West Van. News (West Vancouver), 17 May 1929, p. 3

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001C9751 ofay 17 19&9 THE NEST VAN NE%'S PRObl PT DELIVERY WE WANT TO SERVE YOU. GROCERY Si'ECIALS for This Week B. C. Sugar......... 10 lbs. for 59c Prunes, large size....... 2 lbs 25c Peanut Butter, per tin .. 20c Corn Flakes, per pkt. I lc Shredded Wheat, per pkt... Ilc Sun-&laid Raisins..... 2 lbs. 23c Sliced Pineapple.... 2 tins For 25c Peaches, (halves) per tin...... 20e FRESHLY blADE CAKES All kinds. arine Grocery 22nd and bfarfne J. ALLISON, Prop. PHONE WEST 96 lVEST VANCOUVER HIGH SCHOOI Literary anrl illusical Program Inglewood School Auditorium Friday, ~lay 17, 1929 at Eight O'lock. Readings by iAIr. A. M. Steph- en; musical numbers by kligh School students. 1, Chorus, "0 Canada," (lVeir Version) orches- tra and audience. 2, Chorus, "The Lark,'Darnton), High School girls. 3, Introductory Sketch to Canadian Poetry, A. M. Stephen. 4, Vocal Duet, "Duna," Betty Edwards, Mary O'Donnell. 5, Readings, "Capilano" (Steph- en), "Maxine Labelle" (Drum- mond), "The Golden Bells of Samarcand," (Stephen), A. M. Stephen. G, Pianoforte solo, "La Campanella," Hilda wilson. 7, Readings, "ibIaster of the Scud," (Carman), "The Bells," (Poe), A. AI. Stephen. 8, Violin Duet, (a) "iAIadch of the Priests," (5Iendelssohn), (b) "Song EUith- out 1Uords," 5Iarjorie Murray and Irene Gracey. 9, Readings, ") Iia Carlotta," (Daly), "The Barrel Organ," (Noyes), "Lamp of Poor Souls," (Pickthall), A. i~I. Stephen. 10, Chorus, "The Rain," High School girls. 11, Readings, "Little Bateese," (Drummond), "Dreams'nd," (Stephen), "Song for a New Na- tion," (Stephen), A. M. Stephen. God Save the King. The junior soft ball boys team uf Pauline Johnson School de- f~ated the llollyburn boys by a score of 8 to 7 in a match played cn wednesday afternoon on the Pauline Johnson grounds. AII 101JIC IG Opening of the NEHRU ROOF GARDEN at THE :%ED:M:j:L] 1VEST HAY BEACH SATURDAY NIGHT, MAY 18th Garden Party DANCE Tickets 50 Cents In aid of 1Uest Vancouver Branch Canadian Legion Building Fund. Music Sunday from 2 to 5. NOTE -- This unique Roof Garden will be availabl« to our patrons for danc- ing every afternoon and evening except Sundays. Splendid music, excellent floor. No admission charge and no cover charge. BASEBALL All six teams in the North Shore In termedia te Baseball l.eague were started off on Tues- day night. The EVest Van. boys were at home to Lynn Valley, who succeeded in turning back the local boys 8 to 1. The Lynn Valley boys seemed much surer of themselves both in the field and with the.bat. With a little more practice the West Van boys should make a better showing and it is hoped by Tuesday night they ivill he able to turn back the Indians when they come togeth- er at Ambleside Park. 41OTOIT CO. OI'ENS BRANCH lit NORTH VANCOUVER The opening of the North Van- couver Branch of the Chevrolet Sales Co., Ltd., at Third and Lonsdale next Saturday after- noon is just another indication of l ow the importance of this grow- ing community is recognized by progressive business houses. The Chevrolet Sales Co., Ltd., are extending an invitation to the citizens of the North Shore to visit their new showrooms be- tween 3 and 10.30 p.m. to see the display of a complete line of the new Chevrolet Six models. This new Sales Room and Ser- vice Station will be a real asset to the city and a great conveni- ence to prosent Chevrolet own- ers. The mcst modern and up to date equipment has been install- ed in both the Repair Depart- ment and the Service Station making it possible for the Chev- rolet Sales Co., Ltd., to give a type of service worthy of the new car. The General Motors scale of flat-rate charges will prevail, which makes it possible for an owner to know beforehand exactly what a given piece of &~hark will cost. This scale of charges has been worked out by experts and is standard all over the country. It is an interesting fact that the Chevrolet Sales Co., Ltd., will employ local residents of the North Shore wherever possible. The Repair Department will be in charge of 3Ir. Cliff Edgar, who has not only had the advantage of special training on Chevrolet cars, but who is a well-known & esident of North Vancouver. 'The new company will be under the management of Mr. Thomas C. Mcblillan who has resided in North Vancouver for the past ten years. Mr. McMillan is an old timer in the motor car business having had over fourteen years'xperienceon the Prairies and in British Columbia. During the greater portion of this time 31r. Mcblillan has been associated with the distribution of Chevro- let cars. For the past 5 years he has been interested in the sales and maintenance of Chevrolet cars on the North Shore and dur- ing that time his genial person- ality has won for him a wide circle of friends who will be int- erested in his new appointment. The copmany has made ar- rangements to feature Union Oil Company's products in their new Service Station. In addition to the fact that the company will carry a complete range of the New Chevrolet Six models, it is a matter of interest to present Chevrolet owners that there will now be a large and complete stock of genuine Chevrolet parts available on the North Shore. The Chevrolet Sales Co., Ltd., are inviting the citizens to at- tend the opening of their new showrooms on Saturday and as a special attraction are giving away three valuable prizes. E'veryone ivho can possibly at- tend the opening should do so, not only because they will have the opportunity of seeing the beautiful display of the worltl's most popular car, but also be- cause this modern institution is helping to create new payrolls in our city and should receive the t ncouragement of everyone int- erested in the development and progress of the North Shore. SCOTI1SH SOCIETY Members of the AUest Van. Scot tish Society are reminded tF.at the business part of the regular meeting will commence at 7.45 p.m. tonight and at 8.15 llr. Carrick will begin his lecture cn "The Poetry of Sir Walter Scott." A very cordial invitation is ex- tended to friends of the Society to join with them in this enter- tainment which will be most en- joyable. Don't forget the military whist tomorrow, Saturday, at the Clac- han under the auspices of the West Van. Scottish Society. Tickets 35c each. Good prizes, music and refreshments. JAiIES REID iIARRIED James Reid, brother of Robert Reid, 14th and Esquimalt, who is we]1 known to many )Vest Van- couver people, having lived here for some years, was married on April 21st, to i41iss 4Iarian AIath- crs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. 3Iathers, of i~Ierville, B.C. The ceremony took place at hIerville. HOI.LYBURN SCHOOL GIRLS iVIN GAiIE The first league game in the girls'ivision of the IVest Van- couver Schools took place last Tuesday at Hollyburn School, ivhen the home team defeated the Pauline Johnson girls 10 runs to 2. The next league game will bring together the Hollyburn School and the High School team. i~lajor H. B. Banfield of Van- couver, has taken the Lamb cot- tage at 19th and Bellevue. DEATH OF iIISS il. A. THOiISOYi IIiss Mari Ann Thomson, a native of Brechin, Scotland, pass- ed away on Tuesday in her 82nd year, at the home of her niece, 31rs. A. B. Edwards, Nelson Ave., Dundarave. Funeral services were held at 3.30 p. m. yeaterday at St. Steph- ~ n's Church, Rev. A. Harding Priest officiating, and interment was made in the Capilano View cemetery. Harron Bros. 8r. AVil- liamson had charge of the funer- al arrangements. F. 4U. Holliday of Vancouver, has moved back to 2954 ~Iarine Drive. GORDON ROBSON Barrister 4 Solicitor WEST VANCOUVER-- Office No. 1447 Marine Drive. Phone West 403. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 818; 510 Hastings St. W Phone Seymour 4199. Any kind of SANDWICHES PIES or CAKES made to order. Trv our delicious Fruit Cake, 25c lb. Home made Bread, Cakes, Pies. Mrs. Draper 2435 MARINE DIIIVE Next Dundarave Hall. NQTE pHQNEc west 344 SOCIALS AND I'ARTIER C aTERED FOR. HAVE YOU TRIED OUR IIObl E-&LADE CAKEST SPECIALS Saturday and Monday Peaches, per tin........... 2le Jams, Assorted ... I lb. tin 65c Pork Ec Beans ....... 2 tins 25e Macaroni .......... 2 pkts. 16e Jelly Powders ........... 2 for 15e Malkin's Coffee, ',4-lb. tin.... 31c E I~ Igl„"II„. Ig t Phone Rest 318R3. West Bay PROilPT DELIVERY These hne, bright sunny days demand S; "S Have Yours Tailor blade! It will have distinction and the best of material. blade to your measure at reasonable charges. Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing. M. WILLIAMS 16th and Marine, Ambleside CUSTOii TAILOR Phone West 20 CAPILAN0 Tl jilBER COiWIPANY "From Forest to You " h ~ .. le .a)I anP IIiI)er .P..i&. FOOT OF PE&aIBERTON Pemberton and waterfrontPhone North 305 CEDAR RADIO POLES 40 Ft. LOibG ALWAYS ON HAND. KILN DR I ED KI N DLI N G $3.50Big Cord Load Delivered (North or West Vancouver... Extra charges for distant deliveries. Beyond St. Dennis (North Vancouver District) .... Centre Road (North Vancouver District) 29th Street (North Vancouver District) 29th Street (North Vancouver District) . West Bay to Caulfeild . 50c 50c 50c 25c $ 1.00 Extra Extra Extm Extra Extra I'hone North 30 I. After 6 p. m.; North 304K W HEN You need Lumber, whether in small or large amounts, justgive us a telephone call. Since our mill is located on the Water- front at the west boundary of North Vancouver City, it may be too far for you to come down, simply telephone our office and ask for our LOCAL SALES DEPARTMENT. Your wants will receive every at- tention. Our Representative will gladly call on you if you so desire.