West Van. News (West Vancouver), 17 May 1929, p. 2

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001C9751 THE WEST VAN NEWS May 17, 1929. j410 Illnrine Drive AUest 372 ~ ~ f ~ I ~ ~ 4 ~ f )Ql ~ ~ ~ 1 A 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ 1I ~ ~ 4 ~ ~ 141 ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i4t42~ se u, eci es THREE GOOD RECIPES FOR SHORTBREAD 1 cup butter 3 1-3 cups flour 7 tablespoonsful corn starch g cup sugar. Beat butter to a cream, dredge in gradually other ingredients. Work paste with the hands until quite smooth, divide into 3 pieces. Put each on a separate piece of clean paper, pat out square or round until about &P inch thick. Pinch the edges to- gether to get a fluted effect, and if liked score with lines in a pat- tern. Prick well all over. Mod- erate oven, 25 to 30 minutes. BABY'5 PHOTO Are you keeping a record of Baby's groivth and development? Babies are a constant source of wondrous delight. Now, before it is too late, pre- serve those precious moods and moments. Let us make another photograph of Baby this week! Phone Seymour 1046 and make an appointmeat. THEThe following two recipes are from a well known Scotch book: 14 oz. flour 1 oz. ground rice, 1 oz. rice flour 1,~ lb. salt butter, Pg lb. sifted sugar. This makes two cakes. Put sugar and butter in a basin. Knead with the hand un- til it is the consistency of putty. Mix the dry ingredients and gradually work into the butter and sugar, handful by handful, keeping the lump firm. Cut it in two, take one piece and knead with the knuckles or right hand, while you keep it in shape with the left. Roll slightly and about &r~ inch thick, pinch edges, and fork the cake over. To prevent the cakes breaking, work them nn cooking paper, when they can be very gently placed in the oven (which must be hot) until a nice brown color. King Studio V. V. VINSOiV, Prop. 311 Hastings St., AV., Phone Seymour 1046 IlIUSICAL FESTIVAL In addition to the list of West Vancouver entrants in the B. C. Musical Festival given in our last issue, the following artists took part: Mrs. W. B. Herrin, mezzo sop- rano, 81 marks. Mrs. Geo. Herring, contralto, 83 points. Primary under 10--Joan Eccle- ston, 145. Primary, under 11--Ian Rush, 150; Doreen Elgar, 147. Elementary, under 13--Marjorie Hill, 79; Madeleine Eccleston, 77. Elementary, under 14--Margar- et Saunders, 159. Intermediate, under,'19--Joyce Herrin, 171. Take 1 lb. of butter, 1/~ lb. salt and ir~ lb. fresh and cream it with the hand on board. Then add 13!I, lbs. of flour, 4 oz. of rice flour, P~ lb. of caster sugar (berry sugar) and work all to- gether into a smooth paste. Divide into number of cakes required, pinch round edges with forefinger and thumb, and pick on top. Ornament on top with few pieces of orange peel and caraway seeds. Paper a tin and put cakes on it, and bake in mod- erate oven for 20 minutes. When washing bamboo and wicker furniture use a solution of salt and water. Do not use soap, as it spoils the polish and is apt to split the surface. CAULFIELD CHURCH GUII D HOLDING TEA The guild of St. Francis Church, Caulfeild, is holding a tea next Wednesday afternoon, 22nd May, from 2.30 o'lock on at the home of Mrs. James Clark, Cypress Park. All are cor- dially invited. Mr. and Mrs. Macneil, 20th and Kings, left on Sunday for the Pacific States, where they expect to reside in future. BE WELL Enjoy life as it should be enjoyed. DON'T BE DEPRESSED -- Caused probably by some minor trouble. TRY CHIROPRACTIC Get the system toned upHave it functioning properly. Consultation Free. Roberta A. Vass D.C., Ph. C. Graduate of Palmer School West Van Netvs Published Every Friday Publishers H. HODGSON and F.F.LOVEGROVE West 363 West 412L Business and Editorial Office: 1361 Marine Drive Phone %Vest 363 Mail Address: P. O. Box 101, Hollyburn, B. C. CHIROPRACTOR $ L00 a year by mail or carrier, Nawa stands 6c per copy. ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION Phoae IVest 383 Next to Stratton Bakery Marine Drive, Ambleside also at Vancouver Anniversary Sa 'e For one xveek, starting Saturday, May 18th EVERYTHING REDUCED see our windows I" '"I"„I, "5:I, ",( I"I"„II"„I',ls WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH EDIFICE 20th and Esquimalt, Hollyburn This Society is a Branch of The Mother Church The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston Massachusetts. Sunday Services 11.30 a. m. and 7.30 p.m. Subject Slay 19th "illORTA LS AND Ihl iilOR'I'ALS" Sunday School at 10.00 a. m. Testimony Meeting wednesdayat 8.16 p.m. St. Stephen's Church EVhitsundav (May 19th). 8 a. m.--Holy Communion. 10 a.m.--Sunday School and Bible Class. 1115 a m --Morning prayer 4.30 p. m. -- Communicant's Class. 7.15 p. m.--Evensong. There is Divine Service Sun- day at 3 p.m. at St. Francis'hurch,Caulfeild. The Bible Class will meet Tuesday at 2 p. m. in the Choir vestry. Tonight (Friday) at 8 o'lock the choir of St. Paul's Church, Vancouver, under the leadership of Mr. Robinson will render Stainer's sacred cantata "The Daughter of Jairus." The boy sopranos include the winners of second and third places in the recent festival. At Camp Artaban, Gambier Island, there will be held from July 16th to 22nd a Leadership Training Camp for all persons interested in mid-week activities among boys and girls and Sun- day school work. Owing to an eiTor in the sched- ule last Monday's baseball game was not played. Monday night at 6 o'lock the girls'eam will meet the First Church United team at 8ollyburn School. Young People Hold Banquet and Elect Officers. The third annual banquet of the St. Stephen's branch of the Anglican Young People's Associ- ation was held in the Parish Hall on Tuesday night. The tables were decorated in the colors of the association and a bountiful meal prepared by the young ladies. The rector acted as toast master and after His Majesty' health had been drunk, called on Mr. Edgar Grout to propose the toast to Canada, which was re- sponded to by Mr. Ken Garland. 'The toast to the Church was in the hands of Miss Connie Thom- as and Mr. Wilfred Hawkes, and that to the A. Y. P. A. in the hands of Mr. Vernon Lester and Mr. Halford Wilson of the Van- couver Council, who gave a full account of the aims and objects of the association. Another guest, Mr. Ben Drew told of the social service objective of the young people. Vocal solos by Miss Ivy hliles and piano solos by Mr. Albert Kendrick followed and then the election of officers for next season took place. The following were elected: Presid- ent, Mr. Vernon Lester; Vice- Pres., Mr. Wilfred Hawkes; Sec.- Treas., Miss Phyllis Nevile- Smith; Executive Committee-- Miss Noel Reid, Mrs. Ken Rob- inson, Mr. Chas. Chapman; Local Council Reps. -- Miss Connie Thomas and Mrs. C. Chapman. BURRARD 'FUNERAL CHAPEL B. D. AVHITE, Mgr. Distinctive Funeral Service Lady Assistant 320--3rd St. E. Phone North 626 %Vest Vancouver Bible School Ambleside Hall, Marine at 14th NEXT SUNDAY nt 3 P. hL Leader MR. PERCY KING "The Return of Light to Israel." hir. King will speak over C K AV X every Monday until further notice from 7 to 7.30 p. m. Baptist Church P'istoi Ai thur B Schulte Sunday School, 10 a. m. Morning Service, 11 a. m. Evening Service, 7.16 p. m. United' &urch Sunday School 10 a.m. Morning Service 11.16 a. m. Evening Service 7.16 p. m. The regular monthly meeting cf the Women's SIissionary Aux- iliary will be held in the Church Hall at 2.15 p.m. on Tuesday, AIay 21st. Mrs. (Dr.) Rush will continue her talk from the Study Book, on the work of the United Church Missions. in Africa, the chapter for consideration being the ")Vomen and Children of Africa," which will be especially interesting. All ladies cordially invited. YOUTH Youth is not a time of life- it is a state of mind...It is a temper of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions. It is a freshness of the springs of life. Youth means a predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite of ad- venture over love of ease. This often exists in a man of fifty more than in a boy of twenty. Nobody grows old by merely liv- ing a number of years. People grow old by deserting their ideals.... "whether seventy or sixteen, there is in every being's heart the love of wonder, the amaze- ment at the stars and the star- like things and thoughts, the un- daunted challenge of events, the unfailing childlike appetite for what next, and the joy and the game of life. You are as young as your faith, as old as your doubt; as young as your self- confidence, as old as your fear; as young as your hope, as old as your despair. In the central place of your heart there is a wireless station. So long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, grandeur, courage, and power from the earth, from men, and from the infinite, so long are you young."--Harris Dibble. St. Anthony's Church Pastor--Rev. Father Kelly Sunday--Mass, 8.30 a. m. High Mass, 10.30 a.m. Benediction, 7.30 p. m. Week Days--Mass 8 a.m. THAT IS REALLY TASTEFUL Make a good meal even better by enjoying several slices of the reamy home-made bread such as we make. Never since the old days have you enjoyed such luscious flavor as you will find in this recipe. And our ROLLS and PASTRIES--they'e delici- ous. PHONE iVEST 27 And our Delivery man will call. STRA TTON'S BAKERY I'.T.A. ACTIVITIES The last regular meeting of the )Vest Va»couver P. T. A. was held Tuesday evening, May 14, with the Vice-president, Mr. Rus sell, in the chair. After the min utes had been read and adopted, Miss Margai et Saunders render- ed a piano solo. Mr. A. S. Matheson, principal nf the University Hill School, ad- clressed the meeting on "The Junior High School in the Sub- urban District." He stated that a re-organization of our school system was necessary if we were to keep pace with the times. The recommendation of the Educa- tional Survev Commission was a 6-3-3 plan--six years in the ele- mentary school, three years in theJunior High School, and three years in the senior high school. To support his statement that t)ie present system is one of wastage and disappointment, Mr. Matheson stated that 45'~'f the high school students in the prov- ince leave school during the first year, and are thrown out into the world with nothing to do. The aim of the Junior High School is to unify life and educa- tion, as the present school life is not as closely related to actual life as it should be. Social study is the basis of actual living, and the Junior High School endeav- ors to sycretize the teaching pro- giam with the psychology of the child. The Junior High School aims to reduce discouragements and misfits and endeavors to give equality of educational op- portunity to all by enriching the program of study. Our present Senior High Schools are voca- tional for a limited number-- those w'ho are to pursue the professions--but lack interest or are too difficult for 50~& of the students. The Junior High School course of study, however, discovers some of the abilities and aptitudes of the students through the wide choice and dif- ferentiation of curricula and thus eliminates waste of time and money. The public gets more for its money in compensation fnr the small increase in cost, as the Junior High School provides an enriched course for the ab!e stu- dents and permits honiogeneous grouping. The necessary essen- tials for organizing a Junior High School are conception, staff, administration and equ p- inent. The Junior High School is not only a preparation for the Senior High School, since its main pur- pose is to teach the child to live, each student is given a course best suited to his mental ability in quantity and subject matter. Following the address the speaker ably answered all ques- tions relative to the Junior High School. A most hearty vote of thanks was extended to the speaker for his instructive ad- (1rE,ss. Miss Irene Gracey favoi'ed the assembly by rendering a viclin solo after tl'~ address. The question of quarantine regulations throughout the dis- trict was discussed. After the meeting refresh- ments were served and a social'.ice enjoyed. HOLLYBURN Barber Shop 15th Er, Marine EXPERT SERVICE E. MARSH, Proprietor HARRON BROS. R WILLIAMSON (funeral lirrftars North Vancouver Parlors 122 )Vest Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134