West Van. News (West Vancouver), 17 May 1929, p. 6

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001C9751 THE WEST VAN NEWS "prices Consistently Losv" i".i"„Il Si"„i.. '.iA",:.:i i". '".~i":..' PERSONALS TNo Stores in West Vancouver GREENWOOD'S GROCERY GRANGER'S GROCERY, 1442 51arine Drive 21st and WIarine Drive West 1G West 405 S. Gisby, Nelson and Ottawa, has been elected a director of tlie Royal Agricultural «nd In- dustria]Society of B. C. to repre- sent West Vancouver on the ex- ecutive of the Provincial Exhi- bition, New westminster. ]IIiss Phyllis Clifford of YVest Bay, left last wednesday for atwo weeks'isit with Mr. and DIrs. Paton, Fiaser Ave., Van- couver. SPEglALS AT BOTH STORES FREE DELIVERY FRsDAY-SATURDAY - MONDAY Mrs. R. Gray of Sherman ent- ertained a number of her )Vest Vancouver friends at tea at the"B]ack Cat" last Tuesday. A- mong those present were: Mrs. Cullington, AIrs. Curtis, Mrs. Dodd, Mrs. Osborne, Mrs. Martin, 51rs. Rimmer, AIrs. Parkyn, Mrs. Walkem. AIr. and DIrs. Riley and family have taken a suite at the Fortune Cup Inn, where they expect to spend the summer. The Weston Cartage Co. have purchased a new Fisher Fast Freight truck to take care of their increasing business. Mrs. M. O'Donne]] is supplying on the teaching staff of the Paul- ine Johnson School in place of DTrs. Racklyeft, who is away ow- ing to sickness. Sugar Krisp Corn Flakes ~ --.------- .." .-- .."....-". 3 pkts. 2i)c Royal City Peas ........... 3 tins 45c 6 Bars Royal Crown Soap i No-Nik Glass Tumblers all for 60c Crosse 4 Dlackwell's Fish and bleat Paste, per jar ................ 23c 1 bot. Eureka Bleach 3 doz. Spring Clothes Pins........ 21c Assorted Sandwich Biscuits, per lb ......... ................. .... ............. 28c Finest Quality New Zealand But- ter............................. 3 lbs. $ 1.32 B. C. Gran. Sugar........ 10 lbs. 58c No. 1 Jap Rice................ 3 lbs. 2lc Corned Beef, per tin............... 21c Chateau Cheese, hatt lbs pkt...... 22c Baking Powder, 12 oz. tin...... 19c 1 Shaker Salt 1 tin Pepp"r for ....., .............,. Ready-Cut Macaroni,........ 2 lbs. 19c Ginger Snaps ................ 2 lbs. 35c Bovril, 2 oz. bot........................ 33c Snoii&ake Pastry Flour 10 lbs. 48c Kellogg's All-Bran, pkt........... 19c Empress Jelly Powders,... 4 for 25c Pure Peach Jam, 4 lb. tin........ 58c 2-in-1 Shoe Polish, per tin........ 10c Mixed Pickles, large bottles...... 49c I'LOUR SPECIAL Cee-Gee Brand .. 7 lb sack............................ 31c 24 lb. sack............$ 1.15 49 lb. sack ..............................$2.20 Jamieson's Coffee. per lb....... 60c Libby's Prunes. 2 lb. packets.... 23c Singapore Pineapple........ 2 tins 23c Canned Tomatoes ....... 2 tins 25c Sockeye Salmon, 1's, per tin.... 43c John Galloway of Calgary, Alta., nephew of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Ritchie, Altamont, arrived in IVest Vancouver last Mondayfor a iveek's visit with his aunt «nd uncle. The West Vancouver Scottish Society is holding a military whist drive tomorrow night at the Clachan. Play starts at 8 p.m. Mr. and 5Irs. Anderson, 25th and Bellevue, moved on Tuesday to West Bay. Mrs. Taylor of Vancouver was a guest over the iveek end at the Fortune Cup Inn. Mrs. Bush and Mrs. Hughes, both of Vancouver, spent the week end at the Clachan Hotel. Mr. Eby, who has been a guestst the Fortune Cup Inn for the past six weeks, returned to the city on wednesday. AIrs. Best of Winnipeg, arrived on Tuesday to spend a few days at the Fortune Cup Inn. A collision occurred on Sunday on the Marine Drive at Kew Beach between an auto and a motor cycle ridden by G. Wa]ker of Vancouver. The back wheel and mudguard of the motor cycle were smashed and the rider re- ceived several cuts about the hands and face. The auto was practically uninjured. In a recent copy of the Victoria Daily Times just to hand we notice a letter by J. J. Rut]edge on the wainwright oil field, in which he answers some state- ments made by a Mr. G. G. Yates. Mr. Rut]edge is very enthusias- tic about the future of this oil field. 21c Mrs. A. J. Barry has moved into a house at Travers and Mar inc Drive. Mr and IIrs A H Prentice and familv who have been living in Point Grev for the past yearhave returned to their home at20th and Kings. Mr. Thompson, 22nd and Belle- vue, is confined to his home through sickness. Major J. Edelston has sold his property at 17th and Bellevue to Naina Singh. It is rumored that the latter expects to establish a woodyard on the property. The board of works have had 16th Street extended south from Marine Drive to the lane in rear of the Messinger block. Several high schoo] boys have entered in the sprints and pole vault at the inter-high school meet at Brockton Point. The preliminaries are being run off this week. L. 1'. DUVAL de J. W. 1KANSON TENNIS YVest Van. Club Wi]] Officially Open Courts Next Friday Next Friday the )Vest Vancou- ver Tennis Club will welcome all players, whether members or not at their official opening. A special American tournament will be staged for which a nom- irial entry fee of 25 cents will be charged. All players are invited to participate. Suitable prizes ivi]] be awarded. The courts are in splendid con- dition and a very enjoyable day is expected. The officers of the club are making arrangements to handle a record crowd. They ask the active cooperation of every ten- niis player in AVest Vancouver. If any specific information is desired it wi]] readily be given by J. Grisedale, phone West 434 or G. Davenport, West 481R3, to whom entries should be made. t Mr. A. Rothstein of Vancouver has taken the McEvoy cottage at West Bay for the summer months. Mrs. J. D. Allan, Radc]iff Ave., EVest Bay, was hostess at an impromptu dance at her home last Tuesday. Frank Vyvyan and N. Court of East Beach, who have been on a theatrical tour extending from Victoria, B. C., to Montreal, P. Q., have returned to their home here, having made the trip from Montreal by auto. Mrs. S. Cullington, Radcliff Ave., West Bay, was a luncheon hostess this week. The many friends of Mr. and 3Irs. F. Bowman, 2226 Inglewood extend to them and their family their sincerest sympathy on the loss of their son Leslie, who met with an accident on his father' farm at Peace River on Sunday, April 28th. He was rushed to the hospital, but passed away at 11 o'lock in the morning of the following day. The remains were brought to Vancouver, and fun- eral services were held on Sat- urday, May 4th, from Harron Bros.'uneral parlors in Vancou- ver, interment being at Capilano View cemetery with Rev. George Hamilton of the United Church officiating. Leslie, who was nineteen years of age, had lived in West Van- couver up to two or three years ago, and had been a pupil at the Pauline Johnson School. A well-known mirUster famous for absent-mindedness, once met an old friend in the street and stopped to talk with him. AVhen about to separate, the minister's face suddenly assumed a puzzled expression. "Tom," he said, "when we met was I going up or down the street?" "Down," replied Tom. The minister's face cleared."It's all right, then. I had been home to lunch." reroll„churn ~i tShop NEXT DOOR TO ROYAL HANK MRUNU BONE CORSETS Bloomers and Vests from 95c Hosiery......................... 79c Surgical Belts and Binders MRS. 5IARLING 17th &; Marine West 224 MEN'S SHIRTS, SOCKS LADYSHIP EVOOLS. Knitted and Crochet Garments to Order STOCKBROKERS AND FIiVANCIAL AGENTS Stocks, - Bonds - Investments Prompt execution of Buying and Selling Orders. Reliable Information Giren. 679 DUNSIIUIR STREET, VANCOUVER. SEYAIOUR 8894 VANCOUVER EXHIBITION HORSESHOE PITCHERS %ILL HAVE AIANY ORGANIZE NET ENTERTAINMENTS The AVest Vancouver Horse- shoe Pitching Club has organizedNowada) s outdoor entertain- for the season, and is ho]ding ament does not seem complete or meeting at the office of the Westto satisfy unless it possesses,Van. Supply Co., Ambleside, on some sort of dare-deviltry. AVhen Thursday evening, 23rd May, at the sky forms the roof of an S p.m. All interested and wish- ing to join are requested to sendamphitheatre the spectators in their names to the secretaseem to look for the glaring and F. YV. Rivers Dundarave, Westthe unusual. That their appe- 410L. The c]ub expects to puttites are to be satisfied in the in a team for the Sun trophy, andVancouver Exhibition program is anxious to get started on theis assured, states Manager J. K. season's activities as soon acMatheson, who announces that possib]ehe has been successful in arrang- ing for the appearance of the L. O. B. A TO GIVEfamous Atenos Blothers, Eur- 'VHIST DRIVEope's aerial acrobats. On an all-white rigging, that The West Vancouver L.O.B.A.stretches its towering pole~ «he]d a meeting on Wednesdaya height of 80 feet, these fear- afternoon at the home of Mrs.less fellows offer an exhibition 4V. Carley, 2152 Marine Drive.of feats that are of an outstand- It was decided to hold a whisting daring nature. They swing drive on 1st June, particulars ofabout on a single steel rod whi]e which will be announced later.holding with but one hand, then Four new members were intro-suddenly drop down to two large duced to the meeting; Mrs. Park-circles, that look like a huge er, Mrs. Whittaker, Mrs. Marshpair of spectacles. On this novel and iAIrs. Kruger. A musical pro-apparatus they stand upright gram was enjoyed, after whichand whir] with great speed. Ad- refreshments were served.ded to these thrills is the routine of acrobatic stunts, any one of LESLIE BoirigAN titEETS~which is sensational enough to WITH FATAL ACCIDENTsteal the breath from the most inveterate thrill-seeker. 51ay 17, 1929. EXPERIENCE PLUS EFFICIENCY Characterizes our Prescription Department. Your doctor's pre- scription fil)ed exactly as order- ed. You can be quite sure of this at our pharmacy. 1'HON E W EST 37 for your needs Ice Cream delivered at any ™ specified. WEST 37 WEST VAN l'HARmAt T The Store of Serrlce. FUEL FIR or ALDER--Any Lengths FURNACE WOOD and COAL Radio Poles -- Fence I'osts Cedar for Rustic Work Manure for Your Gardens. Soil THE WESTON CARTAGE West 201L Ice Cream Confectionery LUNN'S CAFE 14th and lllarsne Soft Dr&nks Tobacco Public Phone--West 611-0 HOLLYBURN THEATRE Friday and Saturday BUDDY ROGERS and DIARY BRIAN in sr~ARSITY- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday ALICE IVHITE in THE SHOAV GIRL ouses 8t .ots IN WEST VANCOUVER I have some delightful AUater- front homes as low as $3,000, and Vacant )Uaterfront Lots from $ 1500. Other View Lots from $ 100. Good listings on properties throughout the distnct. Glad to have enquiries. (. )f. Savory 1443 Marine Drive, Ambleside Phone %Vest 340 Evenings, %Vest 143 Real Estate, Financial and Insurance Agent Lasts Longer, Goes Farther and is Better WEST VAN TENNIS CLUB 1929 SEASON Any desiring to join please phoneJ. GRISEDALE, West 434, or G. DAVENPORT, West 481R3 Burrard Sheet Metal 229 Lonsdale Ave, North Vancouver Phone North 346 Res. North 918Y and 1214Y