the Rev. A. Harding Priest and the pall-bearers were Messrs W. T. Atwood, A. J. Charman, F. Eatock, F. H. Kettle, R. M. Macdonald and A. Searle. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Frank Armstrong and family wish to extend their heartfelt thanks and apprecia- tion for the many acts of kind- ness, messages of sympathy and beauti f ul floral tributes from their many friends on the sad bereavement of a loving husband and father. f %Vest Vancouver Bible School Ambleside Hall, Marine at 14th NEXT SUNDAY at 3 I . hl. Leader MR. PERCY KING "IUhat Does the Future Hold for Us 2" Mr. King will speak over C K W X every Monday until further notice from 7 to 7.30 p. m. Baptist Church Pastor: Arthur B. Schulte. Sunday School, 10 a. m. Morning Service, 11 a. m. Evening Service, 7.16 p. m. IJnitec C.lurch Sunday School 10 a. m. Morning Service 11.15 a. m. Evening Service 7.15 p. m. Dr. J. S. Henderson will preach at both services on Sunday. "Canada's Great Need," will be the subject of his address in the morning; and in the evening he will preach on "Christianity- a Religion of Joy." GOLDEN iVEDDING Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Froud of 4 ancouver celebrated their gold- en wedding last Sunday at the home of their son and daughter- in-law, AIr. and Mrs. Robert Froud, 1231 Marine Drive, when they were the recipients of very hearty felicitations from the members of the family and rela- tives who assembled there to do them honor on the happy occa- sion. Mr. and Mrs. Froud were married on 12th May, 1879, at Bournemouth, England, but have been residents of this province for some years. The dinner table was very prettily decorated with gold crepe paper and yellow Jap- onicas, and was centred with a very ornate three-tiered wedding cake. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Froud, Ernest Froud, AIr. and Mrs. H. V. Scott and son Harold, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Deering and daughter Joy, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Froud, Mr. and Mrs. L. Watson, all of Van- couver, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Froud and their sons Jackie and Robert. SURPRISE PARTY On Monday evening, May 20th a number of friends and mem- bers of the West Vancouver Bap- tist Church paid a surprise visit on Mr. A. Tabor, Inglewood St., to honor their friend and beloved deacon on the occasion of his 74th birthday. After a few well- chosen remarks by their pastor, Arthur B. Schulte, Mr. Clifford presented Mr. Tabor on behalf of those present, a leather writing case. A very enjoyable evening was spent concluding with sing- ing 'Blest be the tie that binds." TH %T IS REALLY TASTEFUL Make a good meal even bette& by enjoying several slices of the :teamy hnme-made bread such as we make. Never since the old days have you enjoyed such luscious flavor as you will find in this recipe. And our ROLLS and PASTRIES--they'e delici- ous. I'HONE iVEST 27 And our Delivery man will call. STRATTON'S BAKERY May 23, 1929. nvo CONCERTS GIVEN BY CHORAL SOCIETIES ASSISTED BY LOCAL ARTISTS Next Thursday and Friday the )Vest Vancouver Choral Society and the West Vancouver Ladies Choir which both participated in the B. C. AIusical Festival will stage concerts in the United Church. The choirs will be assisted by i~dividual artists as follows: on Thursday the McIntyre Quart. et te, AIrs. Geo. Herring, Rex Rhodes, J. Lowdon, Gertrude Nash, AIrs. C. AIcLean; and on I'riday the McIntyre Quartette, A. J. Addy, Joan Jefferies and AIrs. C. AIcLean. The program as given below looks as though the people of )Vest Vancouver are to be given a real musical treat and there should be a crowded house for each concert. Admission is the i'easonable price of 50 cents and if one cannot get fifty cents'orthof real enjoyment and pleasure out of such programs they will be hard to please. A specially interesting num- ber each night will be the sing- ing by AIrs. C. McLean of Lost Lagoon, the composition of Miss AIargaret AlcIntyre for which she was awarded a gold medal at the recent festival competition. The program for Thursday is as follows: Choral Society-- (a) Fire, Fire My Heart; (b) My Love Dwelt in a Northern Land. Festival com- petition 1927. AIclntyre Quartette -- Folk song and Fiddle Dance. Mrs. Geo. Herring--Song, Into Thy Hands. Festival competi- tion 1929. Choral Society-- (a) Dance; (b) All Creatures Now. Are ~ Merry AIinded. Festival compe- tion 1929. Master Rex Rhodes -- Violin Solo, Spring Seranade. Festival competition 1929. Mr. J. Lowdon -- Song, My Captain. Ladies Choir-- (a) From the Green Heart of the EVaters; (b) You Stole My Love. Festival competition 1929. Gertrude AI. Nash--Piano Solo (a) Scherzo; (b) Dow's Funeral inarch. Festival 1929. AIrs. C. AIcLean -- Son, Lost Lagoon. Composition by Miss M. McIntyre, Gold AIedalist Fes- tival competition 1929. AIcIntyre Quartette-- (a) Al- bum Leaf; (b) Spring Dance. Choral Society-- (a) Blue Bird (b) Challenge of Thor. Festival 1928. Friday's program is: Choral Society-- (a) Fire. Fire My Heart; (b) My Love Dwelt in a Northern Land. Festival 1927. McIntyre Quartette -- Folk Song and Fiddel Dance. Choral Society-- (a) Dance; (b) All Creatures Now Are AIer- ry AIinded. Festival 1929. Song and Fiddle Dance. Horn. Ladies Choir-- (a) From the Green Heart of the AVaters; (b) You Stole AIy Love. Miss Joan Jefferies Piano Solo. Tempo De AIinuet. Festival 1929 Mrs. C. AIeLean--Song,'ost Lagoon. Composition by Miss AI. AlcIntyre Gold AIedalist Festival 1929. AIcIntyre Quartette-- (a) Al- bum Leaf; (b) Spring Dance. Choral Society-- (a) Blue Bird (b) Challenge of Thor. HARRON BROS. R WILLIAMSON (funeral 6trectors North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phnne Fair. 134