West Van. News (West Vancouver), 17 May 1929, p. 4

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001C9751 THE AVEST VAN NEWS 31ay 17, 1929. MEE 1'IÃ G' +SO.N A.. iS OF A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Aldred, 16th and Duch- ess, on wednesday, 9th instant, :it the North Vancouver General Hospital. Gordon W. Smith of Kerris- dale, has purchased the 5'IcClung house at 2631 51arine Drive, and svith his svife and family will tal e possession about the begin- ning of June. Grade 9 Commercial of the high school ivere the winners recently against Grade 11, when they took the affirmative on the subject "Resolved that the First Narrows bridge should be built avithin ten years." This being their fourth win, they wo» the championship for class debates for the year. In this debate they ii ere represented by Marjorie Murray and George Caslor, their opponents from Grade 11 being John Higginson and Charles Mc- Millan. BoartI of Tra/e ON On MONDAY Next at 8 p.m. Captain H. P. Skeet of the ferry staff broke two ribs on Sunday when he slipped and fell on the dock. He finished his run, however, in spite of the accident. F. Valentine returned on Tues- day from the North Vancouver General Hospital, where he und- erivent a serious operation some weeks ago. AIr. and 5Irs, C. L. Hilborn, 23rd and Jefferson, have had an addition to their family, a son having been born to them at the North Vancouver General Hos- pital on Friday. Dr. and Mrs. F. Lang of Any- ox, are expected here on a visit next week. F. E. Armstrong, 12th and Es- quimalt, is making good progress towards recovery at the Vancou- ver General Hospital, where he recently underwent a serious op- eration. pigman Business College Vancourer's Leading Business College. INDIVIDUAL ATTENc TION DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL FOUR NIGHTS EACH AVEEK Students may enrol at any time 4 2 RICHARDS STREET (At Hastings) PHOiNE SEYMOUR 9135 Canadian Legion Rooms Ferry Building AIRS. F. X. HODGSON AND AIRS. LEFEAUX HON- ORED HY 51EAIBERS OF LADIES'HOIR INTERA I EDIATE BASEBALL SCHEDULE ANNIVERSARY SALE 4T GRIGOR'S DRY GOODS STORE Last Tuesday evening the members of the Dundarave Ladi- es'hoir held a party in Dun- darave Hall in honor of Mrs. F». X. Hodgson, conductor of the c&oir and Mrs. F. Lefeaux ac- companist. There was a full at- tendance of members and a hap- py social evening was spent. Refreshments were served from a magnificently decorated table. Music and dancing was enjoyed by those present. During the evening Mrs. F. X. Hodgson was presented with a beautiful silver flower basket and Mrs. Lefeaux with a silver cake basket as tokens of esteem and appreciation by the members of the choir. The North Shore Intermediat Baseball League was opened ivith three games on Tuesday even- ing. The following is the sched- ule for the season: AIay 21st and July 16th: Lynn Valley versus Elks at Lynn Valley. Chalets versus Native Sons at Dlahon Park. West Vancouver versus Squa- mish Juniors at Ambleside Park May 23rd and July 18th: Native Sons versus Lynn Val- ley at Lynn Valley. Elks versus West Vancouver a'. Mahon Park. Chalets versus Squamish Jun- iors at Capilano Park. May 28th and July 23rd: Native Sons versus Elks at Lynn Valley. Squamish Juniors versus Lynn Valley at Mahon Park. West Vancouver versus Chal- ets at Ambleside Park. May 30th and July 25th: Lynn Valley versus West Van- couver at Lynn Valley. Squamish Juniors versus Nat- ive Sons at Mahon Park. Chalets versus Elks at Capil- ano Park. June 4th and July 30th: Lynn Valley versus Chalets ai Lynn Valley. Elks versus Squamish Juniors at Mahon Park. )Vest Vancouver versus Native Sons at Ambleside Park. June 6th and August 1st: Elks versus Lynn Valley at Mahon Park. Native Sons versus Chalets at Capilano Park. Squamish Juniors versus )Vest Vancouver at Lynn Valley. June 11th and August 6th: Lynn Valley versus Native Sons at Lynn Valley. Squamish Juniors versus Chal- ets at 5Iahon Park. AVest Vancouver versus Elks at Ambleside Park. June 13th and August 8th: Lynn Valley versus Squamish Juniors at Lynn Valley. Elks versus Native Sons at .cIahon Park. Chalets versus West Vancou- ver at Capilano Park. July 11th: Squamish Juniors versus Elks at Lynn Valley. Native Sons versus )Vest Van- couver at 5Iahon Park. Chalets versus Lynn Valley at Capilano Park. Grigor's Dry Goods Store is celebrating its second anniver- sary by holding a special sale for o»e iveek starting tomorrow morning. It is two years since 5Irs. Grig- or established her business here and during that time the coui&- esy and good service given by the proprietress has gained for her many personal friends as well as a good business clientele. The store has been advertised as the "little store of big values" and the fact that the business has grown i» the way it has speaks much for the satisfaction of the customers. Special values are being offer- ed at this anniversary sale and the ladies of )Vest Vancouver should make a point of buying tneir supplies at the sale. There ere some real bargains. J. Inglis, who is associated svith G. C. Byrnell, 14th and Pellevue, divas one of the lucky winners of $50 at the Elks'ir- cus last week in Vancouver. bliss Greta Vrooman of Van- couver, divas the guest of Miss Joan Callington at her home at )Vest Bay, last week end. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hart, 614 )Vest Seventh Ave., Vancouver, B.C., have purchased the prop- erty in the 2100 block Argyle Avenue, formerly owned by ilIrs. E. wilkinson. The view toward the inlet is. according to Mrs. Hart, "just like Largs." Glasgow and West of Scotland people will endorse the simile. Mrs. R. G. Haley, Miss Mar- garet MacLeod and Miss Bertha Green, all normal school stud- . ents, have been this iveek doing practical training at Pauline Johnson School in connection svith their normal school train- ing. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Reid and family of Vancouver, have moved into a house at Wing's Point. Mr. and liIrs. Simmons of the city have moved into a house at 26th and waterfront. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Yorston of 4 ancouver, are now occupying the Frith Smith house at 29th and )Vaterfront and will live there during the summer. Mr. Yorston is in the real estate busi- ness in the city. Dr. and Mrs. McRae of Van- couver, have taken the Meikle house at Caulfeild for the sum- ber. They will move over next iveek. PROAIINENT CORNER TO HAVE NET BUILDING Tenders are being called by the Imperial Oil Company for the clearing and grading of the property at the south east corner of Marine Drive and 14th Street. It is said that the work of con- structing an up-to-date gasoline station on the site will be rushed as much as possible. LITERARY AND AIUSICAL EVENING AT INGLEWOOD SCHOOL TONIGHT Tonight Inglewood School will. it is expected, be crowded to ca- pacity for the literary and music- al recital arranged by the Stud- ents Association of West Van- couver High School. A. 3~1. Stephen noted poet and author, will be present. His program will be supple- mented by musical selections ar- ranged by the students under the direction of Air. H. C. Etter of the High School staff. hlr. Stephen, one of the best- known of our Canadian writers, has been described by the press as "an interpretative reader of outstanding genius." In a rec- ent trans-continental tour, he was successful in drawing crowd- ed houses to hear his readings from Canadian poets. The evening, as planned by the High School, is designed to a- waken interest in Canadian liter- ature and to extend the influ- ence of the school along cultural lines. Students'usical num- bers include both vocal and in- strumental items. Doors will be open at 7.4.i p. m. Miss McClung, 26th and Mar- ine, has exchanged her house for one in Vancouver and will move tn the city shortly. Ernest V Bodwell has moved into a house at Caulfeild. J. A. James, Radcliff Avenue, )Vest Bay, ha smoved to Burn- by. J. Campbell, barrister of the law firm of Congden, Campbell ard DIeredith of Vancouver, has purchased the Douglas house at Cypress Park. Mr. Dowling, 27th and Ottawa, divas driving his auto down 27th Street on Friday afternoon, when it suddenly caught on fire. Mr. Dowling just had time to turn it into a lane and jump out be- fore it became a mass of flames. The fire brigade turned out. but ivere unable to save the car, ~vhich became a total wreck. Meanwhile the flames had ignit- ed the bush on both sides of the lane, and considerable difficulty was experienced by the brigade in extinguishing this new con- flagration and prevent it spread- ing. The reason for the car sud- denly bursting into flames is un- known. o e Cooking at llIRS. ROSS'S 1415 hlarine Drive Mrs. Henry Davison, 13th and Fulton, who entered North Van- couver Hospital for an operation a couple of iveeks ago, returned tc her home last Sunday and is making good progress. Mr. and Mrs. E. Freemantle of winnipeg, have moved into a house at 1136 Jefferson Avenue. Mr. Freemantle is a veteran of the South A frican and Great EVar and of other ivars. He was one of the best known members of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, where as "Rattlesnake Pete" he was extremely popular among all ranks. Mr. Freemantle is on the staff of the Canadian National Railway, and has just been transferred from Winnipeg to Vancouver. BREAD, CAKES, PIES The Satisfying Kind. Have you had lunch here? Auto Service Club. H. Davison .)U II.)A (AV. GA.(AG '. 25th and Marine Phone: KVest 444 The AIay meeting of the Dun- can Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E., was held Monday the 13th, at the home of Mrs. P. C. Chapman, 25th and Kings, with the vice- regent AIrs. David Morgan tak- ing the chair in the absence of the regent. Encouraging reports ivere received from various com- mittees and the payment of the membership fee for the League of Nations voted. It was decided to hold the annual garden party on June 15th. The place, which was left to the decision of a committee, to be announced later. The num- uous booths and various novel- ty attractions bid fair to make this the outstanding fete of the summer. After the serving of tea, and the singing of the nat- ional anthem the meeting ad- journed. The next meeting, June 10th, will be held at Mrs. Sellers, Rad- cliff Avenue )Vest Bay. "Scruicc cuith a Smile"Emerson Dawson of Vancou- ver received some bad wounds last Sunday and three friends riding with him in his Ford tour- ing car were bardly shaken up, when the car overturned on Mar- ine Dr. near the Dundarave Gar- age. The accident happened a- bout 10 p. m. The car which had been purchased just a couple of days before was pretty much of a wreck. The accident was caus- ed through Dawson turning out to pass a car ahead and not noticing an oncoming auto. iVARN THE CHILDREN Complaints have reached us of the habit adopted by several youngsters of hanging on to the rear of slow moving automobiles. Several near fatalities have hap- pened through this practice and it would be well for all parents to impress upon their children the danger and foolishness of a- dopting this mode of locomotion. In business in West Van 8 Years 'C. J. Overington aTHE B1J. RRARD LAUbl,DRY In New Store Marine Drive at 14th Next Jefferies Meat Store Expert 1Vork--Ladies', Children Gentlemen Phone IVest 135 for appointment LIAIITED R. U. OVING For People Who Are Particular 3 tables for your pleasure Play a game ofTHIRD ST. and ST. DAVIDSNorth Vancouver Phone North 1310. We move you anywhere Estimates given Only expert packers employed. West Van. Representative F. RIVERS Phone IVest 410L HOBB TRANSFER CHE". SI-.I['..DS 14th StreetRight at the Railway Crossing1473 ihlnrine WEST 17 Builders'upplies A BEAUTIFUL PICTURE One ivell worth mounting, will be given free to each of our customers every month. See them on display at our store and leave your name and address so eve can mail you one each month. DRUG STORE SERVICE Quality, Reliability nnd Specky Service. I'hone Your Order--West 323. LESAGE DRUG STORE '„"'",'23 i G. E. REID, hlanagerNet Building--Corner llIarine and 14th. FAST DELIVERY NO ORDER IS TOO SMALL