001C975B THE EVEST VAN NEEVS I. O. D. E. ARI(ANGE BRITISH I I('TURKS AT PANTAGES May 23, 1929. Smith s i rocery Once a customer, always a customer. Ej'l'ERIES'U".(IOR .0 EATS Government Inspected Only. Starting tomorrow (Saturday) there will be a special showing of British pictures at the Pan- tages theatre, and a program in keeping with the aims and ideals of the Independent Order Daugh- ters of the Empire. This special offering, which will run from Saturday until the end of next week is given under the auspices of the I.O.D.E. and is in the rature of an Empire IVeek cele- bration. The different branches of the organization throughout Greater Vancouver are making special efforts to have capacity houses and the members of the Duncan Lawson Chapter ()Vest Vancouver) have placed tickets for sale in the different stores in this district. 'The members will, of course, have tickets for sale themselves. IVe Deliver 24th AND MARINE, Opp. Dundarave HalL A. HARVEY SMITH, Prop. Phono WEST 410 For Thursday and Saturday All Meats kept under strict sanitary conditions and with up-to-date refrigeration service. For the very best in all kinds of bleats phone Hollyburn Store gest 3 Ambleside Store gest 303 c.i"ix's Lamb Beef Pork CrabnLeat, per tinquaker Pork and Beans, 2s........ 35c 37c Libby's Potted Meats........3 tins 21c3 tins Squirrel Brand I'eanut Butter, 1s Classic Cleanser........3 tins 21c 23c Servus Lobster, 4s, tin ........... 23cPails .. Royal Crown Soap..........5 bars 25c Servus Lobster, ',4s, tin ........... 42c For a Net Building or a Repair Job Seagull Lobster Paste, Per tLn 17c )Iclntosh I'Ium Jam, per tin ..... 38c i~lurray'» ~Iarmalade, large jar 49c Royal City Peaches. per tin...... 23c Oranges, large and juicy, 3 doz. 62c Royal CrowLL Lye, pcr tin............ 9c 2 packets 25cI'ep IVe can supply everything you need. Roofing -- Building Paper -- Lamatco -- Fir Veneer -- Gyproc Plaster Board -- Sash -- Doors -- Heaver Hoard Shingles -- Lath -- Building lllaterials Sandwich Biscuits, per lb......... 33c CorrespondenceFinest Alberta Butter 31bs. for $ 1.29 Granulated Sugar 101bs. 57c. The Editor, EVest Van News, Dear Sir: -- There are two things becoming far too preval- ent in our beautiful district, and v hich are rapidly, in my opinion, becoming a very serious nuis- ance. One is the number of trucks tearing along at breakneck speed as if trying to eclipse Major Sea- graves'ecord, and the other is the great increase in ill-manner- ed yapping curs. They seem to be everywhere now. I used to be a great dog lover myself once a»d have owned several in my time. But I always made them behave themselves and never al- lowed them to dash out at in- offensive passers by nor bark for hours on end. Incidentally (and our police force might well take this hint) I don't believe more than one third of their owners ever pay any license fee for their dogs. If they were compelled to --and they most certainly should be--you would see far fewer ncisy, nondescript dogs around, and more better mannered can- ines which would not annoy any- body. Hoping to see both nuisances abated, I am Yours truly, PRO BONO PUBLICO West Vancouver . umber Co.Absolutely, Mr. Sheehan 15th and AIarine LIAIITED Phone AVest 115 Residence Phone: IVest 368L.ROBERTS'ETTER MEATS An irritable old sportsman was a- roused from his bed at 3 o'lock in the nLorning by the insistent ringing of his doorbell. On answering he found a seedy drunkard struggling hard to maintain his equilibrium. "What do you mean by waking me up at this hour?" "Ish you Mr. Smithers?" "Yes, yes. IVhat of it?" "Ish you the gent what advertised for a partner to go lion huntin'o Africa?" "Yes, I'm the gentleman. What do you want to know about it?" "Nothin,'ceptin' just wanted to tell you that on no conditshuns what- ever will I go with you." DELIVERY TO ALL PARTS DAILY 10th to 25th--9.30 10th to Caulfeild--12.30 10th to 25th --3.30 Can be rented for ] ri ~ ~'iveseason for i) ~ '4" ~FRIDAY, ilIAY 24THFor your Picnic remem-ber ROBERTS'elebratedBoiled Ham Baked Ham JeHied Veal Bologna Veal Loaf IVeiners and Home AIade Sausages. j. ]xone tjxe ..ce .Riant Not His Fault 'S'; HELPFUL HINTS FOR HOUSEWIVES The very seriousness of a claim of innocence may make the claim all the more amusing when the facts are knoem. Gentle hands were lifting Pat from the wreckage of his automobile which had just been struck at a grade cross- ing by a fast passenger train. "How did it happen?" asked a friend who was with the rescue party. "Begorra," fumed Pat, " 'tis more than Oi can undersand. Ye'd have thought that the engineer of the train cnuld have seen me comin'n broad daylight!" Fresh Fruit and Vegetables alwavs in stock. If you are kalsomining wall board, plaster board, or a rough finished plaster, try making the kalsomine ~vash much thinner than the directions given. Use almost twice as much water, and give the walls two thin coats. This is easier, and the result is a smoother and better finish than with one coat. EVhen hemming wash dresses or curtains never stitch the hem until the garment or curtain has had its first washing At first turn up the desired length and baste with a fine basting stitch. After the garment or. curtain has been ivashed one will then find that they have shrunk con- siderably, so this method saves time in letting out hems. Good looking and durable imi- tation rush seats may be placed in old chairs by the woman who knows how these seats are ivoven. A coarse, heavy rope should be used, on the order of a clothes line. EVeave as tight as possible, as rope is inclined t,o sag, and then give several coats of white or corn yellow paint. The result will be a sat- isfactory seat nearly as pleasing as the old time rush. We are close to the house- cleaning season when we fain would like to make all things look like new. Have you ever tried turning your worn window shades or curtains end for end, and turning a new hem on sew- ing machine. This will make them last almost twice as long. Decorate a pair of wooden snap clothes pins. Tie three quarters of a yard of baby rib bon to each spring and hang from the bedroom curtain pole. Hung thus, the clothes pins are very handy for fastening up the curtains at night, or to keep them from blowing against the the screen in dusty or rainy weather. FRESH FISH DAILY NEW LAID EGGS A Boost for the Prune Prunes are splendid for the person suffering from constipa- tion, as they act as a mild laxa- t&ve. They are also strength- giving, as they are full of iron. They should be cooked thor- oughly and eaten liberally. For AVeek end Roasts of Beef Lamb, Pork and veal PHONE WEST 190 The Canada Permanent Trust Co. was informed that the coun- cil was just as desirous of main- taining amicable relations as their client, Mr. F. Buscombe, over the matter in dispute, and that if, with that end in view, the Trust Co.'s solicitors, acting for Mr. Buscombe, wished to confer with the municipal soli- citor, he would be pleased to go fully into the matter in dispute. One Store Only Next to PIGGLY AVIGGLY Scorched Lay a wet p&ece of cloth over the scorched spot and iron over the wet cloth. Do this again and again until the scorch stain is entirely gone. This method will rarely fail. Before repapering walls cover all grease spots with a good coat of shellac. This will prevent the grease spots coming through the new wallpaper. A refreshing sandwich filling may be made with grated carrot and mashed hard boiled egg. Season to taste,and moisten with tomato catchup or milk. May your gift cigars be good ones, and may they 'draw" well! 1578 iiI A RIN E Dltl VE "ie .'.OW! L S-0 Congratulations?........ "Say it with Flowers" Condolence?........ ~ . ~ "Say it with Flowers" Sick Friend to Cheer?.... "Say it with Flowers" Your local Florist Is Ready to Serve You at Shortest Notice NeLv Bedding Plants This Iveek. COS&IOS, AFRICAN MARIGOLDS. FRENCH MARIGOLDS ASTERS, ROSY ~IORN PETUNIAS A. G. Harvey wrote in regard tG dangerous traffic on Radcliff Avenue and Maple Lane. The letter was ordered filed.mrs. Roberts'lower Shop ',„",'„"„"„'",',",,'"'rospective Resident: "But you have only two or three buildings in this new suburb of yours." Real Estate Salesman (brightly): "I know. But just look at the park- ing space!" Feeling Fine You Should Feel Fine.Little IVillie had gone to bring the new kittens in. His mother hearing a shrill meowing, called out: "Don't hurt the kittens, IVillie!" "Oh, no," said Willie, "I'm carry- ing them very carefully by the stems!" IF VOU OONT You should consult the Chir- opractor. BE WISE Don't feel miserable and blue when a simple adjustment may give you the best of health. Jimmy Thomson' TRANSFER Consultation Free Roberta A. Vass D.C., Ph. C. Graduate of Palmer School Daily Trips to and from City. Moving Baggage a Specialty. Pitman Business College PHONE WEST 110 FOR Coal and Wood CHIROPRACTORVancouver's Leading Business College. INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL FOUR NIGHTS EACH WEEK Students may enrol at any time 422 RICHARDS STREET (At Hastings) PHONE SEYMOUR 9135 Phone Ivest 383 Next to Stratton Bakery Mai&ne Dt&ve, AmblesIde also at VancouverPrompt Delivery. Sash, Doors and Interior Finish Get our prices IT WILL FAY YOU QLA$$ Broken Lights repaired at reasonable cost. Am i.esic.e . um ver Co, te.. MARI iE DRIVE AT 16th STREET Fhone West 199