001C9751 ofay 17, 1929. THE SVKST VAN NEWS .. ou are i ordiall„i Invited to ttend t..he opening of the NE O'HOW ROOMS AND SERVICE STATION Coruer Tht'rd and Lousdale, North Vancouver Sdi TiJ'RDAilt', MÃil(, 18th UNION OP- CO. PRODUCTS FEATURED A AIodern Gasoline and Oil Service Station, equipped with every modern convenience has been installed. Union Oil Co. products will be featured. E ~ ~ E Extend to you and your friends a cordial invita- tion to attend the opening of our new Showrooms and Service Station on Saturday, May 18, from 3 to 10.30 p. m., and see the new models of the famous Chevrolet Six. As a citizen of the North Shore, you will be interested be- cause this is an event which is significant of the growth and progress of your own community. It means that the world' most popular motor car will now be represented in this rapidly growing section. If you are already a Chevrolet owner, you will find it a great convenience. Whether you are a car owner at present or one who is looking forward to the day when you will become the proud possessor of a smart new car, you will enjoy your visit on Saturday. You will be able to examine at your leisure.... this remarkable new car with its long, low, roomy Body by Fisher.... its smart, stylish colorings . ~ . its racy, graceful lines... its luxurious upholstery and fittings. The new Chevrolet Six has introduced into the low priced field a new conception of luxury, comfort and style. You may test the car out on the road and see for yourself how Chevrolet has brought within the reach of everyone all of the advantages of six-cylinder smoothness, six-cylinder speed, six-cylinder reserve power, six-cylinder performance. We also want you to see how we have equipped our new service station with the latest and most modern equipment which will make it possible for you to save considerable money by having your car serviced on the standard flat-rate basis. blake it a point to pay us a friendly visit sometime on Saturday. We assure you a hearty welcome and an enjoyable experience. It's our day at home and we'l be expecting you. COMPLETE STOCK OF C VROLET PARTS CARRIED As an additional conreni- ence to Chevrolet owners on the North Shore, a complete stock of genuine Chen olet parts at standard prices will be carried. 'I'H:REE VALUABLE PR]:ZES I'0 BE GIVEN'WAY Visitors to our opening will receive a ticket which will entitle them to participate in a drawing for the following prizes: 1 Chevrolet Battery 2 Chevrolet Tires Come Early CHEVROLET SALES CO. LTD. Corner Third and Lonsdale NORTH VANCOUVER Head Once - 1105 Cranuille Street VANCOUVER P R 0 D U C T 0 F G E N E R A L M 0 Y 0 R S